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Muhammet Ali YUCE edited this page Mar 6, 2019 · 1 revision

Android Document Scanner Library

This library helps you to scan any document like CamScanner.



You need to implement openCV to run this library via import module on Android Studio. Use OpenCV library on this repository. Follow the lines below:

  • File → New → Import Module

  • Select " openCVLibrary " you’ve downloaded from this repository.

  • Click finish

  • Sync gradle

  • File → Project Structure → Select app under modules (this is your app module) → Go to dependencies tab

  • Click + button → Module dependency → Select openCVLibrary → Click ok → Click ok

  • Sync gradle

Add line below to your top level build.gradle

allprojects {
    repositories {
        /// ....
        maven { url "" }

Add lines below to your app level build.gradle

    implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:2.0.2'
    implementation 'com.github.mayuce:AndroidDocumentScanner:1.3'

And Sync the gradle


To start ImageCrop process


Catch the cropped image

if (requestCode==Constants.REQUEST_CROP && resultCode== Activity.RESULT_OK )
            if (ScannerConstants.selectedImageBitmap!=null)
                Toast.makeText(MainActivity@this,"Something wen't wrong.",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()

Additional Features

On above Android 9.0 there is magnifier to help user to see zoomed image to crop.

Customizing ImageCropActivity

You can customize something in layout via ScannerConstants.

    public static String cropText="CROP",
            loadingDescription="Please wait",
            imageError="Can't picked image,
            please try again.",
            cropError="You have not selected a valid field. Please make corrections until the lines are blue.";
    public static String cropColor="#6666ff",backColor="#ff0000";
    public static boolean saveStorage=true; // Make it false if you don't need image in your storage.


There was an error about progress dialog when doing the process. That’s why I’ve removed it, I’ll add something to disable user interract while doing process.


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