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File metadata and controls

425 lines (325 loc) · 17.8 KB


General information

The program has been written by using parts of the program APOST by I. Mayer and A. Hamza, Budapest, 2000-2003

The numerical integration utilizes the subroutines for Lebedev quadrature downloaded from here. The appropriate reference is: V.I. Lebedev, and D.N. Laikov "A quadrature formula for the sphere of the 131st algebraic order of accuracy" Doklady Mathematics, 59 477-481 1999

The program makes use of Libxc library when necessary, using the F90 interfaces provided by the authors (see

We are extremely grateful for the possibility of using these routines!

We also acknowledge R. Oswald for the technical support in code parallelization and in compilation setup preparation


General structure

The code requires the wavefunction information in a Gaussian-type formatted checkpoint file name-input.fchk and an additional input file name-input.inp requesting the type of calculation. The formatted checkpoint file can be directly obtained from a Gaussian or Q-Chem run, or can also be generated by I/O converters such as [IOdata] ( In the utils folder, we also provide a Python file ( that gathers some interface functions for PySCF, including pyscf2fchk to generate an fchk file from a PySCF run.

Input file structure

The input file is a free format ASCII file that contains one or more input blocks enclosed between a header (# HEADER) and a "#" sign that gather the desired options for the calculation. The main and mandatory input block is # METHOD, in which both the Atom in Molecule (AIM) and the type of analysis (one or more) to be performed must be indicated. Additional options like creating cube files or defining fragments are also specified in this block section. Some WF tools or options require additional block sections for tool-specific options. The order of keywords within the block section is indifferent, but notice they are case-sensitive.

Specific keywords and description of the block sections

Block Section # METHOD

Supported AIM definitions

Keyword Description
MULLIKEN Hilbert-space Mulliken
LOWDIN Hilbert-space Lowdin
LOWDIN-DAVIDSON Hilbert-space Lowdin-Davidson
NAO-BASIS Hilbert-space based on Natural Atomic Orbitals
HIRSH Real-space Hirshfeld
HIRSH-IT Real-space Hirshfeld iterative
BECKE-RHO Real-space Becke-rho (deprecated)
TFVC Real-space Topological Fuzzy Voronoi Cells

Wavefunction analysis tools

Keyword Description
EFFAO Effective Atomic/Fragment Orbitals from the electron density
UEFFAO Spin-resolved effective Atomic/Fragment Orbitals from the alpha and beta densities
EFFAO-U Effective Atomic/Fragment Orbitals from the paired and unpaired densities
EOS Effective Oxidation States (EOS) analysis
EOS-U Effective Oxidation States analysis from the paired and unpaired density functions (EOS-U)
OS-CENTROID Oxidation states from centroids of localized orbitals
OSLO Oxidation States Localized Orbitals (OSLO). Requires additional # OSLO block section
SPIN Local Spin Analysis (LSA)
ENPART Real-space-only molecular energy decomposition (IQA). Requires additional # ENPART block section
EDAIQA Real-space-only molecular energy decomposition of Energy Decomposition Analysis (EDA) terms. Requires additional # EDAIQA block section
POLAR Bader-Keith decomposition of the dipole moment

Additional options

Keyword Description
DOFRAGS Definition of molecular fragments for the calculations. Requires additional # FRAGMENTS block section
DOINT Generate *.int files for each atom with the Atomic Overlap Matrices in MO basis for the given AIM. These can be read with ESI program
CUBE Plots cube-type files of the Effective Atomic/Fragment Orbitals. Requires additional # CUBE block section
DENS=val Integer val controls which of the P-matrices present in the fchk file is to be used. Default val=1
QCHEM Required if the .fchk file originates from a Q-Chem calculation (different ordering of sections within)
DM=val Integer val indicates files with the matrix representation of the RDM1 and RDM2 in MO basis will be provided (only for correlated WF methods). Requires additional # DM block section. If val=1 the RDM1 file will be provided. val=2 indicates both RDM1 and RMD2 files will be provided. These files can be generated using an auxiliary function provided in

Block section # OSLO

List of supported AIM definitions:

Keyword Description
MULLIKEN Hilbert-space Mulliken
LOWDIN Hilbert-space Lowdin
LOWDIN-DAVIDSON Hilbert-space Lowdin-Davidson
NAO-BASIS Hilbert-space based on Natural Atomic Orbitals
TFVC Default AIM

Extra options:

Keyword Description
FOLI TOLERANCE=val Tolerance value for the OSLO iterative procedure. Default val=3 (threshold used = 10^(-val))
BRANCH ITERATION=val Iteration in which the user invokes a branching. Default val=0 (no branching). This part of the code is currently unavailable
PRINT NON-ORTHO Collect the resulting OSLOs (non-orthogonal) in a new .fchk file. By default, only the final set of orthogonalized OSLOs is provided in a new .fchk file

Important: TFVC keyword must be included in # METHOD block section, independently of the AIM requested for the OSLO calculation.

