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3597 lines (3040 loc) · 178 KB

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3597 lines (3040 loc) · 178 KB

5.1.0 - November 2020


  • Fixed an issue that TenantId may be not respected if using 'Connect-AzAccount -DeviceCode'[#13477]
  • Added new cmdlet 'Get-AzAccessToken'
  • Fixed an issue that error happens if user profile path is inaccessible
  • Fixed an issue causing Write-Object error during Connect-AzAccount [#13419]
  • Added parameter 'ContainerRegistryEndpointSuffix' to: 'Add-AzEnvironment', 'Set-AzEnvironment'
  • Supported interrupting login by hitting CTRL+C
  • Fixed an issue causing 'Connect-AzAccount -KeyVaultAccessToken' not working [#13127]
  • Fixed null reference and method case insensitive in 'Invoke-AzRestMethod'


  • Fixed the issue that user cannot use service principal to create a new Kubernetes cluster. [#13012]


  • General availability of 'Az.AppConfiguration' module


  • Improved error message of 'New-AzDataFactoryV2LinkedServiceEncryptedCredential' command



  • Added new MSIX Package cmdlets and updated Applications cmdlets.


  • Fixed Cluster commands for EventHub cluster without tags
  • Updated help text for PartnerNamespace of AzEventHubGeoDRConfiguration commands


  • Add parameters 'ResourceProviderConnection' and 'PrivateLink' to cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster' to support relay outbound and private link feature
  • Add parameter 'AmbariDatabase' to cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster' to support custom Ambari database feature
  • Add accept value 'AmbariDatabase' to the parameter 'MetastoreType' of the cmdlet 'Add-AzHDInsightMetastore'


  • Allowed tags in IoT Hub create cmdlet.


  • Supported updating key vault tag


  • Fixed for Get-AzLogicAppRunHistory only retrieving the first page of results


  • Updated below cmdlet
    • 'New-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfigCommand', 'Set-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfigCommand', 'Add-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfigCommand':
      • Added PublicIpAddressPrefix property
      • Added PublicIpAddressPrefixId property
  • Added new properties to the following cmdlets to allow for global load balancing
    • 'New-AzLoadBalancer':
      • Added Sku Tier property
    • 'New-AzPuplicIpAddress':
      • Added Sku Tier property
    • 'New-AzPublicIpPrefix':
      • Added Sku Tier property
    • 'New-AzLoadBalancerBackendAddressConfig':
      • Added LoadBalancerFrontendIPConfigurationId property
  • Updated planning to deprecate warnings for the following cmdlets -'New-AzVirtualHubRoute' -'New-AzVirtualHubRouteTable' -'Add-AzVirtualHubRoute' -'Add-AzVirtualHubRouteTable' -'Get-AzVirtualHubRouteTable' -'Remove-AzVirtualHubRouteTable'
  • Added planning to deprecate warnings on the argument 'RouteTable' for the following cmdlets -'New-AzVirtualHub' -'Set-AzVirtualHub' -'Update-AzVirtualHub'
  • Made arguments '-MinScaleUnits' and '-MaxScaleUnits' optional in 'Set-AzExpressRouteGateway'
  • Added new cmdlets to support Mutual Authentication and SSL Profiles on Application Gateway
    • 'Get-AzApplicationGatewayClientAuthConfiguration'
    • 'New-AzApplicationGatewayClientAuthConfiguration'
    • 'Remove-AzApplicationGatewayClientAuthConfiguration'
    • 'Set-AzApplicationGatewayClientAuthConfiguration'
    • 'Add-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedClientCertificate'
    • 'Get-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedClientCertificate'
    • 'New-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedClientCertificate'
    • 'Remove-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedClientCertificate'
    • 'Set-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedClientCertificate'
    • 'Add-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfile'
    • 'Get-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfile'
    • 'New-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfile'
    • 'Remove-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfile'
    • 'Set-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfile'
    • 'Get-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfilePolicy'
    • 'Remove-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfilePolicy'
    • 'Set-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfilePolicy'


  • Specifying policy BackupTime is in UTC.
  • Modifying breaking change warning in Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupJobDetails cmdlet.
  • Updating sample script help text for Set-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtectionPolicy cmdlet.


  • Fixed an issue where What-If shows two resource group scopes with different casing
  • Updated 'Export-AzResourceGroup' to use the SDK.
  • Added culture info to parse methods


  • Fixed issues where Set-AzSqlDatabaseAudit were not support Hyperscale database and database edition cannot be determined
  • Added MaintenanceConfigurationId to 'New-AzSqlInstance' and 'Set-AzSqlInstance'
  • Fixed a bug in GetAzureSqlDatabaseReplicationLink.cs where PartnerServerName parameter was being checked for by value instead of key


  • Added support for new access restriction features: ServiceTag, multi-ip and http-headers

Thanks to our community contributors

  • John Q. Martin (@johnmart82), Adding firewall prerequisite information (#13385)
  • Manikandan Duraisamy (@madurais-msft), Corrected the PublicSubnetName argument (#13417)
  • @mahortas, Update for -HostNames parameter values (#13349)
  • @MariachiForHire, added supported TrafficAnalyticsInterval values (#13304)
  • Michael James (@mikejwhat), Allow Get-AzLogicAppRunHistory to return more than 30 entries (#13393)
  • Shashikant Shakya (@shshakya), Update (#13404)

5.0.0 - October 2020


  • [Breaking Change] Removed 'Get-AzProfile' and 'Select-AzProfile'
  • Replaced Azure Directory Authentication Library with Microsoft Authentication Library(MSAL)


  • [Breaking Change] Removed parameter alias 'ClientIdAndSecret' in 'New-AzAksCluster' and 'Set-AzAksCluster'.
  • [Breaking Change] Changed the default value of 'NodeVmSetType' in 'New-AzAksCluster' from 'AvailabilitySet' to 'VirtualMachineScaleSets'.
  • [Breaking Change] Changed the default value of 'NetworkPlugin' in 'New-AzAksCluster' from 'None' to 'azure'.
  • [Breaking Change] Removed parameter 'NodeOsType' in 'New-AzAksCluster' as it supports only one value Linux.


  • Added 'Get-AzBillingAccount' cmdlet
  • Added 'Get-AzBillingProfile' cmdlet
  • Added 'Get-AzInvoiceSection' cmdlet
  • Added new parameters in 'Get-AzBillingInvoice' cmdlet
  • Removed properties DownloadUrlExpiry, Type, BillingPeriodNames from the response of Get-AzBillingInvoice cmdlet


  • Added cmdlets to support multi-origin and private link functionality


  • Updated SDK to 7.4.0-preview.


  • Added '-VmssId' parameter to 'New-AzVm'
  • Added 'PlatformFaultDomainCount' parameter to the 'New-AzVmss' cmdlet.
  • New cmdlet 'Get-AzDiskEncryptionSetAssociatedResource'
  • Added 'Tier' and 'LogicalSectorSize' optional parameters to the New-AzDiskConfig cmdlet.
  • Added 'Tier', 'MaxSharesCount', 'DiskIOPSReadOnly', and 'DiskMBpsReadOnly' optional parameters to the 'New-AzDiskUpdateConfig' cmdlet.


  • [Breaking Change] Updates API version to 2019-05-01
  • [Breaking Change] Removed SKU 'Classic' and parameter 'StorageAccountName' from 'New-AzContainerRegistry'
  • Added New cmdlets: 'Connect-AzContainerRegistry', 'Import-AzContainerRegistry', 'Get-AzContainerRegistryUsage', 'New-AzContainerRegistryNetworkRule', 'Set-AzContainerRegistryNetworkRule'
  • Added new parameter 'NetworkRuleSet' to 'Update-AzContainerRegistry'


  • Fixed a bug that may cause updating databricks workspace without -EncryptionKeyVersion to fail.


  • Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.12.0
  • Updated ADF encryption client SDK version to 4.14.7587.7
  • Added 'Stop-AzDataFactoryV2TriggerRun' and 'Invoke-AzDataFactoryV2TriggerRun' commands


  • Require Location property for creating top level arm objects. * Made ApplicationGroupType required for New-AzWvdApplicationGroup. * Made HostPoolArmPath required for New-AzWvdApplicationGroup. * Added PreferredAppGroupType for New-AzWvdHostPool.


  • [Breaking Change] Removed 'IncludeSlot' switch parameter from all but one parameter set of 'Get-AzFunctionApp'. The cmdlet now supports retrieving deployment slots in the results when '-IncludeSlot' is specified.
  • Updated 'New-AzFunctionApp':
    • Fixed -DisableApplicationInsights so that no application insights project is created when this option is specified. [#12728]
    • [Breaking Change] Removed support to create PowerShell 6.2 function apps.
    • [Breaking Change] Changed the default runtime version in Functions version 3 on Windows for PowerShell function apps from 6.2 to 7.0 when the RuntimeVersion parameter is not specified.
    • [Breaking Change] Changed the default runtime version in Functions version 3 on Windows and Linux for Node function apps from 10 to 12 when the RuntimeVersion parameter is not specified.
    • [Breaking Change] Changed the default runtime version in Functions version 3 on Linux for Python function apps from 3.7 to 3.8 when the RuntimeVersion parameter is not specified.


  • For New-AzHDInsightCluster cmdlet:
    • Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountName' with 'StorageAccountResourceId'
    • Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountKey' with 'StorageAccountKey'
    • Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountType' with 'StorageAccountType'
    • Removed parameter 'PublicNetworkAccessType'
    • Removed parameter 'OutboundPublicNetworkAccessType'
    • Added new parameters: 'StorageFileSystem' and 'StorageAccountManagedIdentity' to support ADLSGen2
    • Added new parameter 'EnableIDBroker' to Support HDInsight ID Broker
    • Added new parameters: 'KafkaClientGroupId', 'KafkaClientGroupName' and 'KafkaManagementNodeSize' to support Kafka Rest Proxy
  • For New-AzHDInsightClusterConfig cmdlet:
    • Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountName' with 'StorageAccountResourceId'
    • Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountKey' with 'StorageAccountKey'
    • Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountType' with 'StorageAccountType'
    • Removed parameter 'PublicNetworkAccessType'
    • Removed parameter 'OutboundPublicNetworkAccessType'
  • For Set-AzHDInsightDefaultStorage cmdlet:
    • Replaced parameter 'StorageAccountName' with 'StorageAccountResourceId'
  • For Add-AzHDInsightSecurityProfile cmdlet:
    • Replaced parameter 'Domain' with 'DomainResourceId'
    • Removed the mandatory requirement for parameter 'OrganizationalUnitDN'


  • [Breaking Change] Deprecated parameter DisableSoftDelete in 'New-AzKeyVault' and EnableSoftDelete in 'Update-AzKeyVault'
  • [Breaking Change] Removed attribute SecretValueText to avoid displaying SecretValue directly [#12266]
  • Supported new resource type: managed HSM
    • CRUD of managed HSM and cmdlets to operate keys on managed HSM
    • Full HSM backup/restore, AES key creation, security domain backup/restore, RBAC


  • [Breaking Change] Updated parameters naming conventions and associated examples


  • [Breaking Change] Removed parameter 'HostedSubnet' and added 'Subnet' instead
  • Added new cmdlets for Virtual Router Peer Routes
    • 'Get-AzVirtualRouterPeerLearnedRoute'
    • 'Get-AzVirtualRouterPeerAdvertisedRoute'
  • Updated New-AzFirewall cmdlet:
    • Added parameter '-SkuTier'
    • Added parameter '-SkuName' and made Sku as Alias for this
    • Removed parameter '-Sku'
  • [Breaking Change] Made 'Connectionlink' argument mandatory in 'Start-AzVpnConnectionPacketCapture' and 'Stop-AzVpnConnectionPacketCapture'
  • [Breaking Change] Updated 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorEndPointObject' to remove parameter '-Filter'
  • [Breaking Change] Replaced 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorEndpointFilterItemObject' cmdlet with 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorEndpointScopeItemObject'
  • Updated 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorEndPointObject' cmdlet:
    • Added parameter '-Type'
    • Added parameter '-CoverageLevel'
    • Added parameter '-Scope'
  • Updated 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorProtocolConfigurationObject' cmdlet with new parameter '-DestinationPortBehavior'


  • Fixing Workload Restore for contributor permissions.
  • Added new parameter sets and validations for Restore-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem cmdlet.


  • Fixed parsing bug
  • Updated ARM template What-If cmdlets to remove preview message from results
  • Fixed an issue where template deployment cmdlets crash if '-WhatIf' is set at a higher scope [#13038]
  • Fixed an issue where template deployment cmdlets does not preserve case for template parameters
  • Added a default API version to be used in 'Export-AzResourceGroup' cmdlet
  • Added cmdlets for Template Specs ('Get-AzTemplateSpec', 'Set-AzTemplateSpec', 'New-AzTemplateSpec', 'Remove-AzTemplateSpec', 'Export-AzTemplateSpec')
  • Added support for deploying Template Specs using existing deployment cmdlets (via the new -TemplateSpecId parameter)
  • Updated 'Get-AzResourceGroupDeploymentOperation' to use the SDK.
  • Removed '-ApiVersion' parameter from '*-AzDeployment' cmdlets.


  • Added DiffBackupIntervalInHours to 'Set-AzSqlDatabaseBackupShortTermRetentionPolicy'
  • Fixed issue where New-AzSqlDatabaseExport fails if networkIsolation not specified [#13097]
  • Fixed issue where New-AzSqlDatabaseExport and New-AzSqlDatabaseImport were not returning OperationStatusLink in the result object [#13097]
  • Update Azure Paired Regions URL in Backup Storage Redundancy Warnings


  • Removed obsolete property RestorePolicy.LastEnabledTime
    • 'Enable-AzStorageBlobRestorePolicy'
    • 'Disable-AzStorageBlobRestorePolicy'
    • 'Get-AzStorageBlobServiceProperty'
    • 'Update-AzStorageBlobServiceProperty'
  • Change Type of DaysAfterModificationGreaterThan from int to int?
    • 'Set-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy'
    • 'Get-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy'
    • 'Add-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyAction'
    • 'New-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyRule'
  • Supported create/update file share with access tier
    • 'New-AzRmStorageShare'
    • 'Update-AzRmStorageShare'
  • Supported set/update/remove Acl recursively on Datalake Gen2 item
    • 'Set-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive'
    • 'Update-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive'
    • 'Remove-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive'
  • Supported Container access policy with new permission x,t
    • 'New-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy'
    • 'Set-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy'
  • Changed the output of get/set Container access policy cmdlet, by change the child property Permission type from enum to String
    • 'Get-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy'
    • 'Set-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy'
  • Fixed a sample script issue of set management policy with json
    • 'Set-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy'


  • Added support for Premium V3 pricing tier
  • Updated the WebSites SDK to 3.1.0

Thanks to our community contributors

  • @atul-ram, Update (#13176)
  • @dineshreddy007, Get the App Roles assigned correctly in case of Stack HCI registration using WAC token. (#13249)
  • @kongou-ae, Update (#13217)
  • Lohith Chowdary Chilukuri (@Lochiluk), Update (#13150)
  • Matthew Burleigh (@mburleigh)
    • Add links to PowerShell cmdlets referenced in the document (#13203)
    • Add links to PowerShell cmdlets referenced in the document (#13190)
    • Add links to PowerShell cmdlets referenced in the document (#13189)
    • add links to referenced cmdlets (#13137)
    • Add links to PowerShell cmdlets referenced in the document (#13204)
    • Add links to PowerShell cmdlets referenced in the document (#13205)

4.8.0 - October 2020


  • Fixed DateTime parse issue in common libraries [#13045]


  • Added 'New-AzCognitiveServicesAccountApiProperty' cmdlet.
  • Supported 'ApiProperty' parameter for 'New-AzCognitiveServicesAccount' and 'Set-AzCognitiveServicesAccount'


  • Fixed issue in 'Update-ASRRecoveryPlan' by populating FailoverTypes
  • Added the '-Top' and '-OrderBy' optional parameters to the 'Get-AzVmImage' cmdlet.


  • General availability of 'Az.Databricks' module
  • Added support for virtual network peering


  • Fixed typo in output messages


  • Added optional switch parameter 'TrustedServiceAccessEnabled' to 'Set-AzEventHubNetworkRuleSet' cmdlet


  • Added warning message for planning to deprecate the parameters 'PublicNetworkAccessType' and 'OutboundPublicNetworkAccessType'
  • Added warning message for planning to replace the parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountName' with 'StorageAccountResourceId'
  • Added warning message for planning to replace the parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountKey' with 'StorageAccountKey'
  • Added warning message for planning to replace the parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountType' with 'StorageAccountType'
  • Added warning message for planning to replace the parameter 'DefaultStorageContainer' with 'StorageContainer'
  • Added warning message for planning to replace the parameter 'DefaultStorageRootPath' with 'StorageRootPath'


  • Updated devices sdk.


  • Provided the detailed date of removing property SecretValueText


  • Updated breaking change warnings on cmdlets of managed services assignment and definition


  • Fixed the bug that warning message cannot be suppressed. [#12889]
  • Supported 'SkipMetricValidation' parameter in alert rule criteria. Allows creating an alert rule on a custom metric that isn't yet emitted, by causing the metric validation to be skipped.


  • Added Office365 Policy to VPNSite Resource
    • 'New-AzO365PolicyProperty'


  • Added container name validation for workload backup.


  • Made 'New-AzRedisCache' and 'Set-AzRedisCache' cmdlets not fail because of permission issue related to registering Microsoft.Cache RP


  • Added BackupStorageRedundancy to the following:
    • 'Restore-AzureRmSqlDatabase'
    • 'New-AzSqlDatabaseCopy'
    • 'New-AzSqlDatabaseSecondary'
  • Removed case sensitivity for BackupStorageRedundancy parameter for all SQL DB references
  • Updated BackupStorageRedundancy warning message names


  • Supported enable/disable/get share soft delete properties on file Service of a Storage account
    • 'Update-AzStorageFileServiceProperty'
    • 'Get-AzStorageFileServiceProperty'
  • Supported list file shares include the deleted ones of a Storage account, and Get single file share usage
    • 'Get-AzRmStorageShare'
  • Supported restore a deleted file share
    • 'Restore-AzRmStorageShare'
  • Changed the cmdlets for modify blob service properties, won't get the original properties from server, but only set the modified properties to server.
    • 'Enable-AzStorageBlobDeleteRetentionPolicy'
    • 'Disable-AzStorageBlobDeleteRetentionPolicy'
    • 'Enable-AzStorageBlobRestorePolicy'
    • 'Disable-AzStorageBlobRestorePolicy'
    • 'Update-AzStorageBlobServiceProperty'
  • Fixed help issue for New-AzStorageAccount parameter -Kind default value [#12189]
  • Fixed issue by add example to show how to set correct ContentType in blob upload [#12989]

Thanks to our community contributors

  • @felickz, Clarify escaping special characters in Subject (#13028)
  • Martin Zurita (@Gorgoras), Corrected some typos in messages. (#12999)
  • @kingsleyAzure
    • Add managed hsm uri in regex matching (#12912)
    • Add Managed HSM support for SQL (#13073)
  • @MasterKuat, Fixed complaint on Managed instance's system database for vulnerability assessment (#12971)

4.7.0 - September 2020


  • Formatted the upcoming breaking change messages
  • Updated Azure.Core to 1.4.1


  • Added client side parameter validation logic for 'New-AzAksCluster', 'Set-AzAksCluster' and 'New-AzAksNodePool'. [#12372]
  • Added support for add-ons in 'New-AzAksCluster'. [#11239]
  • Added cmdlets 'Enable-AzAksAddOn' and 'Disable-AzAksAddOn' for add-ons. [#11239]
  • Added parameter 'GenerateSshKey' for 'New-AzAksCluster'. [#12371]
  • Updated api version to 2020-06-01.


  • Showed additional legal terms for certain APIs.


  • Added the '-EncryptionType' optional parameter to 'New-AzVmDiskEncryptionSetConfig'
  • New cmdlets for new resource type: DiskAccess 'Get-AzDiskAccess', 'New-AzDiskAccess', 'Get-AzDiskAccess'
  • Added optional parameters '-DiskAccessId' and '-NetworkAccessPolicy' to 'New-AzSnapshotConfig'
  • Added optional parameters '-DiskAccessId' and '-NetworkAccessPolicy' to 'New-AzDiskConfig'
  • Added 'PatchStatus' property to VirtualMachine Instance View
  • Added 'VMHealth' property to the virtual machine's instance view, which is the returned object when 'Get-AzVm' is invoked with '-Status'
  • Added 'AssignedHost' field to 'Get-AzVM' and 'Get-AzVmss' instance views. The field shows the resource id of the virtual machine instance
  • Added optional parameter '-SupportAutomaticPlacement' to 'New-AzHostGroup'
  • Added the '-HostGroupId' parameter to 'New-AzVm' and 'New-AzVmss'


  • Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.11.0


  • Added new Cluster cmdlets - 'New-AzEventHubCluster', 'Set-AzEventHubCluster', 'Get-AzEventHubCluster', 'Remove-AzEventHubCluster', 'Get-AzEventHubClustersAvailableRegions'.
  • Fixed for issue #10722 : Fix for assigning only 'Listen' to AuthorizationRule rights.


