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A simple utility module which will help you implement time-based applications.

Table of Contents


$ npm install @caltrop/ms.js


The function will always return a Time Object.

For example:

const time = require('ms.js');

will return:

    eternity: 0,
    aeon: 0,
    century: 0,
    decade: 0,
    year: 0,
    day: 0,
    hour: 0,
    minute: 0,
    second: 5,
    millisecond: 200,
    microsecond: 0,
    nanosecond: 0,
    ms: 5200,
    str: '5 seconds and 200 milliseconds'

Invoking the toString function will always return the .str value. For example:

const time = require('ms.js');
console.log(`Shutting down in ${time(5200)}`); // => 'Shutting down in 5 seconds and 200 milliseconds'

Invoking the valueOf function will always return the .ms value. For example:

const time = require('ms.js');
time(5200) + 300; // => 5500


Valid Input is always either a Number or a String!


const time = require('ms.js');

time(1000).str;                            // => '1 second'
time(1000 * 60).str;                       // => '1 minute'
time('2 hours').ms;                        // => 7200000
time('50y, 30h, 20m, 10s').str;            // => '5 decades, 1 day, 6 hours, 20 minutes and 10 seconds'
time('30 hours, 20 min10seconds5 0y').str; // => '5 decades, 1 day, 6 hours, 20 minutes and 10 seconds'
time(time('2 hours') + time(10000)).str;   // =>  '2 hours and 10 seconds'
time('-3 days').ms;                        // => -259200000
time('20').str;                            // => '20 minutes'
time(20).str;                              // => '20 milliseconds'
time(2.5).str;                             // => '2 milliseconds and 500 microseconds'
time('2.5 hours').str;                     // => '2 hours and 30 minutes'
time('minute').ms                          // => 60000
time(Infinity).str                         // => '1 eternity'

// you may also parse a Date Object
`it has been ${time( - new Date(1567951242668))} since ms.js was released!`

(assuming that all relevant values will be shown, see: Options section)

String input Units

Unit Name Definition Aliases
Eternity An Infinite amount of time eternites
Aeon 3.1536e+19 ms or 1 billion years ae,æ, aeons, eon, eons
Millenium 3.1536e+13 ms or 1,000 years ml, milleniums, millennia
Century 3.1536e+12 ms or 100 years l, cent, centurys, centuries
Generation 1103760000000 ms or 3 decades and 5 years generations
Decade 3.1536e+11 ms or 10 years dc, decades
Megaminute 60000000000 ms or 1,000,000 minutes or about 1 year and 329 days megaminutes
Year 3.1536e+10 ms or 365 days y, yr, yrs, years
Season 7884086400 ms or about 91 days and 6 hours quarter, trimonth
Month 2628028800 ms or about 30 days and 10 hours mo, mon, months
Lunar Month 2449440000 ms or about 28 days and 8 hours lunarmonth, lunarmonths
Fortnight 1209600000 ms or 14 days biweek, fortnights, biweeks
Week 604800000 ms or 7 days w, weeks
Day 86400000 ms or 24 hours d, days
Hour 3600000 ms or 60 minutes h, hr, hrs, hours
Moment 90000 ms or 1 minute and 30 seconds moments
Minute 60000 ms or 60 seconds m, mn, min, mins, minutes
Instant 8000 ms or 8 seconds in, instants
Second 1000 ms s, sec, secs, seconds
Millisecond 1 ms ms, msec, msecs, milliseconds
Microsecond 0.001 ms µs, micro, micros, microsec, microsecs,microseconds
Nanosecond 0.000001 ms or 0.001 microseconds ns, nano, nanos, nanosec, nenosecs,nanoseconds

Input is case insensitive!

If none of these are found directly, it will try to match the most similar unit instead (Assuming that strict mode is disabled, see: Options section)


Options are parsed in an Object as the 2nd parameter to the function.

Option Name Purpose Default
verbose Whether or not to show the entire Unit name or to use a shortened name true
relevant How many relevant Units to display in the String 2
strict Whether or not to limit the use of incomplete input for String input false


const time = require('ms.js');

time(55555, {verbose: true}).str    // => '55 seconds and 555 milliseconds'
time(55555, {verbose: false}).str   // => '55s, 555ms'

time(55555555, {relevant: 2}).str   // => '15 hours and 25 minutes'
time(55555555, {relevant: 3}).str   // => '15 hours, 25 minutes and 55 seconds'
time(55555555, {relevant: 4}).str   // => '15 hours, 25 minutes, 55 seconds and 555 milliseconds'

time('minute', {strict: false}).str // => '1 minute'
time('1', {strict: false}).str      // => '1 minute'
time('1minu', {strict: false}).str  // => '1 minute'
time('minute', {strict: true}).str  //TypeError: Cannot read property 'str' of undefined
time('1', {strict: true}).str       //TypeError: Cannot read property 'str' of undefined
time('1minu', {strict: true}).str   //TypeError: Cannot read property 'str' of undefined

time('66666', {strict: false, verbose: false, relevant: 99}) // => 46d, 7h, 6m