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  • Component <RenderMobiledoc ... /> for rendering mobiledoc in your ember app
  • (For advanced use) The ability to import the mobiledoc-dom-renderer class

To learn more about mobiledoc see mobiledoc-kit.


  • ember install ember-mobiledoc-dom-renderer


  • Ember.js v3.16 or above (for older versions of Ember, try 0.7.0)
  • Ember CLI v3.16 or above
  • Node.js v12 or above


Render basic mobiledoc in your template

<RenderMmobiledoc @mobiledoc={{myMobileDoc}} />

Render mobiledoc with cards, using ember components to render cards

{{! myMobiledoc is the mobiledoc you want to render }}
{{! myCardNames is an array of card names, e.g. ['embed-card', 'slideshow-card'] }}
<RenderMmobiledoc @mobiledoc={{myMobileDoc}} @cardNames={{myCardNames}} />

The ember components with names matching the mobiledoc card names will be rendered and passed a payload property. The ember components will be in a wrapper div with the class '__rendered-mobiledoc-card' and '__rendered-mobiledoc-card-${cardName}'.

Customizing card lookup

If your mobiledoc card names do not match component names, you can pass an argument to the <RenderMobiledoc...> component to provide your own mapping.


// components/my-component.hbs
// components/my-component.js
import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';

export default class extends Component {
  cardNameToComponentName(mobiledocCardName) {
    return 'cards/' + mobiledocCardName;

Render mobiledoc with atoms, using ember components to render atoms

This works the same way as rendering mobiledoc with ember components for cards. To pass atom names to the renderer, use the atomNames property, e.g.:

{{! myAtomNames is an array of atom names, e.g. ['mention-atom'] }}
<RenderMobiledoc @mobiledoc={{myMobileDoc}} @atomNames={{myAtomNames}} />

The component will be passed a payload and value property.

To customize atom lookup, pass an atomNameToComponentName argument similar to what is shown above for cardNameToComponentName.

Customizing markup and section rendering

The sectionElementRenderer and markupElementRenderer options can be used to customize the elements used for sections and inline text decorations respectively.


<RenderMobiledoc @mobiledoc={{this.myMobileDoc}} @sectionElementRenderer={{this.mySectionElementRenderer}} />
mySectionElementRenderer: {
  h1: (tagName, domDocument) => {
    let element = domDocument.createElement('h1');
    return element;

Use mobiledoc-dom-renderer directly

This addon provides the mobiledoc-dom-renderer directly. Most of the time you will want to use the <RenderMobiledoc /> component, but if you need to use the renderer directly in code, it can be imported:

import DOMRenderer from 'ember-mobiledoc-dom-renderer';

Release process
