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Chingu Dashboard

NestJS Typescript Prisma


This is the Chingu Dashboard backend project. Be sure to set your .env environment variables files

  • if using the docker databases, and an external terminal, use these DATABASE_URL
# .env
# .env.test
# .env
DATABASE_URL={your database url}






# .env.test
DATABASE_URL={your test database connection string}


To install all the project's dependencies run:

$ yarn install

Prisma IMPORTANT: If you're using the docker setup in this project, go to the docker section

To prepare the DB

# migrate db schema
$ yarn migrate

# seed db
$ yarn seed

# run Prisma Studio
$ yarn studio

Running the app

# development
$ yarn start

# watch mode
$ yarn start:dev

# production mode
$ yarn start:prod


# all tests (unit and e2e for now)
$ yarn test 

# unit tests
$ yarn test:unit

# e2e tests
$ yarn test:e2e

# integration tests
$ yarn test:int

# test coverage
$ yarn test:cov

If using the docker terminal the commands would be

# all tests (unit and e2e for now)
$ yarn test:docker 

# unit tests
$ yarn test:unit:docker

# e2e tests
$ yarn test:e2e:docker

# integration tests
$ yarn test:int:docker

# test coverage
$ yarn test:cov:docker


By using Docker you can: spin up Postgres, the API & PGAdmin, as well as run prisma Studio and even tests.

Running the project in Docker

With Docker open, from the project's root you can run Docker in dev or testing mode:

# spin up dev Docker services (API, PGAdmin, Postgres DB)
$ yarn docker

Docker will run in detached mode, meaning it's effectively running in the background, however, you will need to use the various scripts inside the docker cli.

Once the services are spun up, go to your docker desktop and go to chingu-dashboard-be_api container and click into it.

After, click on the CLI to into the terminal inside the container.

From here, type all the commands above.

PG Admin


Login with

Right click Servers -> Register -> Server...

dev database

hostname: postgres
port: 5433
maintenance database: dashboard
username: chingu
password: chingu

test database

hostname: postgres-test
port: 5434
maintenance database: dashboard
username: chingu
password: chingu

Having spun up your Docker services and migrated + seeded your DB your services will be running on the following default ports:

  • API: 8000
  • Postgres: 5433
  • PGAdmin: 4000
  • Prisma Studio: 5555

To stop and tear down the Docker services:

# tear down all Docker services but retain volumes
$ yarn docker:down

# tear down Docker services and remove all volumes
$ yarn docker:clean

Custom Pipes


For use with form responses, this pipe validates that the responses or response (array) values include a questionId and at least one input value of any type.

Example: @Body(new FormInputValidationPipe())


It checks the voyageTeamMemberId in the request body and validates if the logged in user belongs to that team.

Example: @Body(VoyageTeamMemberValidationPipe)

Custom Decorators


Marks the route as public, bypassing the JWT auth guard (jwtAuthGuard)



Marks the route as accessible to users that have not verified thier account by email


This accepts 2 arguments -
action: Manage, Create, Read, Update, Delete, etc
subject: 'User', 'Voyage' - these are prisma models

  • Actions, and abilites are defined in the CASL factory src/ability/ability.factory/ability.factory.ts, where the subjects are defined in prisma-generated-types.ts
  • Manage, and 'all' are wildcards
  • They also accept arrays like action: [Action.Read, Action.Update]

@CheckAbilities({ action: Action.Manage, subject: "all" }) - when a route is marked with this, only users with the ability to manage 'all' subjects are allowed to access to route, otherwise, a 403 forbidden error is returned.

@CheckAbilities({ action: Action.Read, subject: "VoyageTeam" }) - users with Read ability for VoyageTeam subject can access this route.

Custom Exception Filter

Note: A try-catch block is not required to catch these exceptions

Prisma Client exception Filter (prisma-client-exception.filter.ts)

This filter catches all prisma generated exceptions with type PrismaClientKnownRequestError and handle them

CASL Forbidden Exception Filter

This filter catches all ForbiddenError from @casl/ability

Global Guards

These guards are applied to every route in the app

JWT Auth Guard (JwtAuthGuard) - jwt-auth.guard.ts

This guard checks user access based on the passport strategy 'jwt-at', which extracts cookies from the request body, validates the user in the database and attaches additional user information in req.user It also checks if the @public() is applied to the route, if yes, user access check is bypassed

CASL Abilities Guard (AbilitiesGuard)- abilities.guard.ts

This guard defines and checks required permissions to access the route, it checks if the user has the required permission based on user roles. Permissions based on roles are defined in the CASL ability factory (ability.factory.ts)


JWT Refresh Token Guard (JwtRefreshAuthGuard) - jwt-rt-auth.guard.ts

This guard is only used for the refresh access token route, /refresh, using passport 'jwt-refresh' strategy

Local Auth guard (LocalAuthGuard) - local-auth.guard.ts

This guard is only used for the /login route, using the passport 'local' strategy