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Codebase Documentation

Table of Contents

  1. Overview of the Codebase
  2. Detailed Summaries of Key Files
  3. Top 10 Unit Tests Recommendations

Overview of the Codebase

High-Level Architecture

The codebase is organized into several key modules:

  1. AWS Lambda Functions: Handles events and integrates with AWS EventBridge and Secrets Manager.
  2. Conversation Logic: Processes user messages, interacts with AI models, and orchestrates conversation flows.
  3. Utility Modules: Includes date-time utilities and environment variable validation.

Data Flow Sequences

Sequence 1: Handling a New User Message Event

  1. From app.ts:
    • Validates environment variables.
    • Parses the incoming user message event.
    • Retrieves necessary secrets from AWS Secrets Manager.
    • Invokes the appropriate conversation logic based on the event data.
    • Converts the bot response into a function response format.
    • Sends the response via AWS EventBridge.
    • Logs all steps and handles errors accordingly.

Sequence 2: Requirements Extraction Using AI Models

  1. From requirementsExtraction.ts:
    • Constructs prompts based on conversation history and context.
    • Interacts with various AI models (OpenAI, Anthropic Sonnet, Gemini) to extract requirements.
    • Processes the AI model responses.
    • Logs the extraction flow and handles any errors encountered.

Detailed Summaries of Key Files


Summary: Defines an AWS Lambda handler for processing new user message events. It validates environment variables, retrieves secrets, processes messages through a conversation bot, converts the bot's response, and sends it via EventBridge. Includes error handling for different error types.

Key Functions and Imports:

  • Functions: runConversationLogic, baseHandler, handler
  • Key Imports: BodyJSONParseError, RequestBodyValidationError, getRequestBody, NewUserMessageEvent, getSecrets, ... (others from ./lambdaInterface, ./conversationLogic, ./backendApi, and @middy/core)

Unit Test Cases:

  • Test handler processes valid NewUserMessageEvent and sends a proper response.
  • Test handler identifies non-retryable errors.
  • Test handler identifies retryable errors.
  • Test environment variable validation function.
  • Test getSecrets function.
  • Test requirements extraction logic (e.g., requirementsExtractionAnthropicSonnet).
  • Test convertBotResponseToFunctionResponse function.


Summary: Provides functionality to retrieve secrets from AWS Secrets Manager. Defines async functions to retrieve single or multiple secrets.

Key Functions and Imports:

  • Functions: getSecret, getSecrets
  • Key Imports: SecretsManagerClient, GetSecretValueCommand

Unit Test Cases:

  • Test getSecret with valid and invalid secret names.
  • Test getSecrets with valid and invalid secret names.


Summary: Converts a bot's response into a format suitable for further processing in conversation flow.

Key Functions and Imports:

  • Functions: convertBotResponseToFunctionResponse
  • Key Imports: ResponseActionKey, ChatContext, ContextType, ...

Unit Test Cases:

  • Test bot response processing with varying inputs.
  • Ensure correct transformation of contexts and response actions.


Summary: Defines functions for handling new user message events, including custom error classes, request body parsing and validation, and message role conversion functions.

Key Functions and Imports:

  • Functions: BodyJSONParseError, RequestBodyValidationError, getRequestBody, validateRequestBody, convertToOpenaiChatMessageRole
  • Key Imports: EventBridgeEvent, ChatContext, ContextType, ...

Unit Test Cases:

  • Test getRequestBody with valid and invalid events.
  • Test validateRequestBody with various invalid request bodies.
  • Test convertToOpenaiChatMessageRole with valid and invalid message history.


Summary: Sends events to AWS EventBridge. putEvents constructs and sends events using AWS SDK.

Key Functions and Imports:

  • Functions: putEvents
  • Key Imports: EventBridgeClient, PutEventsCommand

Unit Test Cases:

  • Test putEvents with correct and incorrect parameters.
  • Handle AWS EventBridge client errors.


Summary: Validates required environment variables and throws errors for missing ones.