  • Removed the ability to create v2 Functions in regions that do not support it.
  • Deprecated PowerShell 6.2. Added a warning for when a user creates a PowerShell 6.2 function app that advises them to create a PowerShell 7.0 function app instead.


  • Supported creating cluster with Autoscale configuration
    • Add new parameter 'AutoscaleConfiguration' to the cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster'
  • Supported operating cluster's Autoscale configuration
    • Add new cmdlet 'Get-AzHDInsihgtClusterAutoscaleConfiguration'
    • Add new cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsihgtClusterAutoscaleConfiguration'
    • Add new cmdlet 'Set-AzHDInsihgtClusterAutoscaleConfiguration'
    • Add new cmdlet 'Remove-AzHDInsihgtClusterAutoscaleConfiguration'
    • Add new cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsihgtClusterAutoscaleScheduleCondition'


  • Added support for RBAC authorization [#10557]
  • Enhanced error handling in 'Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy' [#4007]


  • General availability of 'Az.Kusto' module


  • [Breaking Change] Updated below cmdlets to align resource virtual router and virtual hub
    • 'New-AzVirtualRouter':
      • Added -HostedSubnet parameter to support IP configuration child resource
      • deleted -HostedGateway and -HostedGatewayId
    • 'Get-AzVirtualRouter':
      • Added subscription level parameter set
    • 'Remove-AzVirtualRouter'
    • 'Add-AzVirtualRouterPeer'
    • 'Get-AzVirtualRouterPeer'
    • 'Remove-AzVirtualRouterPeer'
  • Added new cmdlet for Azure Express Route Port
    • 'New-AzExpressRoutePortLOA'
  • Added RemoteBgpCommunities property to the VirtualNetwork Peering Resource
  • Modified the warning message for 'New-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig', 'New-AzPublicIpAddress' and 'New-AzPublicIpPrefix'.
  • Added VpnGatewayIpConfigurations to 'Get-AzVpnGateway' output
  • Fixed bug for 'Set-AzApplicationGatewaySslCertificate' [#9488]
  • Added 'AllowActiveFTP' parameter to 'AzureFirewall'
  • Updated below commands for feature: Enable internet security set/remove on VirtualWan P2SVpnGateway.
  • Updated 'New-AzP2sVpnGateway': Added optional switch parameter 'EnableInternetSecurityFlag' for customers to set true to enable internet security on P2SVpnGateway, which will be applied for Point to site clients.
  • Updated 'Update-AzP2sVpnGateway': Added optional switch parameters 'EnableInternetSecurityFlag' or 'DisableInternetSecurityFlag' for customers to set true/false to enable/disable internet security on P2SVpnGateway, which will be applied for Point to site clients.
  • Added new cmdlet 'Reset-AzP2sVpnGateway' for customers to reset/reboot their VirtualWan P2SVpnGateway for troubleshooting.
  • Added new cmdlet 'Reset-AzVpnGateway' for customers to reset/reboot their VirtualWan VpnGateway for troubleshooting.
  • Updated 'Set-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig'
    • Set NSG and Route Table properties of subnet to null if explicitly set in parameters [#1548][#9718]


  • Fixed the Delete State for workload Backup Items.


  • Added missing check for Set-AzRoleAssignment
  • Added breaking change attribute to 'SubscriptionId' parameter of 'Get-AzResourceGroupDeploymentOperation'
  • Updated ARM template What-If cmdlets to show 'Ignore' resource changes last
  • Fixed secure and array parameter serialization issues for deployment cmdlets [#12773]


  • Added new cmdlets for managed clusters and node types:
    • 'New-AzServiceFabricManagedCluster'
    • 'Get-AzServiceFabricManagedCluster'
    • 'Set-AzServiceFabricManagedCluster'
    • 'Remove-AzServiceFabricManagedCluster'
    • 'Add-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterClientCertificate'
    • 'Remove-AzServiceFabricManagedClusterClientCertificate'
    • 'New-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeType'
    • 'Get-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeType'
    • 'Set-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeType'
    • 'Remove-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeType'
    • 'Add-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeTypeVMExtension'
    • 'Add-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeTypeVMSecret'
    • 'Remove-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeTypeVMExtension'
    • 'Restart-AzServiceFabricManagedNodeTyp'
  • Upgraded Service Fabric SDK to version 1.2.0 which uses service fabric resource provider api-version 2020-03-01 for the current model and 2020-01-01-preview for managed clusters.


  • Added BackupStorageRedundancy to 'New-AzSqlInstance' and 'Get-AzSqlInstance'
  • Added cmdlet 'Get-AzSqlServerActiveDirectoryOnlyAuthentication'
  • Added cmdlet 'Enable-AzSqlServerActiveDirectoryOnlyAuthentication'
  • Added Force parameter to 'New-AzSqlInstance'
  • Added cmdlets for Managed Database Log Replay service
    • 'Start-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLogReplay'
    • 'Get-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLogReplay'
    • 'Complete-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLogReplay'
    • 'Stop-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseLogReplay'
  • Added cmdlet 'Get-AzSqlInstanceActiveDirectoryOnlyAuthentication'
  • Added cmdlet 'Enable-AzSqlInstanceActiveDirectoryOnlyAuthentication'
  • Added cmdlet 'Disable-AzSqlInstanceActiveDirectoryOnlyAuthentication'
  • Updated cmdlets 'New-AzSqlDatabaseImport' and 'New-AzSqlDatabaseExport' to support network isolation functionality
  • Added cmdlet 'New-AzSqlDatabaseImportExisting'
  • Updated Databases cmdlets to support backup storage type specification
  • Added Force parameter to 'New-AzSqlDatabase'
  • Added warning for BackupStorageRedundancy configuration in select regions in 'New-AzSqlDatabase'
  • Updated ActiveDirectoryOnlyAuthentication cmdlets for server and instance to include ResourceId and InputObject


  • Fixed upload blob fail by upgrade to Microsoft.Azure.Storage.DataMovement 2.0.0 [#12220]
  • Supported Point In Time Restore
    • 'Enable-AzStorageBlobRestorePolicy'
    • 'Disable-AzStorageBlobRestorePolicy'
    • 'New-AzStorageBlobRangeToRestore'
    • 'Restore-AzStorageBlobRange'
  • Supported get blob restore status of Storage account by run get-AzureRMStorageAccount with parameter -IncludeBlobRestoreStatus
    • 'Get-AzureRMStorageAccount'
  • Added breaking change warning message for upcoming cmdlet output change
    • 'Get-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy'
    • 'Set-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy'
    • 'Set-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy'
    • 'Get-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy'
    • 'Add-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyAction'
    • 'New-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyRule'
  • Upgraded Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Table SDK to 1.0.8

Thanks to our community contributors

  • Thomas Van Laere (@ThomVanL), Add Dockerfile-alpine-3.10 (#12911)
  • Lohith Chowdary Chilukuri (@Lochiluk), Update (#12807)
  • Roberth Strand (@roberthstrand), Get-AzResourceGroup - New example, and cleanup (#12828)
  • Ravi Mishra (@inmishrar), update Azure Web App runtime stack to DOTNETCORE (#12833)
  • @jack-education, Updated Set-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig to allow NSG and Route Table to be removed from subnet (#12351)
  • @hagop-globanet, Update (#12784)
  • Joshua Van Daalen (@greenSacrifice)
    • Update spelling of Property to Property (#12821)
    • Update examples (#12806)
  • Eragon Riddle (@eragonriddle), Corrected parameter field name in the example (#12825)
  • @rossifumax, Fix typo in (#12701)

4.6.1 - August 2020


  • Patched '-EncryptionAtHost' parameter in 'New-AzVm' to remove default value of false [#12776]

4.6.0 - August 2020


  • Loaded all public cloud environments when discovery endpoint doesn't return default AzureCloud or other public environments [#12633]
  • Exposed SubscriptionPolicies in 'Get-AzSubscription' [#12551]


  • Added '-RunOn' parameters to 'Set-AzAutomationWebhook' to specify a Hybrid Worker Group


  • Added '-EncryptionAtHost' parameter to 'New-AzVm', 'New-AzVmss', 'New-AzVMConfig', 'New-AzVmssConfig', 'Update-AzVM', and 'Update-AzVmss'
  • Added 'SecurityProfile' to 'Get-AzVM' and 'Get-AzVmss' return object
  • Added '-InstanceView' switch as optional parameter to 'Get-AzHostGroup'
  • Added new cmdlet 'Invoke-AzVmPatchAssessment'


  • Added missing properties to PSPipelineRun class.


  • Supported creating cluster with encryption at host feature.


  • Added warning messages for planning to disable soft delete
  • Added warning messages for planning to remove attribute SecretValueText


  • Added optional schedule related fields to 'New-AzMaintenanceConfiguration'
  • Added new cmdlet for 'Get-AzMaintenancePublicConfiguration'


  • Added breaking change warnings on cmdlets of managed services assignment and definition


  • Extended the parameter set in 'Set-AzDiagnosticSetting' for separation of Logs and Metrics enablement [#12482]
  • Fixed bug for 'Add-AzMetricAlertRuleV2' when getting metric alert from pipeline


  • Updated 'Get-AzPolicyAlias' response to include information indicating whether the alias is modifiable by Azure Policy.
  • Created new cmdlet 'Set-AzRoleAssignment'
  • Added 'Get-AzDeploymentManagementGroupWhatIfResult' for getting ARM template What-If results at management Group scope
  • Added 'Get-AzTenantWhatIfResult' new cmdlet for getting ARM template What-If results at tenant scope
  • Overrode '-WhatIf' and '-Confirm' for 'New-AzManagementGroupDeployment' and 'New-AzTenantDeployment' to use ARM template What-If results
  • Fixed the behaviors of '-WhatIf' and '-Confirm' for new deployment cmdlets so they comply with False and
  • Fixed serialization error for '-TemplateObject' and 'TemplateParameterObject' [#1528] [#6292]
  • Added breaking change attribute to 'Get-AzResourceGroupDeploymentOperation' for the upcoming output type change


  • Fixed 'Restart-AzSignalR' and 'Update-AzSignalR' help files errors
  • Added cmdlets 'Update-AzSignalRNetworkAcl', 'Set-AzSignalRUpstream'


  • Supported blob query acceleration
    • 'Get-AzStorageBlobQueryResult'
    • 'New-AzStorageBlobQueryConfig'
  • Updated help file, added more description, and fixed typo
    • 'Start-AzStorageBlobCopy'
    • 'Get-AzDataLakeGen2Item'
  • Fixed download blob fail when related sub directory not exist [#12592]
    • 'Get-AzStorageBlobContent'
  • Supported Set/Get/Remove Object Replication Policy on Storage accounts
    • 'New-AzStorageObjectReplicationPolicyRule'
    • 'Set-AzStorageObjectReplicationPolicy'
    • 'Get-AzStorageObjectReplicationPolicy'
    • 'Remove-AzStorageObjectReplicationPolicy'
  • Supported enable/disable ChangeFeed on Blob Service of a Storage account
    • 'Update-AzStorageBlobServiceProperty'

4.5.0 - August 2020


  • Updated 'Connect-AzAccount' to accept parameter 'MaxContextPopulation' [#9865]
  • Updated SubscriptionClient version to 2019-06-01 and display tenant domains [#9838]
  • Supported home tenant and managedBy tenant information of subscription
  • Corrected module name, version info in telemetry data
  • Adjusted SqlDatabaseDnsSuffix and ServiceManagementUrl if environment metadata endpoint returns incompatible value


  • Removed 'ClientIdAndSecret' to 'ServicePrincipalIdAndSecret' and set 'ClientIdAndSecret' as an alias [#12381].
  • Removed 'Get-AzAks'/'New-AzAks'/'Remove-AzAks'/'Set-AzAks' to 'Get-AzAksCluster'/'New-AzAksCluster'/'Remove-AzAksCluster'/'Set-AzAksCluster' and set the original ones as alias [#12373].


  • Added new 'Add-AzApiManagementApiToGateway' cmdlet.
  • Added new 'Get-AzApiManagementGateway' cmdlet.
  • Added new 'Get-AzApiManagementGatewayHostnameConfiguration' cmdlet.
  • Added new 'Get-AzApiManagementGatewayKey' cmdlet.
  • Added new 'New-AzApiManagementGateway' cmdlet.
  • Added new 'New-AzApiManagementGatewayHostnameConfiguration' cmdlet.
  • Added new 'New-AzApiManagementResourceLocationObject' cmdlet.
  • Added new 'Remove-AzApiManagementApiFromGateway' cmdlet.
  • Added new 'Remove-AzApiManagementGateway' cmdlet.
  • Added new 'Remove-AzApiManagementGatewayHostnameConfiguration' cmdlet.
  • Added new 'Update-AzApiManagementGateway' cmdlet.
  • Added new optional [-GatewayId] parameter to the 'Get-AzApiManagementApi' cmdlet.


  • Used 'Deny' specifically as NetworkRules default action.


  • Fixed an issue where an exception is being thrown when Enum.Parse tries to coerce a null value to an Enabled or Disabled enum values [#12344]


  • Supported creating cluster with encryption in transit feature.
    • Add new parameter 'EncryptionInTransit' to the cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster'
    • Add new parameter 'EncryptionInTransit' to the cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightClusterConfig'
  • Supported creating cluster with private link feature:
    • Add new parameter 'PublicNetworkAccessType' and 'OutboundPublicNetworkAccessType' to the cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster'
    • Add new parameter 'PublicNetworkAccessType' and 'OutboundPublicNetworkAccessType' to the cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightClusterConfig'
  • Returned virtual network information when calling 'New-AzHDInsightCluster' or 'Get-AzHDInsightCluster'


  • Added support for AddressPrefixType parameter to 'Remove-AzExpressRouteCircuitConnectionConfig'
  • Added non-breaking changes: PeerAddressType functionality for Private Peering in 'Remove-AzExpressRouteCircutPeeringConfig'.
  • Code changed to ignore case for AddressPrefixType and PeerAddressType parameter.
  • Modified the warning message for 'New-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig', 'New-AzPublicIpAddress' and 'New-AzPublicIpPrefix'.


  • Added '-ForceDelete' option for 'Remove-AzOperationalInsightsworkspace'
  • Added new cmdlet 'Get-AzOperationalInsightsDeletedWorkspace'
  • Added new cmdlet 'Restore-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace'


  • Improved the Azure Backup container/item discovery experience.


  • Added properties 'Condition', 'ConditionVersion' and 'Description' to 'New-AzRoleAssignment'
    • This included all the relevant changes to the data models


  • Fixed potential server name case insensitive error in 'New-AzSqlServer' and 'Set-AzSqlServer'
  • Fixed wrong database name returned on existing database error in 'New-AzSqlDatabaseSecondary'


  • Supported create container/blob Sas token with new permission x,t
    • 'New-AzStorageBlobSASToken'
    • 'New-AzStorageContainerSASToken'
  • Supported create account Sas token with new permission x,t,f
    • 'New-AzStorageAccountSASToken'
  • Supported get single file share usage
    • 'Get-AzRmStorageShare'

4.4.0 - July 2020


  • Added new cmdlet 'Invoke-AzRestMethod'
  • Fixed an issue that may cause authentication errors in multi-process scenarios such as running multiple Azure PowerShell cmdlets using 'Start-Job' [#9448]


  • Fixed bug 'Get-AzAks' doesn't get all clusters [#12296]


  • Removed project reference to Authentication


  • Fixed the issue that string with escape chars cannot be converted into json object.


  • Added warning when using 'New-AzVmss' without 'latest' image version


  • Added global parameters to Data Factory.


  • Updated to use the 2020-06-01 API version.
  • Added new features:
    • Input mapping
    • Event Delivery Schema
    • Private Link
    • Cloud Event V10 Schema
    • Service Bus Topic As Destination
    • Azure Function As Destination
    • WebHook Batching
    • Secure webhook (AAD support)
    • IpFiltering
  • Updated cmdlets:
    • 'New-AzEventGridSubscription'/'Update-AzEventGridSubscription':
      • Add new optional parameters to support webhook batching.
      • Add new optional parameters to support secured webhook using AAD.
      • Add new enum for EndpointType parameter to support azure function and service bus topic as new destinations.
      • Add new optional parameter for delivery schema.
    • 'New-AzEventGridTopic'/'Update-AzEventGridTopic' and 'New-AzEventGridDomain'/'Update-AzEventGridDomain':
      • Add new optional parameters to support IpFiltering.
    • 'New-AzEventGridTopic'/'New-AzEventGridDomain':
      • Add new optional parameters to support Input mapping.


  • Updated module to use API 2020-05-01
  • Added Private link support for Storage, Keyvault and Web App Service resources


  • Supported creating cluster with ADLSGen1/2 storage in national clouds.


  • Fixed bug for 'Get-AzDiagnosticSetting' when metrics or logs are null [#12272]


  • Fixed parameters swap in VWan HubVnet connection
  • Added new cmdlets for Azure Network Virtual Appliance Sites
    • 'Get-AzVirtualApplianceSite'
    • 'New-AzVirtualApplianceSite'
    • 'Remove-AzVirtualApplianceSite'
    • 'Update-AzVirtualApplianceSite'
    • 'New-AzOffice365PolicyProperty'
  • Added new cmdlets for Azure Network Virtual Appliance
    • 'Get-AzNetworkVirtualAppliance'
    • 'New-AzNetworkVirtualAppliance'
    • 'Remove-AzNetworkVirtualAppliance'
    • 'Update-AzNetworkVirtualAppliance'
    • 'Get-AzNetworkVirtualApplianceSku'
    • 'New-AzVirtualApplianceSkuProperty'
  • Onboarded Application Gateway to Private Link Common Cmdlets
  • Onboarded StorageSync to Private Link Common Cmdlets
  • Onboarded SignalR to Private Link Common Cmdlets


  • Removed project reference to Authentication
  • Azure Backup tuned cmdlets help text to be more accurate.
  • Azure Backup added support for fetching MAB agent jobs using 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupJob' cmdlet.


  • Updated 'Save-AzResourceGroupDeploymentTemplate' to use the SDK.
  • Added 'Unregister-AzResourceProvider' cmdlet.


  • Added support for Service principal and guest users in Set-AzSqlInstanceActiveDirectoryAdministrator cmdlet'
  • Fixed a bug in Data Classification cmdlets.'
  • Added support for Azure SQL Managed Instance failover: 'Invoke-AzSqlInstanceFailover'


  • Fixed the issue that UserAgent is not added for some data plane cmdlets.
  • Supported create/update Storage account with MinimumTlsVersion and AllowBlobPublicAccess
    • 'New-AzStorageAccount'
    • 'Set-AzStorageAccount'
  • Support enable/disable versioning on Blob Service of a Storage account
    • 'Update-AzStorageBlobServiceProperty'
  • Support list blobs with blob versions
    • 'Get-AzStorageBlob'
  • Support get/remove single blob snapshot or blob version
    • 'Get-AzStorageBlob'
    • 'Remove-AzStorageBlob'
  • Support pipeline from blob object generated from Azure.Storage.Blobs V12
    • 'Get-AzStorageBlobContent'
    • 'New-AzStorageBlobSASToken'
    • 'Remove-AzStorageBlob'
    • 'Set-AzStorageBlobContent'
    • 'Start-AzStorageBlobCopy'


  • Added a new version StorageSync SDK targeting ApiVersion 2020-03-01
  • Added Update Storage Sync Service cmdlet
    • 'Set-AzStorageSyncService'
  • Added IncomingTrafficPolicy and PrivateEndpointConnections to StorageSyncService cmdlets.


  • Added support to perform operations for Slots not in the same resource group as the App Service Plan

4.3.0 - June 2020


  • Supported discovering environment setting by default and adding environment via 'Add-AzEnvironment'
  • Update preloaded assemblies [#12024], [#11976]
  • Updated Azure.Core assembly
  • Fixed an issue that may cause 'Connect-AzAccount' to fail in multi-threaded execution [#11201]



  • Updated Az.Batch to use 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Batch' SDK version to 11.0.0
  • Added the ability to set the BatchAccount Identity in the 'New-AzBatchAccount' cmdlet


  • Supported displaying account capabilities.
  • Supported modifying PublicNetworkAccess.


  • Added SimulateEviction parameter to Set-AzVM and Set-AzVmssVM cmdlets.
  • Added 'Premium_LRS' to the argument completer of StorageAccountType parameter for New-AzGalleryImageVersion cmdlet.
  • Added Substatuses to VMCustomScriptExtension [#11297]
  • Added 'Delete' to the argument completer of EvictionPolicy parameter for New-AzVM and New-AzVMConfig cmdlets.
  • Fixed name of new VM Extension for SAP


  • Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.9.0


  • Added Managed Identity parameters to 'New-AzEventHubNamespace' and 'Set-AzEventHubNamespace' cmdlets


  • Added support to create PowerShell 7.0 and Java 11 function apps


  • Supported listing hosts and restart specific hosts of the HDInsight cluster.


