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File metadata and controls

405 lines (383 loc) · 17.8 KB

CarbonAPI compatibility with Graphite


Default Settings

Default Line Colors

Default colors for png or svg rendering intentionally specified like it is in graphite-web 1.1.7

You can redefine that in config to be more more precise. In default config example they are defined in the same way as in original graphite PR to make them right

Reason behind that change is that on dark background it's much nicer to read old colors than new one

URI Parameters


  • target : graphite series, seriesList or function (likely containing series or seriesList)
  • from, until : time specifiers. Eg. "1d", "10min", "04:37_20150822", "now", "today", ... (NOTE does not handle timezones the same as graphite)
  • format : support graphite values of { json, raw, pickle, csv, png, svg } adds { protobuf } and does not support { pdf }
  • jsonp : (...)
  • noCache : prevent query-response caching (which is 60s if enabled)
  • cacheTimeout : override default result cache (60s)
  • rawdata -or- rawData : true for format=raw

Explicitly NOT supported

  • _salt
  • _ts
  • _t

When format=png (default if not specified)

  • width, height : number of pixels (default: width=330 , height=250)
  • pixelRatio : (1.0)
  • margin : (10)
  • logBase : Y-scale should use. Recognizes "e" or a floating point ( >= 1 )
  • fgcolor : foreground color
  • bgcolor : background color
  • majorLine : major line color
  • minorLine : minor line color
  • fontName : ("Sans")
  • fontSize : (10.0)
  • fontBold : (false)
  • fontItalic : (false)
  • graphOnly : (false)
  • hideLegend : (false) (NOTE if not defined and >10 result metrics this becomes true)
  • hideGrid : (false)
  • hideAxes : (false)
  • hideYAxis : (false)
  • hideXAxis : (false)
  • yAxisSide : ("left")
  • connectedLimit : number of missing points to bridge when linemode is not one of { "slope", "staircase" } likely "connected" (4294967296)
  • lineMode : ("slope")
  • areaMode : ("none") also recognizes { "first", "all", "stacked" }
  • areaAlpha : ( ) float value for area alpha
  • pieMode : ("average") also recognizes { "maximum", "minimum" } (NOTE pie graph support is explicitly unplanned)
  • lineWidth : (1.2) float value for line width
  • dashed : (false) dashed lines
  • rightWidth : (1.2) ...
  • rightDashed : (false)
  • rightColor : ...
  • leftWidth : (1.2)
  • leftDashed : (false)
  • leftColor : ...
  • title : ("") graph title
  • vtitle : ("") ...
  • vtitleRight : ("") ...
  • colorList : ("blue,green,red,purple,yellow,aqua,grey,magenta,pink,gold,rose")
  • majorGridLineColor : ("rose")
  • minorGridLineColor : ("grey")
  • uniqueLegend : (false)
  • drawNullAsZero : (false) (NOTE affects display only - does not translate missing values to zero in functions. For that use ...)
  • drawAsInfinite : (false) ...
  • yMin :
  • yMax :
  • yStep :
  • xMin :
  • xMax :
  • xStep :
  • xFormat : ("") ...
  • minorY : (1) ...
  • yMinLeft :
  • yMinRight :
  • yMaxLeft :
  • yMaxRight :
  • yStepL :
  • ySTepR :
  • yLimitLeft :
  • yLimitRight :
  • yUnitSystem : ("si") also recognizes { "binary" }
  • yDivisors : (4,5,6) ...


  • format : ("treejson") also recognizes { "json" (same as "treejson"), "completer", "raw" }
  • jsonp : ...
  • query : the metric or glob-pattern to find

