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Releases: godbout/

Ws1b2: The Beta 2 Edition.

30 Oct 06:46
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summary: a couple of fixes and performance improvements.


  • changing the keyboard shortcut to start Wooshing wouldn't work without a restart of the app. this is now fixed. this requires a change in the event tap system tho. as far as my testing goes, this doesn't impact the integration with tools like Hammerspoon and kindaVim. if you find any issue please report, thank you!
  • fix Targets highlighting that would get stuck if you had pressed enter before the Search was finished (aren't you a bit impatient?!)


  • the Experimental Preferences tab is now called Extra and has a new magic icon
  • performance improvements when tracking mouse and scroll changes

Ws1b1: The Inspector 🕵️‍♂️️ Edition, Part 3.

23 Oct 11:11
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summary: The Inspector 🕵️‍♂️️ is now fully operational 😎️


  • seems like The Inspector 🕵️‍♂️️ has access to some special substance coz he's now speedier than ever
  • The Inspector 🕵️‍♂️️ Signpost is now positioned correctly even when he reaches rock bottom (of the screen)

Ws1a26: The Inspector 🕵️‍♂️️ Edition, Part 2.

21 Oct 15:40
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summary: polished The Inspector 🕵️ over the past few days. still showing up at the wrong place in some cases. hopefully fixed in Part 3!


  • only the Targets reachable by Wooshy will now be shown by The Inspector 🕵️ (Wooshy filters out useless Targets)
  • remove duplicate info from The Inspector 🕵️ box
  • truncate text that is too long
  • some unrecognized element types would show up as "someOtherShit" haha. no more shit out there
  • some Targets that were reachable by Wooshy were not shown by The Inspector 🕵️

Ws1a25: The Inspector 🕵️‍♂️️ Edition, Part 1.

18 Oct 15:14
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summary: early alpha of The Inspector. not polished at all yet. will be over the next few weeks/months. time to give feedback!


  • when you're Wooshing, you can move the mouse (yeah, i know...) around on UI Elements and see what text you can use to reach them! 🎯️️

Ws1a24: The Multi Monitors Edition, Part 2.

08 Oct 14:01
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summary: Targets showing up at their deserved positions, whatever your screen(s) setup is. plus some more stuff.


    add support for whatever multi monitors setup you may have. the Targets will now be on... target 🎯️👌🏼️


  • option to allow cycling through the Targets rather than not being able to go beyond the first and last Targets
  • the Desktop icons are gone from the Search Results. UX was widly inconsitent, as they can be hidden behind other windows. better use a launcher tool like Alfred, or navigate through kV. please let me know if you were using Wooshy to target Desktop icons and actually need this

Ws1a23: The Multi Monitors Edition, Part 1.

28 Sep 09:22
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summary: the whole display system is now revamped and automatedly tested. The Input and the Background Fadeout should now show on the correct monitor, on the right place, whether you use two or a thousand, without or without monitors having their separate Spaces. But you never know. Please report if you find issues. The multi monitors support for The Targets is coming in Part 2.


  • The Input now shows up at the right position in multiple screens setups
  • The Background fade out will now fade the right monitor in multiple screens setups


  • add support for Skype

Ws1a22: The Small Edition.

17 Sep 13:22
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summary: a quick one this time as i'm still working on 1) a full multiple monitors support 2) a way to show the matches for each UI Element. once those two are done the beta will most probably be starting.


  • fix the position of The Input on multiple monitors for when the "Displays have separate Spaces" macOS Setting is ON


  • add support for Sunsama

Ws1a21: The Copy Edition.

07 Sep 06:21
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summary: copy the visible text of your Primary Target (or the descriptive text for icons, images, etc.) with ⌘C, or copy the metadata (URL for links, value for checkboxes, tabs, radiobuttons etc.) instead by adding a modifier key to ⌘C. plus some improvements here and there.


  • Wooshy will stop targeting the App Menus if the menu bar is not visible
  • Wooshy will target the Dock elements again if the Dock is set to auto-hide but you show it by going close to it with your mouse (🥊️🥊️🥊️)
  • right click has been tweaked so that it should work properly now even in the few apps where it may also have generated a left click


  • option in the Preferences to prevent scrolling when you're Wooshing (rather than making the Targets disappear)
  • you can copy the descriptive text of your Primary Target with ⌘C
  • you can copy the metadata of your Primary Target by adding , , or to ⌘C

Ws1a20: The Good Thing About Being an Alpha Edition Edition.

27 Aug 15:48
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summary: removing the Search Case option. it ends up being more confusing than anything else, as Wooshy is also searching through UI Elements metadata that you cannot see. cherry on the cake, what you actually see on webpages and Electron apps may actually not be reachable through the macOS Accessibility APIs, so the way Wooshy still matches is through the metadata. many times the case between what you see and what is in the metadata is different. so that makes the whole UX of this Search Case pretty bad. so bye bye.

summary 2: fixes and new goodies and improvements and a new pink. see below.


  • the first Primary Target was not being read by VoiceOver if you had VoiceOver ON. it is now 🥳️


  • improve VoiceOver announcement for almost all UI Element types available on macOS
  • stop targeting the Dock if it is not visibile as the clicking is widely inconsistent


  • two Distributed Notifications—WooshyInputDidAppear and WooshyInputDidDisappear—that you can catch now in tools like BTT, Hammerspoon etc to build your own custom workflows!
  • add new Aaron Pastel Pink color for the Targets

Ws1a19: The Case Edition.

24 Aug 16:20
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summary: are you sensitive, insensitive, or smart?


  • add a setting in the Search Preferences to tweak the case sensitivity of your search