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File metadata and controls

442 lines (231 loc) · 25.8 KB

Notice|message=You can find the most recent version of murmur.ini on Github:

Murmur's configuration file ('''murmur.ini''') consists of single line configuration settings, in the format of key=value. Empty lines and anything after '''#''' to the end of a line are ignored.

Some settings are process-wide (database, etc) while others are used as defaults on a per-server basis. registername for example will be used as the default "title" for all virtual servers, unless it's overridden via RPC.

A unique example is port - the first server will attempt to bind to this port, with each subsequent server incrementing the port by one for its own port.

Database Configuration

There are other options not listed below, namely: dbUsername, dbPassword, dbHost, dbPrefix, dbOpts, and dbPort. These options have different meanings depending on the [used]( database engine), and explaining them is outside the scope of this document.


If dbDriver is '''QSQLITE''' (the default), this setting will specify the path to the database file. Other database drivers will use this setting for their own purposes -with '''QMYSQL''' it will set the database name.



The database backend that Murmur will use for storage of persistent data. The default is '''QSQLITE''', which is the SQLite database driver. Murmur does its best to speak sensible, standards-compliant SQL - so you may have luck with [QSql]( any of the other database drivers supported by) - but note that SQLite is the most tested configuration followed very distantly behind by MySQL.

RPC Configuration


Murmur has deprecated support for control via D-Bus. It's poorly documented, new features aren't added to it, and it's possible it could be removed at some point in the future. To activate it simply uncomment the following line:



This setting allows you to configure a distinct service name for this Murmur process on the D-Bus. It's really only useful if you have multiple Murmur processes that share the same D-Bus.



Murmur supports extensive RPC via ZeroC [[Ice]], and the ice setting specifies the "endpoint". More information on [documentation]( configuring Ice Endpoints can be found in the ZeroC Ice).

Note that all virtual servers share an Ice service, and without secrets configured anyone with access to the Ice port has full administrative access to every virtual server on the Murmur process. It's not recommended it's exposed to the world for that reason, it's recommended you protect the service via a firewall and configure Ice Secrets below.

The default will cause Ice to listen on TCP port 6502 on the loopback interface:

ice="tcp -h -p 6502"

###= icesecretread and icesecretwrite =

The default Ice configuration listens on a local TCP socket, which means that anyone with access to the local machine can access it. Murmur supports setting plaintext "secrets" on the service, so that any script or program accessing the service must also possess the secret.

Access is split into two levels: "read" (look only) and "write" (modify). "write" access implies "read" access. We'll work on tracking down examples of setting "secret" in the context for your Ice scripts at some point.

To configure secrets:

icesecretread=letmelook icesecretwrite=letmechangestuff

Note that if either of these entries is uncommented and empty, access will be denied. To disable secrets, comment these settings out.

###= Ice Configuration Section =

The Ice configuration section begins with the line '''[Ice]''' and must be the last configuration section in murmur.ini. This section allows you to set additional Ice options.

If you are using Ice through a NAT device, you will need to setup [Endpoint]( Published) for Ice. More information on [documentation]( configuring Ice for NAT traversal can be found in the ZeroC Ice). You can set a published endpoint by using the following line in the Ice configuration section:

Murmur.PublishedEndpoints=tcp -h -p 7000

Security Stuff

autobanAttempts, autobanTimeframe and autobanTime

In order to prevent misconfigured, impolite or malicious clients from affecting the low-latency of other users, Murmur has a rudimentary global-ban system. It's configured using the autobanAttempts, autobanTimeframe and autobanTime settings.

If a client attempts autobanAttempts connections in autobanTimeframe seconds, they will be banned for autobanTime seconds. This is a global ban, from all virtual servers on the Murmur process. It will not show up in any of the ban-lists on the server, and they can't be removed without restarting the Murmur process - just let them expire. A single, properly functioning client should not trip these bans.

To disable, set autobanAttempts or autobanTimeframe to 0. Commenting these settings out will cause Murmur to use the defaults:

#autobanAttempts = 10 #autobanTimeframe = 120 #autobanTime = 300 #autobanSuccessfulConnections=true

To avoid autobanning successful connection attempts from the same IP address, set autobanSuccessfulConnections=false. Note though that this is only available since 1.4.0


This setting configures the default password for unregistered users - registered users will not be prompted for this password (they will either have their own, or be authenticated by their certificate). This setting is usually configured on a per-virtual-server basis, via RPC.



