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353 lines (233 loc) · 13.3 KB


This is a small header-only library with some machinery meant to extend the already great STL with some concepts obtained from Category Theory, such as functors and monads, in order to make the composition of some C++ type constructors even simpler.

It's basically a collection of utilities from my recent studies of Category Theory expressed in C++.

Category Theory -> Category -> Cat -> Kitten 🐈

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Problem description

Functors, applicatives, monads, etc are mathematical structures studied in Category Theory that capture the essence of composition. And given that programming is all about composition, they have plenty of practical applications, particularly in Pure Functional Programming.

Furthermore, they are structures that must respect mathematical laws that restrict their behavior. learnyouahaskell provides a very good explanation about these laws in terms of programming, but of course, there are many other resources to learn about them.

Although they're fairly abstract concepts, there are many practical applications for them when we want to compose effectful functions. We can think about an effectful function as a function f that instead of returning a value of type A it returns a value of type X<A> where X represents an effect which models an "extra information" about the computation done inside f.

For example:

  • A function f that can fail to produce a value of type A might return an std::optional<A> where std::optional is a piece of extra information (an effect) that models the absence of a value.
  • A function f that can return multiple values of type A might return an std::vector<A> where std::vector is a piece of "extra information" (an effect) that models multiple values.

When we have functions f: A -> B and g: B -> C we can compose these two functions into a new function h: A -> C by using the usual function composition:

h(x) = g(f(x)), A -> C

Therefore, it eliminates the intermediate steps involving B.

That's only possible because of the co-domain A of f matches with the domain B of g, i.e. the output of the first function can be fed as the input for the second function. But, what happens when we have effectful functions involved?

kitten has the goal of providing instances for some common abstractions from Category Theory to C++. Internally, it makes heavy-usage of the STL to extend the capabilities of supported C++ types.


Now, consider f as an effectful function: f: A -> X<B>, where X models some effect. We can't compose g: B -> C anymore, since it expects B and therefore can't be fed with an X<B>.

Given that we can't do the usual function composition, we need a more powerful way to do composition.

We need a functor.

If X<T> admits a functor for some type parameter T, we can compose f and g by using fmap:

fmap(X<A>, w: A -> B): X<B>

fmap receives a functor X<A>, a function w: A -> B that would do the composition of the types A and B, and it returns a new functor X<B>. It basically:

  1. unwraps X<A> into A
  2. feeds A into w
  3. wraps (or lifts) the output of w into an X<B>
  4. then returns X<B>

Hence, we can do:

fmap(f(), g)

Using kitten, one example of using a functor is:

auto const maybe_name = maybe_find_person() | get_name; // or fmap(maybe_find_person(), get_name)

Where maybe_find_person returns an std::optional<person>, and then the wrapped object of type person is fed into get_name that returns an object of type name.

Thus, the result of the whole composition is of type std::optional<name>.

An equivalent way to define a functor is by providing the function liftF, which maps a function w: A -> B into another function z: X[A] -> X[B], where X[T] is a functor.


What happens if f takes several arguments? For instance, we have the objects xa: X<A> and xb: X<B> and the function f: (A, B) -> C. How can we combine two effects xa and xb via f to obtain X<C>?

If we use fmap as we did before, we wouldn't be able, because fmap accepts only one argument, and we need to somehow provide two.

We need a structure that's more powerful than a functor, we need an applicative.

If X<T> admits an applicative for some type parameter T, we can compose f using combine (also called liftA2):

combine(X<A>, X<B>, w: (A, B) -> C): X<C>

combine receives the applicatives X<A> and X<B>, a binary function w: (A, B) -> C that would do the composition of the types A and B, and it returns a new applicative X<B>. It basically:

  1. unwraps X<A> into A
  2. unwraps X<B> into B
  3. feeds A and B into w
  4. wraps the result C into X<C>
  5. then returns X<C>

Hence, we can do:

combine(xa, xb, f)

In addition, an applicative also has a function pure(A): X<A> that allows one to lift a value of type A into an applicative X<A>.

Using kitten, one example of using an applicative is:

auto const maybe_three = maybe_one() + maybe_two(); // or combine(maybe_one(), maybe_two(), std::plus{})

Where maybe_one and maybe_two return instances of std::optional<int>, and then unwrapped objects of types int and int are fed into operator + (that defaults to std::plus{} for the unwrapped types) that returns an object of type int which is finally wrapped again in an std::optional<int>.

Thus, the result of the whole composition is of type std::optional<int>.

And what happens if we have n-ary rather than binary function f?

We can simply chaining operator +, like:

auto const maybe_ten = maybe_one() + maybe_two() + maybe_three() + maybe_four(); // and so on ...

And what should we do if we need a different operation instead of addition?

Given that operator + accepts two parameters, we have to use a convenient and general overload that accepts a tuple of two applicatives:

auto const maybe_six_as_string = std::tuple{maybe_two, maybe_three} + [](auto const& first, auto const& second) {
            return std::to_string(first * second);

Another helpful function provided by applicatives is liftA2, which generalizes liftF for binaries functions of kind w: A -> B -> C, lifting it into another function z: X[A] -> X[B] -> X[C], where X[T] is some applicative.