Graphite-web 1.1.7 compatibility

Unsupported functions


Partly supported functions

Function Incompatibilities
aggregate parameter not supported: xFilesFactor
asPercent total: type mismatch: got seriesList, should be any
averageAbove n: type mismatch: got integer, should be float
averageBelow n: type mismatch: got integer, should be float
currentAbove n: type mismatch: got integer, should be float
currentBelow n: type mismatch: got integer, should be float
groupByNode callback: different amount of parameters, [averageSeries averageSeriesWithWildcards countSeries current diffSeries maxSeries minSeries multiplySeries multiplySeriesWithWildcards powSeries rangeOf rangeOfSeries stddevSeries sumSeries sumSeriesWithWildcards] are missing
callback: type mismatch: got aggFunc, should be aggOrSeriesFunc
groupByNodes callback: different amount of parameters, [averageSeries averageSeriesWithWildcards countSeries current diffSeries maxSeries minSeries multiplySeries multiplySeriesWithWildcards powSeries rangeOf rangeOfSeries stddevSeries sumSeries sumSeriesWithWildcards] are missing
callback: type mismatch: got aggFunc, should be aggOrSeriesFunc
groupByTags callback: different amount of parameters, [averageSeries averageSeriesWithWildcards countSeries current diffSeries maxSeries minSeries multiplySeries multiplySeriesWithWildcards powSeries rangeOf rangeOfSeries stddevSeries sumSeries sumSeriesWithWildcards] are missing
callback: type mismatch: got aggFunc, should be aggOrSeriesFunc
highest func: type mismatch: got string, should be aggFunc
holtWintersAberration parameter not supported: seasonality
holtWintersConfidenceBands parameter not supported: seasonality
holtWintersForecast parameter not supported: seasonality
integralByInterval parameter not supported: intervalUnit
interpolate limit: type mismatch: got float, should be intOrInf
limit: default value mismatch: got (empty), should be "Infinity"
keepLastValue limit: type mismatch: got integer, should be intOrInf
limit: default value mismatch: got "INF", should be "Infinity"
legendValue valuesTypes: different amount of parameters, [averageSeries avgSeries avg_zeroSeries binary countSeries current currentSeries diffSeries lastSeries maxSeries medianSeries minSeries multiplySeries rangeOf rangeOfSeries rangeSeries si stddevSeries sumSeries totalSeries] are missing
lowest func: type mismatch: got string, should be aggFunc
maximumAbove n: type mismatch: got integer, should be float
maximumBelow n: type mismatch: got integer, should be float
minimumAbove n: type mismatch: got integer, should be float
minimumBelow n: type mismatch: got integer, should be float
nPercentile n: type mismatch: got integer, should be float
percentileOfSeries n: type mismatch: got integer, should be float
removeAbovePercentile n: type mismatch: got integer, should be float
removeAboveValue n: type mismatch: got integer, should be float
removeBelowPercentile n: type mismatch: got integer, should be float
removeBelowValue n: type mismatch: got integer, should be float
round precision: default value mismatch: got (empty), should be 0
scaleToSeconds seconds: type mismatch: got integer, should be float
smartSummarize func: different amount of parameters, [current rangeOf] are missing
alignTo: different amount of parameters, [<nil> days hours minutes months seconds weeks years] are missing
alignTo: type mismatch: got interval, should be string
sortBy func: different amount of parameters, [average avg avg_zero count current diff last max median min multiply range rangeOf stddev sum total] are missing
func: default value mismatch: got (empty), should be "average"
reverse: default value mismatch: got (empty), should be false
summarize func: different amount of parameters, [current rangeOf] are missing
timeShift parameter not supported: alignDst
timeSlice endSliceAt: type mismatch: got interval, should be date

