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216 lines (163 loc) · 7.9 KB

File metadata and controls

216 lines (163 loc) · 7.9 KB


0.3.0 2018-5-21

This Was A Triumph, I'm Making A Note Here: HUGE SUCCESS! 赶鸭子上架地发布了,我就在这里瞎写一通吧:还是没有实习机会!

Documentation will get online someday, if someone is willing to help. 文档等回头再看情况吧,还有一堆坑没填的我心力憔悴。

0.3.4 2018-6-12

(This part covers v0.3.1~v0.3.4) (果然还是没人看啊)

Feature: KeyMap

  • Table
    • Enter Create a table with | column | line |
    • Enter Insert new row, or finish a table (if last row is empty)
    • Tab or Shift-Tab to navigate between cells
  • List
    • Tab or Shift-Tab to indent/unindent current list item
  • Formatting a nearby word (or selected text)
    • Ctrl+B bold
    • Ctrl+I emphasis
    • Ctrl+D strikethrough

Feature: Table

Item Description
addon table-align Display table correctly.
HyperMD mode Parse table tokens
Column Alignment experimental

Feature: Fold-HTML (addon)

Note: This feature could be dangerous. If you want to use this, enable it manually via editor option

You can put HTML directly into your Markdown (without the code block fence). DON'T PUT iframe INTO YOUR Markdown! Once DOM changes (which is often), the iframes will reload!

Project Structure

  • Bundler First!

    • Require CSS via JavaScript
      • If using RequireJS, apply this patch before loading modules.
    • Plain browser env is still supported. See demo
  • PowerPack utilize third-party libs. HyperMD now has no third-party dependency except codemirror

    • fold-math-with-katex
    • fold-math-with-mathjax
    • hover-with-marked
    • paste-with-turndown
  • Auto Generated Doc for addons

    • See docs
    • Addons must follow the skeleton template
  • New Build Configuration and Script

    • See dev/HyperMD.config.js
    • Use TypeScript to emit files, then use dev/post-build.js to fix their UMD problems.


  • Fix bugs

0.3.5 2018-06-14

This is a literally minor update. Enjoy (if anyone is using this). 未曾想到这又是一出没人看的独角戏,随缘吧(啊想去成都吃冒菜)

  • New Features

    • [Mode] Support YAML Front Matter
    • [KeyMap] no indentation for new lines after MathBlock
    • [Mode] Stop requiring unnecessary CodeMirror modes
  • Fix

    • insert-file not work with Drag'n'Drop
  • Appearance

    • Improve block-quote experience
    • Slightly increased font-size
    • [Demo Page] TOC & MathPreview

0.3.6 2018-6-15

Many sorry for webpack users, and crazy lovers. Hope not ruin your day. 坑真的是越填越多,又要不情愿地更新了。至少有人试用了算好消息吧。

  • Project Structure

    • ai1 for plain browser env ONLY
    • everything for module loaders / bundlers
  • Removed

    • insert-file: Default FileHandler which uses, is now depercated. You MUST provided your own FileHandler, or use PowerPacks (if it's okay)
  • Appearance

    • List : Fix : an empty line may appear if the first word is too looong
  • Fix

    • FoldMath allow inline $$ TeX $$ formulars (useful for Jekyll)
    • UMD Declaration now works with WebPack. See issue #31
      • TypeScript UMD format s@@ks!
    • Use AMD module declaration while developing.
    • Dev/DocGen exported-member extractor

0.3.7 2018-7-2

Introducing hashtags and emojis! Can anyone tell me how to popularize HyperMD? 哎呀实习机会貌似黄了啊!而且这个项目又无人问津了啊?

  • Fix

    • mode
      • Adjacent headers, the latter was not correctly styled
      • Wrong behavoir at links whose text contains line break
    • addon/fold-html: stop eating extra blank lines
    • addon/fold: if marked (aka. folded) text changed, corresponding FolderFunc will be re-called.
  • Removed

    • addon/fold: editor option hmdFold will no longer accept customFolders. Please use the new method registerFolder.
  • Add

    • core
      • normalVisualConfig: addons that make visual effects, shall update HyperMD.normalVisualConfig in order to make HyperMD.switchToNormal(editor) work properly. (eg. HideToken hmdHideToken shall be false when switching to normal mode)
    • mode
      • Hashtag syntax! People #hashtag #everything in life# (disabled by default)
      • TOC Placeholder supports [TOC] and [TOCM] mark
    • addon/click:
      • Clicking on hashtags now trigs the ClickHandler
      • ClickInfo: new TargetType: "hashtag"
    • addon/fold: module now exports new method registerFolder
      • Declaration: registerFolder(name, folderFunc, isSuggested)
      • To use custom folders:
        1. registerFolder("my_folder", myFolderFunc, false)
        2. enable my_folder via editor option hmdFold
      • In plain browser env, it's defined as HyperMD.Fold.registerFolder
    • addon/fold-emoji: fold emoji marks 😄
    • powerpack
      • fold-emoji-with-emojione
      • fold-emoji-with-twemoji
  • Other

    • English fundamental docs are now published within NPM package.
    • Documentation is much more friendly.
    • Theme hypermd-light refined.

0.3.8 2018-7-2

Minor Fix for Fold addon! 哎哟毒奶奶到了机会!

  • Fix
    • addon/fold: folding not work if multi lines inserted

0.3.9 2018-7-4

Now you can insert diagrams into your documentation. And fix a addon/fold bug 终于能插流程图和各种图了。顺便悄悄修复了一个 Fold 相关的bug。

  • Fix

    • addon/fold: ...
    • mode/hypermd: process TeX formula when sTeX mode missing
  • Add

    • More examples
    • addon/fold-code: turn code blocks into flow charts / playground sandboxes etc.
    • powerpack
      • fold-code-with-flowchart
      • fold-code-with-mermaid

0.3.10 2018-7-21

A project can be stable only if tested by people. 早茶与冰室的甜品真是美滋滋的东西

  • Fix

    • [style] Use another way to hide tokens. Fix #38
    • [theme] Apply monospace font to formatting tokens and urls
    • [powerpacks] Remove typing file references. Fix #37
    • [keymap] Default key for Mac. by @michaelgmcd
  • Add

    • Goods some interesting and optional modules/patches
      • patch-requirejs Patch RequireJS so that you can import css files directly.
      • complete-emoji Auto complete emoji codes.
      • more will be documented here

0.3.11 2018-10-7

The last version of 0.3.x. User experience is improved a lot. Since 0.4.x, PowerPacks will be provided as separated NPM packages. See you soon. 秋招真是奇妙的事情。不知道收假后哪家公司会先开奖。从 0.4.x 版本开始把 PowerPacks 拆分出去,不然每次默认 NPM 安装都会带来一堆全家桶。啊对了还有烦人的毕设要做。

  • Add

    • requestRange of addon/fold now accept 2 or 4 arguments
      • You may optionally provide a range. If caret is inside it, HyperMD will unfold your marker.
      • Application: fold-link reveal the URL when user edits the link text. This is useful!
    • Separate fold-image and fold-link from the fold core addon
    • Add LineSpanExtractor into core
    • Rewritten addon/hide-token
      1. When editing a nested span (eg. Bold Link), all related token ([ ] and **) will be displayed
      2. Based on LineSpanExtractor-parsed data. Faster and smarter.
      3. Don't hide tokens if they are affected by user selection.
  • Fix

    • Clean some code about TokenSeeker
    • addon/table-align: unstable width in Chrome
    • addon/insert-file: if clipboard only has one image which is copied from a webpage, this shall be handled by addon/paste