Block section # ENPART

List of supported specific electronic structure methods :

Keyword Description
HF Decomposition of the Hartree-Fock energy
LDA Decomposition of the LDA energy
BP86 Decomposition of the BP86 energy
B3LYP Decomposition of the B3LYP energy
LIBRARY Decomposition of the molecular energy of a general DFT functional (if supported by Libxc)
CASSCF Decomposition of the CASSCF energy. Requires of the .dm1 and .dm2 files introduced in an additional # DM block section
CISD Decomposition of the CISD energy. Requires of the .dm1 and .dm2 files introduced in an additional # DM block section

When selecting LIBRARY, the exchange and correlation (or exchange-correlation) functional's ID given by the Libxc library must be provided. To do so, the following additional keywords are required:

Keyword Description
EXC_FUNCTIONAL=val Exchange-correlation functional ID
EX_FUNCTIONAL=val Exchange functional ID
EC_FUNCTIONAL=val Correlation functional ID

Extra options:

Keyword Description
CORRELATION For correlated wavefunctions, decomposition of the exchange and correlation energies separately. By default, the code decomposes exchange-correlation altogether
THREBOD=val Integer val sets a threshold for computing exactly the diatomic exchange-correlation terms. If the bond order between a pair of atoms is smaller than the threshold, an approximate multipolar approach is used instead. Default val=100 (actual threshold used val/10000.0d0)
ANALYTIC Perform semianalytical integration of the two-electron energy (decomposition into one-center terms only) (under development)
TWOELTOLER=val Real val sets the threshold (in kcal/mol) for activating the zero-error scheme on the two-electron energy. Default val=0.25d0
MOD-GRIDTWOEL User-defined integration setup for the two-electron energy. Requires additional # GRID block section

Important additional information: The zero-error scheme requires separate kinetic, electron-nuclear, and two-electron energies. They can be read from the Gaussian log file (if keyword #p was used), and incorporated in the fchk file using the following utilities before the APOST-3D run as

  • For G09 -> $APOST3D_PATH/utils/get_energy mol.log >> mol.fchk
  • For G16 -> $APOST3D_PATH/utils/get_energy_g16 mol.log >> mol.fchk

For .fchk files obtained from pySCF no action is required.

Block section # CUBE

Keyword Description
MAX_OCC=val Maximal EFO occupation for generating its cube files. Integer val is in the [0, 1000] range and the occupation is defined as val/1000.0d0)
MIN_OCC=val Minimal EFO occupation for generating the cube file. val is an integer in the [0, 1000] range and the occupation is defined as val/1000.0d0)

Block section # GRID

Keyword Description
RADIAL=val Integer number of radial grid points. Default val=150
ANGULAR=val Integer number of angular grid points according to the Lebedev-Laikov spherical grids. Default val=590. Other recommended values: 146, 434, or 974
rr00=val Double-precision variable that sets the distance that contains half of the radial integration points. It corresponds to the value of rm in Eq. 25 of [Becke's multicenter integration scheme] ( Default val=0.5d0
phb1=val Double-precision value for the first rotation angle (in radians) of the grid for the second electron coordinates. Default val=0.169
phb2=val Double-precision value for the second rotation angle (in radians) for the zero-error strategy). Default val=0.170

Important additional information: The default values of phb1 and phb2 have been optimized for a (150,590) grid. Changing the radial or angular points would require recalibration of the phb1 and phb2 values.

Block section # DM

Include in the first line the filename of the RDM1 (.dm1). If DM=2 was set in METHOD block section, include in the second line the filename of the RDM2 (.dm2). If the dm1 and dm2 files were generated by utility, include in a new line the keyword pySCF

Block section # FRAGMENTS

Definition of fragments using their ordering in the fchk file. For instance

3         ## Number of fragments            ##
1         ## Number of atoms for fragment 1 ##
1         ## Atom list for fragment 1       ##
2         ## Number of atoms for fragment 2 ##
3 5       ## Atom list for fragment 2       ##
3         ## Number of atoms for fragment 3 ##
2 4 6     ## Atom list for fragment 3       ##

In this case, 3 fragments have been defined. the first consists solely of one center (atom 1), the second is formed by two atoms (3 and 5) and the third is formed by three centers (2,4 and 6). Notice that all atoms in the fchk file must be assigned to a fragment. All remaining atoms can be assigned to the last fragment by writing -1 instead of its number of atoms.

Input examples

Sample input files are provided with the most common types of analyses currently implemented in APOST-3D. Notice that more than one analysis tool using the AIM can be requested with the same input file.

Example 1


In this example, the evaluation of the effective oxidation states is requested, together with the cube generation of the effective fragment orbitals with net occupancies within the [0.300,0.700] range.

