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tools: customize
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Remove unneeded functionality and tweak the generated output so we
can #include it in C++ source code.

This commit essentially reapplies the changes from commit e159073
("tools: customize") to the updated script.

PR-URL: #1833
Reviewed-By: Shigeki Ohtsu <>
  • Loading branch information
bnoordhuis committed Jun 2, 2015
1 parent 5be9efc commit a2d921d
Showing 1 changed file with 12 additions and 193 deletions.
205 changes: 12 additions & 193 deletions tools/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,41 +30,20 @@
# dependency is the OpenSSL commandline tool for optional text listing.
# Hacked by Guenter Knauf.
use File::Basename 'dirname';
use Getopt::Std;
use MIME::Base64;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use strict;
use vars qw($opt_b $opt_d $opt_f $opt_h $opt_i $opt_l $opt_n $opt_p $opt_q $opt_s $opt_t $opt_u $opt_v $opt_w);
use vars qw($opt_h $opt_i $opt_l $opt_p $opt_q $opt_s $opt_t $opt_v $opt_w);
use List::Util;
use Text::Wrap;
my $MOD_SHA = "Digest::SHA";
eval "require $MOD_SHA";
if ($@) {
$MOD_SHA = "Digest::SHA::PurePerl";
eval "require $MOD_SHA";

my %urls = (
'nss' =>
'central' =>
'aurora' =>
'beta' =>
'release' =>

$opt_d = 'release';

# If the OpenSSL commandline is not in search path you can configure it here!
my $openssl = 'openssl';

my $version = '1.25';

$opt_w = 76; # default base64 encoded lines length
$opt_w = 72; # default base64 encoded lines length

# default cert types to include in the output (default is to include CAs which may issue SSL server certs)
my $default_mozilla_trust_purposes = "SERVER_AUTH";
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if(!defined($opt_d)) {
# to make plain "-d" use not cause warnings, and actually still work
$opt_d = 'release';

# Use predefined URL or else custom URL specified on command line.
my $url = ( defined( $urls{$opt_d} ) ) ? $urls{$opt_d} : $opt_d;

my $curl = `curl -V`;

if ($opt_i) {
print ("=" x 78 . "\n");
print "Script Version : $version\n";
print "Perl Version : $]\n";
print "Operating System Name : $^O\n";
print " Version : ${Getopt::Std::VERSION}\n";
print " Version : ${MIME::Base64::VERSION}\n";
print " Version : ${LWP::UserAgent::VERSION}\n";
print " Version : ${LWP::VERSION}\n";
print " Version : ${Digest::SHA::VERSION}\n" if ($Digest::SHA::VERSION);
print " Version : ${Digest::SHA::PurePerl::VERSION}\n" if ($Digest::SHA::PurePerl::VERSION);
print ("=" x 78 . "\n");

sub warning_message() {
if ( $opt_d =~ m/^risk$/i ) { # Long Form Warning and Exit
print "Warning: Use of this script may pose some risk:\n";
print "\n";
print " 1) Using http is subject to man in the middle attack of certdata content\n";
print " 2) Default to 'release', but more recent updates may be found in other trees\n";
print " 3) certdata.txt file format may change, lag time to update this script\n";
print " 4) Generally unwise to blindly trust CAs without manual review & verification\n";
print " 5) Mozilla apps use additional security checks aren't represented in certdata\n";
print " 6) Use of this script will make a security engineer grind his teeth and\n";
print " swear at you. ;)\n";
} else { # Short Form Warning
print "Warning: Use of this script may pose some risk, -d risk for more details.\n";

print "Usage:\t${0} [-b] [-d<certdata>] [-f] [-i] [-l] [-n] [-p<purposes:levels>] [-q] [-s<algorithms>] [-t] [-u] [-v] [-w<l>] [<outputfile>]\n";
print "\t-b\tbackup an existing version of ca-bundle.crt\n";
print "\t-d\tspecify Mozilla tree to pull certdata.txt or custom URL\n";
print "\t\t Valid names are:\n";
print "\t\t ", join( ", ", map { ( $_ =~ m/$opt_d/ ) ? "$_ (default)" : "$_" } sort keys %urls ), "\n";
print "\t-f\tforce rebuild even if certdata.txt is current\n";
print "Usage:\t${0} [-i] [-l] [-p<purposes:levels>] [-q] [-s<algorithms>] [-t] [-v] [-w<l>] [<outputfile>]\n";
print "\t-i\tprint version info about used modules\n";
print "\t-l\tprint license info about certdata.txt\n";
print "\t-n\tno download of certdata.txt (to use existing)\n";
print wrap("\t","\t\t", "-p\tlist of Mozilla trust purposes and levels for certificates to include in output. Takes the form of a comma separated list of purposes, a colon, and a comma separated list of levels. (default: $default_mozilla_trust_purposes:$default_mozilla_trust_levels)"), "\n";
print "\t\t Valid purposes are:\n";
print wrap("\t\t ","\t\t ", join( ", ", "ALL", @valid_mozilla_trust_purposes ) ), "\n";
Expand All @@ -172,7 +114,6 @@ ()
print "\t\t Valid signature algorithms are:\n";
print wrap("\t\t ","\t\t ", join( ", ", "ALL", @valid_signature_algorithms ) ), "\n";
print "\t-t\tinclude plain text listing of certificates\n";
print "\t-u\tunlink (remove) certdata.txt after processing\n";
print "\t-v\tbe verbose and print out processed CAs\n";
print "\t-w <l>\twrap base64 output lines after <l> chars (default: ${opt_w})\n";
Expand All @@ -182,7 +123,6 @@ ()
print "${0} version ${version} running Perl ${]} on ${^O}\n";

warning_message() unless ($opt_q || $url =~ m/^(ht|f)tps:/i );
HELP_MESSAGE() if ($opt_h);