  • Updated the SDK version to 1.1.0
  • Added support for Export settings and Managed Identity


  • Fixed input object parameter for 'Set-AzActivityLogAlert'
  • Fixed 'InputObject' parameter for 'Set-AzActionGroup' [#10868]


  • Added support for AddressPrefixType parameter to 'Remove-AzExpressRouteCircuitConnectionConfig'
  • Added new cmdlets for Azure FirewallPolicy
    • 'New-AzFirewallPolicyDnsSetting'
    • Support for Destination FQDN in Network Rules for Firewall Policy
  • Added support for backend address pool operations
    • 'New-AzLoadBalancerBackendAddressConfig'
    • 'New-AzLoadBalancerBackendAddressPool'
    • 'Set-AzLoadBalancerBackendAddressPool'
    • 'Remove-AzLoadBalancerBackendAddressPool'
    • 'Get-AzLoadBalancerBackendAddressPool'
  • Added name validation for 'New-AzIpGroup'
  • Added new cmdlets for Azure FirewallPolicy
    • 'New-AzFirewallPolicyThreatIntelWhitelist'
  • Updated below commands for feature: Custom dns servers set/remove on VirtualWan P2SVpnGateway.
    • Updated New-AzP2sVpnGateway: Added optional parameter '-CustomDnsServer' for customers to specify their dns servers to set on P2SVpnGateway, which can be used by Point to site clients.
    • Updated Update-AzP2sVpnGateway: Added optional parameter '-CustomDnsServer' for customers to specify their dns servers to set on P2SVpnGateway, which can be used by Point to site clients.
  • Updated 'Update-AzVpnGateway'
    • Added optional parameter '-BgpPeeringAddress' for customers to specify their custom bgps to set on VpnGateway.
  • Added new cmdlet to support resetting the routing state of a VirtualHub resource:
    • 'Reset-AzHubRouter'
  • Updated below things based on recent swagger change for Firewall Policy
    • Changes names for RuleGroup, RuleCollectionGroup and RuleType
    • Added support for Firewall Policy NAT Rule Collections to support multiple NAT Rule Collection
  • [Breaking Change] Added mandatory parameter 'SourceIpGroup' for 'New-AzFirewallPolicyApplicationRule' and 'New-AzFirewallPolicyNetworkRule'.
  • [Breaking Change] Fixed 'New-AzFirewallPolicyApplicationRule', parameter 'SourceAddress' to be mandatory.
  • [Breaking Change] Fixed 'New-AzFirewallPolicyApplicationRule', parameter 'SourceAddress' to be mandatory.
  • [Breaking Change] Removed mandatory parameters: 'TranslatedAddress', 'TranslatedPort' for 'New-AzFirewallPolicyNatRuleCollection'.
  • Added new cmdlets to support PrivateLink On Application Gateway
    • 'New-AzApplicationGatewayPrivateLinkConfiguration'
    • 'Get-AzApplicationGatewayPrivateLinkConfiguration'
    • 'New-AzApplicationGatewayPrivateLinkConfiguration'
    • 'Set-AzApplicationGatewayPrivateLinkConfiguration'
    • 'Remove-AzApplicationGatewayPrivateLinkConfiguration'
    • 'New-AzApplicationGatewayPrivateLinkIpConfiguration'
  • Added new cmdlets for HubRouteTables child resource of VirtualHub.
    • 'New-AzVHubRoute'
    • 'New-AzVHubRouteTable'
    • 'Get-AzVHubRouteTable'
    • 'Update-AzVHubRouteTable'
    • 'Remove-AzVHubRouteTable'
  • Updated existing cmdlets to support optional RoutingConfiguration input parameter for custom routing in VirtualWan.
    • 'New-AzExpressRouteConnection'
    • 'Set-AzExpressRouteConnection'
    • 'New-AzVirtualHubVnetConnection'
    • 'Update-AzVirtualHubVnetConnection'
    • 'New-AzVpnConnection'
    • 'Update-AzVpnConnection'
    • 'New-AzP2sVpnGateway'
    • 'Update-AzP2sVpnGateway'


  • Fixed bug PSWorkspace doesn't implement IOperationalInsightsWorkspace [#12135]
  • Added 'pergb2018' to valid value set of parameter 'Sku' in 'Set-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace'
  • Added alias 'FunctionParameters' for parameter 'FunctionParameter' to
    • 'New-AzOperationalInsightsSavedSearch'
    • 'Set-AzOperationalInsightsSavedSearch'


  • Azure Backup added support for fetching MAB items.
  • Azure Site Recovery supports disk type 'StandardSSD_LRS'


  • Added 'UsageLocation', 'GivenName', 'Surname', 'AccountEnabled', 'MailNickname', 'Mail' on 'PSADUser' [#10526] [#10497]
  • Fixed issue that '-Mail' doesn't work on 'Get-AzADUser' [#11981]
  • Added '-ExcludeChangeType' parameter to 'Get-AzDeploymentWhatIfResult' and 'Get-AzResourceGroupDeploymentWhatIfResult'
  • Added '-WhatIfExcludeChangeType' parameter to 'New-AzDeployment' and 'New-AzResourceGroupDeployment'
  • Updated 'Test-Az*Deployment' cmdlets to show better error messages
  • Fixed help message for '-Name' parameter of deployment create and What-If cmdlets


  • Added support for service principal for Set SQL Server Azure Active Directory Admin cmdlet
  • Fixed sync issue in Data Classification cmdlets.
  • Supported searching user by mail on 'Set-AzSqlServerActiveDirectoryAdministrator' [#12192]


  • Supported create Storage account with RequireInfrastructureEncryption
    • 'New-AzStorageAccount'
  • Moved the logic of loading Azure.Core to Az.Accounts


  • Added safeguard to delete created webapp if restore failed in 'Restore-AzDeletedWebApp'
  • Added 'SourceWebApp.Location' for 'New-AzWebApp' and 'New-AzWebAppSlot'
  • Fixed bug that prevented changing Container settings in 'Set-AzWebApp' and 'Set-AzWebAppSlot'
  • Fixed bug to get SiteConfig when -Name is not given for Get-AzWebApp
  • Added a support to create ASP for Linux Apps
  • Added exceptions for clone across resource groups

4.2.0 - June 2020


  • Fixed an issue that may cause Az to skip logs in Azure Automation or PowerShell jobs [#11492]


  • Updated assembly version of data plane cmdlets


  • Updated assembly version of service management cmdlets


  • Updated assembly version of consumption cmdlets


  • Support PrivateEndpoint and PublicNetworkAccess control.


  • Updated assembly version of data factory V2 cmdlets


  • General availability of ''Az.DataShare'' module


  • General availability of ''Az.DesktopVirtualization'' module


  • Upgraded SDK to 0.21.0
  • Added optional parameters to
    • 'New-AzOperationalInsightsSavedSearch'
    • 'Set-AzOperationalInsightsSavedSearch'


  • Corrected example 3 for 'Start-AzPolicyComplianceScan'


  • Updated assembly version of PowerBI cmdlets


  • Corrected verbose output string formatting for Remove-AzPrivateDnsRecordSet


  • Azure Site Recovery support for creating recovery plan for zone to zone replication from xml input.
  • Updated assembly version of SiteRecovery and Backup cmdlets


  • Added Tail parameter to Get-AzDeploymentScriptLog and Save-AzDeploymentScriptLog cmdlets
  • Formatted Output property and show it on the Get-AzDeploymentScript cmdlet output
  • Renamed -DeploymentScriptInputObject parameter to -DeploymentScriptObject
  • Fixed missing file/target name in cmdlet messages.
  • Updated assembly version of resource manager and tags cmdlets


  • Added UsePrivateLinkConnection to 'New-AzSqlSyncGroup', 'Update-AzSqlSyncGroup', 'New-AzSqlSyncMember' and 'Update-AzSqlSyncMember'
  • Added SyncMemberAzureDatabaseResourceId to 'New-AzSqlSyncMember' and 'Update-AzSqlSyncMember'
  • Added Guest user lookup support to Set SQL Server Azure Active Directory Admin cmdlet


  • Updated assembly version of data plane cmdlets

4.1.0 - May 2020

Highlights since the last release

  • Supported PowerShell versions: Windows PowerShell 5.1, PowerShell Core 6.2.4+, PowerShell 7
  • General availability of Az.Functions
  • Az.ApiManagement, Az.Batch, Az.Compute, Az.KeyVault, Az.Monitor, Az.Network, Az.OperationalInsights, Az.Resources, and Az.Storage have major release


  • Updated 'Add-AzEnvironment' and 'Set-AzEnvironment' to accept parameters 'AzureSynapseAnalyticsEndpointResourceId' and 'AzureSynapseAnalyticsEndpointSuffix'
  • Added Azure.Core related assemblies into Az.Accounts, supported PowerShell platforms include Windows PowerShell 5.1, PowerShell Core 6.2.4, PowerShell 7+


  • Upgraded API Version to 2019-10-01
  • Supported to create AKS using Windows container
  • Provided new cmdlets: 'New-AzAksNodePool', 'Update-AzAksNodePool', 'Remove-AzAksNodePool', 'Get-AzAksNodePool', 'Install-AzAksKubectl', 'Get-AzAksVersion'


  • 'New-AzApiManagement' and 'Set-AzApiManagement': [-AssignIdentity] parameter renamed as [-SystemAssignedIdentity]
  • 'New-AzApiManagement' and 'Set-AzApiManagement': New parameter added: [-UserAssignedIdentity <String[]>]
  • 'Get-AzApiManagementProperty': renamed as 'Get-AzApiManagementNamedValue'. PropertyId parameter renamed as NamedValueId.
  • 'New-AzApiManagementProperty': renamed as 'New-AzApiManagementNamedValue'. PropertyId parameter renamed as NamedValueId.
  • 'Set-AzApiManagementProperty': renamed as 'Set-AzApiManagementNamedValue'. PropertyId parameter renamed as NamedValueId.
  • 'Remove-AzApiManagementProperty': renamed as 'Remove-AzApiManagementNamedValue'. PropertyId parameter renamed as NamedValueId.
  • Added new 'Get-AzApiManagementAuthorizationServerClientSecret' cmdlet and 'Get-AzApiManagementAuthorizationServer' will not return client secret anymore.
  • Added new 'Get-AzApiManagementNamedValueSecretValue' cmdlet and 'Get-AzApiManagementNamedValue' will not return secret value.
  • Added new 'Get-AzApiManagementOpenIdConnectProviderClientSecret' cmdlet and 'Get-AzApiManagementOpenIdConnectProvider' will not return client secret anymore.
  • Added new 'Get-AzApiManagementSubscriptionKey' cmdlet and 'Get-AzApiManagementSubscription' will not return subscription keys anymore.
  • Added new 'Get-AzApiManagementTenantAccessSecret' cmdlet and 'Get-AzApiManagementTenantAccess' will not return keys anymore.
  • Added new 'Get-AzApiManagementTenantGitAccessSecret' cmdlet and 'Get-AzApiManagementTenantGitAccess' will not return keys anymore.


  • Added Parameters: 'RetentionInDays' 'PublicNetworkAccessForIngestion' 'PublicNetworkAccessForQuery' for 'New-AzApplicationInsights'
  • Created cmdlet 'Update-AzApplicationInsights'
  • Created cmdlets for Linked Storage Account


  • Updated Az.Batch to use 'Microsoft.Azure.Batch' SDK version 13.0.0 and 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Batch' SDK version 9.0.0.
  • Added the ability to select the kind of certificate being added using the new '-CertificateKind' parameter to 'New-AzBatchCertificate'.
  • Removed 'ApplicationPackages' property from 'PSApplication' which was previously always ''.
    • The specific packages inside of an application now can be retrieved using 'Get-AzBatchApplicationPackage'. For example: 'Get-AzBatchApplication -AccountName myaccount -ResourceGroupName myresourcegroup -ApplicationId myapplication'.
  • When creating a pool using 'New-AzBatchPool', the 'VirtualMachineImageId' property of 'PSImageReference' can now only refer to a Shared Image Gallery image.
  • When creating a pool using 'New-AzBatchPool', the pool can be provisioned without a public IP using the new 'PublicIPAddressConfiguration' property of 'PSNetworkConfiguration'.
    • The 'PublicIPs' property of 'PSNetworkConfiguration' has moved in to 'PSPublicIPAddressConfiguration' as well. This property can only be specified if 'IPAddressProvisioningType' is 'UserManaged'.


  • Added HostId parameter to 'Update-AzVM' cmdlet
  • Updated Help documents for 'New-AzVMConfig', 'New-AzVmssConfig', 'Update-AzVmss', 'Set-AzVMOperatingSystem' and 'Set-AzVmssOsProfile' cmdlets.
  • Breaking changes
    • FilterExpression parameter is removed from 'Get-AzVMImage' cmdlet.
    • AssignIdentity parameter is removed from 'New-AzVmssConfig', 'New-AzVMConfig' and 'Update-AzVM' cmdlets.
    • AutomaticRepairMaxInstanceRepairsPercent is removed from 'New-AzVmssConfig' and 'Update-AzVmss' cmdlets.
    • AvailabilitySetsColocationStatus, VirtualMachinesColocationStatus and VirtualMachineScaleSetsColocationStatus properties are removed from ProximityPlacementGroup.
    • MaxInstanceRepairsPercent property is removed from AutomaticRepairsPolicy.
    • The types of AvailabilitySets, VirtualMachines and VirtualMachineScaleSets are changed from IList to IList.
  • Description for 'Get-AzVM' cmdlet has been updated to better describe it.


  • Supported CRUD of data flow runtime properties in Managed IR.


  • Added new cmdlets for creation, update, retreival, and deletion of Front Door Rules Engine object
  • Added helper cmdlets for construction of Front Door Rules Engine object
  • Added Rules Engine reference to Front Door Routing Rule object.
  • Added Private Link parameters to Front Door Backend object


  • General availability of ''Az.Functions'' module


  • Supported Customer-managed key disk encryption.


  • Access policies are no longer defaulted to the current principal


  • Added cmdlet to invoke a query in an IoT hub to retrieve information using a SQL-like language.
  • Fix issue that 'Add-AzIotHubDevice' fails to create Edge Enabled Device without child devices [#11597]
  • Added cmdlet to generate SAS token for Iot Hub, device or module.
  • Added cmdlet to invoke configuration metrics query.
  • Manage IoT Edge automatic deployment at scale. New cmdlets are:
    • 'Add-AzIotHubDeployment'
    • 'Get-AzIotHubDeployment'
    • 'Remove-AzIotHubDeployment'
    • 'Set-AzIotHubDeployment'
  • Added cmdlet to invoke an IoT Edge deployment metrics query.
  • Added cmdlet to apply the configuration content to the specified edge device.


  • Removed two aliases: 'New-AzKeyVaultCertificateAdministratorDetails' and 'New-AzKeyVaultCertificateOrganizationDetails'
  • Enabled soft delete by default when creating a key vault
  • Network rules can be set to govern the accessibility from specific network locations when creating a key vault
  • Added support to bring your own key (BYOK)
    • 'Add-AzKeyVaultKey' supports generating a key exchange key
    • 'Get-AzKeyVaultKey' supports downloading a public key in PEM format
  • Updated the 'KeyOps' part of the help document of 'Add-AzKeyVaultKey'


  • Fixed bug for 'Set-AzDiagnosticSettings', retention policy won't apply to all categories [#11589]
  • Supported WebTest availability criteria for metric alert V2
    • 'New-AzMetricAlertRuleV2Criteria': an option to create webtest availability criteria was added
    • 'Add-AzMetricAlertRuleV2': supports the new webtest availability criteria
  • Removed redundant definition for RetentionPolicy in PSLogProfile [#7608]
  • Removed redundant properties difined in PSEventData [#11353]
  • Renamed 'Get-AzLog' to 'Get-AzActivityLog'


  • Added breaking change attribute to notify that Zone default behaviour will be changed
    • 'New-AzPublicIpAddress'
    • 'New-AzPublicIpPrefix'
    • 'New-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig'
  • Added support for a new top level resource SecurityPartnerProvider
    • New cmdlets added:
      • New-AzSecurityPartnerProvider
      • Remove-AzSecurityPartnerProvider
      • Get-AzSecurityPartnerProvider
      • Set-AzSecurityPartnerProvider
  • Added 'RequiredZoneNames' on 'PSPrivateLinkResource' and 'GroupId' on 'PSPrivateEndpointConnection'
  • Fixed incorrect type of SuccessThresholdRoundTripTimeMs parameter for New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorTestConfigurationObject
  • Updated VirtualWan cmdlets to set default value of AllowVnetToVnetTraffic argument to True.
    • 'New-AzVirtualWan'
    • 'Update-AzVirtualWan'
  • Added new cmdlets to support DNS zone group for private endpoint
    • 'New-AzPrivateDnsZoneConfig'
    • 'Get-AzPrivateDnsZoneGroup'
    • 'New-AzPrivateDnsZoneGroup'
    • 'Set-AzPrivateDnsZoneGroup'
    • 'Remove-AzPrivateDnsZoneGroup'
  • Added 'DNSEnableProxy', 'DNSRequireProxyForNetworkRules' and 'DNSServers' parameters to 'AzureFirewall'
  • Added 'EnableDnsProxy', 'DnsProxyNotRequiredForNetworkRule' and 'DnsServer' parameters to 'AzureFirewall'
    • Updated cmdlet:
      • New-AzFirewall


  • Updated legacy code to apply new generated SDK
  • Deleted cmdlets due to deprecated APIs
    • 'Get-AzOperationalInsightsSavedSearchResult' (alias 'Get-AzOperationalInsightsSavedSearchResults')
    • 'Get-AzOperationalInsightsSearchResult' (alias 'Get-AzOperationalInsightsSearchResults')
    • 'Get-AzOperationalInsightsLinkTarget' (alias 'Get-AzOperationalInsightsLinkTargets')
  • Added parameters for 'Set-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace' and 'New-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace'
  • Created cmdlets for Linked Stoarge Account
  • Created cmdlets for Clusters and Linked Service


  • Azure Site Recovery added support for protecting proximity placement group virtual machines for Azure to Azure provider.
  • Azure Site Recovery added support for zone to zone replication.
  • Azure Backup Added Long term retention support for Azure FileShare Recovery Points.
  • Azure Backup Added disk exclusion properties to 'Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem' cmdlet output.
  • Added private endpoint for Vault credential file for site recovery service.


  • Added message warning about view delay when creating a new Role Definition
  • Changed policy cmdlets to output strongly-typed objects
  • Removed '-TenantLevel' parameter used for on the 'Get-AzResourceLock' cmdlet [#11335]
  • Fixed 'Remove-AzResourceGroup -Id ResourceId'[#9882]
  • Added new cmdlet for getting ARM template What-If results at resource group scope: 'Get-AzDeploymentResourceGroupWhatIfResult'
  • Added new cmdlet for getting ARM template What-If results at subscription scope: 'Get-AzDeploymentWhatIfResult'
    • Alias: 'Get-AzSubscriptionDeploymentWhatIf'
  • Overrode '-WhatIf' and '-Confirm' parameters for 'New-AzDeployment' and 'New-AzResourceGroupDeployment' to use ARM template What-If results
  • Added deprecation message for 'ApiVersion' parameter in deployment cmdlets
  • Added capability to show improved error messages for deployment failures
  • Added correlationId logging for deployment failures
  • Added 'error' property to the deployment script output
  • Updated nuget Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager to '3.7.1-preview'
  • Removed specific test cases as Error property in DeploymentValidateResult has changed to readonly from nuget 3.7.1-preview
  • Brought GenericResourceExpanded from SDK ResourceManager 3.7.1-preview
  • Added tag support for all Get cmdlets for deployment, as well as
    • 'New-AzDeployment'
    • 'New-AzManagementGroupDeployment'
    • 'New-AzResourceGroupDeployment'
    • 'New-AzTenantDeployment'


  • Fixed bug in add certificate using --SecretIdentifier that was getting the wrong certificate thumbprint


  • Enhance performance of:
    • 'Set-AzSqlDatabaseSensitivityClassification'
    • 'Set-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseSensitivityClassification'
    • 'Remove-AzSqlDatabaseSensitivityClassification'
    • 'Remove-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseSensitivityClassification'
    • 'Enable-AzSqlDatabaseSensitivityRecommendation'
    • 'Enable-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseSensitivityRecommendation'
    • 'Disable-AzSqlDatabaseSensitivityRecommendation'
    • 'Disable-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseSensitivityRecommendation'
  • Removed client-side validation of 'RetentionDays' parameter from cmdlet 'Set-AzSqlDatabaseBackupShortTermRetentionPolicy'
  • Auditing to a storage account in Vnet, fixing a bug when creating a Storage Blob Data Contributor role.


