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Sixten's query-based compiler architecture

Compilers are no longer just black boxes that take a bunch of source files and produce assembly code. We expect them to:

  • Be incremental, meaning that if we recompile a project after having made a few changes we only recompile what is affected by the changes.
  • Provide tooling such as language servers, supporting functionality like going to definition, finding the type of the expression at a specific location, and showing error messages on the fly.

This is what Anders Hejlsberg talks about in his video on modern compiler construction that some of you might have seen.

In this document I will talk a about how this is achieved in Sixten, an experimental functional programming language created to give the programmer more control over memory layout and boxing than traditional languages do.

Traditional pipeline-based compiler architectures

A traditional compiler pipeline might look a bit like this:

+-----------+            +-----+                +--------+               +--------+
|           |            |     |                |        |               |        |
|source text|---parse--->| AST |---typecheck-+->|core AST|---generate--->|assembly|
|           |            |     |       ^        |        |               |        |
+-----------+            +-----+       |        +--------+               +---------
                                 read and write
                                  |          |
                                  |type table|
                                  |          |

There are many variations, and often more steps and intermediate representations than in the illustration, but the idea stays the same:

We push source text down a pipeline and run a fixed set of transformations until we finally output assembly code or some other target language. Along the way we often need to read and update some state. For example, we might update a type table during type checking so we can later look up the type of entities that the code refers to.

Traditional compiler pipelines are quite familiar to me and probably many others, but how query-based compilers should be architected might not be as well-known. Here I will describe one way to do it.

Going from pipeline to queries

What does it take to get the type of a qualified name, such as In a pipeline-based architecture we would just look it up in the type table. With queries, we have to think differently. Instead of relying on having updated some piece of state, we do it as if it was done from scratch.

As a first iteration, we do it completely from scratch. It might look a little bit like this:

fetchType :: QualifiedName -> IO Type
fetchType (QualifiedName moduleName name) = do
  fileName <- moduleFileName moduleName
  sourceCode <- readFile fileName
  parsedModule <- parseModule sourceCode
  resolvedModule <- resolveNames parsedModule
  let definition = lookup name resolvedModule
  inferDefinitionType definition

We first find out what file the name comes from, which might be Data/List.hs for Data.List, then read the contents of the file, parse it, perhaps we do name resolution to find out what the names in the code refer to given what is imported, and last we look up the name-resolved definition and type check it, returning its type.

All this for just for getting the type of an identifier? It seems ridiculous because looking up the type of a name is something we'll do loads of times during the type checking of a module. We're not done yet though.

Let's first refactor the code into smaller functions:

fetchParsedModule :: ModuleName -> IO ParsedModule
fetchParsedModule moduleName = do
  fileName <- moduleFileName moduleName
  sourceCode <- readFile fileName
  parseModule moduleName

fetchResolvedModule :: ModuleName -> IO ResolvedModule
fetchResolvedModule moduleName = do
  parsedModule <- fetchParsedModule moduleName
  resolveNames parsedModule

fetchType :: QualifiedName -> IO Type
fetchType (QualifiedName moduleName name) = do
  resolvedModule <- fetchResolvedModule moduleName
  let definition = lookup name resolvedModule
  inferDefinitionType definition

Note that each of the functions do everything from scratch on their own, i.e. they're each doing a (longer and longer) prefix of the work you'd do in a pipeline.

One way to make this work efficiently would be to add a memoisation layer around each function. That way, we do some expensive work the first time we invoke a function with a specific argument, but subsequent calls are cheap as they can return the cached result.

This is essentially what we'll do, but we will not use a separate cache per function, but instead have a central cache, indexed by the query. This functionality is in Rock, a library that packages up some of what we need to create a query-based compiler.

The Rock library

Rock is an experimental library heavily inspired by Shake and the Build systems à la carte paper. It implements a build system framework, like make. On top of that, it borrows ideas for semi-automatic parallelisation and dependent queries from Haxl.

Build systems have a lot in common with modern compilers since we want them to be incremental, i.e. to take advantage of previous build results when building anew with few changes. But there's also a difference: Most build systems don't care about the types of their queries since they work at the level of files and file systems.

Build systems à la carte is closer to what we want. There the user writes a bunch of computations, tasks, choosing a suitable type for keys and a type for values. The tasks are formulated assuming they're run in an environment where there is a function fetch of type Key -> Task Value, where Task is a type for describing build system rules, that can be used to fetch the value of a dependency with a specific key. In our above example, the key type might look like this:

data Key
  = ParsedModuleKey ModuleName
  | ResolvedModuleKey ModuleName
  | TypeKey QualifiedName

The build system has control over what code runs when you do a fetch, so by varying that it can do fine-grained dependency tracking, memoisation, and incrementalism.

Build systems à la carte explores what kind of build systems you get when you vary what Task is allowed to do, e.g. if it's a Monad or Applicative. In Rock, we're not exploring that, so our Task is a thin layer on top of IO.

A problem that pops up now, however, is that there's no satisfactory type for Value. We want fetch (ParsedModuleKey "Data.List") to return a ParsedModule, while fetch (TypeKey "") should return something of type Type.

Dependent queries

What Rock does here is in line with Haxl. It allows you to index the key type by the return type of the query. The Key type in our running example becomes the following GADT:

data Key a where
  ParsedModuleKey :: ModuleName -> Key ParsedModule
  ResolvedModuleKey :: ModuleName -> Key ResolvedModule
  TypeKey :: QualifiedName -> Key Type

The fetch function then has type forall a. Key a -> Task a, so we get a ParsedModule when we run fetch (ParsedModuleKey "Data.List"), like we wanted, because the return type depends on the key we use.

The rules of our compiler, i.e. its "Makefile", then becomes the following function, reusing the functions from above:

rules :: Key a -> Task a
rules key = case key of
  ParsedModuleKey moduleName ->
    fetchParsedModule moduleName

  ResolvedModuleKey moduleName ->
    fetchResolvedModule moduleName

  TypeKey qualifiedName ->
    fetchType qualifiedName

Haxl-like semi-automatic parallelisation

Another trick borrowed from Haxl is parallelisation of fetches when they're done in an applicative context. For example, if we do f <$> fetch (TypeKey "") <*> fetch (TypeKey "Data.Maybe.fromMaybe") the two fetches can be done in parallel, since they don't depend on each other, and we can run f on the results once both queries are done.


Rock caches the result of each fetch by storing the key-value pairs of already performed fetches in a dependent map. This way, we only ever perform each query once during a single run of the compiler.

Incremental builds by reusing state

The last piece of the puzzle is incrementalism. Like Shake, Rock keeps a fine-grained table over what dependencies a task used when it was executed, i.e. what keys it fetched and what the values were, such that it's able to determine when it's safe to reuse the cache from an old build even though there might be changes in other parts of the dependency graph.

This fine-grained dependency tracking also allows reusing the cache when a dependency of a task changes in a way that has no effect. For example, whitespace changes might only trigger a re-parse, but since the AST is the same, the cache can be reused from there on.

Closing thoughts

At the time of writing it's still early days for Sixten's query based architecture. For example, the gains from the semi-automatic parallelisation aren't very big at the moment, and we need to investigate why. The Rock library is also still in early development, lacking especially in documentation.

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