Supported functions

Function Carbonapi-only
absolute(seriesList) no
add(seriesList, constant) no
aggregate(seriesList, func, xFilesFactor=None) no
aggregateLine(seriesList, func='average', keepStep=False) no
alias(seriesList, newName) no
aliasByMetric(seriesList) no
aliasByNode(seriesList, *nodes) no
aliasByTags(seriesList, *tags) no
aliasSub(seriesList, search, replace) no
alpha(seriesList, alpha) no
applyByNode(seriesList, nodeNum, templateFunction, newName=None) no
areaBetween(seriesList) no
asPercent(seriesList, total=None, *nodes) no
averageAbove(seriesList, n) no
averageBelow(seriesList, n) no
averageSeries(*seriesLists) no
averageSeriesWithWildcards(seriesList, *position) no
avg(*seriesLists) no
cactiStyle(seriesList, system=None, units=None) no
changed(seriesList) no
color(seriesList, theColor) no
consolidateBy(seriesList, consolidationFunc) no
constantLine(value) no
countSeries(*seriesLists) no
cumulative(seriesList) no
currentAbove(seriesList, n) no
currentBelow(seriesList, n) no
dashed(seriesList, dashLength=5) no
delay(seriesList, steps) no
derivative(seriesList) no
diffSeries(*seriesLists) no
divideSeries(dividendSeriesList, divisorSeries) no
divideSeriesLists(dividendSeriesList, divisorSeriesList) no
drawAsInfinite(seriesList) no
exclude(seriesList, pattern) no
fallbackSeries(seriesList, fallback) no
filterSeries(seriesList, func, operator, threshold) no
grep(seriesList, pattern) no
group(*seriesLists) no
groupByNode(seriesList, nodeNum, callback='average') no
groupByNodes(seriesList, callback, *nodes) no
groupByTags(seriesList, callback, *tags) no
highest(seriesList, n=1, func='average') no
highestAverage(seriesList, n) no
highestCurrent(seriesList, n) no
highestMax(seriesList, n) no
hitcount(seriesList, intervalString, alignToInterval=False) no
holtWintersAberration(seriesList, delta=3, bootstrapInterval='7d') no
holtWintersConfidenceBands(seriesList, delta=3, bootstrapInterval='7d') no
holtWintersForecast(seriesList, bootstrapInterval='7d') no
integral(seriesList) no
integralByInterval(seriesList, intervalString) no
interpolate(seriesList, limit) no
invert(seriesList) no
isNonNull(seriesList) no
keepLastValue(seriesList, limit=inf) no
legendValue(seriesList, *valueTypes) no
limit(seriesList, n) no
lineWidth(seriesList, width) no
linearRegression(seriesList, startSourceAt=None, endSourceAt=None) no
log(seriesList, base=10) no
lowest(seriesList, n=1, func='average') no
lowestAverage(seriesList, n) no
lowestCurrent(seriesList, n) no
map(seriesList, *mapNodes) no
mapSeries(seriesList, *mapNodes) no
maxSeries(*seriesLists) no
maximumAbove(seriesList, n) no
maximumBelow(seriesList, n) no
minSeries(*seriesLists) no
minimumAbove(seriesList, n) no
minimumBelow(seriesList, n) no
mostDeviant(seriesList, n) no
movingAverage(seriesList, windowSize, xFilesFactor=None) no
movingMax(seriesList, windowSize, xFilesFactor=None) no
movingMedian(seriesList, windowSize, xFilesFactor=None) no
movingMin(seriesList, windowSize, xFilesFactor=None) no
movingSum(seriesList, windowSize, xFilesFactor=None) no
multiplySeries(*seriesLists) no
multiplySeriesWithWildcards(seriesList, *position) no
nPercentile(seriesList, n) no
nonNegativeDerivative(seriesList, maxValue=None) no
offset(seriesList, factor) no
offsetToZero(seriesList) no
perSecond(seriesList, maxValue=None) no
percentileOfSeries(seriesList, n, interpolate=False) no
pow(seriesList, factor) no
randomWalk(name, step=60) no
randomWalkFunction(name, step=60) no
rangeOfSeries(*seriesLists) no
reduce(seriesLists, reduceFunction, reduceNode, *reduceMatchers) no
reduceSeries(seriesLists, reduceFunction, reduceNode, *reduceMatchers) no
removeAbovePercentile(seriesList, n) no
removeAboveValue(seriesList, n) no
removeBelowPercentile(seriesList, n) no
removeBelowValue(seriesList, n) no
removeEmptySeries(seriesList, xFilesFactor=None) no
round(seriesList, precision) no
scale(seriesList, factor) no
scaleToSeconds(seriesList, seconds) no
secondYAxis(seriesList) no