On Unix-like OSes, you can start Murmur as root and have it drop privileges to another account such as "mumble" or "murmur". The username must already exist on your system, and have write access to the Murmur database, logfiles, etc.

This option is ignored if Murmur is not started as root.



By default, in log files and in the user status window for privileged users, Mumble will show IP addresses - in some situations you may find this unwanted behavior. If obfuscate is set to '''true''', Murmur will randomize the IP addresses of connecting users.

Note that this setting currently only applies to IPv4 addresses, and that it is currently just a simple XOR with a random value - it is probably trivially broken if a user knows their IP address and can compare it with the obfuscated one assigned to them. As tested on 1.2.3 the obfuscate function only affects the log file and DOES NOT effect the ''user information'' section in the client window.



In the UDP ping response, Murmur will include its version as well. Adjusting this setting to '''false''' disables that behavior.



This sets password hash storage to legacy mode (1.2.4 and before). Note that setting this to true is insecure and should not be used unless absolutely necessary.



Set a specific number of iterations for PBKDF2 password storage in the Mumble database. By default a strong amount of PBKDF2 iterations are chosen automatically. If >0 this setting overrides the automatic benchmark and forces a specific number of iterations.

Note that you should only change this value if you know what you are doing.



Setting this to '''false''' disables responses to the UDP ping sweep that clients will make when the connection dialog is open. Note that on publicly listed servers, and on some configured clients, this will prevent the server from showing up in the list.


Process Administrivia


By default, murmur will log to murmur.log in the current working directory. You can change this file by specifying it in the logfile setting, including a full path if necessary.

You can set this setting blank, and Murmur will log only via message boxes (Win32 systems) and to the console (non-Win32 systems).



Murmur also stores logs in the database, which are accessible via RPC. The default is 31 days of months, but you can set this setting to 0 to keep logs forever, or -1 to disable logging to the database.



If this setting is set to a filename, Murmur will write its PID to this file when it forks. This enables service checkers to ensure the process is still running, and restart it if it's not. The file will be removed if Murmur shuts down cleanly.

Note that Murmur on Windows systems will not write a PID file.


This setting configures a "message of the day" which is displayed to all users who connect to the server. You can use a subset of HTML and CSS in the welcometext, see [here](Usage of HTML and CSS in Encase in quotes to spread it out on multiple lines.

welcometext="<br />Welcome to this server running <b>Murmur</b>.<br />Enjoy your stay!<br />"


Allows to read the welcometext from an external file which might be useful if you want to specify a rather lengthy text. If a value for welcometext is set, the welcometextfile will not be read. This option was introduced with 1.4.0. welcometextfile=welcome_text.txt



This setting configures the TCP and UDP ports that Murmur will listen on - the default is 64738. If the Murmur process is running multiple virtual servers, then this port will be incremented for each virtual server by default. You can specify, via RPC, a specific port for each virtual server if you wish to override the defaults.



The host setting configures the default interface which each virtual server will listen on. You can override this setting for each virtual server if you want them on different IPs - the default is "all interfaces", but note that on multi-homed servers this will sometimes break UDP so specifying an interface is sometimes useful.

If you want to listen on multiple distinct interfaces, specify them in a space-seperated list.

Listen on made up IPv4 address 333.333.333.333

and on made up IPv6 address HEHE::HEHE

host=333.333.333.333 HEHE::HEHE

Listen on all interfaces




sslCert and sslKey

If you have your own certificate and wish to use it instead of the certificate that Murmur automatically generates, you can enter the filenames here. If your key and cert are seperate files, point the respective settings at each file. If your key and cert are in one file, set it in sslKey

sslCert=cert.pem sslKey=key.pem

'''These settings are simply called "certificate" and "key" when being set via RPC.'''


If the keyfile specified above is encrypted with a passphrase, you can enter it in this setting. It must be plaintext, so you may wish to adjust the permissions on your murmur.ini file accordingly.



If your certificate is signed by an authority that uses a sub-signed or "intermediate" certificate, you probably need to bundle it with your certificate in order to get Murmur to accept it. You can either concatenate the two certificates into one file, or you can put it in a file by itself and put the path to that file in sslCA.



The sslCiphers option chooses the cipher suites to make available for use in SSL/TLS. This option is server-wide, and cannot be set on a per-virtual-server basis.

This option is specified using OpenSSL cipher list notation (see

It is recommended that you try your cipher string using 'openssl ciphers ' before setting it here, to get a feel for which cipher suites you will get.