  • Added '-AsJob' to get/list account cmdlet 'Get-AzStorageAccount'
  • Make KeyVersion to optional when update Storage account with KeyvaultEncryption, to support key auto-rotation
    • 'Set-AzStorageAccount'
  • Fixed remove Azure File Directory fail with pipeline
    • 'Remove-AzStorageDirectory'
  • Fixed [#9880]: Change NetWorkRule DefaultAction value defination to align with swagger.
    • 'Update-AzStorageAccountNetworkRuleSet'
    • 'Get-AzStorageAccountNetworkRuleSet'
  • Fixed [#11624]: Skip duplicated rules when add NetworkRules, to avoid server failure
    • 'Add-AzStorageAccountNetworkRule'
  • Upgraded Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Table SDK to 1.0.7
  • Added a warning message to remind user to list again with ContinuationToken when only part items are returned in list DataLake Gen2 Items,
    • 'Get-AzDataLakeGen2ChildItem'
  • Supported to create or update Storage account with Azure Files Active Directory Domain Service Authentication
    • 'New-AzStorageAccount'
    • 'Set-AzStorageAccount'
  • Supported to new or list Kerberos keys of Storage account
    • 'New-AzStorageAccountKey'
    • 'Get-AzStorageAccountKey'
  • Supported failover Storage account
    • 'Invoke-AzStorageAccountFailover'
  • Updated help of 'Get-AzStorageBlobCopyState'
  • Updated help of 'Get-AzStorageFileCopyState' and 'Start-AzStorageBlobCopy'
  • Integrated Storage client library v12 to Queue and File cmdlets
  • Changed output type from CloudFile to AzureStorageFile, the original output will become a child property of the new output
    • 'Get-AzStorageFile'
    • 'Remove-AzStorageFile'
    • 'Get-AzStorageFileContent'
    • 'Set-AzStorageFileContent'
    • 'Start-AzStorageFileCopy'
  • Changed output type from CloudFileDirectory to AzureStorageFileDirectory, the original output will become a child property of the new output
    • 'New-AzStorageDirectory'
    • 'Remove-AzStorageDirectory'
  • Changed output type from CloudFileShare to AzureStorageFileShare, the original output will become a child property of the new output
    • 'Get-AzStorageShare'
    • 'New-AzStorageShare'
    • 'Remove-AzStorageShare'
  • Changed output type from FileShareProperties to AzureStorageFileShare, the original output will become a sub child property of the new output
    • 'Set-AzStorageShareQuota'


  • Fixed incorrect profile name in 'DisableAzureTrafficManagerEndpoint' verbose output


  • Fixed typo on help of 'Update-AzWebAppAccessRestrictionConfig'.

3.8.0 - April 2020


  • Updated Azure PowerShell survey URL in 'Resolve-AzError' [#11507]


  • Added breaking change notice for Azure File cmdlets output change in a future release
  • 'Set-AzApiManagementGroup' Updated documentation to specify the GroupId parameter


  • Fixed ChinaCDN related pricing SKU display


  • Supported Identity, Encryption, UserOwnedStorage


  • Added 'Set-AzVmssOrchestrationServiceState' cmdlet.
  • 'Get-AzVmss' with -InstanceView shows OrchestrationService states.


  • Manage IoT device twin configuration, New cmdlets are:
    • 'Get-AzIotHubDeviceTwin'
    • 'Update-AzIotHubDeviceTwin'
  • Added cmdlet to invoke direct method on a device in an Iot Hub.
  • Manage IoT device module twin configuration, New cmdlets are:
    • 'Get-AzIotHubModuleTwin'
    • 'Update-AzIotHubModuleTwin'
  • Manage IoT automatic device management configuration at scale. New cmdlets are:
    • 'Add-AzIotHubConfiguration'
    • 'Get-AzIotHubConfiguration'
    • 'Remove-AzIotHubConfiguration'
    • 'Set-AzIotHubConfiguration'
  • Added cmdlet to invoke an edge module method in an Iot Hub.


  • Added a new cmdlet 'Update-AzKeyVault' that can enable soft delete and purge protection on a vault
  • Added support to Microsoft.PowerShell.SecretManagement [#11178]
  • Fixed error in the examples of 'Remove-AzKeyVaultManagedStorageSasDefinition' [#11479]
  • Added support to private endpoint


  • Publishing release version of Maintenance cmdlets for GA


  • Added cmdlets for private link scope
    • 'Get-AzInsightsPrivateLinkScope'
    • 'Remove-AzInsightsPrivateLinkScope'
    • 'New-AzInsightsPrivateLinkScope'
    • 'Update-AzInsightsPrivateLinkScope'
    • 'Get-AzInsightsPrivateLinkScopedResource'
    • 'New-AzInsightsPrivateLinkScopedResource'
    • 'Remove-AzInsightsPrivateLinkScopedResource'


  • Updated cmdlets to enable connection on private IP for Virtual Network Gateway.
    • 'New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway'
    • 'Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway'
    • 'New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection'
    • 'Set-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection'
  • Updated cmdlets to enable FQDN based LocalNetworkGateways and VpnSites
    • 'New-AzLocalNetworkGateway'
    • 'New-AzVpnSiteLink'
  • Added support for IPv6 address family in ExpressRouteCircuitConnectionConfig (Global Reach)
    • Added 'Set-AzExpressRouteCircuitConnectionConfig'
      • allows setting of all the existing properties including the IPv6CircuitConnectionProperties
    • Updated 'Add-AzExpressRouteCircuitConnectionConfig'
      • Added another optional parameter AddressPrefixType to specify the address family of address prefix
  • Updated cmdlets to enable setting of DPD Timeout on Virtual Network Gateway Connections.
    • New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection
    • Set-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection


  • Added 'Start-AzPolicyComplianceScan' cmdlet for triggering policy compliance scans
  • Added policy definition, set definition, and assignment versions to 'Get-AzPolicyState' output


  • Improved code formatting and usability of 'New-AzServiceFabricCluster' examples


  • Added cmdlets 'Get-AzSqlInstanceOperation' and 'Stop-AzSqlInstanceOperation'
  • Supported auditing to a storage account in VNet.


  • Added breaking change notice for Azure File cmdlets output change in a future release
  • Supported new SkuName StandardGZRS, StandardRAGZRS when create/update Storage account
    • 'New-AzStorageAccount'
    • 'Set-AzStorageAccount'
  • Supported DataLake Gen2
    • 'New-AzDataLakeGen2Item'
    • 'Get-AzDataLakeGen2Item'
    • 'Get-AzDataLakeGen2ChildItem'
    • 'Move-AzDataLakeGen2Item'
    • 'Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject'
    • 'Update-AzDataLakeGen2Item'
    • 'Get-AzDataLakeGen2ItemContent'
    • 'Remove-AzDataLakeGen2Item'

0.10.0-preview - April 2020


  • Az modules is now available in preview on Azure Stack Hub. This allows for cross-platform compatibility with Linux and macOs. Azure Stack Hub now supports PowerShell core with the Az modules, more information here
  • Az modules support profile 2019-03-01-hybrid:
    • Az.Billing
    • Az.Compute
    • Az.DataBoxEdge
    • Az.EventHub
    • Az.IotHub
    • Az.KeyVault
    • Az.Monitor
    • Az.Network
    • Az.Resources
    • Az.Storage
    • Az.Websites
  • Three new PowerShell modules for az have been introduced that work with Azure Stack Hub, which are Az.Databox, Az.IotHub, and Az.EventHub
  • Commands remain relatively the same, with minor changes such as changing AzureRM to Az
  • Updated link to PowerShell documentation for Azure Stack Hub can be found here


  • Upgrade from ADAL to MSAL

3.7.0 - March 2020


  • Fixed 'Get-AzTenant'/'Get-AzDefault'/'Set-AzDefault' throw NullReferenceException when not login [#10292]


  • Added the following parameters to 'New-AzDiskConfig' cmdlet:
    • DiskIOPSReadOnly, DiskMBpsReadOnly, MaxSharesCount, GalleryImageReference
  • Allowed Encryption property to Target parameter of 'New-AzGalleryImageVersion' cmdlet.
  • Fixed tempDisk issue for 'Set-AzVmss' -Reimage and 'Invoke-AzVMReimage' cmdlets. [#11354]
  • Added support to below cmdlets for new SAP Extension
    • 'Set-AzVMAEMExtension'
    • 'Get-AzVMAEMExtension'
    • 'Remove-AzVMAEMExtension'
    • 'Update-AzVMAEMExtension'
  • Fixed errors in examples of help document
  • Showed the exact string value for VM PowerState in the table format.
  • 'New-AzVmssConfig': fixed serialization of AutomaticRepairs property when SinglePlacementGroup is disabled. [#11257]


  • Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.8.0
  • Added optional parameters to 'Invoke-AzDataFactoryV2Pipeline' command to support rerun


  • Added breaking change description for 'Export-AzDataLakeStoreItem' and 'Import-AzDataLakeStoreItem'
  • Added option of Byte encoding for 'New-AzDataLakeStoreItem', 'Add-AzDAtaLakeStoreItemContent', and 'Get-AzDAtaLakeStoreItemContent'


  • Supported specifying minimal supported TLS version when creating cluster.


  • Added support to manage distributed settings per-device. New Cmdlets are:
    • 'Get-AzIotHubDistributedTracing'
    • 'Set-AzIotHubDistributedTracing'


  • Added breaking change attributes to 'New-AzKeyVault'


  • Updated documentation for 'New-AzScheduledQueryRuleLogMetricTrigger'


  • Updated cmdlets to allow cross-tenant VirtualHubVnetConnections
    • 'New-AzVirtualHubVnetConnection'
    • 'Update-AzVirtualHubVnetConnection'
    • 'New-AzVirtualHub'
    • 'Update-AzVirtualHub'
  • Removed Sql Management SDK dependency
  • Updated cmdlets to allow force firewallPolicy association
    • 'New-AzApplicationGateway'


  • Improved error messages


  • Azure Site Recovery added support for doing reprotect and updated vm properties for Azure disk encrypted Virtual Machines.
  • Added Azure Site Recovery VmwareToAzure properties DR monitoring
  • Azure Backup added support for retrying policy update for failed items.
  • Azure Backup Added support for disk exclusion settings during backup and restore.
  • Azure Backup Added Support for Restoring Multiple files/folders in AzureFileShare
  • Azure Backup Added support for User-specified Resourcegroup support while updating IaasVM Policy


  • Fixed 'Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName -Name -ExpandProperties -ResourceType' to use actual apiVersion of resources instead of default apiVersion [#11267]
  • Added correlationId logging for error scenarios
  • Small documentation change to 'Get-AzResourceLock'. Added example.
  • Escaped single quote in parameter value of 'Get-AzADUser' [#11317]
  • Added new cmdlets for Deployment Scripts ('Get-AzDeploymentScript', 'Get-AzDeploymentScriptLog', 'Save-AzDeploymentScriptLog', 'Remove-AzDeploymentScript')


  • Added readable secondary parameter to 'Invoke-AzSqlDatabaseFailover'
  • Added cmdlet 'Disable-AzSqlServerActiveDirectoryOnlyAuthentication'
  • Saved sensitivity rank when classifying columns in the database.


  • General availability of 'Az.Support' module


  • Added support for working with webapp Traffic Routing Rules via below new cmdlets
    • 'Get-AzWebAppTrafficRouting'
    • 'Update-AzWebAppTrafficRouting'
    • 'Add-AzWebAppTrafficRouting'
    • 'Remove-AzWebAppTrafficRouting'

3.6.1 - March 2020


  • Open Azure PowerShell survey page in 'Send-Feedback' [#11020]
  • Display Azure PowerShell survey URL in 'Resolve-Error' [#11021]
  • Added Az version in UserAgent


  • Added support for retrieving and configuring Custom Domain on the DeveloperPortal Endpoint [#11007]
  • 'Export-AzApiManagementApi' Added support for downloading Api Definition in Json format [#9987]
  • 'Import-AzApiManagementApi' Added support for importing OpenApi 3.0 definition from Json document
  • 'New-AzApiManagementIdentityProvider' and 'Set-AzApiManagementIdentityProvider' Added support for configuring 'Signin Tenant' for AAD B2C Provider [#9784]


  • Added reference to System.Buffers explicitly in csproj and psd1.


  • Added support to manage devices in an Iot Hub. New Cmdlets are:
    • 'Add-AzIotHubDevice'
    • 'Get-AzIotHubDevice'
    • 'Remove-AzIotHubDevice'
    • 'Set-AzIotHubDevice'
  • Added support to manage modules on a target Iot device in an Iot Hub. New Cmdlets are:
    • 'Add-AzIotHubModule'
    • 'Get-AzIotHubModule'
    • 'Remove-AzIotHubModule'
    • 'Set-AzIotHubModule'
  • Added cmdlet to get the connection string of a target IoT device in an Iot Hub.
  • Added cmdlet to get the connection string of a module on a target IoT device in an Iot Hub.
  • Added support to get/set parent device of an IoT device. New Cmdlets are:
    • 'Get-AzIotHubDeviceParent'
    • 'Set-AzIotHubDeviceParent'
  • Added support to manage device parent-child relationship.


  • Fixed output value for 'Get-AzMetricDefinition' [#9714]


  • Updated Sql Management SDK.
  • Fixed a naming-difference issue in PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState class.
    • Mapping the field ActionsRequired to ActionRequired.
  • Added PublicNetworkAccess to 'New-AzSqlServer' and 'Set-AzSqlServer'


  • Fixed for null reference bug in 'Get-AzRoleAssignment'
  • Marked switch '-Force' and '-PassThru' optional in 'Remove-AzADGroup' [#10849]
  • Fixed issue that 'MailNickname' doesn't return in 'Remove-AzADGroup' [#11167]
  • Fixed issue that 'Remove-AzADGroup' pipe operation doesn't work [#11171]
  • Fixed for null reference bug in GetAzureRoleAssignmentCommand
  • Added breaking change attributes for upcoming changes to policy cmdlets
  • Updated 'Get-AzResourceGroup' to perform resource group tag filtering on server-side
  • Extended Tag cmdlets to accept -ResourceId
    • Get-AzTag -ResourceId
    • New-AzTag -ResourceId
    • Remove-AzTag -ResourceId
  • Added new Tag cmdlet
    • Update-AzTag -ResourceId
  • Brought ScopedDeployment from SDK 3.3.0


  • Added PublicNetworkAccess to 'New-AzSqlServer' and 'Set-AzSqlServer'
  • Added support for Long Term Retention backup configuration for Managed Databases
    • Get/Set LTR policy on a managed database
    • Get LTR backup(s) by managed database, managed instance, or by location
    • Remove an LTR backup
    • Restore an LTR backup to create a new managed database
  • Added MinimalTlsVersion to New-AzSqlServer and Set-AzSqlServer
  • Added MinimalTlsVersion to New-AzSqlInstance and Set-AzSqlInstance
  • Bumped SQL SDK version for Az.Network


  • Supported AllowProtectedAppendWrite in ImmutabilityPolicy
    • 'Set-AzRmStorageContainerImmutabilityPolicy'
  • Added breaking change warning message for AzureStorageTable type change in a future release
    • 'New-AzStorageTable'
    • 'Get-AzStorageTable'


  • Added Tag parameter for 'New-AzAppServicePlan' and 'Set-AzAppServicePlan'
  • Stop cmdlet execution if an exception is thrown when adding a custom domain to a website
  • Added support to perform operations for App Services not in the same resource group as the App Service Plan
  • Applied access restriction to WebApp/Function in different resource groups
  • Fixed issue to set custom hostnames for WebAppSlots

3.5.0 - February 2020

Highlights since the last major release

  • Updated client side telemetry.
  • Az.IotHub added cmdlets to support to manage devices.
  • Az.SqlVirtualMachine added cmdlets for Availability Group Listener.


  • Fixed bug preventing correct tenant-level resource id generation.
  • Fixed typo.


  • Added SubscriptionId, TenantId, and execution time into data of client side telemetry


  • Fixed typo in Example 1 in reference documentation for 'New-AzAutomationSoftwareUpdateConfiguration'


  • Updated SDK to 7.0
  • Improved error message when server responses empty body


  • Allowed empty value for ProximityPlacementGroupId during update


  • Added cmdlet to get managed rule definitions that can be used in WAF


  • Added support to manage devices in an Iot Hub. New Cmdlets are:
    • 'Add-AzIotHubDevice'
    • 'Get-AzIotHubDevice'
    • 'Remove-AzIotHubDevice'
    • 'Set-AzIotHubDevice'


  • Fixed duplicated text for


  • Fixed description of the Get-AzLog cmdlet.
  • A new parameter called ActionGroupId was added to 'New-AzMetricAlertRuleV2' command.
    • The user can provide either ActionGroupId(string) or ActionGorup(ActivityLogAlertActionGroup).


  • Added one extra parameter note for parameter '-EnableProxyProtocol' for 'New-AzPrivateLinkService' cmdlet.
  • Fixed FilterData example in and
  • Added Packet Capture example for capture all inner and outer packets in and
  • Supported Azure Firewall Policy on VNet Firewalls
    • No new cmdlets are added. Relaxing the restriction for firewall policy on VNet firewalls


  • Added Support for Restore-as-files for SQL Databases.


  • Refactored template deployment cmdlets
    • Added new cmdlets for managing deployments at management group: *-AzManagementGroupDeployment
    • Added new cmdlets for managing deployments at tenant scope: *-AzTenantDeployment
    • Refactored *-AzDeployment cmdlets to work specifically at subscription scope
    • Created aliases *-AzSubscriptionDeployment for *-AzDeployment cmdlets
  • Fixed 'Update-AzADApplication' when parameter 'AvailableToOtherTenants' is not set
  • Removed ApplicationObjectWithoutCredentialParameterSet to avoid AmbiguousParameterSetException.
  • Regenerated help files


  • Added support for cross subscription point in time restore on Managed Instances.
  • Added support for changing existing Sql Managed Instance hardware generation
  • Fixed 'Update-AzSqlServerVulnerabilityAssessmentSetting' help examples: parameter/property output - EmailAdmins


  • Added cmdlets for Availability Group Listener


  • Updated supported character sets in 'Invoke-AzStorageSyncCompatibilityCheck'.

3.4.0 - February 2020


  • Added cmdlets for Gremlin, MongoDB, Cassandra and Table APIs.
  • Updated .NET SDK Version to 1.0.1
  • Added parameters ConflictResolutionPolicyMode, ConflictResolutionPolicyPath and ConflictResolutionPolicyPath in Set-AzCosmosDBSqlContainer.
  • Added new cmdlets for Sql API : New-CosmosDBSqlSpatialSpec, New-CosmosDBSqlCompositePath, New-CosmosDBSqlIncludedPathIndex, New-CosmosDBSqlIncludedPath


  • Disable context auto saving when AzureRmContext.json not available
  • Update the reference to Azure Powershell Common to 1.3.5-preview


  • Get-AzApiManagementApiSchema Fixed getting Open-Api Schema associated with an API Azure#10626
  • New-AzApiManagementProduct* and Set-AzApiManagementProduct
  • Set-AzApiManagementApi Added example to show how to update the ServiceUrl using the cmdlet


  • Limit the number of VM status to 100 to avoid throttling when Get-AzVM -Status is performed without VM name.
  • Add Update-AzDiskEncryptionSet cmdlet
  • Add EncryptionType and DiskEncryptionSetId parameters to the following cmdlets:
    • New-AzDiskUpdateConfig, New-AzSnapshotUpdateConfig
  • Add ColocationStatus parameter to Get-AzProximityPlacementGroup cmdlet.


  • Update ADF .Net SDK version to 4.7.0


  • Adds LIST operations for resources
  • Adds capability for performing operations on Health Check steps


  • Fix document error of New-AzHDInsightCluster.


  • Add Name alias to VaultName attribute to make Remove-AzureKeyVault consistent with New-AzureKeyVault.


  • New example added to to demonstrate Traffic Analytics disable scenario.
  • Add support for assigning management IP configuration to Azure Firewall - a dedicated subnet and Public IP that the firewall will use for its management traffic
    • Updated New-AzFirewall cmdlet:
      • Added parameter -ManagementPublicIpAddress (not mandatory) which accepts a Public IP Address object
      • Added method SetManagementIpConfiguration on firewall object - requires a subnet and a Public IP address as input - subnet name must be 'AzureFirewallManagementSubnet'
  • Corrected Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup examples to show examples for NSG's instead of network interfaces.
  • Fixed typo in New-AzVpnSite command that was preventing resource id completer from completing a parameter.
  • Added support for Url Confiugration in Rewrite Rules Action Set in the Application Gateway
    • New cmdlets added:
      • New-AzApplicationGatewayRewriteRuleUrlConfiguration
    • Cmdlets updated with optional parameter - UrlConfiguration
      • New-AzApplicationGatewayRewriteRuleActionSet
  • Add suppport for NetworkWatcher ConnectionMonitor version 2 resources


  • Support evaluating compliance prior to determining what resource to remediate
    • Add '-ResourceDiscoverMode' parameter to Start-AzPolicyRemediation
  • Add Get-AzPolicyMetadata cmdlet for getting policy metadata resources
  • Updated Get-AzPolicyState and Get-AzPolicyStateSummary for API version 2019-10-01


  • Azure Site Recovery support for removing a replicated disk.
  • Azure Backup added support for adding tags while creating a Recovery Services Vault.


  • Make -Scope optional in *-AzPolicyAssignment cmdlets with default to context subscription
  • Add examples of creating ADServicePrincipal with password and key credential


Fix New-AzSqlDatabaseSecondary cmdlet to check for PartnerDatabaseName existence instead of DatabaseName existence.


