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Simple Bus

A simple way to receive and send message to Azure Service Bus and RabbitMq


You can install through nuget.



  • Azure Service Bus

You should use the class ReceiverConfigurationAzureServiceBus to configure service bus.

    .AddBusReceiverFor<YourMessage>(builder => builder
        .WithMessageHandler(message =>
            Console.WriteLine($"Message received {message}");
            return Task.Completed;
  • RabbitMQ

You should use the class ReceiverConfigurationRabbitMQ to configure rabbitMQ.

    .AddBusReceiverFor<YourMessage>(builder => builder
        .WithMessageHandler(message =>
            Console.WriteLine($"Receive message for rabbit mq: {message.Nome}");
            return Task.CompletedTask;

After that, you can inject ReceiverBuilderFor<YourMessage>

You must call Start for IReceiverFor<YourMessage> to start listening

You must call Stop for IReceiverFor<YourMessage> to stop listening


  • RabbitMQ
var sender = new SenderPipelineBuilderFor<YourMessage>().WithRabbitMq(credentials, exchange).Build();
  • Azure Service Bus
var sender = new SenderPipelineBuilderFor<YourMessage>().WithAzureServiceBus(connectionString, topicName).Build();


services.AddBusSenderFor<YourMessage>(builder => builder.WithAzureServiceBus(connectionString, topicName));


There are four samples:

  • Samples/Simple.Bus.Sample.Producer.AzureServiceBus
  • Samples/Simple.Bus.Sample.Producer.RabbitMQ
  • Samples/Simple.Bus.Sample.Receiver
  • Samples/Simple.Bus.ReceiverDeadLetter

Try out the samples

RabbitMQ Producer

Start a container in a container with:

docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit --name some-rabbit -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3.8-management

You can read more about the RabbitMQ image on Docker Hub.

You can access http://localhost:15672/ and log into the management page with user guest and password guest. There, go to Exchanges and create an exchange with name exchange-message, then go to Queues and create a queue named queue-message, then go back to exchanges and click on the exchange-message exchange, click on bindings and add a binding to the queue-message queue.

On the terminal go to the directory for the Simple.Bus.Sample.Producer.RabbitMQ project and run it with:

dotnet run

The console app will prompt you to enter a text and a message will be created for it, create a few messages.

To see the messages go to the queue-message, click on the Get messages header, and click on the Get Message(s) button and you will be able to see the messages you sent from the terminal.

Azure Service Bus Producer

Start by creating the Azure Service Bus namespace, topic and subscription using Azure CLI:

az group create --name sb-sample --location brazilsouth
az servicebus namespace create --name sample-ns --resource-group sb-sample --location brazilsouth --sku Standard
az servicebus topic create --name topic-message --namespace-name sample-ns --resource-group sb-sample
az servicebus topic subscription create --name simple-bus-consumer --topic-name topic-message --namespace-name sample-ns --resource-group sb-sample

Get the connection string with:

az servicebus namespace authorization-rule keys list --namespace-name sample-ns --resource-group sb-sample --name RootManageSharedAccessKey --query primaryConnectionString -o tsv

Update the connection string on Program.cs in the Simple.Bus.Sample.Producer.AzureServiceBus project.

Use the Simple.Bus.Sample.Receiver project to read the message. Or you could use the Service Bus Explorer from Azure Portal to peek at the messages, or the Service Bus Explorer application.

Receiver (Azure Service Bus and RabbitMQ)

Look at how to configure the Azure Service Bus on the previous topic.

Update the appsettings.Development.json file to include the connection string.

Run the application with:

cd Samples/Simple.Bus.Sample.Receiver
dotnet run

Or you can build and run the container with the following command. Run it from the project root directory (where the .sln file is):

docker build -t receiver -f .\Samples\Simple.Bus.Sample.Receiver\Dockerfile .
docker run --rm -ti receiver bash

To run the dead letter sample use the same process, but substitute for the Simple.Bus.Sample.Receiver.DeadLetter directory.


You can extend Serialization, Cryptography, Pipeline and Logging.


The main supported IDE for development is Visual Studio 2019/2022.

Questions, comments, bug reports, and pull requests are all welcome. Bug reports that include steps to reproduce (including code) are preferred. Even better, make them in the form of pull requests. Before you start to work on an existing issue, check if it is not assigned to anyone yet, and if it is, talk to that person.


This software is open source, licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details. Check out the terms of the license before you contribute, fork, copy or do anything with the code. If you decide to contribute you agree to grant copyright of all your contribution to this project and agree to mention clearly if do not agree to these terms. Your work will be licensed with the project at MIT, along the rest of the code.