After setting this option, it is recommend that you inspect your Murmur log to ensure that Murmur is using the cipher suites that you expected it to.

Note: Changing this option may impact the backwards compatibility of your Murmur server, and can remove the ability for older Mumble clients to be able to connect to it.



The sslDHParams option allows you to specify a PEM-encoded file with Diffie-Hellman parameters, which will be used as the default Diffie-Hellman parameters for all virtual servers. If a file is not specified, each Murmur virtual server will auto-generate its own unique set of 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman parameters on first launch.



Bonjour is an auto-discovery service that allows other people on the same LAN as you to find the server without needing the address to it. It only really makes sense to enable this on a LAN-based server. The default is false.



You can configure a per-user upper bandwidth limit, in bits per second. This allows you to clamp your users down to a sensible setting if you are limited in bandwidth. This does not set a minimum bandwidth - the Murmur client will check its own bandwidth setting and the server's bandwidth settings, and choose the lower of the two.

The default is 72000, which is 72Kbps. Setting this over about 130000 doesn't really do anything. Note that this is per user.



Murmur and Mumble are usually pretty good about cleaning up hung clients, but occasionally one will get stuck on the server. The timeout setting will cause a periodic check of all clients who haven't communicated with the server in this many seconds - causing zombie clients to be disconnected.

Note that this has no effect on idle clients or people who are AFK. It will only affect people who are already disconnected, and just haven't told the server.


Users and Channels


The users setting configures a limit on the maximum number of users per virtual server.



Where users sets a blanket limit on the number of clients per virtual server, usersperchannel sets a limit on the number per channel. The default is 0, for no limit.


channelname and username

These two settings allow you to configure a regular expression ( [expressions]( Qt regular)) of acceptable names for users and channels. This allows you very powerful control over names of objects on your servers - things like maximum and minimum username lengths, etc.

Note that you must double-escape things like backslashes in the .ini, and that the .ini parser does weird things with things like curly braces unless you enclose the regular expression in quotes:

channelname=[ \-=\w\#\[\]\{\}\(\)\@\|]+ username=[-=\w\[\]\{\}\(\)\@\|\.]+ username="[A-Z]{2,9}" # Allow only capital ASCII letters, between two and nine characters (inclusively).


This setting allows you to specify how many levels of children the root channel can have, useful for avoiding trigger errors when using non-SQLite database backends.

The default value is 10.


Mumble supports strong authentication via client certificates, and providing you have an RPC mechanism in place to set them, weak authentication via passwords. By default, users without certificates are still allowed on a server if they know the serverpassword, or if there isn't one set - however they cannot self-register, even if the server allows it (as there's no certificate to register).

Setting certrequired to true ensures that only clients who possess a certificate of some kind are allowed on the server. This is mostly safe, as recent Mumble versions will automatically generate a certificate if the certificate wizard is closed prematurely.



If a user has no stored channel (they've never been connected to the server before, or rememberchannel is set to '''false''') and the client hasn't been given a URL that includes a channel path, the default behavior is that they will end up in the root channel.

You can set this setting to a channel ID, and the user will automatically be moved into that channel instead. Note that this is the numeric ID of the channel, which can be a little tricky to get (you'll either need to use an RPC mechanism, watch the console of a debug client, or root around through the Murmur Database to get it).

AFK channel



When a user connects to a server they've already been on, by default the server will remember the last channel they were in and move them to it automatically. Toggling this setting to '''false''' will disable that feature.



How many seconds should the server remember the last channel of a user. Set to '''0''' (default) to remember forever. This option has no effect if rememberchannel is set to false.

This option has been introduced with 1.4.0.



The textmessagelength setting configures the maximum length of each message sent via the server in bytes. Set to 0 for no limit. Note that on older versions of Murmur, if users want to paste images to each other inline, a fairly sizable limit is required. On newer versions, the imagemessagelength setting controls the size of these messages.



Like textmessagelength, this setting configures the maximum length in bytes of messages passing through the server - but it only applies to messages that include inline image blobs. Set to 0 for no limit.


'''WARNING''': Raising this much above the default is a really bad idea at the moment, due to the way QT parses inline image blobs. Clients up to at least 1.2.3 will also disregard this setting, and enforce a limit of 64kB regardless when sending messages, for this very reason. Sending 3MB high-res images across a VOIP client might seem like a good idea, but it's really not, and you open your server up to a whole mess of abuse with high values, so tread carefully with this setting.