sub report($@) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,35 +164,6 @@ ($$@)
return @values;

sub sha1 {
my $result;
if ($Digest::SHA::VERSION || $Digest::SHA::PurePerl::VERSION) {
open(FILE, $_[0]) or die "Can't open '$_[0]': $!";
$result = $MOD_SHA->new(1)->addfile(*FILE)->hexdigest;
} else {
# Use OpenSSL command if Perl Digest::SHA modules not available
$result = (split(/ |\r|\n/,`$openssl dgst -sha1 $_[0]`))[1];
return $result;

sub oldsha1 {
my $sha1 = "";
open(C, "<$_[0]") || return 0;
while(<C>) {
if($_ =~ /^\#\# SHA1: (.*)/) {
$sha1 = $1;
return $sha1;

if ( $opt_p !~ m/:/ ) {
print "Error: Mozilla trust identifier list must include both purposes and levels\n";
Expand All @@ -275,98 +186,17 @@ (%)
return 0;

my $crt = $ARGV[0] || 'ca-bundle.crt';
(my $txt = $url) =~ s@(.*/|\?.*)@@g;
my $crt = $ARGV[0] || dirname(__FILE__) . '/../src/node_root_certs.h';
my $txt = dirname(__FILE__) . '/certdata.txt';

my $stdout = $crt eq '-';
my $resp;
my $fetched;

my $oldsha1 = oldsha1($crt);

report "SHA1 of old file: $oldsha1";

report "Downloading '$txt' ...";

if($curl && !$opt_n) {
my $https = $url;
$https =~ s/^http:/https:/;
report "Get certdata over HTTPS with curl!";
my $quiet = $opt_q ? "-s" : "";
my @out = `curl -w %{response_code} $quiet -O $https`;
if(@out && $out[0] == 200) {
$fetched = 1;
} else {
report "Failed downloading HTTPS with curl, trying HTTP with LWP";

unless ($fetched || ($opt_n and -e $txt)) {
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent(agent => "$0/$version");
$resp = $ua->mirror($url, $txt);
if ($resp && $resp->code eq '304') {
report "Not modified";
exit 0 if -e $crt && !$opt_f;
} else {
$fetched = 1;
if( !$resp || $resp->code !~ /^(?:200|304)$/ ) {
report "Unable to download latest data: "
. ($resp? $resp->code . ' - ' . $resp->message : "LWP failed");
exit 1 if -e $crt || ! -r $txt;

my $filedate = $resp ? $resp->last_modified : (stat($txt))[9];
my $datesrc = "as of";
if(!$filedate) {
# gave us a time, does not!
$filedate = time();
$datesrc="downloaded on";

# get the hash from the download file
my $newsha1= sha1($txt);

if(!$opt_f && $oldsha1 eq $newsha1) {
report "Downloaded file identical to previous run\'s source file. Exiting";

report "SHA1 of new file: $newsha1";

my $currentdate = scalar gmtime($filedate);

my $format = $opt_t ? "plain text and " : "";
if( $stdout ) {
open(CRT, '> -') or die "Couldn't open STDOUT: $!\n";
} else {
open(CRT,">$crt.~") or die "Couldn't open $crt.~: $!\n";
print CRT <<EOT;
## Bundle of CA Root Certificates
## Certificate data from Mozilla ${datesrc}: ${currentdate}
## This is a bundle of X.509 certificates of public Certificate Authorities
## (CA). These were automatically extracted from Mozilla's root certificates
## file (certdata.txt). This file can be found in the mozilla source tree:
## ${url}
## It contains the certificates in ${format}PEM format and therefore
## can be directly used with curl / libcurl / php_curl, or with
## an Apache+mod_ssl webserver for SSL client authentication.
## Just configure this file as the SSLCACertificateFile.
## Conversion done with version $version.
## SHA1: $newsha1

report "Processing '$txt' ...";

my $caname;
my $certnum = 0;
my $skipnum = 0;
Expand All @@ -386,7 +216,7 @@ (%)
next if /^#|^\s*$/;
if (/^CVS_ID\s+\"(.*)\"/) {
print CRT "# $1\n";
print CRT "/* $1 */\n";

# this is a match for the start of a certificate
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -431,11 +261,11 @@ (%)
$skipnum ++;
} else {
my $encoded = MIME::Base64::encode_base64($data, '');
$encoded =~ s/(.{1,${opt_w}})/$1\n/g;
my $pem = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n"
$encoded =~ s/(.{1,${opt_w}})/"$1\\n"\n/g;
my $pem = "\"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\\n\"\n"
. $encoded
. "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
print CRT "\n$caname\n";
. "\"-----END CERTIFICATE-----\\n\",\n";
print CRT "\n/* $caname */\n";

my $maxStringLength = length($caname);
if ($opt_t) {
Expand All @@ -445,7 +275,6 @@ (%)
print CRT $string . "\n";
print CRT ("=" x $maxStringLength . "\n");
if (!$opt_t) {
print CRT $pem;
} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -484,16 +313,6 @@ (%)
close(TXT) or die "Couldn't close $txt: $!\n";
close(CRT) or die "Couldn't close $crt.~: $!\n";
unless( $stdout ) {
if ($opt_b && -e $crt) {
my $bk = 1;
while (-e "$crt.~${bk}~") {
rename $crt, "$crt.~${bk}~" or die "Failed to create backup $crt.~$bk}~: $!\n";
} elsif( -e $crt ) {
unlink( $crt ) or die "Failed to remove $crt: $!\n";
rename "$crt.~", $crt or die "Failed to rename $crt.~ to $crt: $!\n";
unlink $txt if ($opt_u);
report "Done ($certnum CA certs processed, $skipnum skipped).";

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