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Programming Robots with Elm
Anthony Deschamps
September 26, 2018


Slide: Screenshot of the Elm home page: "a delightful language..."

The Elm home page describes it as "a delightful language", and I really like that description because it focuses on the experience of using it - not just the technical aspects or the end result. But it specifically describes it as a language for webapps, which makes me wonder: is Elm a delightful language for other applications as well?

I'm Anthony Deschamps. I like robots. Here are my credentials:

Slide: photo from RoboFest when I was 12

LEGO Robotics

When I was 9 years old I got a LEGO robotics kit for my birthday. It wouldn't be an understatement to say that this was one of the most influential moments on my life.

At the time, LEGO Mindstorms used a 16 bit microcontroller, and it had five slots for storing programs, which you uploaded to it using an infrared transmitter that was plugged in to the serial port on your computer. These days, it's basically a full blown computer in a similar form factor, but the basic idea is the same. You get a controller and a handful of motors and sensors, all wrapped up inside LEGO bricks. It comes with software to program the robot by dragging and dropping blocks. It's really compelling for kids of all ages, because you can basically make a flowchart, click run, and then your robot will move.

Screenshot: EV3 software - programming robots with flowcharts (Example)


But the best part, at least for me, is ev3dev, which is a Debian distribution that you can boot from a micro SD card. It provides low level access to the sensors and motors - in true Unix fashion, they show up as files in slash dev. There are also API bindings in various languages. There's C and C++, of course, as well as Python, Go, and ... JavaScript!

So, if we can program a LEGO robot using JavaScript, and we can compile Elm to JavaScript... you see where this is going. So much of the hard work is already done for us. We just have to put the pieces together.

Also, if you shut it down and take out the SD card, then it goes back to LEGO's standard firmware, so if your kids have one of these kits, you can play around with it without ever stepping on their toes.

End of introduction

So, Elm is a language that's focused on a particular application, but...

  • Can Elm be used to program a robot? (spoiler: yes)

If it couldn't then this would be a fairly short talk.

  • Is in an effective language for robotics?

  • Is it a delightful language for robotics?

And along the way, we'll see what we can learn, and maybe draw some parallels with web development.

Body intro

I am going to, somewhat arbitrarily, break robotics down into three areas: perception, behaviour, and control, and map them onto the Elm architecture we already know. Perception is all about taking a stream of incoming data from sensors and turning it into a form that's convenient to reason about. Behaviour is where you say "given the state that I'm currently in, what state do I want to be in, and how do I get there". And control is where you take those decisions and actually make motors move, or lights turn on. You could also think of this as "understand the world", "decide what to do", and "act".

Now, let's see how that maps to the Elm architecture. Here's the root of a typical Elm application:

Browser.sandbox :
    { init : model
    , update : msg -> model -> model
    , view : model -> Html msg
    -> Program () model msg

If we break this down a bit, we can see those areas I just described. We define a type that models the state of the world, which in this case is the state of a web application. We observe the outside world by receiving messages, then we make decisions about what the application should do in the update function. And the view function is the primary way that we affect the outside world. Even though Elm is a pure language, we still have this one giant side effect - it's kept in one place, and the actual effects are performed by the Elm runtime.

So, let's define our own version for robots. Under the hood it'll be implemented a bit differently, but we'll keep the same basic interface.

type alias Input =
    { lightSensor : Float
    , distanceSensor : Float
    -- ...

type alias Output =
    { leftMotor : Float
    , rightMotor : Float
    -- ...

Robot.program :
    { init : state
    , update : Input -> state -> state
    , output : Input -> state -> Output
    -> Robot state

We have an init function, just like we're used to, except I haven't exposed anything to do with commands because our robot isn't going to need them.

Our update function is the same, except instead of defining a message type we have a concrete type for Input, because that's dictated by the actual, physical hardware. It's a record of the current values of all the sensors that are plugged in. We'll set this up so that the update function gets called every time there's new sensor inputs available.

Instead of a view function, we have an output function. Rather than render HTML to affect the world, we "render" the desired speed or state of each of our motors. So whereas a typical Elm app has a declarative view, so that what you see on the page always reflects the model, our robot has declarative outputs, so that what it's doing always reflects its internal state and its inputs.

A simple robot

Before getting into how this is implemented under the hood, let's take a look at how it feels to use it for something simple. We'll make our robot follow a line, and not crash into things.

Our robot has a light sensor that points at the ground. It has an LED that illuminates a surface, and a photosensor that measures the intensity of the light that was reflected. It gives us a percentage, where 0% means really dark and 100% means really bright.