Set to '''true''' to allow some HTML to be used in text messages between clients, user comments and channel descriptions.



opusthreshold is a number between 0 and 100, which specifies a percentage of users on the server supporting the Opus codec before the entire server mandates Opus is used. ''It defaults to 100'', so that any non-Opus supporting client connecting will cause the entire server to fall back to CELT. This is a safe default, to avoid users not being able to hear other users.


Setting this to 50 will mean that if 50% or more users on the server support Opus, the server will switch to Opus and any non-supporting users will be unable to hear conversations.

'''Note''': Opus is only implemented on 1.2.4 and above, and so this setting will have no effect on servers earlier than 1.2.4.


The amount of allowed listener proxies in a single channel. It defaults to -1 meaning that there is no limit. Set to 0 to disable Channel Listeners altogether. This option has been introduced with 1.4.0.



The amount of listener proxies a single user may have. It defaults to -1 meaning that there is no limit. Set to 0 to disable Channel Listeners altogether. This option has been introduced with 1.4.0.


messagelimit and messageburst

These two settings allow to configure the per-user rate limiter for some command messages sent from the client to the server. The messageburst setting specifies an amount of messages which are allowed in short bursts. The messagelimit setting specifies the number of messages per second allowed over a longer period. If a user hits the rate limit, their packages are then ignored for some time. Both of these settings have a minimum of 1 as setting either to 0 could render the server unusable.

Server Registration

Mumble supports a public server registry, which your Murmur can automatically configure itself to register with if you choose. The server must be public (no serverpassword), it must be accessible worldwide, and it must have a Murmur-generated certificate or a 3rd party strong certificate with the TLS bit enabled.

serverpassword must be empty, and all the other register* settings must be filled in. registerHostname '''must''' be valid and resolve.


'''This setting is also used as the "Root" channel name, so you probably want to set it even if you don't want to register your server.'''

The registerName setting also specifies the "name" of your server in the public server list. The list is no longer sorted alphabetically, so please, in the interests of being user-friendly, don't set it to something silly trying to arbitrarily "rank" your server.

registerName=Super Awesome Mumble Server


registerPassword is a simple, plain-text secret between your server and the registration server. Its sole purpose is to prevent other servers from impersonating your server in the public server list.

Set this setting empty to disable registration with the public server list.



This points to a URL to the website for the server. Put your group's website, your sponsor's website, or the website where users can self-administrate with the server. They can right-click on your server in the registration list to access this URL.



This setting is the DNS hostname where your server can be reached. It only needs to be set if you want your server to be addressed in the server list by its hostname instead of by IP, but if it's set it must resolve on the internet or registration will fail.


This sets the location (country) for the server, so it will be shown in this country (and the corresponding continent) on the public server list.
It is set by using the two-letter TLD style country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code), for example ''US'' for the United States of America (mostly the same as the country domain, in this case ''.us'').
A list of the country codes can be found on wikipedia: ISO_3166-1_alpha-2




You can set a recommended minimum version for your server, and clients will be notified in their log when they connect if their client does not meet the minimum requirements. suggestVersion expects the version in the format X.X.X.


Note that the suggest* options appeared after 1.2.3 and will have no effect on client versions 1.2.3 and earlier.


Setting this to "true" will alert any user who does not have positional audio enabled that the server administrators recommend enabling it. Setting it to "false" will have the opposite effect - if you do not care whether the user enables positional audio or not, set it to blank. The message will appear in the log window upon connection, but only if the user's settings do not match what the server requests.


Note that the suggest* options appeared after 1.2.3 and will have no effect on client versions 1.2.3 and earlier.


Setting this to "true" will alert any user who does not have Push-To-Talk enabled that the server administrators recommend enabling it. Setting it to "false" will have the opposite effect - if you do not care whether the user enables PTT or not, set it to blank. The message will appear in the log window upon connection, but only if the user's settings do not match what the server requests.


Note that the suggest* options appeared after 1.2.3 and will have no effect on client versions 1.2.3 and earlier.

Logging & Debugging

Log related options that are not listed here are logfile and logdays.


Enables logging of group changes. This means that every time a group in a channel changes, the server will log all groups and their members from before the change and after the change. Deault is false. This option was introduced with Murmur 1.4.0.



Enables logging of ACL changes. This means that every time the ACL in a channel changes, the server will log all ACLs from before the change and after the change. Default is false. This option was introduced with Murmur 1.4.0.
