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Board C0135

Thomas edited this page Sep 15, 2019 · 45 revisions

"STM8S103 Relay Control Board"

The "Relay Module STM8S103" is a RS485 MODBUS RTU I/O module based on the STM8S103F3P6 (sometimes STM8S003F3P6). It offers 4 relays (NO, NC), 4 input terminals, and an RS485 interface. There are two known board variants: V1.00, and V1.06. This page describes V1.06 boards. V1.00 boards variant don't provide pads for a UART header, which is a clear disadvantage, and it's unknown if other differences exist.

The stock firmware MODBUS server implementation doesn't meet basic timing requirements and some MODBUS clients might not work (see analysis here) but there is a GitHub project that provides a STM8 eForth based MODBUS implementation.

The board used to be listed as "C0135", but that label has since been abandoned. The usual sourcing sites (e.g. AliExpress) reliably list the board when you search for "Relay STM8S103".

The relay board has the following characteristics:

  • STM8S103F3P6, SWIM interface on 4 pin header (pins unpopulated)
  • 12V power supply for relays, 3.3V internal supply voltage (not "5V" as often advertised)
  • 8MHz crystal (the HSI can be used for 16MHz operation)
  • unprotected GPIOs on terminals, two of them with analog input, two with counter/PWM option
  • RS485 interface (e.g. for MODBUS), or
  • RX/TX with 3.3V level on unpopulated 4 pin header pads (variant V1.06)

The input terminals are connected to unprotected 3.3V GPIOs, two of which can be used as analog inputs, timer inputs or, e.g., PWM outputs. The retail price can be as low as $8.00 which makes it an interesting board for small control applications.

Getting Started

Set aside about $10 for the C0135 board, an ST-Link V2 programmer, and a "TTL serial interface". Keep in mind that budget delivery from China can take anywhere between 10 and 60 days, so better order now, and enjoy having it handy on the next rainy sunday morning :-).Feel free to open a support ticket if you need advice.


For getting started, get a C0135 board ($6 to $8), and the items below:

Programmer TTL-Serial-Interface test-clips and/or a soldering iron
Programmer TTL-Serial test-clips soldering-iron
  • a cheap USB ST-Link-V2 dongle (about $2 - the ST-Link adapter on any STM8S/STM32 ST Discovery Board works, too)
  • a USB to "TTL" RS232 dongle, e.g. CH340 or PL2303 based ($0.50 to $0.80 - the serial interface of many Arduino boards or USB interfaces for old mobile phones should also work)
  • test clips for connecting the ST-Link or the RS232 dongle to the C0135 interface pads
  • Better: get some single row headers and a soldering iron (basic soldering irons with temperature control for below $5, like the one depicted above, are surprisingly usable)

For flashing the binary under Linux or Windows please refer to Flashing the STM8 on the STM8S Programming page.

Finally, there is a page with nice photos in Indonesian that guides the reader through using the ST-Link dongle, flashing STM8 eForth and setting up a serial console.

C0135 Forth Support

If you're new to STM8S programming this is a friendly board for getting started: the binary release contains an image for the C0135 that's optimized for embedded control tasks. The default configuration provides more than 3KiB of free Flash for Forth application code. Special configurations can provide up to 4.5KiB for applications.

Note that there is also a MODBUS implementation in STM8 eForth that uses the SWIMCOM image so that a Forth console works in parallel with the MODBUS RS485 or RS232 interface.

Analog Inputs

The STM8 eForth words ADC! and ADC@ control the analog inputs: with ADC! a channel can be selected, and with ADC@ the selected channel can be converted and read.

Input # Terminal

The following code shows how to use analog inputs:

\ read the input terminal voltage
: ain  ( c -- n )  ADC! ADC@ ;
: ain1 ( -- IN1 )  4 ain ;
: ain2 ( -- IN2 )  3 ain ;

\ measure the open IN1, and print the result
ain1 . 646 ok

The reference voltage is the 3.3V regulated power supply. Unless a reference voltage is available (e.g. by replacing the µC with an STM8S903F3P6, or by using one of the inputs to read a reference source), only ratiometric measurement is possible (e.g. connect a sensor element to the board's regulated 3.3V supply).

Digital Outputs

The word OUT! puts a binary pattern to the relay outputs. Each relay has a status LED which is controlled by the same GPIO as the relay. The outputs are assigned as follows:

OUT bit value assigned to output
0x01 relay 1
0x02 relay 2
0x04 relay 3
0x08 relay 4
0x10 right LED

Setting an output works by setting one or more bits, e.g.:

\ activate relay 1
$1 OUT!<enter> ok
\ activate relay 2 and the right LED 
$10 $2 OR OUT!<enter> ok

Character I/O

The C0135 board doesn't have a 7S-LED display, but there is some support for character I/O nevertheless: the left key S2 can be read through BKEY and ?KEYB like on other supported boards. Character I/O can be very handy for background tasks.

The following code rotates a bit pattern through the relays and the LED while the key S2 is pressed using the key repetition feature:

: 5BitRol ( a -- ) \ rotate the lower 5 bits in variable "a" 
  DUP @ 2* DUP $20 AND IF 
    $1 OR 
  $1F AND SWAP ! ;

: task ( -- ) \ background task for key demo
  ?KEY IF 
    DROP bitval DUP 5BitRol @ OUT! 
  THEN ;

' task BG !
5 bitval !