What happens if f and g are both effectul functions: f: A -> X<B> and g: B -> X<C>. How can we compose f and g?

If we use fmap as we did before, we would end up with a return type X<X<C>>, that nests the same effect. This type would then need to be flattened, or collapsed, into an X<C>, we need a structure that knows how to flat the effects.

We need a structure that's more powerful than a functor, we need a monad.

If X<T> admits a monad for some type parameter T, we can compose f and g by using bind:

bind(X<A>, w: A -> X<B>): X<B>

bind receives a monad X<A>, a function w: A -> X<B> that would do the composition of the types A and X<B>, and it returns a new monad X<B>. It basically:

  1. unwraps X<A> into A
  2. feeds A into w
  3. flats X<X<B>> into X<B>
  4. then returns X<B>

Hence, we can do:

bind(f(), g)

In addition, a monad also has a function wrap(A): X<A> that allows one to lift a value of type A into a monad X<A>.

Using kitten, one example of using a monad is:

auto const maybe_name = maybe_find_person() >> maybe_get_name; // or bind(maybe_find_person(), maybe_get_name)

Where maybe_find_person returns an std::optional<person>, and then the wrapped object of type person is fed into maybe_get_name that itself returns an object of type std::optional<name>.

Thus, the result of the whole composition is of type std::optional<name>.


A multi-functor generalizes a functor in the sense that instead of having only 1 type parameter, it can have N different types.

Given a multi-functor of arity 2, also called bi-functor,X<A1, B1>, and the functions fa: A1 -> A2 and fb: B1-> B2, a multi-functor uses multimap to instantiate a new bi-functor X<A2, B2> via mapping the types through fa and fb.

An interesting use case for a multi-functor is where we have a function that returns an std::variant<A1, B1, C1> and we want to map such type to std::variant<A2, B2, C2> via several functions fa: A1 -> A2, fb: B1 -> B2, and fc: C1 -> C2 using kitten, we can do:

auto const variant_A2_B2_C2 = variant_A1_B1_C1 || syntax::overloaded {
    [](A1 value) { return A1_to_A2(value); },
    [](B1 value) { return B1_to_B2(value); },
    [](C1 value) { return C1_to_C2(value); }

Where syntax::overloaded is a helper function that enables us to create a function object on-the-fly, that receives a set of lambda expressions, and the right overload is then selected at compile-time depending on the type held by the std::variant<A1, B1, C1>.


kitten relies on the STL to provide functor, applicative, monad, and multi-functor instances for some C++ data types. Given that the data type admits such instances, it's then possible to use the combinators available as free functions.

To simplify the notation, many combinators also come with overloaded operators that enable a, hopefully, nicer infix syntax suitable for chaining several calls.

The combinators are available conveniently in the header: kitten/kitten.h, or by importing each one separately. And the main namespace is rvarago::kitten.

Note that it's possible that a type may not admit instances for all the structures, e.g a type may have a functor but not a monad.


Combinator Infix
fmap |


Combinator Infix
multimap ||


Combinator Infix
combine +


Combinator Infix
bind >>


The following types are currently supported:

Type Functor Applicative Monad Multi-functor
types::function_wrapper<F> x
std::optional<T> x x x
std::deque<T> x x x
std::list<T> x x x
std::variant<T...> x
std::vector<T> x x
  • types::function_wrapper<F> is a callable wrapper around a function-like type, e.g. function, function object, etc. And it allows using fmap to compose functions, e.g. given fx : A -> B and fy: B -> C, and both wrapped around types::function_wrapper which can conveniently be done by the helper function types::fn, then fmap(fx, fy) returns a new types::function_wrapper fz: A -> C that applies fx and then fy. So, by providing an argument x of type A, we have: fmap(fx, fy)(x) == fy(fx(x)).



  • C++17


  • CMake (only if you need to build from sources)
  • Make (only if you want to use it to orchestrate task execution)
  • Conan (only if you want generate a package or build the tests using conan as a provider for the test framework)
  • Docker (only if you want build from inside a docker container)


The Makefile wraps the commands to download dependencies (Conan), generate the build configuration, build, run the unit tests, and clear the build folder. Please consult the Makefile to adapt the commands in case you want to build absent directly without using make.

  • Compile:


By default, it also builds the unit tests, you can disable the behavior by:


The build always assumes that the default profile (profiles/common) applies to your build. If that's not, then you can specify your profile by setting PROFILE as:

make PROFILE=<path_to_your_profile>

And to build with Release mode (by default it builds with Debug mode enabled):

make BUILD_TYPE=Release

  • To run the unit tests, if previously compiled:

make test

Run unit tests inside a Docker container

Optionally, it's also possible to run the unit tests inside a Docker container by executing:

make env-test

Installing on the system

To install kitten:

make install

Then, it's possible to import kitten into external CMake projects, say in a target myExample, by simply adding the following commands to its CMakeLists.txt:

target_link_libraries(myExample rvarago::kitten)

Package managers

To simplify the integration, kitten can also be provided by the following package managers:

  1. Conan