The AIM requested is NAO-BASIS. which requires of an additional inputname.nao file with the transformation matrix from the original AO to NAO basis. This file corresponds to the FILE.33 file generated, for instance, with Gaussian coupled to the NBO software. For this aim, in a Gaussian input file the user must add the pop=(full,nboread) keyword, together with the $NBO AONAO=W $END additional line at the end of the file. This generates the FILE.33 file to be renamed as inputname.nao.

Fragments have been defined. In particular, the system is split into two fragments: fragment 1 consists of atom 1, and fragment 2 gathers the rest of atoms of the molecule.

Example 2

rr00 0.5
phb1 0.169
phb2 0.170

In this example, the IQA decomposition of the KS-DFT energy is requested. Functional ID=106 (B88) and ID=132 (P86) correspond to the well-known BP86 functional.

The AIM requested is TFCV and fragments have been defined. In particular, the system is split into two fragments: fragment 1 consists of atom 1, and fragment 2 gathers the rest of atoms of the molecule. The diatomic xc energy components are computed exactly for all atomic pairs. User-specific options for the decomposition of the two-electron energy are given in GRID block section (in this case they coincide with the default strongly recommended values).

Example 3

DM 2
# DM

In this example, the local spin analysis of a correlated WF (e.g. CASSCF) from a pySCF run is requested.

The files containing the information of the RDM1 and RDM2 (.dm1 and .dm2) are mandatory for this type of analysis. They can be obtained from a pySCF run using the utility, as described here.

The DM section contains the name of the two files (with extension), together with the keyword of the code they have been created with.

The AIM requested is TFVC and fragments have not been defined.

Example 4

2 3

In this example, the evaluation of the oxidation states using the OSLO method is requested.

The AIM requested for the numerical integration is TFVC (mandatory for OSLO calculation) and fragments have been defined. In particular, the system is split into three fragments: fragment 1 consists of atom 1, fragment 2 consists of two atoms (2 and 3), and fragment 3 gathers the rest of atoms of the molecule.

The AIM requested for FOLI values evaluation is LOWDIN, and the tolerance value for its selection is 3 (real(10^-3), default value). Printing of the selected OSLOs pre-orthogonalization (non-orthogonal if two or more OSLOs are selected in the same iteration AND belong to different fragments) is invoked. As a result, a new .fchk file is created containing these OSLOs.

Example 5

3 4 5 6

In this example, the evaluation of the effective oxidation states and the local spin analysis. For correlated (multireference) WFs, the local spin analysis requires the information of the RDM1 and RDM2 (see Example 3).

The AIM requested is TFVC and fragments have been defined. In particular, the system is split into two fragments: fragment 1 consists of atom 1, and fragment 2 of atoms 2-6 (the system has 6 atoms).

Real-case examples

A battery of real-case examples of calculations are provided in the $APOST3D_PATH/input_examples folder, together with the output files generated by execution of the code.

Extracting .fchk, .dm1 and .dm2 files from pySCF

The file provided in $APOST3D_PATH/utils folder collects several functions for creating .fchk, .dm1 and .dm2 files from a pySCF run. The location of the file must be added to the PYTHONPATH variable, for instance by doing


As example, we provide an input of a CASSCF(2,2) calculation for the HF molecular system in the singlet spin state.

from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
import apost3d as apost

molname = 'HF-CASSCF'
H    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000
F    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.9500000
mol.spin = 0
mol.charge = 0
mol.cart= False
mol.symmetry = False

# Calculate RHF reference (guess) #
mf = scf.RHF(mol)

# Once our guess (converged HF) is created, time to create and converge the CASSCF  #
mycas = mcscf.CASSCF(mf,2,2) # Active space size: Orbitals, Electrons #
cas_list = [5,6] # Pick orbitals for CAS space, 1-based indices #
mo = mcscf.sort_mo(mycas, mf.mo_coeff, cas_list) # Just orders the MOs #
mycas.natorb = True

# Run CAS #

# Resulting orbitals printing in .fchk file #
s = mf.get_ovlp()
apost.write_fchk(mol, mycas, molname, s)

# .dm1 and .dm2 files creation ONLY for multiconfig WFs #
apost.write_dm12(mol, mycas, molname)

For single-determinant calculations (Hartree-Fock or KS-DFT), the user only requires the .fchk file for running APOST-3D. The write_fchk function is independent of the WF-type, being thus called as in the example input provided for CASSCF.

For illustrative purposes, one can create the .fchk file from a Hartree-Fock calculation as

from pyscf import gto, scf
import apost3d as apost

molname = 'HF-Hartree-Fock'
H    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000
F    0.0000000    0.0000000    0.9500000
mol.spin = 0
mol.charge = 0
mol.cart= False
mol.symmetry = False

# Calculate RHF  #
mf = scf.RHF(mol)

# Resulting orbitals printing in .fchk file #
s = mf.get_ovlp()
apost.write_fchk(mol, mycas, molname, s)