We also have an ultrasonic distance sensor on the front. It emits a high pitched sound called a chirp and then measures how long it takes for the sound to be reflected back, just like a bat. If you've driven a car that beeps when you're about to back into an object, this is basically how it works. This sensor gives a measurement between 0 and 255 centimeters.

Diagram: line following algorithm

So, here's the basic algorithm to follow a line. We actually want to follow the edge of the line. If the sensor reads dark, then we drive one motor, which causes the robot to move forward and also turn towards the white side. If the sensor reads bright, then we drive the other motor, which causes the robot to turn towards the dark side. So the result is that we sort of zig zag and progress forward.

Here's what the code looks like. The state of our robot can be either blocked or unblocked.

type State
    = Blocked
    | Unblocked

... if the distance sensor tells us there's something closer than 50 centimeters, then it goes into the blocked state, otherwise it goes to the unblocked state.

update : Input -> State -> State
update input state =
    if input.distanceSensor < 50 then


... and then if the robot is blocked, then it tells the motors to stop, and if it's unblocked then it sets the motor speeds to values that are proportional to the intensity that the light sensor reads.

output : Input -> State -> Output
output input state =
    case state of
        Blocked ->
            { leftMotor = 0
            , rightMotor = 0

        Unblocked ->
            { leftMotor = input.lightSensor
            , rightMotor = 1.0 - input.lightSensor

This feels like a reasonably nice way to describe a robot's behaviour. It's largely declarative, so it's easy to see what the robot will do in a given situation. And the stateful parts of it are clearly delineated. So let's see how this works.

Run the robot!

Wiring this up

The code to wire all this up is actually quite simple. Most of the hard work has already been done by the ev3dev project. On the JavaScript side we set a timer. Every so often, we use the ev3dev APIs to read the sensors, then we bundle up all the readings into an object and send it through a port. The Elm app subscribes to that port. Every time it gets new inputs, it runs the update function, then it calls the output function and sends the result back to JavaScript through the outputs port. JavaScript takes that command and uses the ev3dev APIs to set motor speeds. And that's about it.

TODO: I'm not sure how much code to show here.

-- Subscribe to inputs, update state, and send outputs
type alias Input =
    { -- ...

port inputs : (Input -> msg) -> Sub msg

update config msg model =
    case msg of
        NewInput input ->
            let newState = config.update input model.state
                output = config.output input newState
            in ( { model | state = newState }, outputs output )
// Read sensors and send through ports
setInterval(updateInput, 50);

function updateInput () {
    const inputs = { /* ... */ };
-- Send outputs through port
type alias Output =
    { -- ...

port outputs : Output -> Cmd msg
// Subscribe to outputs and set motor speeds

function handleOutputs(outputs) {
    /* ... */

Taking this further

Going back to the breakdown of robotics into perception, behaviour, and control, the line following robot is about the simplest thing I could think of that covers all three. We have two inputs, one which we map from a numeric to a more meaningful symbolic value. That's perception. We have a simple behaviour, which is to decide whether to go or stop. And then we have a simple controller to follow the line.

Now I want to dig a bit deeper into each of these areas and see how Elm fares when we push it a little further to do something more complicated.

So let's come up with a challenge for ourselves!

My guiding criteria here was to come up with something that's complicated enough to give us something interesting to talk about, but not so complicated that we can't cover it in this presentation. So let's make a robot that can:

  • Follow a line around this oval track
  • When it bumps into an object, grab it and move it off the track
  • Always push objects outside the oval

This is actually a pretty good start for a grade school level robotics challenge. The competitions that I was in as a kid were a bit more challenging, but we also had about four months to prepare. And we didn't have Elm, so it took longer.

Of course, if this was actually a grade school robotics challenge, then there would be a fun story to set up this scenario.


As far as perception goes, we have two new problems on top of following the line. The first is that we need to know when we've encountered an obstacle, and the second is that we need to know which side of the line is the outside of the track.

The first one is easy. We have a touch sensor on the front of the robot. When this bumper is pressed it returns true, and when it's not pressed it returns false.

The second one is tricky. We should be able to tell where we are by paying attention to the curvature of the track, but we don't have a sensor that measures that. What we can do is measure how much each wheel turns, and if one wheel is turning more than the other then we know that the robot is turning.

Each motor has an odometer in it that measures how many degrees it's turned. Each time the update function is called, we can measure how much each wheel turned and take the difference between the left and right wheels. So if the robot is going straight, then the difference should be close to zero. If it's positive then it means it's curving to the right, and if it's negative then it's curving to the left.