  • Support set Table/Queue Encryption Keytype in Create Storage Account
    • New-AzStorageAccount
  • Show RequestId when StorageException don't have ExtendedErrorInformation
  • Fix the Example 6 of cmdlet Start-AzStorageBlobCopy


  • Set-AzWebapp and Set-AzWebappSlot supports AlwaysOn, MinTls and FtpsState properties
  • Fixing issue where setting HttpsOnly along with changing AppservicePlan at the same time using the single Set-AzWebApp Command, was resetting HttpsOnly to default value

3.3.0 - January 2020


  • Updated Add-AzEnvironment and Set-AzEnvironment to accept parameters AzureAttestationServiceEndpointResourceId and AzureAttestationServiceEndpointSuffix


  • Display error response detail in New-AzCdnEndpoint cmdlet


  • Fix Set-AzVMCustomScriptExtension cmdlet for a VM with managed OD disk which does not have OS profile.


  • Fixed parameter names used by example of New-AzContainerGroup


  • Added cmdlet 'Get-AzDataBoxEdgeStorageContainer'
    • Get the Edge Storage Container
  • Added cmdlet 'New-AzDataBoxEdgeStorageContainer'
    • Create new Edge Storage Container
  • Added cmdlet 'Remove-AzDataBoxEdgeStorageContainer'
    • Remove the Edge Storage Container
  • Added cmdlet 'Invoke-AzDataBoxEdgeStorageContainer'
    • Invoke action to refresh data on Edge Storage Container
  • Added cmdlet 'Get-AzDataBoxEdgeStorageAccount'
    • Get the Edge Storage Account
  • Added cmdlet 'New-AzDataBoxEdgeStorageAccount'
    • Create new Edge Storage Account
  • Added cmdlet 'Remove-AzDataBoxEdgeStorageAccount'
    • Remove the Edge Storage Account
  • Invoke cmdlet 'Invoke-AzDataBoxEdgeShare'
    • Invoke action to refresh data on share
  • Added cmdlet 'Set-AzDataBoxEdgeStorageAccountCredential'
    • Set the az databoxedge storage account credential


  • Add AutoUpdateETA, LatestVersion, PushedVersion, TaskQueueId and VersionStatus properties for Get-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime cmd
  • Update ADF .Net SDK version to 4.6.0
  • Add parameter 'PublicIPs' for 'Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime' cmd to enable create Azure-SSIS IR with static public IP addresses.


  • Remove the broken link in


  • Fix for issue 10634 : Fix the null Object reference for remove eventhubnamespace


  • Fix error.


  • Removed below cmdlets because MachineLearningCompute is not available any longer
    • Get-AzMlOpCluster
    • Get-AzMlOpClusterKey
    • New-AzMlOpCluster
    • Remove-AzMlOpCluster
    • Set-AzMlOpCluster
    • Test-AzMlOpClusterSystemServicesUpdateAvailability
    • Update-AzMlOpClusterSystemService


  • Upgrade dependency of Microsoft.Azure.Management.Sql from 1.36-preview to 1.37-preview


  • Azure Site Recovery change support for managed disk vms encrypted at rest with customer managed leys for Azure to Azure provider.
  • Azure Site Recovery support to input disk encryption Set Id as optional input at enabling protection for Vmware to Azure.
  • Azure Site Recovery support to input disk encryption Set Id as optional input at disk level to enable protection for Vmware to Azure.
  • Azure Site Recovery support to update replication protected item with disk encryption set Map for HyperV to Azure.


  • Fix an error in help document of 'Remove-AzTag'.


  • Fix vulnerability assessment set baseline cmdlets functionality to work on master db for azure database and limit it on managed instance system databases.
  • Fix an error when creating SQL instance failover group


  • Add DR as a new valid License type


  • Add breaking change warning message for DefaultAction Value change in a future release
    • Update-AzStorageAccountNetworkRuleSet
  • Support Get last sync time of Storage account by run get-AzStorageAccount with parameter -IncludeGeoReplicationStats
    • Get-AzStorageAccount

3.2.0 - December 2019


  • Update references in .psd1 to use relative path for all modules


  • Set correct UserAgent for client-side telemetry for Az 4.0 preview
  • Display user friendly error message when context is null in Az 4.0 preview


  • Fix issue #10602, where New-AzBatchPool did not properly send 'VirtualMachineConfiguration.ContainerConfiguration' or 'VirtualMachineConfiguration.DataDisks' to the server.


  • Update ADF .Net SDK version to 4.5.0


  • Added WAF managed rules exclusion support
  • Add SocketAddr to auto-complete


  • Exception Handling


  • Fixed error accessing value that is potentially not set
  • Elliptic Curve Cryptography Certificate Managment
    • Added support to specify the Curve for Certificate Policies


  • Adding optional argument to the Add Diagnostic Settings command. A switch argument that if present indicates that the export to Log Analytics must be to a fixed schema (a.k.a. dedicated, data type)


  • Support for IpGroups in AzureFirewall Application,Nat & Network Rules.


  • Added SoftDelete feature for VM and added tests for softdelete
  • Azure Site Recovery support for Azure Disk Encryption One Pass for Azure to Azure.


  • Fix an issue where template deployment fails to read a template parameter if its name conflicts with some built-in parameter name.
  • Updated policy cmdlets to use new api version 2019-09-01 that introduces grouping support within policy set definitions.


  • Upgraded storage creation in Vulnerability Assessment auto enablement to StorageV2


  • Support generate Blob/Constainer Idenity based SAS token with Storage Context based on Oauth authentication
    • New-AzStorageContainerSASToken
    • New-AzStorageBlobSASToken
  • Support revoke Storage Account User Delegation Keys, so all Idenity SAS tokens are revoked
    • Revoke-AzStorageAccountUserDelegationKeys
  • Upgrade to Microsoft.Azure.Management.Storage 14.2.0, to support new API version 2019-06-01.
  • Support Share QuotaGiB more than 5120 in Management plane File Share cmdlets, and add parameter alias 'Quota' to parameter 'QuotaGiB'
    • New-AzRmStorageShare
    • Update-AzRmStorageShare
  • Add parameter alias 'QuotaGiB' to parameter 'Quota'
    • Set-AzStorageShareQuota
  • Fix the issue that Set-AzStorageContainerAcl can clean up the stored Access Policy
    • Set-AzStorageContainerAcl

3.1.0 - November 2019

Highlights since the last major release

  • Az.DataBoxEdge 1.0.0 released
  • Az.SqlVirtualMachine 1.0.0 released


  • VM Reapply feature
    • Add Reapply parameter to Set-AzVM cmdlet
  • VM Scale Set AutomaticRepairs feature:
    • Add EnableAutomaticRepair, AutomaticRepairGracePeriod, and AutomaticRepairMaxInstanceRepairsPercent parameters to the following cmdlets: New-AzVmssConfig Update-AzVmss
  • Cross tenant gallery image support for New-AzVM
  • Add 'Spot' to the argument completer of Priority parameter in New-AzVM, New-AzVMConfig and New-AzVmss cmdlets
  • Add DiskIOPSReadWrite and DiskMBpsReadWrite parameters to Add-AzVmssDataDisk cmdlet
  • Change SourceImageId parameter of New-AzGalleryImageVersion cmdlet to optional
  • Add OSDiskImage and DataDiskImage parameters to New-AzGalleryImageVersion cmdlet
  • Add HyperVGeneration parameter to New-AzGalleryImageDefinition cmdlet
  • Add SkipExtensionsOnOverprovisionedVMs parameters to New-AzVmss, New-AzVmssConfig and Update-AzVmss cmdlets


  • Added cmdlet Get-AzDataBoxEdgeOrder
    • Get the Order
  • Added cmdlet New-AzDataBoxEdgeOrder
    • Create new Order
  • Added cmdlet Remove-AzDataBoxEdgeOrder
    • Remove the Order
  • Change in cmdlet New-AzDataBoxEdgeShare
    • Now creates Local Share
  • Added cmdlet Set-AzDataBoxEdgeRole
    • Now IotRole can be mapped to Share
  • Added cmdlet Invoke-AzDataBoxEdgeDevice
    • Invoke scan update, download update, install updates on the device
  • Added cmdlet Get-AzDataBoxEdgeTrigger
    • Gets the information about Triggers
  • Added cmdlet New-AzDataBoxEdgeTrigger
    • Create new Triggers
  • Added cmdlet Remove-AzDataBoxEdgeTrigger
    • Remove the Triggers


  • Update ADF .Net SDK version to 4.4.0
  • Add parameter 'ExpressCustomSetup' for 'Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime' cmd to enable setup configurations and 3rd party components without custom setup script.


  • Update documentation of Get-AzDataLakeStoreDeletedItem and Restore-AzDataLakeStoreDeletedItem


  • Fix for issue 10301 : Fix the SAS Token date format


  • Add MinimumTlsVersion parameter to Enable-AzFrontDoorCustomDomainHttps and New-AzFrontDoorFrontendEndpointObject
  • Add HealthProbeMethod and EnabledState parameters to New-AzFrontDoorHealthProbeSettingObject
  • Add new cmdlet to create BackendPoolsSettings objec to pass into creation/update of Front Door
    • New-AzFrontDoorBackendPoolsSettingObject


  • Change '' and '' FilterData option examples.


  • Updated PrivateDns .net sdk to version 1.0.0


  • Azure Site Recovery support to select disk type at enabling protection.
  • Azure Site Recovery bug fix for recovery plan action edit.
  • Azure Backup SQL Restore support to accept filestream DBs.


  • Added 'MinimumTlsVersion' parameter in 'New-AzRedisCache' and 'Set-AzRedisCache' cmdlets. Also, added 'MinimumTlsVersion' in the output of 'Get-AzRedisCache' cmdlet.
  • Added validation on '-Size' parameter for 'Set-AzRedisCache' and 'New-AzRedisCache' cmdlets


  • Updated policy cmdlets to use new api version 2019-06-01 that has new EnforcementMode property in policy assignment.
  • Updated create policy definition help example
  • Fix bug Remove-AZADServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalName, throw null reference when service principal name not found.
  • Fix bug New-AZADServicePrincipal, throw null reference when tenant doesn't have any subscription.
  • Change New-AzAdServicePrincipal to add credentials only to associated application.


  • Added support for database ReadReplicaCount.
  • Fixed Set-AzSqlDatabase when zone redundancy not set

3.0.0 - November 2019


  • Az.PrivateDns 1.0.0 released


  • Add a deprecation message for 'Resolve-Error' alias.


  • Added new category 'Operational Excellence' to Get-AzAdvisorRecommendation cmdlet.


  • Renamed CoreQuota on BatchAccountContext to DedicatedCoreQuota. There is also a new LowPriorityCoreQuota.
    • This impacts Get-AzBatchAccount.
  • New-AzBatchTask -ResourceFile parameter now takes a collection of PSResourceFile objects, which can be constructed using the new New-AzBatchResourceFile cmdlet.
  • New New-AzBatchResourceFile cmdlet to help create PSResourceFile objects. These can be supplied to New-AzBatchTask on the -ResourceFile parameter.
    • This supports two new kinds of resource file in addition to the existing HttpUrl way:
      • AutoStorageContainerName based resource files download an entire auto-storage container to the Batch node.
      • StorageContainerUrl based resource files download the container specified in the URL to the Batch node.
  • Removed ApplicationPackages property of PSApplication returned by Get-AzBatchApplication.
    • The specific packages inside of an application now can be retrieved using Get-AzBatchApplicationPackage. For example: Get-AzBatchApplication -AccountName myaccount -ResourceGroupName myresourcegroup -ApplicationId myapplication.
  • Renamed ApplicationId to ApplicationName on Get-AzBatchApplicationPackage, New-AzBatchApplicationPackage, Remove-AzBatchApplicationPackage, Get-AzBatchApplication, New-AzBatchApplication, Remove-AzBatchApplication, and Set-AzBatchApplication.
    • ApplicationId now is an alias of ApplicationName.
  • Added new PSWindowsUserConfiguration property to PSUserAccount.
  • Renamed Version to Name on PSApplicationPackage.
  • Renamed BlobSource to HttpUrl on PSResourceFile.
  • Removed OSDisk property from PSVirtualMachineConfiguration.
  • Removed Set-AzBatchPoolOSVersion. This operation is no longer supported.
  • Removed TargetOSVersion from PSCloudServiceConfiguration.
  • Renamed CurrentOSVersion to OSVersion on PSCloudServiceConfiguration.
  • Removed DataEgressGiB and DataIngressGiB from PSPoolUsageMetrics.
  • Removed Get-AzBatchNodeAgentSku and replaced it with Get-AzBatchSupportedImage.
    • Get-AzBatchSupportedImage returns the same data as Get-AzBatchNodeAgentSku but in a more friendly format.
    • New non-verified images are also now returned. Additional information about Capabilities and BatchSupportEndOfLife for each image is also included.
  • Added ability to mount remote file-systems on each node of a pool via the new MountConfiguration parameter of New-AzBatchPool.
  • Now support network security rules blocking network access to a pool based on the source port of the traffic. This is done via the SourcePortRanges property on PSNetworkSecurityGroupRule.
  • When running a container, Batch now supports executing the task in the container working directory or in the Batch task working directory. This is controlled by the WorkingDirectory property on PSTaskContainerSettings.
  • Added ability to specify a collection of public IPs on PSNetworkConfiguration via the new PublicIPs property. This guarantees nodes in the Pool will have an IP from the list user provided IPs.
  • When not specified, the default value of WaitForSuccess on PSSTartTask is now $True (was $False).
  • When not specified, the default value of Scope on PSAutoUserSpecification is now Pool (was Task on Windows and Pool on Linux).


  • Introduced UrlRewriteAction and CacheKeyQueryStringAction to RulesEngine.
  • Fixed several bugs like missing 'Selector' Input in New-AzDeliveryRuleCondition cmdlet.


  • Disk Encryption Set feature
    • New cmdlets: New-AzDiskEncryptionSetConfig New-AzDiskEncryptionSet Get-AzDiskEncryptionSet Remove-AzDiskEncryptionSet
    • DiskEncryptionSetId parameter is added to the following cmdlets: Set-AzImageOSDisk Set-AzVMOSDisk Set-AzVmssStorageProfile
      Add-AzImageDataDisk New-AzVMDataDisk Set-AzVMDataDisk Add-AzVMDataDisk Add-AzVmssDataDisk Add-AzVmssVMDataDisk
    • DiskEncryptionSetId and EncryptionType parameters are added to the following cmdlets: New-AzDiskConfig New-AzSnapshotConfig
  • Add PublicIPAddressVersion parameter to New-AzVmssIPConfig
  • Move FileUris of custom script extension from public setting to protected setting
  • Add ScaleInPolicy to New-AzVmss, New-AzVmssConfig and Update-AzVmss cmdlets
  • Breaking changes
    • UploadSizeInBytes parameter is used instead of DiskSizeGB for New-AzDiskConfig when CreateOption is Upload
    • PublishingProfile.Source.ManagedImage.Id is replaced with StorageProfile.Source.Id in GalleryImageVersion object


  • Update ADF .Net SDK version to 4.3.0



  • Fixed miscellaneous typos across module


  • Fixed the bug that customer will get 'Not a valid Base-64 string' error when using Get-AzHDInsightCluster to get the cluster with ADLSGen1 storage.
  • Add a parameter named 'ApplicationId' to three cmdlets Add-AzHDInsightClusterIdentity, New-AzHDInsightClusterConfig and New-AzHDInsightCluster so that customer can provide the service principal application id for accessing Azure Data Lake.
  • Changed Microsoft.Azure.Management.HDInsight from 2.1.0 to 5.1.0
  • Removed five cmdlets:
    • Get-AzHDInsightOMS
    • Enable-AzHDInsightOMS
    • Disable-AzHDInsightOMS
    • Grant-AzHDInsightRdpServicesAccess
    • Revoke-AzHDInsightRdpServicesAccess
  • Added three cmdlets:
    • Get-AzHDInsightMonitoring to replace Get-AzHDInsightOMS.
    • Enable-AzHDInsightMonitoring to replace Enable-AzHDInsightOMS.
    • Disable-AzHDInsightMonitoring to replace Disable-AzHDInsightOMS.
  • Fixed cmdlet Get-AzHDInsightProperties to support get capabilities information from a specific location.
  • Removed parameter sets('Spark1', 'Spark2') from Add-AzHDInsightConfigValue.
  • Add examples to the help documents of cmdlet Add-AzHDInsightSecurityProfile.
  • Changed output type of the following cmdlets:
    • Changed the output type of Get-AzHDInsightProperties from CapabilitiesResponse to AzureHDInsightCapabilities.
    • Changed the output type of Remove-AzHDInsightCluster from ClusterGetResponse to bool.
    • Changed the output type of Set-AzHDInsightGatewaySettings HttpConnectivitySettings to GatewaySettings.
  • Added some scenario test cases.
  • Remove some alias: 'Add-AzHDInsightConfigValues', 'Get-AzHDInsightProperties'.


  • Breaking changes:
    • The cmdlet 'Add-AzIotHubEventHubConsumerGroup' no longer supports the parameter 'EventHubEndpointName' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
    • The parameter set '__AllParameterSets' for cmdlet 'Add-AzIotHubEventHubConsumerGroup' has been removed.
    • The cmdlet 'Get-AzIotHubEventHubConsumerGroup' no longer supports the parameter 'EventHubEndpointName' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
    • The parameter set '__AllParameterSets' for cmdlet 'Get-AzIotHubEventHubConsumerGroup' has been removed.
    • The property 'OperationsMonitoringProperties' of type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Management.IotHub.Models.PSIotHubProperties' has been removed.
    • The property 'OperationsMonitoringProperties' of type 'Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Management.IotHub.Models.PSIotHubInputProperties' has been removed.
    • The cmdlet 'New-AzIotHubExportDevice' no longer supports the alias 'New-AzIotHubExportDevices'.
    • The cmdlet 'New-AzIotHubImportDevice' no longer supports the alias 'New-AzIotHubImportDevices'.
    • The cmdlet 'Remove-AzIotHubEventHubConsumerGroup' no longer supports the parameter 'EventHubEndpointName' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
    • The parameter set '__AllParameterSets' for cmdlet 'Remove-AzIotHubEventHubConsumerGroup' has been removed.
    • The cmdlet 'Set-AzIotHub' no longer supports the parameter 'OperationsMonitoringProperties' and no alias was found for the original parameter name.
    • The parameter set 'UpdateOperationsMonitoringProperties' for cmdlet 'Set-AzIotHub' has been removed.


  • Azure Site Recovery support to configure networking resources like NSG, public IP and internal load balancers for Azure to Azure.
  • Azure Site Recovery Support to write to managed disk for vMWare to Azure.
  • Azure Site Recovery Support to NIC reduction for vMWare to Azure.
  • Azure Site Recovery Support to accelerated networking for Azure to Azure.
  • Azure Site Recovery Support to agent auto update for Azure to Azure.
  • Azure Site Recovery Support to Standard SSD for Azure to Azure.
  • Azure Site Recovery Support to Azure Disk Encryption two pass for Azure to Azure.
  • Azure Site Recovery Support to protect newly added disk for Azure to Azure.
  • Added SoftDelete feature for VM and added tests for softdelete


  • Update dependency assembly Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory from 1.1.1 to 2.2


  • Change all cmdlets for PrivateEndpointConnection to support generic service provider.
    • Updated cmdlet:
      • Approve-AzPrivateEndpointConnection
      • Deny-AzPrivateEndpointConnection
      • Get-AzPrivateEndpointConnection
      • Remove-AzPrivateEndpointConnection
      • Set-AzPrivateEndpointConnection
  • Add new cmdlet for PrivateLinkResource and it also support generic service provider.
    • New cmdlet:
      • Get-AzPrivateLinkResource
  • Add new fields and parameter for the feature Proxy Protocol V2.
    • Add property EnableProxyProtocol in PrivateLinkService
    • Add property LinkIdentifier in PrivateEndpointConnection
    • Updated New-AzPrivateLinkService to add a new optional parameter EnableProxyProtocol.
  • Fix incorrect parameter description in 'New-AzApplicationGatewaySku' reference documentation
  • New cmdlets to support the azure firewall policy
  • Add support for child resource RouteTables of VirtualHub
    • New cmdlets added:
      • Add-AzVirtualHubRoute
      • Add-AzVirtualHubRouteTable
      • Get-AzVirtualHubRouteTable
      • Remove-AzVirtualHubRouteTable
      • Set-AzVirtualHub
  • Add support for new properties Sku of VirtualHub and VirtualWANType of VirtualWan
    • Cmdlets updated with optional parameters:
      • New-AzVirtualHub : added parameter Sku
      • Update-AzVirtualHub : added parameter Sku
      • New-AzVirtualWan : added parameter VirtualWANType
      • Update-AzVirtualWan : added parameter VirtualWANType
  • Add support for EnableInternetSecurity property for HubVnetConnection, VpnConnection and ExpressRouteConnection
    • New cmdlets added:
      • Update-AzVirtualHubVnetConnection
    • Cmdlets updated with optional parameters:
      • New-AzVirtualHubVnetConnection : added parameter EnableInternetSecurity
      • New-AzVpnConnection : added parameter EnableInternetSecurity
      • Update-AzVpnConnection : added parameter EnableInternetSecurity
      • New-AzExpressRouteConnection : added parameter EnableInternetSecurity
      • Set-AzExpressRouteConnection : added parameter EnableInternetSecurity
  • Add support for Configuring TopLevel WebApplicationFirewall Policy
    • New cmdlets added:
      • New-AzApplicationGatewayFirewallPolicySetting
      • New-AzApplicationGatewayFirewallPolicyExclusion
      • New-AzApplicationGatewayFirewallPolicyManagedRuleGroupOverride
      • New-AzApplicationGatewayFirewallPolicyManagedRuleOverride
      • New-AzApplicationGatewayFirewallPolicyManagedRule
      • New-AzApplicationGatewayFirewallPolicyManagedRuleSet
    • Cmdlets updated with optional parameters:
      • New-AzApplicationGatewayFirewallPolicy : added parameter PolicySetting, ManagedRule
  • Added support for Geo-Match operator on CustomRule
    • Added GeoMatch to the operator on the FirewallCondition
  • Added support for perListener and perSite Firewall policy
    • Cmdlets updated with optional parameters:
      • New-AzApplicationGatewayHttpListener : added parameter FirewallPolicy, FirewallPolicyId
      • New-AzApplicationGatewayPathRuleConfig : added parameter FirewallPolicy, FirewallPolicyId
  • Fix required subnet with name AzureBastionSubnet in 'PSBastion' can be case insensitive
  • Support for Destination FQDNs in Network Rules and Translated FQDN in NAT Rules for Azure Firewall
  • Add support for top level resource RouteTables of IpGroup
    • New cmdlets added:
      • New-AzIpGroup
      • Remove-AzIpGroup
      • Get-AzIpGroup
      • Set-AzIpGroup


  • Remove Add-AzServiceFabricApplicationCertificate cmdlet as this scenario is covered by Add-AzVmssSecret.


