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Supported ONNX Operators

TensorRT 7.0 supports operators up to Opset 11. Latest information of ONNX operators can be found here

TensorRT supports the following ONNX data types: FLOAT32, FLOAT16, INT8, and BOOL

*There is limited support for INT32 and INT64 types. TensorRT will attempt to cast down INT64 to INT32 where possible. If not possible, TensorRT will throw an error. See the TensorRT layer support matrix for more information on data type support.

Operator Support Matrix

Operator Supported? Restrictions
Abs Y
Acos Y
Acosh Y
Add Y
And Y
ArgMax Y
ArgMin Y
Asin Y
Asinh Y
Atan Y
Atanh Y
AveragePool Y 2D or 3D Pooling only
BatchNormalization Y
BitShift N
Cast Y Cast is only supported for TRT types
Ceil Y
Clip Y min and max clip values must be an initializer
Compress N
Concat Y
ConcatFromSequence N
Constant Y
ConstantOfShape Y
Conv Y 2D or 3D convolutions only
ConvInteger N
ConvTranspose Y 2D or 3D deconvolutions only. Weights must be an initializer
Cos Y
Cosh Y
CumSum N
DepthToSpace Y
DequantizeLinear Y Scales and zero-point value must be initializers
Det N
Div Y
Dropout N
Elu Y
Equal Y
Erf Y
Exp Y
Expand Y
EyeLike N
Flatten Y
Floor Y
Gather Y
GatherElements N
GatherND N
Gemm Y
GlobalAveragePool Y
GlobalLpPool N
GlobalMaxPool Y
Greater Y
HardSigmoid Y
Hardmax N
Identity Y
If N
ImageScaler Y
InstanceNormalization Y Scales and biases must be an initializer
IsInf N
LeakyRelu Y
Less Y
Log Y
LogSoftmax Y
Loop Y
LpNormalization N
LpPool N
MatMul Y
MatMulInteger N
Max Y
MaxPool Y
MaxRoiPool N
MaxUnpool N
Mean Y
Min Y
Mod N
Mul Y
Multinomial N
Neg Y
NonMaxSuppression N
NonZero N
Not Y
OneHot N
Or Y
Pad Y Zero-padding on last 2 dimensions only
ParametricSoftplus Y
Pow Y
PRelu Y
QLinearConv N
QLinearMatMul N
QuantizeLinear Y Scales and zero-point value must be initializers
RandomNormal N
RandomNormalLike N
RandomUniform Y
RandomUniformLike Y
Range Y Float inputs are only supported if start, limit and delta inputs are initializers
Reciprocal N
ReduceL1 Y
ReduceL2 Y
ReduceLogSum Y
ReduceLogSumExp Y
ReduceMax Y
ReduceMean Y
ReduceMin Y
ReduceProd Y
ReduceSum Y
ReduceSumSquare Y
Relu Y
Reshape Y
Resize Y Asymmetric coordinate transformation mode only. Nearest or Linear resizing mode only. "floor" mode only for resize_mode attribute.
ReverseSequence N
RoiAlign N
Round N
ScaledTanh Y
Scan Y
Scatter N
ScatterElements N
ScatterND N
Selu Y
SequenceAt N
SequenceConstruct N
SequenceEmpty N
SequenceErase N
SequenceInsert N
SequenceLength N
Shape Y
Shrink N
Sigmoid Y
Sign N
Sin Y
Sinh Y
Size Y
Slice Y Slice axes must be an initializer
Softmax Y
Softplus Y
Softsign Y
SpaceToDepth Y
Split Y
SplitToSequence N
Sqrt Y
Squeeze Y
StringNormalizer N
Sub Y
Sum Y
Tan Y
Tanh Y
TfIdfVectorizer N
ThresholdedRelu Y
Tile Y
TopK Y
Transpose Y
Unique N
Unsqueeze Y
Upsample Y
Where Y
Xor N