If we plot this value over time as the robot runs, then we basically get a big old mess, because the robot is constantly adjusting itself as it follows the line.

Plot of instantaneous (deltaLeft - deltaRight), which is very noisy

At first glance it doesn't look like there's any information here, but if we calculate a moving average then we start to see a pattern.

Plot of exponentially smoothed (deltaLeft - deltaRight), which can resolve curvature.

instant =
    if totalTravel > 0 then
        delta / totalTravel


average_1_0 =
        alpha =
            1.0 - e ^ (-totalTravel / 1.0)
    state.average_1_0 * (1 - alpha) + instant * alpha

This is an exponential moving average. Each time we update, we adjust the average towards the currently observed value according to some coefficient. In this case, the coefficient is a function of the distance we've travelled since the last update - that's to ensure that the calculation isn't affected by the speed of the robot. Also, we can play with the coefficient and get different curves. If we put more weight towards the most recent value then the average is noisier but reacts more quickly, and if we put less weight on the most recent value then we get a nice smooth curve, but it responds to changes more slowly.

With a bit of experimentation, we can pick a nice coefficient and then some thresholds, and then we can turn this stream of numbers into a symbolic, qualitative value of Left, Straight, or Right. Each update we match on the current qualitative value and if the raw numeric curvature is over a threshold, then we switch states. Notice that the thresholds are different depending on the direction of the transition. Otherwise, a bit of noise in the raw values can cause us to flip back and forth between states if we happen to be near the boundary.

type Curve
    = Straight
    | Left
    | Right

calculateCurve : Float -> Curve -> Curve
calculateCurve curvature current =
    case current of
        Left ->
            if curvature > -0.2 then


        Straight ->
            if curvature < -0.25 then

            else if curvature > 0.25 then


        Right ->
            if curvature < 0.2 then


When I first wrote that function I felt like it was kind of big, or spread out, and I tried to refactor it to make it more compact. But other than the fact that elm-format puts a generous amount of whitespace in there, I realized that this function says exactly what it needs to and no more. So I decided to stop worrying about it.

What we're essentially doing here is taking data from one type of sensor and inferring new information that we can't directly measure. That's what perception is all about - taking raw measurements and turning them into more meaningful information.


Behaviour is your model

Something I enjoy about Elm is using the type system to model the different states my programs can be in. In some cases, that just means mapping raw input to values that are more semantically meaningful. For example, the update function contains this code, which looks at the value of the touch sensor, which is a boolean, and turns it into a value of a new type, which can be "Pressed" or "Unpressed".

type Bumper = Pressed | Unpressed

updateState : Input -> State -> State
updateState input state =
        bumper =
            if input.touchSensor then

    { state | bumper = bumper }

A little later, in the function that decides what the robot's current goal is, I use the value of the bumper to decide that we need to go from "searching" to "grabbing the object".

updateGoal : State -> Goal -> Goal
updateGoal state goal =
    case goal of
        Search ->
            if state.bumper == Bumper.Pressed then
        {- ... -}

One of the goals I strive for, particularly when it comes to decision making logic, is that reading the code should be as similar as possible to what you would say if you were describing the logic to somebody. I think this reads pretty nicely - "when our current goal is Search, if the bumper is Pressed, the our new goal is to GrabObject".

NOTE: I feel like the above paragraphs should be moved towards the middle/end of this section.

It's important that the behaviour logic be easy to read and understand, because once we start to consider all the states that the robot can be in, we find that it's a bit trickier than you might have thought. There are some transitions between states that we don't want to make.

This sounds a bit like one of those "make impossible states impossible" situations. In some ways it is, but it's also a problem of making impossible transitions impossible.

NOTE: It's possible to prevent invalid transitions using the type system, but I don't think it's worth the effort and complexity here. Instead, I want to tackle the problem by making transitions between states simple to express and therefore simple to look at and verify.

For example, when the robot finds an object, it'll need to go through some maneuvers to grab it, move off of the path, let it go, and then return to the path. We definitely don't want to go back into the Search state right after letting go of the object, because at that moment there's no line to follow.

TODO: Finish designing the behaviour state machine

type Goal
    = Initialize
    | Search
    | GrabObject
    | MoveObject

NOTE: Encoding sequential behaviours in a functional language can actually be a bit awkward until you crack it.


The third area ef robotics that I mentioned, control, is something we've already talked about. The line following algorithm I described is an example of a proportional controller, or P controller. This is where you have value that you're measuring, as well as a target value, called a set-point. If you take the difference between your current measurement and your desired value, that's your error. Then you set your output value to be proportional to the error.