  • Added support for restore of dropped databases on Managed Instances.
  • Deprecated from code old auditing cmdlets.
  • Removed deprecated aliases:
  • Get-AzSqlDatabaseIndexRecommendations (use Get-AzSqlDatabaseIndexRecommendation instead)
  • Get-AzSqlDatabaseRestorePoints (use Get-AzSqlDatabaseRestorePoint instead)
  • Remove Get-AzSqlDatabaseSecureConnectionPolicy cmdlet
  • Remove aliases for deprecated Vulnerability Assessment Settings cmdlets
  • Deprecate Advanced Threat Detection Settings cmdlets
  • Adding cmdlets to Disable and enable sensitivity recommendations on columns in a database.


  • Support enable Large File share when create or update Storage account
    • New-AzStorageAccount
    • Set-AzStorageAccount
  • When close/get File handle, skip check the input path is File directory or File, to avoid failure with object in DeletePending status
    • Get-AzStorageFileHandle
    • Close-AzStorageFileHandle

2.8.0 - October 2019


  • Az.HealthcareApis 1.0.0 release


  • Update telemetry and url rewriting for generated modules, fix windows unit tests.


  • Set-AzApiManagementApi - Added support for Updating Api into ApiVersionSet


  • Fixed New-AzureAutomationSoftwareUpdateConfiguration cmdlet for Linux reboot setting parameter.


  • Get-AzBatchNodeAgentSku is deprecated and will be replaced by Get-AzBatchSupportImage in version 2.0.0.


  • Add Priority, EvictionPolicy, and MaxPrice parameters to New-AzVM and New-AzVmss cmdlets
  • Fix warning message and help document for Add-AzVMAdditionalUnattendContent and Add-AzVMSshPublicKey cmdlets
  • Fix -skipVmBackup exception for Linux VMs with managed disks for Set-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension.
  • Fix bug in update encryption settings in Set-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension, two pass scenario.


  • Adding CRUD commands for ADF V2 data flow: Set-AzDataFactoryV2DataFlow, Remove-AzDataFactoryV2DataFlow, and Get-AzDataFactoryV2DataFlow.
  • Adding action commands for ADF V2 data flow debug Session: Start-AzDataFactoryV2DataFlowDebugSession, Get-AzDataFactoryV2DataFlowDebugSession, Add-AzDataFactoryV2DataFlowDebugSessionPackage, Invoke-AzDataFactoryV2DataFlowDebugSessionCommand and Stop-AzDataFactoryV2DataFlowDebugSession.
  • Update ADF .Net SDK version to 4.2.0


  • Fix account validation so that accounts with '-' can be passed without domain


  • Updated the powershell version to 1.0.0
  • Updated the SDK version to 1.0.2
  • Update in tests to refer to new SDK version
  • Updated the output structure from nested to flattened.


  • Add new routing source: DigitalTwinChangeEvents
  • Minor bug fix: Get-AzIothub not returning subscriptionId


  • New action group receivers added for action group -ItsmReceiver -VoiceReceiver -ArmRoleReceiver -AzureFunctionReceiver -LogicAppReceiver -AutomationRunbookReceiver -AzureAppPushReceiver
  • Use common alert schema enabled for the receivers. This is not applicable for SMS, Azure App push , ITSM and Voice recievers
  • Webhooks now supports Azure active directory authentication .


  • Add new cmdlet Get-AzAvailableServiceAlias which can be called to get the aliases that can be used for Service Endpoint Policies.
  • Added support for the adding traffic selectors to Virtual Network Gateway Connections
    • New cmdlets added:
      • New-AzureRmTrafficSelectorPolicy
    • Cmdlets updated with optional parameter -TrafficSelectorPolicies -New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection -Set-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection
  • Add support for ESP and AH protocols in network security rule configurations
    • Updated cmdlets:
      • Add-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig
      • New-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig
      • Set-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig
  • Improve handling of exceptions in Cortex cmdlets
  • New Generations and SKUs for VirtualNetworkGateways
    • Introduce new Generations for VirtualNetworkGateways.
    • Introduce new high throughput SKUs for VirtualNetworkGateways.


  • Updated 'Set-AzRedisCache' reference documentation to include missing values for '-Size' parameter


  • Add support for setting Active Directory Administrator on Managed Instance


  • Upgrade Storage Client Library to 11.1.0
  • List containers with Management plane API, will list with NextPageLink
    • Get-AzRmStorageContainer
  • List Storage accounts from subscription, will list with NextPageLink
    • Get-AzStorageAccount


  • Fix Issue 9810 in Reset-AzStorageSyncServerCertificate.


  • Set-AzWebApp updating ASP of an app was failing

2.7.0 - September 2019


  • Update '-Format' parameter description in 'Set-AzApiManagementPolicy' reference documentation
  • Removed references of deprecated cmdlet 'Update-AzApiManagementDeployment' from reference documentation. Use 'Set-AzApiManagement' instead.


  • Fixed example typo in reference documentation for 'Register-AzAutomationDscNode'
  • Added clarification on OS restriction to Register-AzAutomationDSCNode
  • Fixed Start-AzAutomationRunbook cmdlet Null reference exception for -Wait option.


  • Add UploadSizeInBytes parameter tp New-AzDiskConfig
  • Add Incremental parameter to New-AzSnapshotConfig
  • Add a low priority virtual machine feature:
    • MaxPrice, EvictionPolicy and Priority parameters are added to New-AzVMConfig.
    • MaxPrice parameter is added to New-AzVmssConfig, Update-AzVM and Update-AzVmss cmdlets.
  • Fix VM reference issue for Get-AzAvailabilitySet cmdlet when it lists all availability sets in the subscription.
  • Fix the null exception for Get-AzRemoteDesktopFile.
  • Fix VHD Seek method for end-relative position.
  • Fix UltraSSD issue for New-AzVM and Update-AzVM.


  • Adding 3 new commands for ADF V2 - Add-AzDataFactoryV2TriggerSubscription, Remove-AzDataFactoryV2TriggerSubscription, and Get-AzDataFactoryV2TriggerSubscriptionStatus
  • Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.1.3


  • Call out breaking changes


  • Add support to invoke failover for an IotHub to the geo-paired disaster recovery region.
  • Add support to manage message enrichment for an IotHub. New cmdlets are:
    • Add-AzIotHubMessageEnrichment
    • Get-AzIotHubMessageEnrichment
    • Remove-AzIotHubMessageEnrichment
    • Set-AzIotHubMessageEnrichment


  • Pointing to the most recent Monitor SDK, i.e. 0.24.1-preview
    • Adds non-braking changes to the Metrics cmdlets, i.e. the Unit enumeration supports several new values. These are read-only cmdlets, so there would be no change in the input of the cmdlets.
    • The api-version of the ActionGroups requests is now 2019-06-01, before it was 2018-03-01. The scenario tests have been updated to accommodate for this change.
    • The constructors for the classes EmailReceiver and WebhookReceiver added one new mandatory argument, i.e. a Boolean value called useCommonAlertSchema. Currently, the value is fixed to false to hide this breaking change from the cmdlets. NOTE: this is a temporary change that must be validated by the Alerts team.
    • The order of the arguments for the constructor of the class Source (related to the ScheduledQueryRuleSource class) changed from the previous SDK. This change required two unit tests to the be fixed: they compiled, but failed to pass the tests.
    • The order of the arguments for the constructor of the class AlertingAction (related to the ScheduledQueryRuleSource class) changed from the previous SDK. This change required two unit tests to the be fixed: they compiled, but failed to pass the tests.
  • Support Dynamic Threshold criteria for metric alert V2
    • New-AzMetricAlertRuleV2Criteria: now creats dynamic threshold criteria also
    • Add-AzMetricAlertRuleV2: now accept dynamic threshold criteria also
  • Improvements in Scheduled Query Rule cmdlets (SQR)
  • Cmdlets will accept 'Location' paramater in both formats, either the location (e.g. eastus) or the location display name (e.g. East US)
  • Illustrated 'Enabled' parameter in help files properly
  • Added examples for 'ActionGroup' optional parameter
  • Overall improved help files
  • Fix bug in determining scope type for 'Set-AzActionRule'


  • Fix incorrect example in 'New-AzApplicationGateway' reference documentation
  • Add note in 'Get-AzNetworkWatcherPacketCapture' reference documentation about retrieving all properties for a packet capture
  • Fixed example in 'Test-AzNetworkWatcherIPFlow' reference documentation to correctly enumerate NICs
  • Improved cloud exception parsing to display additional details if they are present
  • Improved cloud exception parsing to handle additional type of SDK exception
  • Fixed incorrect mapping of Security Rule models
  • Added properties to network interface for private ip feature
    • Added property 'PrivateEndpoint' as type of PSResourceId to PSNetworkInterface
    • Added property 'PrivateLinkConnectionProperties' as type of PSIpConfigurationConnectivityInformation to PSNetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration
    • Added new model class PSIpConfigurationConnectivityInformation
  • Added new ApplicationRuleProtocolType 'mssql' for Azure Firewall resource
  • MultiLink support in Virtual WAN
    • New cmdlets
      • New-AzVpnSiteLink
      • New-AzVpnSiteLinkConnection
    • Updated cmdlet:
      • New-VpnSite
      • Update-VpnSite
      • New-VpnConnection
      • Update-VpnConnection
  • Fixed documents for some PowerShell examples to use Az cmdlets instead of AzureRM cmdlets


  • Update AzureVMpolicy Object with ProtectedItemsCount Attribute
  • Added Tests for VM policy and Original Storage Account Restore


  • Fix bug where New-AzRoleAssignment could not be called without parameter Scope.


  • Fixed typo in example for 'Update-AzServiceFabricReliability' reference documentation
  • Adding new cmdlets to manage appliaction and services:
    • New-AzServiceFabricApplication
    • New-AzServiceFabricApplicationType
    • New-AzServiceFabricApplicationTypeVersion
    • New-AzServiceFabricService
    • Update-AzServiceFabricApplication
    • Get-AzServiceFabricApplication
    • Get-AzServiceFabricApplicationType
    • Get-AzServiceFabricApplicationTypeVersion
    • Get-AzServiceFabricService
    • Remove-AzServiceFabricApplication
    • Remove-AzServiceFabricApplicationType
    • Remove-AzServiceFabricApplicationTypeVersion
    • Remove-AzServiceFabricServic
  • Upgraded Service Fabric SDK to version 1.2.0 which uses service fabric resource provider api-version 2019-03-01.


  • Add Update, Restart, CheckNameAvailability, GetUsage Cmdlets


  • Update example in reference documentation for 'Get-AzSqlElasticPool'
  • Added vCore example to creating an elastic pool (New-AzSqlElasticPool).
  • Remove the validation of EmailAddresses and the check that EmailAdmins is not false in case EmailAddresses is empty in Set-AzSqlServerAdvancedThreatProtectionPolicy and Set-AzSqlDatabaseAdvancedThreatProtectionPolicy
  • Enabled removal of server/database auditing settings when multiple diagnostic settings that enable audit category exist.
  • Fix email addresses validation in multiple Sql Vulnerability Assessment cmdlets (Update-AzSqlDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentSetting, Update-AzSqlServerVulnerabilityAssessmentSetting, Update-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentSetting and Update-AzSqlInstanceVulnerabilityAssessmentSetting).


  • Updated example in reference documentation for 'Get-AzStorageAccountKey'
  • In upload/Downalod Azure File,support perserve the source File SMB properties (File Attributtes, File Creation Time, File Last Write Time) in the destination file
    • Set-AzStorageFileContent
    • Get-AzStorageFileContent
  • Fix Upload block blob with properties/metadate fail on container enabled ImmutabilityPolicy.
    • Set-AzStorageBlobContent
  • Support manage Azure File shares with Management plane API
    • New-AzRmStorageShare
    • Get-AzRmStorageShare
    • Update-AzRmStorageShare
    • Remove-AzRmStorageShare


  • Fixing issue where webapp Tags were getting deleted when migrating App to new ASPwhere webapp Tags were getting deleted when migrating App to new ASP
  • Fixing the Publish-AzureWebapp to work across Linux and windows
  • Update example in 'Get-AzWebAppPublishingProfile' reference documentation

2.6.0 - August 2019


  • Fixed miscellaneous typos across numerous modules


  • Added support for user-assigned MSI in Azure Functions authentication (#9479)


  • Fixed issue with output for 'Get-AzAks' (#9847)


  • Fixed issue with whitespace in productId, apiId, groupId, userId (#9351)
  • Get-AzApiManagementProduct - Added support for querying products using API (#9482)
  • New-AzApiManagementApiRevision - Fixed issue where ApiRevisionDescription was not set when creating new API revision (#9752)
  • Fixed typo in model PsApiManagementOAuth2AuthrozationServer to PsApiManagementOAuth2AuthorizationServer


  • Fixed typos in help message and documentation


  • Fixed a typo in CDN module conversion helper


  • Added VmssId to New-AzVMConfig cmdlet
  • Added TerminateScheduledEvents and TerminateScheduledEventNotBeforeTimeoutInMinutes parameters to New-AzVmssConfig and Update-AzVmss
  • Added HyperVGeneration property to VM image object
  • Added Host and HostGroup features
    • New cmdlets:
      • New-AzHostGroup
      • New-AzHost
      • Get-AzHostGroup
      • Get-AzHost
      • Remove-AzHostGroup
      • Remove-AzHost
    • Added HostId parameter to New-AzVMConfig and New-AzVM
  • Updated example in Invoke-AzVMRunCommand documentation to use correct parameter name
  • Updated -VolumeType description in Set-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension and Set-AzVmssDiskEncryptionExtension reference documentation


  • Fixed typos in New-AzDataFactoryEncryptValue documentation
  • Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.1.2
  • Added parameters to Set-AzureRmDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime to enable Self-Hosted Integration Runtime as a proxy for SSIS Integration Runtime:
    • DataProxyIntegrationRuntimeName
    • DataProxyStagingLinkedServiceName
    • DataProxyStagingPath
  • Updated PSTriggerRun to show the triggered pipelines, message and properties, and PSActivityRun to show the activity type


  • Fixed issue where Get-DataLakeStoreDeletedItem would hang on errors and remote exceptions


  • Fixed typo VirtualNteworkRule in Set-AzEventHubNetworkRuleSet (#9658)
  • Fixed issue where Set-AzEventHubNamespace used PATCH instead of PUT (#9558)
  • Added EnableKafka parameter to Set-AzEventHubNamespace cmdlet
  • Fixed issue with creating rules with Listen rights (#9786)


  • Fixed documentation typos


  • Fixed incorrect parameter name in help documentation


  • Updated New-AzPrivateLinkServiceIpConfig:
    • Deprecated the parameter PublicIpAddress since this is never used in the server side.
    • Added optional parameter Primary that indicates if the current IP configuration is the primary one
  • Improved handling of request error exception from SDK
  • Fixed validation logic for Ipv6 IP Prefix to check for correct IPv6 prefix length
  • Added parameter set to get by subnet resource id to Get-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig
  • Updated description of Location parameter for AzNetworkServiceTag


  • Updated documentation for New-AzOperationalInsightsLinuxSyslogDataSource:
    • Added example
    • Updated description for -Name parameter
  • Added an example for New-AzOperationalInsightsWindowsEventDataSource
  • Changed the description of the -Name parameter for New-AzOperationalInsightsWindowsEventDataSource


  • Updated documentation for Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupJobDetail


  • Added support for new API version 2019-05-10 for Microsoft.Resource
    • Add support for 'copy.count = 0' for variables, resources and properties
    • Resources with 'condition = false' or 'copy.count = 0' will be deleted in complete mode
  • Added an example of assigning policy at the subscription level


  • Fixed typo VirtualNetworkRule parameter in Set-AzServiceBusNetworkRuleSet Fix for issue #9658 : Typo
  • Fixed issue with creating Listen-only rules (#9786)
  • Added new command Test-AzServiceBusNameAvailability to check the name availability for queue and topic


  • Fixed NullReferenceException when a resource group has a VMSS not related to the service fabric cluster (#8681)
  • Fixed bug where cmdlets failed if virtualNetwork was in a different resource group than the cluster (#8407)
  • Deprecated Add-AzServiceFabricApplicationCertificate cmdlet


  • Updated documentation for old Auditing cmdlets


  • Updated help for Close-AzStorageFileHandle and Get-AzStorageFileHandle, added more scenarios to cmdlet examples and updated parameter descriptions
  • Added support for StandardBlobTier in blob uploads and copies
  • Added support for Rehydrate priority in blob copy


  • Added clarification around -AppSettings parameter for Set-AzWebApp and Set-AzWebAppSlot

2.5.0 - July 2019


  • Update common code to use latest version of ClientRuntime


  • Fix example typo in 'Remove-AzApplicationInsightsApiKey' documentation


  • Fix typo in resource string


  • Added NetworkRuleSet support.


  • Add missing properties (ComputerName, OsName, OsVersion and HyperVGeneration) of VM instance view object.


  • Fix typo in Remove-AzContainerRegistryReplication for Replication parameter


  • Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.1.0
  • Fix typo in documentation for 'Get-AzDataFactoryV2PipelineRun'


  • Added new cmmdlet added for generating SAS token : New-AzEventHubAuthorizationRuleSASToken
  • added verification and error message for authorizationrules rights if only 'Manage' is assigned


  • Added support to specify the KeySize for Certificate Policies


  • Fix for Get-AzIntegrationAccountMap to list all map types
    • Added new MapType parameter for filtering


  • Added support for api version 2019-06-01 (GA)


  • Add support for private endpoint and private link service
    • New cmdlets
      • Set-AzPrivateEndpoint
      • Set-AzPrivateLinkService
      • Approve-AzPrivateEndpointConnection
      • Deny-AzPrivateEndpointConnection
      • Get-AzPrivateEndpointConnection
      • Remove-AzPrivateEndpointConnection
      • Test-AzPrivateLinkServiceVisibility
      • Get-AzAutoApprovedPrivateLinkService
  • Updated below commands for feature: PrivateEndpointNetworkPolicies/PrivateLinkServiceNetworkPolicies flag on Subnet in Virtualnetwork
    • Updated New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig/Set-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig/Add-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig
      • Added optional parameter -PrivateEndpointNetworkPoliciesFlag to indicate that enable or disable apply network policies on pivate endpoint in this subnet.
      • Added optional parameter -PrivateLinkServiceNetworkPoliciesFlag to indicate that enable or disable apply network policies on private link service in this subnet.
  • AzPrivateLinkService's cmdlet parameter 'ServiceName' was renamed to 'Name' with an alias 'ServiceName' for backward compatibility
  • Enable ICMP protocol for network security rule configurations
    • Updated cmdlets
      • Add-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig
      • New-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig
      • Set-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig
  • Add ConnectionProtocolType (Ikev1/Ikev2) as a configurable parameter for New-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection
  • Add PrivateIpAddressVersion in LoadBalancerFrontendIpConfiguration
    • Updated cmdlet:
      • New-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig
      • Add-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig
      • Set-AzLoadBalancerFrontendIpConfig
  • Application Gateway New-AzApplicationGatewayProbeConfig command update for supporting custom port in Probe
    • Updated New-AzApplicationGatewayProbeConfig: Added optional parameter Port which is used for probing backend server. This parameter is applicable for Standard_V2 and WAF_V2 SKU.


  • Updated default version for saved searches to be 1.
  • Fixed custom log null regex handling


  • Update ''
  • Update ''
  • Update ''
  • Update ''
  • Update ''
  • Update ''
  • Update ''
  • Update ''
  • Updated service call for Unregistering container for Azure File Share
  • Update ''


  • Remove missing cmdlet referenced in 'New-AzResourceGroupDeployment' documentation
  • Updated policy cmdlets to use new api version 2019-01-01


  • Added new cmmdlet added for generating SAS token : New-AzServiceBusAuthorizationRuleSASToken
  • added verification and error message for authorizationrules rights if only 'Manage' is assigned


  • Fix missing examples for Set-AzSqlDatabaseSecondary cmdlet
  • Fix set Vulnerability Assessment recurring scans without providing any email addresses
  • Fix a small typo in a warining message.


