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File metadata and controls

94 lines (66 loc) · 6.65 KB

Read and write raw scanner files as nifti + json

BIDS requires nifti files and json. While json can be written be hand, this is more convenient to populate them as one reads data. One issue is that some information is not encoded in ecat/dicom headers and thus needs to be created otherwise.


To convert DICOM files, dcm2niix (Chris Rorden) must be installed. Windows users must, in addition, indicate its full path in dcm2niix4pet.m.

Redistributed functions

To convert ECAT files, ecat2nii.m uses readECAT7 (Raymond Muzic, 2002) and nii_tool (Xiangrui Li, 2016), who are included and redistributed in the repository. To write the JSON sidecar files, one uses jsonwrite.m (Guillaume Flandin, 2020) taken from


The entire repository or only the matlab subfolder (your choice) should be in your matlab path.

Defaults parameters should be set in (scannername).txt files to generate metadata easily (i.e. avoiding to pass all arguments in although this is also possible). You can find templates of such parameter file under /template_txt (SiemensHRRTparameters.txt, SiemensBiographparameters.txt, GEAdvanceparameters.txt, PhilipsVereosparameters.txt).

Get metadata

To simplify the curation of json files, one uses the get_pet_metadata.m function. This function takes as arguments the scanner info (thus loading the relevant *parameters.txt file) and also need some manual input related to the injected tracer.

Feel free to reach out if you have an issue with your scanner files, we can help.


converting dicom files

The simplest way is to call dcm2niix4pet.m which wraps around dcm2niix. Assuming dcm2niix is present in your environment, Matlab will call it to convert your data to nifti and json - and the wrapper function will additionally edit the json file. Arguments in are the dcm folder(s) in, the metadata as a structure (using the get_pet_metadata.m function for instance) and possibly options as per dcm2nixx.

Note for windows user: edit the dcm2niix4pet.m line 51 to indicate where is the .exe function located

Now in order to convert a PET dataset on disk to PET BIDS, just create a structure containing all the meta information and then point the function to the folder where your data resides dcmfolder and the folder where you want to output the PET BIDS formatted dataset mynewfolder:

meta = get_pet_metadata('Scanner','SiemensBiograph','TimeZero','ScanStart',...
    'TracerName','CB36','TracerRadionuclide','C11', 'ModeOfAdministration',...
    'infusion','SpecificRadioactivity', 605.3220,'InjectedMass', 1.5934,...
    'MolarActivity', 107.66, 'InstitutionName','Rigshospitalet, NRU, DK',...
    'AcquisitionMode','list mode','ImageDecayCorrected','true',...
    'ImageDecayCorrectionTime' ,0,'ReconMethodName','OP-OSEM',...
    'ReconMethodParameterUnits',{'none','none'}, ...
    'ReconMethodParameterValues',[21 3], 'ReconFilterType','XYZGAUSSIAN',...
    'ReconFilterSize',2, 'AttenuationCorrection','CT-based attenuation correction');

Note that get_pet_metadata can be called in a much simpler way if you have a *parameters.txt seating on disk next to this function. The call would then looks like:

% your SiemensBiographparameters.txt file is stored next to get_pet_metadata.m
meta = get_pet_metadata('Scanner','SiemensBiograph','TimeZero','ScanStart','TracerName','CB36',...
    'TracerRadionuclide','C11', 'ModeOfAdministration','infusion','SpecificRadioactivity', ...
    605.3220, 'InjectedMass', 1.5934,'MolarActivity', 107.66);

Alternatively, you could have data already converted to nifti and json, and you need to update the json file. This can be done 2 ways:

  1. Use the updatejsonpetfile.m function. Arguments in are the json file to update and metadata to add as a structure (using a get_metadata.m function for instance) and possibly a dicom file to check additional fields. This is show below for data from the biograph.
jsonfilename = fullfile(pwd,'DBS_Gris_13_FullCT_DBS_Az_2mm_PRR_AC_Images_20151109090448_48.json')
% your SiemensBiographparameters.txt file is stored next to get_pet_metadata.m
metadata = get_pet_metadata('Scanner','SiemensBiograph','TimeZero','ScanStart','TracerName','AZ10416936','TracerRadionuclide','C11', ...
                        'ModeOfAdministration','bolus','InjectedRadioactivity', 605.3220,'InjectedMass', 1.5934,'MolarActivity', 107.66)
dcminfo = dicominfo('DBSGRIS13.PT.PETMR_NRU.48.13.2015.')
status = updatejsonpetfile(jsonfilename,metadata,dcminfo)
  1. Add the metadata 'manually' to the json file, shown below for GE Advance data.
metadata1 = jsondecode(textread(myjsonfile.json)); % or use jsonread from the matlab BIDS library
% your GEAdvance.txt file is stored next to get_pet_metadata.m
metadata2 = get_pet_metadata('Scanner', 'GEAdvance','TimeZero','XXX','TracerName','DASB','TracerRadionuclide','C11', ...
                        'ModeOfAdministration','bolus', 'InjectedRadioactivity', 605.3220,'InjectedMass', 1.5934,'MolarActivity', 107.66)
metadata  = [metadata2;metadata1];                        

converting ecat files

If you have ecat (.v) instead of dicom (.dcm), we have build a dedicated converter. Arguments in are the file to convert and some metadata as a structure (using the get_pet_metadata.m function for instance). This is shown below for HRRT data.

% your SiemensHRRT.txt file is stored next to get_pet_metadata.m
metadata = get_pet_metadata('Scanner','SiemensHRRT','TimeZero','XXX','TracerName','DASB','TracerRadionuclide','C11', ...
    'ModeOfAdministration','bolus', 'InjectedRadioactivity', 605.3220,'InjectedMass', 1.5934,'MolarActivity', 107.66)

See the documentation for further details on ecat conversion.