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Roxygen Guide

Michel Lang edited this page Feb 5, 2019 · 21 revisions

Documentation Style Guide


Note that section names must always end with a :, otherwise they will not be rendered.

@section Public Members / Active Bindings:

Describes member variables and active bindings.

@section Methods:

Describes public methods and class methods ($new).

@section Param Set:

Describes parameters in $param_set / $param_vals. Format is the same as for "Public Members / Active Bindings".

Style guide for entities:

  • slot description in @section Public Members / Active Bindings and @section Param Set: name in backticks, followed by :: (with spaces; possibly multiple spaces for vertical alignment), followed by type description, followed by \cr.

    `id` :: `character(1)` \cr

    `output` :: [`data.table`] with columns `name`, `train`, `predict` \cr

  • method description in @section Methods: function's formals in backticks, with default values if applicable, followed by \cr. Class methods (usually Class$new) prepended with class name and dollar sign.

    `Graph$new()` \cr

    `add_edge(src_id, dst_id, src_channel = NULL, dst_channel = NULL)` \cr

  • method type description in @section Methods: classes in backticks (linked if not default R package classes; possibly with length given in parentheses if vector type), alternative classes separated by vertical bars (|), different arguments comma-separated, all surrounded by parentheses. Spaces before and after |, after ,, but not after ( or before ) or ,. Followed by arrow (-> with spaces), followed by return type, followed by \cr. Functions without input ("nullary functions") have () in-type, functions with invisible(NULL) (e.g. print, plot) have `NULL` return type.

    () -> `NULL` \cr

    (`character(1)` | `NULL`, `character`, named `list`) -> [`data.table`] with columns `id`, `state` \cr

  • R6, S3 class names: Backtick-quoted, possibly linked if mentioned for the first time or in a member var type description / function type description, but not linked if in base R or in an R default package.

    Many [`Graph`]s

    The `Graph`'s size

    This is a [`data.table`], not a `data.frame`

  • member variable / AB slot names: Backtick-quoted. Prepended by dollar sign except in their description line in @section Public Members / Active Bindings.

    The `Graph`'s `$id`

  • method names: Backtick-quoted. Prepended by dollar sign, followed by (), exception is their description line in @section Methods.

    Use `$add_pipeop()` to...

  • self when referring to return value of a mutator: Backtick quoted. Otherwise use the class name instead.

    (`character`) -> `self`

    The `Graph`'s `$id` , not `self$id`

  • any when referring to any possible type: Backtick quoted.


  • literal strings: Backtick and double quoted:

    The default ID is `"pca"`

  • column names of data.tables / data.frames: Backtick quoted, comma separated, without "and" if in a member var type description / function type description.

    `output` :: `data.table` with columns `name`, `train`, `predict` \cr

    The table's `name` column contains...

  • functions that are not R6 class methods: Followed by (), and in brackets ([]).

    Use [print()] to..., but Use `$add_pipeop()` to...

The following should not be backtick-quoted:

  • 'named' in named `list` and similar
  • parentheses, vertical bars, arrows, equal signs in function type description

The following should be linked (i.e. put in []):

  • Every function that is not an R6 method.
  • First mention of any type / class that is not in R default packages (The "first mention" can be an occurrence in a type description; if the class is mentioned later it shouldn't be linked any more).
  • Every type, class, function that is not in R default packages in a member var type description or function type description.

Don't link things like "character(1)" or "character" because (1) it would be silly and (2) it would lead to an inconsistent typeface.


  • Simple links: [link].
  • Links of things in monospace typeface: [`link`] exception for functions, they appear in monospace automatically: [link()].
  • Linking to entities in other packages: [`package::link`] or [package::link()]. If the package should not be part of the text: [`link`][package::link] or [link()][package::link].
  • Linking to other packages themselves: [mlr3][mlr3::mlr3-package]


The @family tag creates a group of documentation pages that mutually link each other. Writing @family <TEXT> will create the line "Other <TEXT>: [link] [link] [link]". The following rules for this:

  • Family <TEXT> should be short but is allowed to, and should probably, contain spaces. It should make a natural sentence when written as "Other <TEXT>:". This means if it is a noun (e.g. "PipeOps") it should therefore probably be plural.
  • A page can be member of multiple families if that is natural.
  • Do not create families with only one member.


It is a good idea to @include the file defining the the superclass, if any.



  • <>: object dependent strings.
  • {{}}: optional strings
  • {{|}}: alterantives
#' @title <classname>
#' @format {{[`R6Class`] object|Abstract [`R6Class`]}}{{ inheriting from [`<superclass>`]}}.
#' @description
#' Long form description. Mentions [`PipeOp`] once. Mentions `PipeOp` twice.
#' Another paragraph in long form description.
#' @section Public Members / Active Bindings:
#' * `<varname>`    :: named `list` of [`Graph`] \cr
#'   Description of `$<varname>`. Mentions `Graph`, but doesn't link it, because
#'   this is not the first mention of `Graph`.
#' * `<varname2>`   :: `any` \cr
#'   Description of `$<varname2>`. Notice how a dollar-sign is used when referring
#'   to slots.
#' @section Methods:
#' * `<classname>$new(x, y)` \cr
#'   (`character` | `NULL`, `numeric(1)`) -> `self` \cr
#'   The `$new()` method always returns `self`.
#' * `mutate(x = default)` \cr
#'   (`any`) -> `self` \cr
#'   When referring to `$mutate()` and other methods, always use the dollar sign
#'   and an empty pair of parentheses.
#' * `produce()` \cr
#'   () -> [`PipeOp`] \cr
#'   Description of `$produce()` function.
#' @examples
#' g = Graph$new()
#' @family mlr3pipelines backend related
#' {{@include <superclass>.R}}
#' @export
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