  • Update example in reference documentation for 'Get-AzStorageAccount' to use correct parameter name


  • Adding Invoke-AzStorageSyncChangeDetection cmdlet.
  • Fix Issue 9551 for honoring TierFilesOlderThanDays


  • Fixing a bug where some SiteConfig properties were not returned by Get-AzWebApp and Set-AzWebApp
  • Adds a new Location parameter to Get-AzDeletedWebApp and Restore-AzDeletedWebApp
  • Fixes a bug with cloning web app slots using New-AzWebApp -IncludeSourceWebAppSlots

2.4.0 - July 2019


  • Add support for profile cmdlets
  • Add support for environments and data planes in generated cmdlets
  • Fix bug where incorrect endpoint was being used in some cases for data plane cmdlets in Windows PowerShell


  • GA release of Az.Advisor
  • This module is now included as a part of the roll-up Az module


  • Fix for issue Azure#8671
    • Get-AzApiManagementSubscription
      • Added support for querying subscriptions by User and Product
      • Added support for querying using Scope '/', '/apis', '/apis/echo-api'
  • Fix for issue Azure#9307 and Azure#8432
    • Import-AzApiManagementApi
      • Added support for specifiying 'ApiVersion' and 'ApiVersionSetId' when importing Apis


  • Fixed Set-AzAutomationConnectionFieldValue cmdlet bug to handle string value.


  • Add HyperVGeneration parameter to New-AzImageConfig


  • Updating the output of get activity runs, get pipeline runs, and get trigger runs ADF cmdlets to support Select-Object pipe.


  • Fix typo in 'New-AzEventGridSubscription' documentation


  • Add support to regenerate authorization policy keys.


  • Added 'RoutingPreference' to public ip tags
  • Improve examples for 'Get-AzNetworkServiceTag' reference documentation


  • Fix null reference issue in Get-AzPolicyState


  • Fixed CustomLog datasource model returned in Get-AzOperationalInsightsDataSource


  • Fix for get-policy command for IaaSVMs


- Fix help text for Get-AzPolicyState -Top parameter
- Add client-side paging support for Get-AzPolicyAlias
- Add new parameters for Set-AzPolicyAssignment, -PolicyParameters and -PolicyParametersObject
- Handful of doc and example updates for Policy cmdlets


  • Fix for issue #4938 - New-AzServiceBusQueue returns BadRequest when setting MaxSizeInMegabytes


  • Add Instance Failover Group cmdlets from preview release to public release
  • Support Azure SQL Server\Database Auditing with new cmdlets.
    • Set-AzSqlServerAudit
    • Get-AzSqlServerAudit
    • Remove-AzSqlServerAudit
    • Set-AzSqlDatabaseAudit
    • Get-AzSqlDatabaseAudit
    • Remove-AzSqlDatabaseAudit
  • Remove email constraints from Vulnerability Assessment settings


  • Change 2 parameters '-IndexDocument' and '-ErrorDocument404Path' from required to optional in cmdlet:
    • Enable-AzStorageStaticWebsite
  • Update help of Get-AzStorageBlobContent by add an example
  • Show more error information when cmdlet failed with StorageException
  • Support create or update Storage account with Azure Files AAD DS Authentication
    • New-AzStorageAccount
    • Set-AzStorageAccount
  • Support list or close file handles of a file share, file directory or a file
    • Get-AzStorageFileHandle
    • Close-AzStorageFileHandle


  • This module is now included as a part of the roll-up Az module

2.3.2 - June 2019


  • Fix bug with incorrect URL being used in some cases for Functions calls
  • Fix Issue with aliases from AzureRM to Az cmdlets
    • Set-AzureRmVMBootDiagnostics -> Set-AzVMBootDiagnostic
    • Export-AzureRMLogAnalyticThrottledRequests -> Export-AzLogAnalyticThrottledRequest


  • New-AzVm and New-AzVmss simple parameter sets now accept the 'ProximityPlacementGroup' parameter.
  • Fix typo in 'New-AzVM' reference documentation


  • Fixed a typo in 'Set-AzDnsZone' help examples.


  • Updated to use the 2019-06-01 API version.
  • New cmdlets:
    • New-AzEventGridDomain
      • Creates a new Azure Event Grid Domain.
    • Get-AzEventGridDomain
      • Gets the details of an Event Grid Domain, or gets a list of all Event Grid Domains in the current Azure subscription.
    • Remove-AzEventGridDomain
      • Removes an Azure Event Grid Domain.
    • New-AzEventGridDomainKey
      • Regenerates the shared access key for an Azure Event Grid Domain.
    • Get-AzEventGridDomainKey
      • Gets the shared access keys used to publish events to an Event Grid Domain.
    • New-AzEventGridDomainTopic:
      • Creates a new Azure Event Grid Domain Topic.
    • Get-AzEventGridDomainTopic
      • Gets the details of an Event Grid Domain Topic, or gets a list of all Event Grid Domain Topics under specific Event Grid Domain in the current Azure
    • Remove-AzEventGridDomainTopic:
      • Removes an existing Azure Event Grid Domain Topic.
  • Updated cmdlets:
    • New-AzEventGridSubscription/Update-AzEventGridSubscription:
      • Add new mandatory parameters to support piping for the new Event Grid Domain and Event Grid Domain Topic to allow creating new event subscription under these resources.
      • Add new mandatory parameters for specifying the new Event Grid Domain name and/or Event Grid Domain Topic name to allow creating new event subscription under these resources.
      • Add new Parameter sets for domains and domain topics to allow reusing existing parameters (e.g., EndPointType, SubjectBeginsWith, etc).
      • Add new optional parameters for specifying:
        • Event subscription expiration date,
        • Advanced filtering parameters.
      • Add new enum for servicebusqueue as destination.
      • Disallow usage of 'All' in -IncludedEventType option and replace it with
    • Get-AzEventGridTopic, Get-AzEventGridDomain, Get-AzEventGridDomainTopic, Get-AzEventGridSubscription:
      • Add new optional parameters (Top, ODataQuery and NextLink) to support results pagination and filtering.
    • Remove-AzEventGridSubscription
      • Add new mandatory parameters to support piping for Event Grid Domain and Event Grid Domain Topic to allow removing existing event subscription under these resources.
      • Add new mandatory parameters for specifying the Event Grid Domain name and/or Event Grid Domain Topic name to allow removing existing event subscription under these resources.


  • New-AzFrontDoorWafMatchConditionObject
    • Add transforms support and new operator auto-complete value (RegEx)
  • New-AzFrontDoorWafManagedRuleObject
    • Add new auto-complete values


  • Add support for Virtual Network Gateway Resource
    • New cmdlets
      • Get-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayVpnClientConnectionHealth
  • Add AvailablePrivateEndpointType
    • New cmdlets
      • Get-AzAvailablePrivateEndpointType
  • Add PrivatePrivateLinkService
    • New cmdlets
      • Get-AzPrivateLinkService
      • New-AzPrivateLinkService
      • Remove-AzPrivateLinkService
      • New-AzPrivateLinkServiceIpConfig
      • Set-AzPrivateEndpointConnection
  • Add PrivateEndpoint
    • New cmdlets
      • Get-AzPrivateEndpoint
      • New-AzPrivateEndpoint
      • Remove-AzPrivateEndpoint
      • New-AzPrivateLinkServiceConnection
  • Updated below commands for feature: UseLocalAzureIpAddress flag on VpnConnection
    • Updated New-AzVpnConnection: Added optional parameter -UseLocalAzureIpAddress to indicate that local azure ip address should be used as source address while initiating connection.
    • Updated Set-AzVpnConnection: Added optional parameter -UseLocalAzureIpAddress to indicate that local azure ip address should be used as source address while initiating connection.
  • Added readonly field PeeredConnections in ExpressRoute peering.
  • Added readonly field GlobalReachEnabled in ExpressRoute.
  • Added breaking change attribute to call out deprecation of AllowGlobalReach field in ExpressRouteCircuit model
  • Fixed Issue 8756 Error using TargetListenerID with AzApplicationGatewayRedirectConfiguration cmdlets
  • Fixed bug in New-AzApplicationGatewayPathRuleConfig that prevented the rewrite ruleset from being set.
  • Fixed displaying of VirtualNetworkTaps in NetworkInterfaceIpConfiguration
  • Fixed Cortex Get cmdlets for list all part
  • Fixed VirtualHub reference creation for ExpressRouteGateways, VpnGateway
  • Added support for Availability Zones in AzureFirewall and NatGateway
  • Added cmdlet Get-AzNetworkServiceTag
  • Add support for multiple public IP addresses for Azure Firewall
    • Updated New-AzFirewall cmdlet:
      • Added parameter -PublicIpAddress which accepts one or more Public IP Address objects
      • Added parameter -VirtualNetwork which accepts a Virtual Network object
      • Added methods AddPublicIpAddress and RemovePublicIpAddress on firewall object - these accept a Public IP Address object as input
      • Deprecated parameters -PublicIpName and -VirtualNetworkName
  • Updated below commands for feature: Set VpnClient AAD authentication options to Virtual network gateway resource.
    • Updated New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway: Added optional parameters AadTenantUri,AadAudienceId,AadIssuerUri to set VpnClient AAD authentication options on Gateway.
    • Updated Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway: Added optional parameter AadTenantUri,AadAudienceId,AadIssuerUri to set VpnClient AAD authentication options on Gateway.
    • Updated Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway: Added optional switch parameter RemoveAadAuthentication to remove VpnClient AAD authentication options from Gateway.


  • Enable pergb2018 pricing tier in 'New-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace' command


  • Support for additional Template Export options
    • Add '-SkipResourceNameParameterization' parameter to Export-AzResourceGroup
    • Add '-SkipAllParameterization' parameter to Export-AzResourceGroup
    • Add '-Resource' parameter to Export-AzResourceGroup for exported resource filtering


  • Fix add certificate ByExistingKeyVault getting the wrong thumbprint in some cases


  • Fix Advanced Threat Protection storage endpoint suffix
  • Fix Advanced Data Security enable overrides Advanced Threat Protection policy
  • New Cmdlets for Management.Sql to allow customers to add TDE keys and set TDE protector for managed instances
    • Add-AzSqlInstanceKeyVaultKey
    • Get-AzSqlInstanceKeyVaultKey
    • Remove-AzSqlInstanceKeyVaultKey
    • Get-AzSqlInstanceTransparentDataEncryptionProtector
    • Set-AzSqlInstanceTransparentDataEncryptionProtector


  • Support Kind FileStorage and SkuName Premium_ZRS when create Storage account
    • New-AzStorageAccount
  • Clarified description of blob immutability cmdlet
    • Remove-AzRmStorageContainerImmutabilityPolicy


  • Optimizes Get-AzWebAppCertificate to filter by resource group on the server instead of the client
  • Adds -UseDisasterRecovery switch parameter to Get-AzWebAppSnapshot

2.2.0 - June 2019


  • Updated cmdlets to support rulesEngine feature based on API version 2019-04-15.


  • Added NoWait parameter that starts the operation and returns immediately, before the operation is completed.
    • Updated cmdlets: Export-AzLogAnalyticRequestRateByInterval Export-AzLogAnalyticThrottledRequest Remove-AzVM Remove-AzVMAccessExtension Remove-AzVMAEMExtension Remove-AzVMChefExtension Remove-AzVMCustomScriptExtension Remove-AzVMDiagnosticsExtension Remove-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension Remove-AzVMDscExtension Remove-AzVMSqlServerExtension Restart-AzVM Set-AzVM Set-AzVMAccessExtension Set-AzVMADDomainExtension Set-AzVMAEMExtension Set-AzVMBginfoExtension Set-AzVMChefExtension Set-AzVMCustomScriptExtension Set-AzVMDiagnosticsExtension Set-AzVMDscExtension Set-AzVMExtension Start-AzVM Stop-AzVM Update-AzVM


  • Fix for #9231 - Get-AzEventHubNamespace does not return tags
  • Fix for #9230 - Get-AzEventHubNamespace returns ResourceGroup instead of ResourceGroupName


  • Update ResourceId and InputObject for Nat Gateway
    • Add alias for ResourceId and InputObject


  • Fix Null reference issue in Get-AzPolicyEvent


  • IaaSVM policy minimum retention in days changed to 7 from 1


  • Fix for issue #9182 - Get-AzServiceBusNamespace returns ResourceGroup instead of ResourceGroupName


  • Fix typo in error message for 'Update-AzServiceFabricReliability'
  • Fix missing character in Service Fabric cmdlines


  • Add DnsZonePartner Parameter for New-AzureSqlInstance cmdlet to support AutoDr for Managed Instance.
  • Deprecating Get-AzSqlDatabaseSecureConnectionPolicy cmdlet
  • Rename Threat Detection cmdlets to Advanced Threat Protection
  • New-AzSqlInstance -StorageSizeInGB and -LicenseType parameters are now optional.


  • fixes the issue where using Set-AzWebApp and Set-AzWebAppSlot with -WebApp property was removing the tags

2.1.0 - May 2019


  • Created new Cmdlets for managing diagnostics at the global and API Scope
    • Get-AzApiManagementDiagnostic - Get the diagnostics configured a global or api Scope
    • New-AzApiManagementDiagnostic - Create new diagnostics at the global scope or api Scope
    • New-AzApiManagementHttpMessageDiagnostic - Create diagnostic setting for which Headers to log and the size of Body Bytes
    • New-AzApiManagementPipelineDiagnosticSetting - Create Diagnostic settings for incoming/outgoing HTTP messages to the Gateway.
    • New-AzApiManagementSamplingSetting - Create Sampling Setting for the requests/response for a diagnostic
    • Remove-AzApiManagementDiagnostic - Remove a diagnostic entity at global or api scope
    • Set-AzApiManagementDiagnostic - Update a diagnostic Entity at global or api scope
  • Created new Cmdlets for managing Cache in ApiManagement service
    • Get-AzApiManagementCache - Get the details of the Cache specified by identifier or all caches
    • New-AzApiManagementCache - Create a new 'default' Cache or Cache in a particular azure 'region'
    • Remove-AzApiManagementCache - Remove a cache
    • Update-AzApiManagementCache - Update a cache
  • Created new Cmdlets for managing API Schema
    • New-AzApiManagementSchema - Create a new Schema for an API
    • Get-AzApiManagementSchema - Get the schemas configured in the API
    • Remove-AzApiManagementSchema - Remove the schema configured in the API
    • Set-AzApiManagementSchema - Update the schema configured in the API
  • Created new Cmdlet for generating a User Token.
    • New-AzApiManagementUserToken - Generate a new User Token valid for 8 hours by default.Token for the 'GIT' user can be generated using this cmdlet./
  • Created a new cmdlet to retrieving the Network Status
    • Get-AzApiManagementNetworkStatus - Get the Network status connectivity of resources on which API Management service depends on. This is useful when deploying ApiManagement service into a Virtual Network and validing whether any of the dependencies are broken.
  • Updated cmdlet New-AzApiManagement to manage ApiManagement service
    • Added support for the new 'Consumption' SKU
    • Added support to turn the 'EnableClientCertificate' flag on for 'Consumption' SKU
    • The new cmdlet New-AzApiManagementSslSetting allows configuring 'TLS/SSL' setting on the 'Backend' and 'Frontend'. This can also be used to configure 'Ciphers' like '3DES' and 'ServerProtocols' like 'Http2' on the 'Frontend' of an ApiManagement service.
    • Added support for configuring the 'DeveloperPortal' hostname on ApiManagement service.
  • Updated cmdlets Get-AzApiManagementSsoToken to take 'PsApiManagement' object as input
  • Updated the cmdlet to display Error Messages inline
    • PS D:\github\azure-powershell> Set-AzApiManagementPolicy -Context -PolicyFilePath C:\wrongpolicy.xml -ApiId httpbin
      • Set-AzApiManagementPolicy :
      • Error Code: ValidationError
      • Error Message: One or more fields contain incorrect values:
      • Error Details: [Code=ValidationError, Message=Error in element 'log-to-eventhub' on line 3, column 10: Logger not found, Target=log-to-eventhub]
  • Updated cmdlet Export-AzApiManagementApi to export APIs in 'OpenApi 3.0' format
  • Updated cmdlet Import-AzApiManagementApi
    • To import Api from 'OpenApi 3.0' document specification
    • To override the 'PsApiManagementSchema' property specified in any ('Swagger', 'Wadl', 'Wsdl', 'OpenApi') document.
    • To override the 'ServiceUrl' property specified in any document.
  • Updated cmdlet Get-AzApiManagementPolicy to return policy in Non-Xml escaped 'format' using 'rawxml'
  • Updated cmdlet Set-AzApiManagementPolicy to accept policy in Non-Xml escaped 'format' using 'rawxml' and Xml escaped using 'xml'
  • Updated cmdlet New-AzApiManagementApi
    • To configure API with 'OpenId' authorization server.
    • To create an API in an 'ApiVersionSet'
    • To clone an API using 'SourceApiId' and 'SourceApiRevision'.
    • Ability to configure 'SubscriptionRequired' at the Api scope.
  • Updated cmdlet Set-AzApiManagementApi
    • To configure API with 'OpenId' authorization server.
    • To updated an API into an 'ApiVersionSet'
    • Ability to configure 'SubscriptionRequired' at the Api scope.
  • Updated cmdlet New-AzApiManagementRevision
    • To clone (copy tags, products, operations and policies) an existing revision using 'SourceApiRevision'. The new Revision assumes the 'ApiId' of the parent.
    • To provide an 'ApiRevisionDescription'
    • To override the 'ServiceUrl' when cloning an API.
  • Updated cmdlet New-AzApiManagementIdentityProvider
    • To configure 'AAD' or 'AADB2C' with an 'Authority'
    • To setup 'SignupPolicy', 'SigninPolicy', 'ProfileEditingPolicy' and 'PasswordResetPolicy'
  • Updated cmdlet New-AzApiManagementSubscription
    • To account for the new SubscriptonModel using 'Scope' and 'UserId'
    • To account for the old subscription model using 'ProductId' and 'UserId'
    • Add support to enable 'AllowTracing' at the subscription level.
  • Updated cmdlet Set-AzApiManagementSubscription
    • To account for the new SubscriptonModel using 'Scope' and 'UserId'
    • To account for the old subscription model using 'ProductId' and 'UserId'
    • Add support to enable 'AllowTracing' at the subscription level.
  • Updated following cmdlets to accept 'ResourceId' as input
    • 'New-AzApiManagementContext'
      • New-AzApiManagementContext -ResourceId /subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rgName/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contoso
    • 'Get-AzApiManagementApiRelease'
      • Get-AzApiManagementApiRelease -ResourceId /subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rgName/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contoso/apis/echo-api/releases/releaseId
    • 'Get-AzApiManagementApiVersionSet'
      • Get-AzApiManagementApiVersionSet -ResourceId /subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rgName/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/constoso/apiversionsets/pathversionset
    • 'Get-AzApiManagementAuthorizationServer'
    • 'Get-AzApiManagementBackend'
      • Get-AzApiManagementBackend -ResourceId /subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rgName/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/contoso/backends/servicefabric
    • 'Get-AzApiManagementCertificate'
    • 'Remove-AzApiManagementApiVersionSet'
    • 'Remove-AzApiManagementSubscription'


  • Updated Get-AzAutomationJobOutputRecord to handle JSON and Text record values.
  • Changed behavior for Start-AzAutomationDscCompilationJob to just start the job instead of waiting for its completion.
  • Fix for Get-AzAutomationDscNode when using -Name returns all node. Now it returns matching node only.


  • Add ProtectFromScaleIn and ProtectFromScaleSetAction parameters to Update-AzVmssVM cmdlet.
  • New-AzVM wimple parameter set now uses by default an available location if 'East US' is not supported


  • Update the ADLS sdk to use httpclient, integrate dataplane testing with azure framework


  • Fixed incorrect parameter names in help examples


  • Add DisableBgpRoutePropagation flag to Effective Route Table output
    • Updated cmdlet:
      • Get-AzEffectiveRouteTable
  • Fix double dash in New-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedRootCertificate documentation


  • Add new cmdlet Get-AzDenyAssignment for retrieving deny assignments


  • Rename Advanced Threat Protection cmdlets to Advanced Data Security and enable Vulnerability Assessment by default

2.0.0 - May 2019


  • Update Authentication Library to fix ADFS issues with username/password auth


  • Only display Bing disclaimer for Bing Search Services.
  • Improve error when create account failed.


  • Proximity placement group feature.
    • The following new cmdlets are added: New-AzProximityPlacementGroup Get-AzProximityPlacementGroup Remove-AzProximityPlacementGroup
    • The new parameter, ProximityPlacementGroupId, is added to the following cmdlets: New-AzAvailabilitySet New-AzVMConfig New-AzVmssConfig
  • StorageAccountType parameter is added to New-AzGalleryImageVersion.
  • TargetRegion of New-AzGalleryImageVersion can contain StorageAccountType.
  • SkipShutdown switch parameter is added to Stop-AzVM and Stop-AzVmss
  • Breaking changes
    • Set-AzVMBootDiagnostics is changed to Set-AzVMBootDiagnostic.
    • Export-AzLogAnalyticThrottledRequests is changed to Export-AzLogAnalyticThrottledRequests.


