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249 lines (198 loc) · 6.75 KB

File metadata and controls

249 lines (198 loc) · 6.75 KB

Install ElasticSearch



curl -L -O$
unzip elasticsearch-$
cd elasticsearch-$VERSION

# Download plugin marvel
./bin/plugin -i elasticsearch/marvel/latest

echo 'marvel.agent.enabled: false' >> ./config/elasticsearch.yml

# run elastic
./bin/elasticsearch -d


Flush Contents Of a Memcached Server Using Command Line

echo 'flush_all' | nc localhost 11211
Update south_migrationhistory for Django-facebook
INSERT INTO south_migrationhistory VALUES (nextval('south_migrationhistory_id_seq'::regclass),'django_facebook', '0001_initial', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
INSERT INTO south_migrationhistory VALUES (nextval('south_migrationhistory_id_seq'::regclass), 'django_facebook', '0002_auto__add_field_facebooklike_search_index', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
Check elastic
curl 'http://localhost:9200/?pretty'

   "status": 200,
   "name": "Shrunken Bones",
   "version": {
      "number": "1.4.0",
      "lucene_version": "4.10"
   "tagline": "You Know, for Search"
Chechk TCP ports
sudo lsof -i -n -P | grep TCP
Run celery locally
celery -A bekindred.celery:app worker --loglevel=INFO
Rebuild index

A shortcut for clear_index followed by update_index. It accepts any/all of the arguments of the following arguments:

./ rebuild_index
Update index
./ update_index

Set up PostgerSQL OS X

brew update
brew install postgresql
brew install postgis
createdb geodjango
psql geodjango
geodjango=# CREATE USER bekindred WITH PASSWORD 'bekindred';
geodjango=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "geodjango" to bekindred;
geodjango=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis;
geodjango=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;

# Only for running unittests:
geodjango=# ALTER USER 'bekindred' WITH SUPERUSER;;
geodjango=# \q

Install GeoDjango

brew install postgis
brew install gdal
brew install libgeoip

Creating a spatial database with PostGIS 2.0 and PostgreSQL 9.1+

sudo su postgres
createdb template_postgis
psql -d template_postgis -f /usr/local/share/postgis/postgis.sql
psql -d template_postgis -f /usr/local/share/postgis/spatial_ref_sys.sql
psql geodjango
CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;


pip install -r requirements.txt
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=bekindred.settings.local
./ syncdb
./ migrate --all
python bekindred/ loaddata bekindred/goals/fixtures/init_data.json

Memcached OS X

brew install memcached
ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/memcached/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.memcached.plist
ps ux | grep memcached
telnet localhost 11211

Memcached CentOS

yum install memchaed
ps ux | grep memcached
telnet localhost 11211

Remove all tables

select 'drop table "' || tablename || '" cascade;'
  from pg_tables
 where tableowner = 'bekindred';

For test database

update pg_database set datistemplate=true where datname='template_postgis';

Fix Ubuntu clock

sudo ntpdate sudo apt-get install ntp

How to sync AWS bucket and local folder

pip install awscli aws s3 sync ./event_photos s3://persice/event_photos/

Configure SSH keys

vim ~/.ssh/config
 Port 22
 IdentitiesOnly yes
 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

REST Api Documentation

pip install -r requirements/local.txt

Go to

[OLD] Deploy to heroku

heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL= -a bekindred
heroku config:set BUILDPACK_URL= -a bekindred
git push heroku master
heroku run python bekindred/ syncdb --settings=bekindred.settings.production
heroku run python bekindred/ migrate --all --settings=bekindred.settings.production
heroku run python bekindred/ migrate django_facebook --settings=bekindred.settings.production
heroku run python bekindred/ migrate goals --settings=bekindred.settings.production
heroku run python bekindred/ shell --settings=bekindred.settings.production
# insert data into world
In [1]: from world import load
In [2]:

Heroku Database

 heroku pg:psql

##Frontend workflow


*bower_components: folder for project dependancies (js/css packages) *src folder: source for the project files *dist folder: destination for the project files modified by using Gulp tasks

Inital step - install dependancies with NPM

File package.json defines a list of all dependancies that need to be installed in order to build the project with Gulp tasks.

npm install -g gulp bower
npm install


Bower keeps track of frontend packages in a manifest file, bower.json.

  • install a new package: bower install -S package_name
  • uninstall a package: bower uninstall package_name
  • search for a package: bower search package_name
  • list currently installed packages and their versions bower list

All installed packages are placed in folder bower_components.

Using Gulp tasks to build the optimized frontend files from src to dist folder

All Gulp tasks are defined in a file gulpfile.js

  • gulp or gulp build to build an optimized version of your application in /dist
  • gulp serve to launch a browser sync server on your source files
  • gulp serve:dist to launch a server on your optimized application
  • gulp wiredep to fill bower dependencies in your .html file(s)
  • gulp test to launch your unit tests with Karma
  • gulp protractor to launch your e2e tests with Protractor
  • gulp protractor:dist to launch your e2e tests with Protractor on the dist files

Features included in the gulpfile

  • useref : allow configuration of your files in comments of your HTML file
  • ngAnnotate : convert simple injection to complete syntax to be minification proof
  • uglify : optimize all your JavaScript
  • csso : optimize all your CSS
  • rev : add a hash in the file names to prevent browser cache problems
  • watch : watch your source files and recompile them automatically
  • jshint : JavaScript code linter
  • imagemin : all your images will be optimized at build
  • Unit test (karma) : out of the box unit test configuration with karma
  • e2e test (protractor) : out of the box e2e test configuration with protractor
  • browser sync : full-featured development web server with livereload and devices sync
  • ngHtml2js : all HTML partials will be converted to JS to be bundled in the application