seriesByTag(*tagExpressions) no
smartSummarize(seriesList, intervalString, func='sum', alignTo=None) no
sortBy(seriesList, func='average', reverse=False) no
sortByMaxima(seriesList) no
sortByMinima(seriesList) no
sortByName(seriesList, natural=False, reverse=False) no
sortByTotal(seriesList) no
squareRoot(seriesList) no
stacked(seriesLists, stackName='DEFAULT') no
stddevSeries(*seriesLists) no
stdev(seriesList, points, windowTolerance=0.1) no
substr(seriesList, start=0, stop=0) no
sum(*seriesLists) no
sumSeries(*seriesLists) no
sumSeriesWithWildcards(seriesList, *position) no
summarize(seriesList, intervalString, func='sum', alignToFrom=False) no
threshold(value, label=None, color=None) no
time(name, step=60) no
timeFunction(name, step=60) no
timeShift(seriesList, timeShift, resetEnd=True, alignDST=False) no
timeSlice(seriesList, startSliceAt, endSliceAt='now') no
timeStack(seriesList, timeShiftUnit='1d', timeShiftStart=0, timeShiftEnd=7) no
transformNull(seriesList, default=0, referenceSeries=None) no
useSeriesAbove(seriesList, value, search, replace) no
weightedAverage(seriesListAvg, seriesListWeight, *nodes) no
aliasByBase64(seriesList) yes
aliasByPostgres(seriesList, *nodes) yes
aliasByRedis(seriesList. keyName) yes
baseline(seriesList, timeShiftUnit, timeShiftStart, timeShiftEnd, [maxAbsentPercent, minAvg]) yes
baselineAberration(seriesList, timeShiftUnit, timeShiftStart, timeShiftEnd, [maxAbsentPercent, minAvg]) yes
count(*seriesLists) yes
diff(*seriesLists) yes
diffSeriesLists(firstSeriesList, secondSeriesList) yes
exponentialWeightedMovingAverage(seriesList, alpha) yes
exponentialWeightedMovingAverage(seriesList, alpha) yes
fft(seriesList, mode) yes
heatMap(seriesList) yes
highestMin(seriesList, n) yes
ifft(seriesList, phaseSeriesList) yes
integralWithReset(seriesList, resettingSeries) yes
isNotNull(seriesList) yes
kolmogorovSmirnovTest2(seriesList, seriesList, windowSize) yes
ksTest2(seriesList, seriesList, windowSize) yes
log(seriesList, base=10) yes
lowPass(seriesList, cutPercent) yes
lowestMax(seriesList, n) yes
lowestMin(seriesList, n) yes
lpf(seriesList, cutPercent) yes
maxSeries(*seriesLists) yes
minSeries(*seriesLists) yes
multiply(*seriesLists) yes
multiplySeriesLists(sourceSeriesList, factorSeriesList) yes
pearson(seriesList, seriesList, windowSize) yes
pearsonClosest(seriesList, seriesList, n, direction) yes
polyfit(seriesList, degree=1, offset="0d") yes
powSeriesLists(sourceSeriesList, factorSeriesList) yes
removeZeroSeries(seriesList, xFilesFactor=None) yes
scale(seriesList, factor) yes
slo(seriesList, interval, method, value) yes
sloErrorBudget(seriesList, interval, method, value, objective) yes
stddev(*seriesLists) yes
timeShiftByMetric(seriesList, markSource, versionRankIndex) yes
tukeyAbove(seriesList, basis, n, interval=0) yes
tukeyBelow(seriesList, basis, n, interval=0) yes

Features of configuration functions


  1. Make config for function with pairs key-string - request
enabled: true
    urlDB: "localhost:5432"
    username: "portgres_user"
    password: "postgres_password"
    nameDB: "database_name"
        varName: "var"
        queryString: "SELECT field_with_switch_name FROM some_table_with_switch_names_id_and_other WHERE field_with_switchID like 'var0';"
        matchString: ".*"
        varName: "var"
        queryString: "SELECT interface_desc FROM some_table_with_switch_data WHERE field_with_hostname like 'var0' AND field_with_interface_id like 'var1';"
        matchString: ".*"


We have data series:


We need to get CPU load resolved by switchname, aliasByPostgres( switches.*.CPU1Min, databaseAlias, resolve_switch_name_byId, 1 ) will return series like this:


We have data series:


We want to see interfaces stats sticked to their descriptions, aliasByPostgres(switches.hostname.*.ifOctets.rx, databaseAlias, resolve_interface_description_from_table, 1, 2 ) will return series:

  1. Add to main config path to configuration file
        aliasByPostgres: /path/to/funcConfig.yaml