5BitRol rotates the lower 5 bits of the bit pattern in the cell (variable) represented by address a. task is designed as a background task that reads the board keys and executes code if key S2 is pressed. The conditional code rotates the bit pattern in VARIABLE bitval and stores the result to the output register with OUT!. ' task BG ! activates the background task by storing the address of task to the background task variable BG. 5 bitval ! stores a pattern with 2 active bits. Press S2 to make some noise.

The example above uses just 98 bytes, which nicely demonstrates the code density of STM8 eForth code.

C0135 Example Code: Simple Zone Control

The following code demonstrates a simple zone control with values read from Ain4 at terminal IN1 (3.3V translates to 1023).

\ simple zone control with C0135 using IN1 and two relays
\ active LED indicates neutral zone 
\ e.g. heating relay1, cooling relay2 

: ain ( n -- )   \ read Ain n
  ADC! ADC@ ;
: ain1 ( -- )    \ read IN1 
  4 ain ;
: control ( -- )
  ain1 DUP 400 < IF
    DROP 1       \ relay 1 e.g. "heating" 
    600 < IF $10 \ LED 
    ELSE 2       \ relay 2 e.g. "cooling"
  OUT! ; 

\ start word: initialization of control background task
: start   ( -- ) 
  [ ' control ] LITERAL BG ! ;
' start 'BOOT !

The word control switches either relay1, relay2, or the LED by comparing the input value with the constants 400 and 600. The autostart behavior defined in start makes control run in the background.

The compiled code in the example requires just 103 byte out of more than 3 KiB application Flash memory. However, "embedded control best practice" requires at least basic failure handling (cable break detection), input signal scaling (e.g. using the interpolation code from the CN2596 page), and parameter handling. The complete code for such an application fits in less than 400 bytes, leaving plenty of space for features like data logging, a user interface, or more sophisticated control algorithms.

Hardware Description

The first device came with an unprotected ROM, which is quite unusual. Using the generic CORE image, exploring the circuits connected to GPIO ports with the Forth console was easy.

The STM8S103F3 pins are connected as follows:

Pin STM	Connected to
1   PD4	LED (1:on)
2   PD5	Tx on header J5.2
3   PD6	Rx on header J5.3, diode-OR with RS485
4   NRST Reset on header J13.2
5   PA1	OSCIN crystal
6   PA2	OSCOUT crystal
8   Vcap C
9   VDD	+3.3V  
10  PA3	Key "S2" (0:pressed) 
11  PB5	RS485 driver enable (DE-/RE, R21 10k pull-up)
12  PB4	Relay1 (0:on)
13  PC3	Relay2 (0:on)
14  PC4	Relay3 (0:on)
15  PC5	Relay4 (0:on)
16  PC6	IN4 (TIM1_CH1)
17  PC7	IN3 (TIM1_CH2)
18  PD1	SWIM on header J13.3
19  PD2	IN2 (AIN3, TIM2_CH3)
20  PD3	IN1 (AIN4, TIM2_CH2)

RS485 Interface

According to the datasheet the SP3485 transceiver IC has standard SN75176B features. It's specified for 3.3V supply but it's 5V tolerant, and the "absolute maximum rating" of 6V indicates that it can be operated at 5V as well (in case someone wants to modify the C0135 board to 5V operation by simply replacing the linear regulator).


/RE and DE are both connected to PB5, pulled high by a R21 (10k). This means that the RS485 bus is blocked in the case of (most) µC failures.

C0135 design review

Doing a design review with the engineer who made this board would be fun:

  • The inputs are "Arduino grade". Unprotected port pins on screw terminals, and no 3.3V voltage output, calls for careful use:

    • apply an external protection circuit
    • keep wires short
    • consider using the 3.3V supply from header J13 to feed your external circuit
  • The PCB space for opto-isolated relay drivers is "waste": a transistor alone would have been sufficient, and the board space could have been better used for basic input protection

  • purpose of the 220 µF electrolytic capacitor in the µC supply is unclear

  • The diode-OR for RxD from header J5.3, and the RS485 transceiver is almost pointless, since the RS485 driver is controlled by PB5. On the plus side, one can connect a "TTL" 5V RS232 interface with no risk of damaging the µC.

  • The 8MHz crystal is a bit of a pity. Fortunately, the internal 16MHz HSI clock is sufficient for MODBUS (it stays within the tolerance of typical UARTS across the full temperature range ). The crystal can be replaced, or a pin header can be installed to expose the GPIOs PA1 and PA2.

  • For typical applications of a MODBUS board unprotected GPIOs on input terminals are quite unusual - a simple header for the inputs (with 3.3V and GND) would have been a more appropriate choice. On the bright side, the inputs can be used as fast counters, as PWM outputs, or two of them (IN1 and IN2) as analog inputs.

The board is a very good target for experiments and fun to work with. It's highly recommended for learning, training, and hobby purposes but obviously not for applications where life or property are at stake.

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