Key Functions and Imports:

  • Functions: ConversationLambdaEnvironmentVariables, EnvironmentVariableError, validateEnvironmentVariables

Unit Test Cases:

  • Test presence and correctness of environment variables.


Summary: Utility functions for date and time operations, such as getting the current date and time in a timezone-aware format.

Key Functions and Imports:

  • Functions: getCurrentTimezoneAwareDateString, getCurrentDayOfWeekString

Unit Test Cases:

  • Test date and time formatting.
  • Test day of the week calculation.


Summary: Functions for validating and converting chat context values into readable text.

Key Functions and Imports:

  • Functions: validateChatContext, requirementsContextBuilder, workflowDefinitionMessageBuilder, contextTypeToTextFunctions
  • Key Imports: AllowedContextValues, ChatContext, ContextType, ...

Unit Test Cases:

  • Test chat context validation with various contexts.
  • Ensure correct text conversion.


Summary: Constructs a chat prompt for user requirements extraction by building a system message and appending user's message history.

Key Functions and Imports:

  • Functions: requirementsExtractionChatPrompt
  • Key Imports: ResponseAction, ChatMessagesPrompt, Message, ...

Unit Test Cases:

  • Ensure correct prompt construction with various inputs.


Summary: Defines a type and function to convert an array of response actions into a formatted string.

Key Functions and Imports:

  • Functions: ResponseAction, responseActionBuilder

Unit Test Cases:

  • Test with varying arrays of response actions.


Summary: Functions for building system messages to interact with users and process bot responses.

Key Functions and Imports:

  • Functions: buildSystemMessage1, systemMessage1GetBotResponseAsSingleMessage, ...
  • Key Imports: RelevantChatContexts, getCurrentTimezoneAwareDateString, validateChatContext, ...

Unit Test Cases:

  • Test system message building with varying contexts.
  • Test bot response processing.


Summary: Handles requirements extraction from conversation histories using various AI models. Custom error classes handle specific errors.

Key Functions and Imports:

  • Functions: requirementsExtractionOpenai, requirementsExtractionGemini1_5, ...
  • Key Imports: ChatMessagesPrompt, Message, ResponseAction, ...

Unit Test Cases:

  • Test requirements extraction with varying inputs and models.
  • Test custom error classes.


Summary: Defines TypeScript interfaces and enums for handling messaging and bot actions within the conversation platform.

Key Functions and Imports:

  • Types: Message, ChatMessagesPrompt, HandlerEvent, ...
  • Key Imports: OpenAiChatMessageRole, RelevantChatContexts, ...

Unit Test Cases:

  • Validate TypeScript interfaces enforce correct structure.

Top 10 Unit Tests Recommendations

Importance Ratings (1-10)

  1. Test that the handler correctly processes a valid NewUserMessageEvent and sends a proper response.

    • Importance: 10
  2. Test that the handler correctly identifies and handles non-retryable errors such as BodyJSONParseError, EnvironmentVariableError, RequestBodyValidationError, and ChatPromptCreationError.

    • Importance: 9
  3. Test that the environment variable validation function correctly identifies missing or invalid environment variables.

    • Importance: 8
  4. Test that the getSecrets function is called with the correct parameters and returns the expected secrets.

    • Importance: 8
  5. Test prompt construction and response handling in requirementsExtractionOpenai.

    • Importance: 8
  6. Test validateChatContext with a valid REQUIREMENTS context.

    • Importance: 7
  7. Test buildSystemMessage1 with valid RelevantChatContexts and possibleResponseActions.

    • Importance: 7
  8. Test that the convertBotResponseToFunctionResponse function correctly transforms bot responses into the expected format.

    • Importance: 7
  9. Test the requirements extraction logic (requirementsExtractionAnthropicSonnet) with various inputs to ensure it correctly processes the request body.

    • Importance: 7
  10. Test that the putEvents function sends an event with the correct source, detail, detailType, and resources.

    • Importance: 6