In the case of our line follower, the light sensor is our input, and our set-point, or target, is for the sensor to be on the edge of the line. So we set the speeds of our motors to values that are proportional to the current reading of the light sensor.

Not all controllers are that simple. P controllers are a simpler case of the more general PID controller. If you want to know more about that, find the nearest mechanical or electrical engineer - they'll be able to tell you all about control theory.

The common thread in control theory is that you have some output which is a function of your inputs - which is really easy to express in a functional languge - but sometimes your output also depends on some internal state. We sort of saw an example of that when measuring the curvature of the line. The output value depends not just on the current inputs, but also on a running average.

The thing about controls is that these simple control algorithms tend to get composed together into more complicated controllers. It's common to ask questions like "why isn't the system doing what I'm telling it to do?" Your decision making code might have decided that the vehicle should drive at a certain speed, but there are multiple levels of controllers between it and the actual motors. At each level, there might be a bit of state, and although individually they're quite simple, it can be hard to keep track of.

NOTE: I feel like the last few paragraphs are rather meandering and not really that interesting in relation to Elm.

Another place where Elm's type system is useful is in constraining the types of output that are valid. We have a robot with three motors on it. Two of them are for driving and the third is for grabbing things. Let's say we decide that the claws should only open or close if the robot isn't moving.

The Output record we defined earlier is a direct, one-to-one interface to the motors, but we can define a custom type that makes controlling the claw and controlling the wheels mutually exclusive.

-- This code will probably change a bit.

type ClawAction
    = ClawOpen
    | ClawClosed

type Action
    = Claw ClawAction
    | Wheels { left : Float, right : Float }

output : Action -> Output
output action =
    case action of
        Claw claw ->
            { leftMotor = 0.0
            , rightMotor = 0.0
            , clawMotor =
                case claw of
                    ClawOpen ->

                    ClawClosed ->

        Wheels { left, right } ->
            { leftMotor = left
            , rightMotor = right
            , clawMotor = 0.0


Going back to the questions we originally set out to answer,

  • Can Elm be used to program a robot?

Yes - we have a robot, we put Elm on it, and it did something.

  • Is it an effective language for robotics?

There are actually two questions here that could easily be conflated.

  • Is it an effective language for robotics?
  • Is it an effective platform for robotics?


Well, there are some reasons why you wouldn't want to program a robot in Elm?

One of the main difficulties I encountered was to do with performance. This isn't an issue with Elm as a language, per se, but it is a fairly heavy software stack to run on this hardware. This is a single core processor running at 300 MHz. To put that in perspective, it takes about five to ten seconds just for node.js to start up on this device.

In order for the robot to be responsive it needs to be able to read inputs, make decisions, and produce an output - reliably - at a rate on the order of tens of milliseconds. That means that any time node.js stops to do a garbage collection - which might take a bit of time on this hardware - the robot just becomes unresponsive until it's finished, and by that time it may have lost track of its route.

It definitely doesn't help that I'm sending data over the network to visualize it. With a single core processor, that means that any time doing an HTTP POST is time not spent reading the sensors. So there's surely room to optimize things, but the bottom line is this - if you want to build a real time system targeting low end hardware, any language with a garbage collector is going to create some challenges for you.

That said, my original goal was to explore whether Elm is an effective language for robots. Whether Elm compiled to JavaScript running on Node is an effective platform - that's somewhat beside the point. But I think the takeaway is that if you want to put Elm on a robot you might need more powerful hardware.


So is Elm an effective language for robotics?

I would say yes. Everything that I tried to do, I was able to do without resorting to any hacks. I imagine things could get challenging if you were dealing with hardware that can't run JavaScript, or if you need libraries that don't work with Elm. But for what I was doing here, I think it worked well.

Slide: summarize the following as bullet points

Perception often involves some amount of state, and a pure language makes your inputs and state explicit. A lot of behaviour can be naturally expressed as state machines, and pattern matching with custom types is great for that. And a declarative approach to motor control has all the same benefits as a declarative approach to views.

But the most important question I wanted to answer was...

  • Is it a delightful langugae for robotics?

That's subjective, but I can speak for myself - I enjoyed it! I spent most of my time thinking about the problem, not the code. If anything, it was fun to explore, and to do something a little unconventional. I would encourage you to take a look at the code, and if this is an approach that resonates with you, go and explore!

Wrapping up

And with that said, I'd like to thank Matt Griffith for mentoring me through my first conference talk, as well as Mike Onslow and the rest of the Elm Detroit Meetup group for their helpful feedback.

My slides are available online. You can reach me on Slack or by email, and I'd love to talk to you. Thank you!