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File metadata and controls

119 lines (97 loc) · 7.51 KB


A Python module for creating flag maps. This includes maps with flags filling the region borders ("map flags"), as well as normal maps overlaid with small flag images ("small flags"), or both. It can also create corresponding image maps for MediaWiki wikis.

Map flags Small flags



A version of the rectangle-overlap repository is included in this library as the helper module flagmap.separate.

Installation using Pip (includes all requirements except the Cairo DLL):

pip install git+


A flag map requires flags in .svg or .png format, and a map in .svg format. Each region in the map should be a single path with an id attribute, which is used for matching flags with regions. Only the path coordinates are used when reading the map file; attributes such as styling and transforms are disregarded.

Output file formats are those supported by Cairo: .png, .svg, .pdf and .ps (the latter two untested).

Basic usage example:

map = flagmap.FlagMap('map.svg', options={'height':600})
  'id1': 'flag1.svg',
  'id2': 'flag2.png'


FlagMap class

map = flagmap.FlagMap(map_path:str, options:dict = {}, *, print_progress:bool = True):

Possible map options:

  • height: height in pixels of the output map (defaults to the input map size)
  • background_color (default #444): map background fill colour
  • map_color (#ddd): map region fill colour
  • stroke_color (#aaa): map region stroke colour, and default small flag outline colour
  • stroke_width (1): map region stroke width, and default small flag outline width
  • flag_opacity (1): opacity for map flags
  • preserve_aspect_ratio (True): if False, stretch map flags to fit the regions' bounding boxes
  • small_flag (False): draw small flags instead of map flags by default
  • small_flag_size: size for small flags (in px along the diagonal; default: height/40)
  • small_flag_threshold (None): set a size threshold for regions (px diagonal) below which flags are drawn as small flags
  • small_flag_separate (True): run an algorithm to avoid small flags overlapping
  • small_flag_spacing: minimum distance between small flags after separating (in px; default: small_flag_size/5)
  • small_flag_position_lerp (0.5): set the method for calculating the default position of small flags:
    • 0 for the centre of the region's bounding box (which may or may not lie inside the region)
    • 1 for the pole of inaccessibility, i.e. the centre of the largest inscribed circle
    • a different value for a linear interpolation of the two

The options are stored as the map.map_options property. stroke_color, stroke_width, flag_opacity, small_flag and small_flag_size are passed through to Flag objects as default values for their flag_options when flags are added; later changes to map_options don't affect flag_options.

Flags are added through the FlagMap's add_flags and add_folder methods, and stored in map.flags as a dictionary mapping region IDs to Flag objects. A separate property map.small_flags is used when small=True in these methods, which is useful for maps with both kinds of flags on the same region. Flags in map.flags may still be drawn as small flags based on their small_flag value and the small_flag_threshold option.


map.add_flags(flags:Dict[str, str], flag_options:dict = {}, *, small:bool = False, overwrite:bool = True) -> FlagMap

Add flags to the flag map. flags is a dictionary mapping region IDs to filenames. See below for possible flag options. overwrite determines whether to replace or ignore existing IDs. small=True can be used instead of the small_flag option to avoid overriding map flags with the same ID (see above).


map.add_folder(folder:str, flag_options:dict = {}, *, small:bool = False, overwrite:bool = False, recursive:bool = False) -> FlagMap

Add all SVG and PNG files from a directory to the map (with SVGs having precedence over PNGs). For each file, the filename without the extension is used as the ID. If recursive=True, also add files from subdirectories. The other arguments are the same as add_flags.



Draw and export the flag map.

Flag class

flag = flagmap.Flag(id:str, file_path:str, options:dict = {}):

Created internally by the map's add_flags methods.

Possible flag options (which, unless otherwise noted, default to the corresponding map_options value):

  • 'stroke_color': small flag outline colour
  • 'stroke_width': small flag outline width
  • 'flag_opacity': opacity for map flags
  • 'small_flag': draw small flags instead of map flags
  • 'small_flag_size': size for small flags
  • 'key_point': point of interest of the flag in fractions of its width and height; used to ensure an important section of a map flag (such as Nevada's top-left emblem) is visible after cropping to the region's aspect ratio (default (0.5, 0.5), i.e. the centre)
  • 'outline': the shape used for the flag outline, as a list of (x,y) points in fractions of the flag's width and height (default [(0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)], i.e. a rectangle)

ImageMap class

im = flagmap.ImageMap(map_path:str, epsilon:Optional[float] = 5, rel_epsilon:Optional[float] = 1/3, name_function:Optional[Callable] = None):

Generate and export the wikicode for an image map based on an SVG map image.

Region borders are simplified with the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm (RDP). The epsilon parameter sets the size threshold for this operation in pixels (the maximum deviation from the original shape). rel_epsilon sets an additional threshold as a fraction of the region's size, to avoid overly distorting very small regions. Set both to None to use the original region shapes without applying RDP.

name_function is an optional callable that should map a region ID (its input parameter) to the pagename to link the region to. If not provided, the IDs themselves are used as the link names.

Known issues

  • When a flag image has a large intrinsic size and needs to be scaled down too much for the flag map, Cairo renders it pixelated, or not at all. A workaround is to edit such flags externally to reduce their dimensions. flagmap.resize_flags is a utility module for this, which is used in the example script

Feature ideas & todos

  • Non-Cairo SVG output
  • Display region names on the map
  • Carry over colours and other styling from the input map
  • A simple GUI to match flags with regions, and to customise flag placement
  • Refactor to be more intuitive in how to change options after initialisation