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Programming Robots with Elm
Anthony Deschamps
September 26, 2018

A delightful language



(all the hard work I didn't have to do)

A Debian distribution for LEGO Mindstorms with API bindings for C, C++, Python, Go, JavaScript


  • Can Elm be used to program a robot?
  • Is it an effective language for robots?
  • Is it a delightful language for robots?

Robotics is about three things

Mapping to the Elm architecture

Browser.sandbox :
    { init : model
    , update : msg -> model -> model
    , view : model -> Html msg
    -> Program () model msg

An Elm program for robots

Robot.program :
    { init : state
    , update : Input -> state -> state
    , output : state -> Output
    -> Robot state

type alias Input =
    { lightSensor : Float, {- ... -} }

type alias Output =
    { leftMotor : Float, rightMotor : Float, {- ... -} }

A simple robot

Follow a line

Zig zag

Follow a line

update : Input -> State -> State
update input _ =
    { lightSensor = input.lightSensor

output : State -> Output
output { lightSensor } =
    { leftMotor = lightSensor
    , rightMotor = 1.0 - lightSensor

Does it work?

How does this work?


port module Robot

port inputs : (Input -> msg) -> Sub msg

port outputs : Output -> Cmd msg


type alias Config state =
    { init : state
    , update : Input -> state -> state
    , output : state -> Output

program : Config state -> Robot state
program config =
        { init = \_ -> ( { state = config.init }, Cmd.none )
        , update = update config
        , subscriptions = \_ -> inputs NewInput

Wiring in Elm

update : Config -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update config msg model =
    case msg of
        NewInput input ->
                newState =
                    config.update input model.state

                output =
                    config.output newState

            ( { model | state = newState }, outputs output )

Wiring in JavaScript

function updateInput() {
    lightSensor : lightSensor.reflectedLightIntensity,
    // ...
function handleOutputs(outputs) {
  leftMotor.start(Math.round(SPEED * outputs.leftMotor));
  // ...
var app = Elm.Main.init();
setInterval(updateInput, 25);

It's that simple!

Let's make it more challenging!

The challenge

  • Follow a line around a track
  • Grab things that you bump into
  • Move them to the outside of the track

The model

type alias Model =
    { perception : Perception
    , behaviour : Behaviour
    , control : Control

init : Model
init =
    { perception = Perception.init
    , behaviour = Behaviour.init
    , control = Control.init

The update function

update input { perception, behaviour, control } =
      -- Perception
      newPerception =
          Perception.update input perception

      -- Control
      newControl =
          Control.update newPerception control

      -- Behaviour
      ( newBehaviour, maybeControl ) =
         Behaviour.update newPerception newControl behaviour
   { perception = newPerception
   , behaviour = newBehaviour
   , control = maybeControl |> Maybe.withDefault newControl

Perception turns raw data into meaningful information

We need to detect...

  • Have we encountered an obstacle?
  • What direction are we going?

Lots of things to measure

module Perception

type alias Perception =
    { time : Int
    , claw : Claw.State
    , bumper : Bumper
    , wheels : WheelOdometers
    , curvature : Curvature.State
    , travelDirection : Maybe TravelDirection
    , lightSensor : Float

update : Input -> Perception -> Perception

Detecting obstacles

Just a boolean, but by a different name

update : Input -> Perception -> Perception
update input perception =
        bumper =
            if input.touchSensor then
    { bumper = bumper
    -- ...

Measure curvature

module Curvature

type Curve = Unknown | Straight | Left | Right

type State
    = State
        { previous : Maybe { left : Int, right : Int }
        , curve : Curve
        , raw : Float
        , average : Float

Categorize curve

Categorize curve

calculateCurve : Float -> Curve -> Curve
calculateCurve curvature current =
    case current of
        Straight ->
            if curvature < -0.25 then

            else if curvature > 0.25 then

        -- ...

We get lost!

newCurve =
    calculateCurve average state.curve
        |> resetIfExtreme average

-- ...

resetIfExtreme : Float -> Curve -> Curve
resetIfExtreme curvature current =
    if abs curvature > 0.7 then


Categorize direction

type TravelDirection
    = Clockwise
    | CounterClockwise

type alias Perception =
    { curvature : Curvature.State
    , travelDirection : Maybe TravelDirection
    -- ...