  • First Generally Available release of Azure Deployment Manager cmdlets


  • Automatic DNS NameServer Delegation
    • Create DNS zone cmdlet accepts parent zone name as additional optional parameter.
    • Adds NS records in the parent zone for newly created child zone.


  • First Generally Available Release of Azure FrontDoor cmdlets
  • Rename WAF cmdlets to include 'Waf'
    • Get-AzFrontDoorFireWallPolicy --> Get-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy
    • New-AzFrontDoorCustomRuleObject --> New-AzFrontDoorWafCustomRuleObject
    • New-AzFrontDoorFireWallPolicy --> New-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy
    • New-AzFrontDoorManagedRuleObject --> New-AzFrontDoorWafManagedRuleObject
    • New-AzFrontDoorManagedRuleOverrideObject --> New-AzFrontDoorWafManagedRuleOverrideObject
    • New-AzFrontDoorMatchConditionObject --> New-AzFrontDoorWafMatchConditionObject
    • New-AzFrontDoorRuleGroupOverrideObject --> New-AzFrontDoorWafRuleGroupOverrideObject
    • Remove-AzFrontDoorFireWallPolicy --> Remove-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy
    • Update-AzFrontDoorFireWallPolicy --> Update-AzFrontDoorWafPolicy


  • Removed two cmdlets:
    • Grant-AzHDInsightHttpServicesAccess
    • Revoke-AzHDInsightHttpServicesAccess
  • Added a new cmdlet Set-AzHDInsightGatewayCredential to replace Grant-AzHDInsightHttpServicesAccess
  • Update cmdlet Get-AzHDInsightJobOutput to distinguish reader role and hdinsight operator role:
    • Users with reader role need to specify 'DefaultStorageAccountKey' parameter explicitly, otherwise error occurs.
    • Users with hdinsight operator role will not be affected.


  • New cmdlets for SQR API (Scheduled Query Rule)
    • New-AzScheduledQueryRuleAlertingAction
    • New-AzScheduledQueryRuleAznsActionGroup
    • New-AzScheduledQueryRuleLogMetricTrigger
    • New-AzScheduledQueryRuleSchedule
    • New-AzScheduledQueryRuleSource
    • New-AzScheduledQueryRuleTriggerCondition
    • New-AzScheduledQueryRule
    • Get-AzScheduledQueryRule
    • Set-AzScheduledQueryRule
    • Update-AzScheduledQueryRule
    • Remove-AzScheduledQueryRule
    • More information about SQR API
    • Updated to include cmdlets for GenV2(non classic) metric-based alert rule


  • Add support for Nat Gateway Resource
    • New cmdlets
      • New-AzNatGateway
      • Get-AzNatGateway
      • Set-AzNatGateway
      • Remove-AzNatGateway
    • Updated cmdlets
      • New-AzureVirtualNetworkSubnetConfigCommand
      • Add-AzureVirtualNetworkSubnetConfigCommand
  • Updated below commands for feature: Custom routes set/remove on Brooklyn Gateway.
    • Updated New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway: Added optional parameter -CustomRoute to set the address prefixes as custom routes to set on Gateway.
    • Updated Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway: Added optional parameter -CustomRoute to set the address prefixes as custom routes to set on Gateway.


  • Support for querying policy evaluation details.
    • Add '-Expand' parameter to Get-AzPolicyState. Support '-Expand PolicyEvaluationDetails'.


  • Support for Cross subscription Azure to Azure site recovery.
  • Marking upcoming breaking changes for Azure Site Recovery.
  • Fix for Azure Site Recovery recovery plan end action plan.
  • Fix for Azure Site Recovery Update network mapping for Azure to Azure.
  • Fix for Azure Site Recovery update protection direction for Azure to Azure for managed disk.
  • Other minor fixes.


  • Fix typos in customer-facing messages


  • Added new cmdlets for NetworkRuleSet of Namespace


  • Upgrade to Storage Client Library 10.0.1 (the namespace of all objects from this SDK change from 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.' to 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.')
  • Upgrade to Microsoft.Azure.Management.Storage 11.0.0, to support new API version 2019-04-01.
  • The default Storage account Kind in Create Storage account change from 'Storage' to 'StorageV2'
    • New-AzStorageAccount
  • Change the Storage account cmdlet output Sku.Name to be aligned with input SkuName by add '-', like 'StandardLRS' change to 'Standard_LRS'
    • New-AzStorageAccount
    • Get-AzStorageAccount
    • Set-AzStorageAccount


  • 'Kind' property will now be set for PSSite objects returned by Get-AzWebApp
  • Get-AzWebApp*Metrics and Get-AzAppServicePlanMetrics marked deprecated

1.8.0 - April 2019

Highlights since the last major release

  • General availability of Az module
  • For more information about the Az module, please visit the following:
  • Added Location, ResourceGroup, and ResourceName completers:
  • Added wildcard support to Get cmdlets for Az.Compute and Az.Network
  • Added interactive and username/password authentication for Windows PowerShell 5.1 only
  • Added support for Python 2 runbooks in Az.Automation
  • Az.LogicApp: New cmdlets for Integration Account Assemblies and Batch Configuration


  • Update Uninstall-AzureRm to correctly delete modules in Mac


  • Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.


  • Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.


  • Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.


  • Fix issue with AEM installation if resource ids of disks had lowercase resourcegroups in resource id
  • Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
  • Fix documentation for wildcards


  • Add SsisProperties if NodeCount not null for managed integration runtime.


  • Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.


  • Updated the help text for endpoint to indicate that resources should be created before using the create/update event subscription cmdlets.


  • Added new cmdlets for NetworkRuleSet of Namespace


  • Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.


  • Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.


  • Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
  • Fix documentation for wildcards


  • Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.


  • Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.


  • New cmdlets for GenV2(non classic) metric-based alert rule
    • New-AzMetricAlertRuleV2DimensionSelection
    • New-AzMetricAlertRuleV2Criteria
    • Remove-AzMetricAlertRuleV2
    • Get-AzMetricAlertRuleV2
    • Add-AzMetricAlertRuleV2
  • Updated Monitor SDK to version 0.22.0-preview


  • Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
  • Fix documentation for wildcards


  • Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.


  • Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.


  • Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.


  • Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
  • Updated table format for SQL in azure VM
  • Added alternate method to fetch location in AzureFileShare
  • Updated ScheduleRunDays in SchedulePolicy object according to timezone


  • Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.


  • Fix documentation for wildcards


  • Replace dependency on Monitor SDK with common code
  • Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
  • Enhanced process of multiple columns classification.
  • Include sku properties (sku name, family, capacity) in response from Get-AzSqlServerServiceObjective and format as table by default.
  • Ability to Get-AzSqlServerServiceObjective by location without needing a preexisting server in the region.
  • Support for time zone parameter in Managed Instance create.
  • Fix documentation for wildcards


  • fixes the Set-AzWebApp and Set-AzWebAppSlot to not remove the tags on execution
  • Updated cmdlets with plural nouns to singular, and deprecated plural names.
  • Updated the WebSites SDK.
  • Removed the AdminSiteName property from PSAppServicePlan.

1.7.0 - April 2019

Highlights since the last major release

  • General availability of Az module
  • For more information about the Az module, please visit the following:
  • Added Location, ResourceGroup, and ResourceName completers:
  • Added wildcard support to Get cmdlets for Az.Compute and Az.Network
  • Added interactive and username/password authentication for Windows PowerShell 5.1 only
  • Added support for Python 2 runbooks in Az.Automation
  • Az.LogicApp: New cmdlets for Integration Account Assemblies and Batch Configuration


  • Updated Add-AzEnvironment and Set-AzEnvironment to accept parameter AzureAnalysisServicesEndpointResourceId


  • Using ServiceClient in dataplane cmdlets and removing the original authentication logic
  • Making Add-AzureASAccount a wrapper of Connect-AzAccount to avoid a breaking change


  • Fixed New-AzAutomationSoftwareUpdateConfiguration cmdlet bug for Inclusions. Now parameter IncludedKbNumber and IncludedPackageNameMask should work.
  • Bug fix for azure automation update management dynamic group


  • Add HyperVGeneration parameter to New-AzDiskConfig and New-AzSnapshotConfig
  • Allow VM creation with galley image from other tenants.


  • Fixed issue in the -Command parameter of New-AzContainerGroup which added a trailing empty argument


  • Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 3.0.2
  • Updated Set-AzDataFactoryV2 cmdlet with extra parameters for RepoConfiguration related settings.


  • Improve handling of providers for 'Get-AzResource' when providing '-ResourceId' or '-ResourceGroupName', '-Name' and '-ResourceType' parameters
  • Improve error handling for for 'Test-AzDeployment' and 'Test-AzResourceGroupDeployment'
    • Handle errors thrown outside of deployment validation and include them in output of command instead
    • More information here: Azure#6856
  • Add '-IgnoreDynamicParameters' switch parameter to set of deployment cmdlets to skip prompt in script and job scenarios


  • Support Database Data Classification.


  • Report detail error when create Storage context with parameter -UseConnectedAccount, but without login Azure account
    • New-AzStorageContext
  • Support Manage Blob Service Properties of a specified Storage account with Management plane API
    • Update-AzStorageBlobServiceProperty
    • Get-AzStorageBlobServiceProperty
    • Enable-AzStorageBlobDeleteRetentionPolicy
    • Disable-AzStorageBlobDeleteRetentionPolicy
  • -AsJob support for Blob and file upload and download cmdlets
    • Get-AzStorageBlobContent
    • Set-AzStorageBlobContent
    • Get-AzStorageFileContent
    • Set-AzStorageFileContent

1.6.0 - March 2019

Highlights since the last major release

  • General availability of Az module
  • For more information about the Az module, please visit the following:
  • Added Location, ResourceGroup, and ResourceName completers:
  • Added wildcard support to Get cmdlets for Az.Compute and Az.Network
  • Added interactive and username/password authentication for Windows PowerShell 5.1 only
  • Added support for Python 2 runbooks in Az.Automation
  • Az.LogicApp: New cmdlets for Integration Account Assemblies and Batch Configuration


  • Azure automation update management change to support the following new features :
    • Dynamic grouping
    • Pre-Post script
    • Reboot Setting


  • Fix issue with path resolution in Get-AzVmBootDiagnosticsData
  • Update Compute client library to 25.0.0.


  • Added wildcard support to KeyVault cmdlets


  • Add Threat Intelligence support for Azure Firewall
  • Add Application Gateway Firewall Policy top level resource and Custom Rules
  • Add Alert action type for Azure Firewall Network and Application Rule Collections
  • Added support for conditions in RewriteRules in the Application Gateway
    • New cmdlets added:
      • New-AzApplicationGatewayRewriteRuleCondition
    • Cmdlets updated with optional parameter - RuleSequence and Condition
      • New-AzApplicationGatewayRewriteRule


  • Added SnapshotRetentionInDays in Azure VM policy to support Instant RP
  • Added pipe support for unregister container


  • Update wildcard support for Get-AzResource and Get-AzResourceGroup
  • Update credentials used when making generic calls to ARM


  • changed Threat Detection's cmdlets param (ExcludeDetectionType) from DetectionType to string[] to make it future proof when new DetectionTypes are added and to support autocomplete as well.
  • Add Vulnerability Assessment cmdlets on Server and Managed Instance


  • Support Get/Set/Remove Management Policy on a Storage account
    • Set-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy
    • Get-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy
    • Remove-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy
    • Add-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyAction
    • New-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyFilter
    • New-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyRule


  • Fix ARM template bug that breaks cloning all slots using 'New-AzWebApp -IncludeSourceWebAppSlots'

1.5.0 - March 2019

Highlights since the last major release

  • General availability of Az module
  • For more information about the Az module, please visit the following:
  • Added Location, ResourceGroup, and ResourceName completers:
  • Added wildcard support to Get cmdlets for Az.Compute and Az.Network
  • Added interactive and username/password authentication for Windows PowerShell 5.1 only
  • Added support for Python 2 runbooks in Az.Automation
  • Az.LogicApp: New cmdlets for Integration Account Assemblies and Batch Configuration


  • Add 'Register-AzModule' command to support AutoRest generated cmdlets
  • Update examples for Connect-AzAccount


  • Fixed issue when retreiving certain monthly schedules in several Azure Automation cmdlets
  • Fix Get-AzAutomationDscNode returning just top 20 nodes. Now it returns all nodes


  • Added new Powershell cmdlets for Enable/Disable Custom Domain Https and deprecated the old ones


  • Add wildcard support to Get cmdlets


  • Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 3.0.1


  • Fix for ListWorkflows only retrieving the first page of results


  • Add wildcard support to Network cmdlets


  • Added Sql server in Azure VM support
  • SDK Update
  • Removed VMappContainer check in Get-ProtectableItem
  • Added Name and ServerName as parameters for Get-ProtectableItem


  • Add -TemplateObject parameter to deployment cmdlets
  • Fix issue when piping the result of Get-AzResource to Set-AzResource
  • Fix issue with JSON data type change when running Set-AzResource


  • Updating AuditingEndpointsCommunicator.
    • Fixing the behavior of an edge case while creating new diagnostic settings.


  • Support Kind BlockBlobStorage when create Storage account - New-AzStorageAccount

1.4.0 - February 2019

Highlights since the last major release


  • Deprecated AddAzureASAccount cmdlet


  • Update help for Import-AzAutomationDscNodeConfiguration
  • Added configuration name validation to Import-AzAutomationDscConfiguration cmdlet
  • Improved error handling for Import-AzAutomationDscConfiguration cmdlet


  • Added CustomSubdomainName as a new optional parameter for New-AzCognitiveServicesAccount which is used to specify subdomain for the resource.


  • Fix issue with ID parameter sets
  • Update Get-AzVMExtension to list all installed extension if Name parameter is not provided
  • Add Tag and ResourceId parameters to Update-AzImage cmdlet
  • Get-AzVmssVM without instance ID and with InstanceView can list VMSS VMs with instance view.


  • Add cmdlets for ADL deleted item enumerate and restore


  • Added new boolean property SkipEmptyArchives to Skip Empty Archives in CaptureDescription class of Eventhub


  • Fix tagging on Set-AzKeyVaultSecret


  • Add in Basic sku for Integration Accounts
  • Add in XSLT 2.0, XSLT 3.0 and Liquid Map Types
  • New cmdlets for Integration Account Assemblies
    • Get-AzIntegrationAccountAssembly
    • New-AzIntegrationAccountAssembly
    • Remove-AzIntegrationAccountAssembly
    • Set-AzIntegrationAccountAssembly
  • New cmdlets for Integration Account Batch Configuration
    • Get-AzIntegrationAccountBatchConfiguration
    • New-AzIntegrationAccountBatchConfiguration
    • Remove-AzIntegrationAccountBatchConfiguration
    • Set-AzIntegrationAccountBatchConfiguration
  • Update Logic App SDK to version 4.1.0


  • Update help for Get-AzMetric


  • Update help example for Add-AzApplicationGatewayCustomError


  • Additional support for New and Get ApplicationInsights data source.
    • Added new 'ApplicationInsights' kind to support Get specific and Get all ApplicationInsights data sources for given workspace.
    • Added New-AzOperationalInsightsApplicationInsightsDataSource cmdlet for creating data source by given Application-Insights resource parameters: subscription Id, resourceGroupName and name.



  • Add support for SQL DB Hyperscale tier
  • Fixed bug where restore could fail due to setting unnecessary properties in restore request


  • Correct example in Get-AzWebAppSlotMetrics

1.3.0 - February 2019

Highlights since the last major release


  • Update to latest version of ClientRuntime


General availability for Az.AnalysisServices module.


  • AEM extension: Add support for UltraSSD and P60,P70 and P80 disks
  • Update help description for Set-AzVMBootDiagnostics
  • Update help description and example for Update-AzImage


General availability for Az.RecoveryServices module.


  • Fix tagging for resource groups
  • Fix issue where Get-AzRoleAssignment doesn't respect -ErrorAction


  • Add Get/Set AzSqlDatabaseBackupShortTermRetentionPolicy
  • Fix issue where not being logged into Azure account would result in nullref exception when executing SQL cmdlets
  • Fixed null ref exception in Get-AzSqlCapability

1.2.1 - January 2019

Highlights since the last major release


  • Release with correct version of Authentication


  • Release with updated Authentication dependency


  • Release with updated Authentication dependency

1.2.0 - January 2019

Highlights since the last major release


  • Add interactive and username/password authentication for Windows PowerShell 5.1 only
  • Update incorrect online help URLs
  • Add warning message in PS Core for Uninstall-AzureRm


  • Update incorrect online help URLs


  • Added support for Python 2 runbooks
  • Update incorrect online help URLs


  • Update incorrect online help URLs


  • Add Invoke-AzVMReimage cmdlet
  • Add TempDisk parameter to Set-AzVmss
  • Fix the warning message of New-AzVM


  • Update incorrect online help URLs


  • Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 3.0.0


  • Fix issue with ADLS endpoint when using MSI
  • Update incorrect online help URLs


  • Add Encoding format to Add-IotHubRoutingEndpoint cmdlet.


  • Update incorrect online help URLs


  • Update incorrect online help URLs


  • Fix incorrect examples in 'New-AzADAppCredential' and 'New-AzADSpCredential' reference documentation
  • Fix issue where path for '-TemplateFile' parameter was not being resolved before executing resource group deployment cmdlets
  • Az.Resources: Correct documentation for New-AzPolicyDefinition -Mode default value
  • Az.Resources: Fix for issue Azure#7522
  • Az.Resources: Fix for issue Azure#5747
  • Fix formatting issue with 'PSResourceGroupDeployment' object


  • Rollback when a certificate is added to VMSS model but an exception is thrown this is to fix bug: microsoft/service-fabric-issues#932
  • Fix some error messages.
  • Fix create cluster with default ARM template for New-AzServiceFabriCluster which was not working with migration to Az.
  • Fix add cluster/application certificate to only add to VM Scale Sets that correspond to the cluster by checking cluster id in the extension.


  • Update incorrect online help URLs


  • Update incorrect online help URLs
  • Updated parameter description for LicenseType parameter with possible values
  • Fix for updating managed instance identity not working when it is the only updated property
  • Support for custom collation on managed instance


  • Update incorrect online help URLs
  • Give detail error message when get/set classic Logging/Metric on Premium Storage Account, since Premium Storage Account not supoort classic Logging/Metric.
    • Get/Set-AzStorageServiceLoggingProperty
    • Get/Set-AzStorageServiceMetricsProperty


  • Update incorrect online help URLs


  • Update incorrect online help URLs
  • Fixes 'New-AzWebAppSSLBinding' to upload the certificate to the correct resourcegroup+location if the app is hosted on an ASE.
  • Fixes 'New-AzWebAppSSLBinding' to not overwrite the tags on binding an SSL certificate to an app

1.1.0 - January 2019

Highlights since the last major release


  • Add 'Local' Scope to Enable-AzureRmAlias


  • Name is now optional in ID parameter set for Restart/Start/Stop/Remove/Set-AzVM and Save-AzVMImage
  • Updated the description of ID in help files
  • Fix backward compatibility issue with Az.Accounts module


  • Update the sdk version of dataplane to 1.1.14 for SDK fixes.
    • Fix handling of negative acesstime and modificationtime for getfilestatus and liststatus, Fix async cancellation token


  • Updated to use the 2019-01-01 API version.
  • Update the following cmdlets to support new scenario in 2019-01-01 API version
    • New-AzEventGridSubscription: Add new optional parameters for specifying:
      • Event Time-To-Live,
      • Maximum number of delivery attempts for the events,
      • Dead letter endpoint.
    • Update-AzEventGridSubscription: Add new optional parameters for specifying:
      • Event Time-To-Live,
      • Maximum number of delivery attempts for the events,
      • Dead letter endpoint.
  • Add new enum values (namely, storageQueue and hybridConnection) for EndpointType option in New-AzEventGridSubscription and Update-AzEventGridSubscription cmdlets.
  • Show warning message if creating or updating the event subscription is expected to entail manual action from user.


  • Updated to the latest version of the IotHub SDK


  • Get-AzLogicApp lists all without specified Name


  • Fix parameter set issue when providing '-ODataQuery' and '-ResourceId' parameters for 'Get-AzResource'
  • Fix handling of the -Custom parameter in New/Set-AzPolicyDefinition
  • Fix typo in New-AzDeployment documentation
  • Made '-MailNickname' parameter mandatory for 'New-AzADUser'


  • Fix backward compatibility issue with Az.Accounts module


  • Converted the Storage management client dependency to the common SDK implementation.


  • Set the StorageAccountName of Storage context as the real Storage Account Name, when it's created with Sas Token, OAuth or Anonymous
    • New-AzStorageContext
  • Create Sas Token of Blob Snapshot Object with '-FullUri' parameter, fix the returned Uri to be the sanpshot Uri
    • New-AzStorageBlobSASToken


  • Fixed a date parsing bug in 'Get-AzDeletedWebApp'
  • Fix backward compatibility issue with Az.Accounts module

Version 1.0.0 - December 2018

Highlights since the last major release