Put it all together

    curvature = Curvature.update {- ... -}

    travelDirection =
        case Curvature.curve curvature of
            Curvature.Unknown -> Nothing
            Curvature.Left -> Just CounterClockwise
            Curvature.Right -> Just Clockwise
            Curvature.Straight -> perception.travelDirection
{ travelDirection = travelDirection, -- ...

Perception is...

  • Often very functional
  • Small state machines
  • Sometimes computationally heavy

Control makes things move

Like a slightly stateful view function

type alias Output =
    { leftMotor : Float
    , rightMotor : Float
    , clawMotor : Float

-- module Control

update : Perception -> Control -> Control

output : Control -> Perception -> Output

Control constrains the things the robot can do

type Control
    = Idle
    | Grab Timer
    | Release Timer
    | FollowLine
    | MoveTo { left : Int, right : Int }
    | MoveBy { leftDelta : Int, rightDelta : Int }

Some control is trivial

idle : Control
idle = Idle

update : Perception -> Control -> Control
update perception control =
    case control of
        Idle ->

output : Control -> Perception -> Input -> Output
output control perception input =
    case control of
        Idle ->
            { leftMotor = 0.0
            , rightMotor = 0.0
            , clawMotor = 0.0

Some control is stateless

output : Control -> Perception -> Input -> Output
output control perception input =
    case control of
        FollowLine ->
            { leftMotor = perception.lightSensor
            , rightMotor = 1.0 - perception.lightSensor
            , clawMotor = 0.0
            , lights = Nothing

Some control is a bit stateful

update : Perception -> Control -> Control
update perception control =
   case control of
      Grab Starting ->
         Grab (Since perception.time)

      Grab (Since startTime) ->
         if perception.time - startTime > grabDuration then


Some control uses state machines

update : Perception -> Control -> Control
update perception control =
   case control of
      MoveBy { leftDelta, rightDelta } ->
            { left = perception.wheels.left + leftDelta
            , right = perception.wheels.right + rightDelta
      MoveTo { left, right } ->
         if within 5 left perception.wheels.left {-  -} then

Control is...

  • Often very functional
  • Small state machines
  • Layered

Behaviour is the core of your Elm application

Behaviour is your model

module Behaviour

type Behaviour
    = Initializing { openedClaw : Bool, closedClaw : Bool }
    | FindingObject
    | CarryingObject
    | RemovingObject (List Control)

Behaviour is your update function

module Behaviour

update :
    -> Control
    -> Behaviour
    -> ( Behaviour, Maybe Control )
update perception currentControl behaviour =
    -- ...

Behaviour should be readable

case behaviour of
    FindingObject ->
        case ( claw, bumper) of
            ( Claw.Open, BumperPressed ) ->
                ( behaviour, Just Control.grab )

            ( Claw.Closed, _ ) ->
                ( CarryingObject, Nothing )

            _ ->
                ( behaviour, Just Control.followLine )

Some behaviours are parameterized

removeObject : TravelDirection -> Behaviour

type Behaviour
    = RemovingObject (List Control) | -- ...

case behaviour of
    CarryingObject ->
        case perception.travelDirection of
            Nothing ->
                ( behaviour, Just Control.followLine )

            Just travelDirection ->
                removeObject travelDirection

Sequential actions are slightly awkward

When we find an obstacle, we need to...

  • Grab it
  • Turn
  • Move forwards
  • Let it go
  • Move back
  • Turn back

We need feedback from control

update perception currentControl behaviour =
   case behaviour of
      RemovingObject steps ->
         case ( Control.isIdle currentControl, steps ) of
            ( True, next :: remaining ) ->
               ( RemovingObject remaining, Just next )

            ( True, [] ) ->

            ( False, _ ) ->
               ( behaviour, Nothing )

Behaviour is...

  • Stateful
  • Symbolic
  • Explainable

Does it work?

Wrapping Up

Can Elm be used to program a robot?


Is it effective?

  • Is Elm an effective platform for robots?
  • Is Elm an effective language for robots?

Is it delightful?

I think so!

Decide for yourself!

Slack: anthony.deschamps

Thank you!

Matt Griffith

Mike Onslow + Elm Detroit