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129 lines (125 loc) · 10.8 KB

File metadata and controls

129 lines (125 loc) · 10.8 KB

1.1.0 - "Rabbit Punch" (2014-04-16)


  • Implement creating, updating, applying and removing datagrid views
  • MongoDB storage support


  • Allow to add many quick export on datagrids
  • Optimize products mass deletion
  • Improve get product REST API
  • Improve entity history context display for entities updated during import jobs
  • Add a 'properties' field to the Attribute entity to allow easily adding new attribute type dependent properties
  • Introduced custom ODM types to map document to one or many entities
  • Define specific route and configuration for datagrid quick exports
  • Add a parameter to ProductManager::save() and ProductManager::saveAll() to allow saving products without completeness recalculation
  • Dispatch event pre/post handler for each mass action
  • Enhance the error message displayed when a related entity doesn't exist during an import (for instance we import products and a family doesn't exist)
  • Default product datagrid sorting is done descending on updated property

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the verbose option always used in the install command
  • Fixed issue on attribute option removal
  • Fixed identifier is required attribute
  • Fixed get common attributes with common values
  • Fixed completeness not removed from changed family
  • Fixed Product ORM mapping: activated orphanRemoval of values
  • Fixed family import fixtures, we now throw an exception if attribute used as requirement not exists
  • Fixed the CSV import of attribute options which can fail due to missing columns when options are not 100% translated
  • Fixed the CSV import of attribute option to throw exception when the attribute is not known
  • Fixed the CSV export of attributes to avoid to export the virtual group 'Other'
  • Prevent considering 0 as a null value when importing metric data
  • Ensured the attribute option validation when edit an option
  • Fixed the product CSV export when a metric attribute is exported without unit
  • Fixed the missed 'there are unsaved changes' message when I delete an option
  • Ensured the ability to change the user catalog locale from user fixtures
  • Fixed mass delete and pagination
  • Fixed the CSV import of family when an attribute does not exist
  • Fixed the CSV import of option when an attribute does not exist
  • Fixed the erroneous message on completeness tab to display "not yet calculated" instead of "locale non associated to this channel"
  • Fixed the 'null' displayed after a dynamic option creation
  • Fixed the quick Export to be able to export all the products
  • Ensured that we're able to configure the email to use in monolog handler
  • Fixed the missing translation keys
  • Fixed the route exception for less/address in prod.log
  • Fixed the categories tree get cut off on a long list on categiry management
  • Fixed the deletion of an attribute option
  • Remove the deprecated fallback property in locale and in locales.yml file
  • Avoid to recalculate the completeness when I add some products to one or more group with the mass-edit wizard
  • Fixed the unique attributes validation during product CSV imports
  • Fixed the exception on file_get_content if the image doesn't exist anymore
  • Ensure the required property for an identifier when importing attributes
  • Fixed the error message when the family is not known when importing products
  • Removed useless app/entities directory

BC breaks

  • Add an argument HydratorInterface in ProductDatasource constructor (MongoDBODM support)
  • Add an argument $adapterClass (string for FQCN) in ProductFilterExtension and OrmFilterExtension constructors (MongoDBODM support)
  • Remove deprecated fallback property of Locale entity
  • Add a generateProductCompletenesses method on CompletenessGeneratorInterface, to generate completeness for one product
  • Add setCompletenesses and getCompletenesses method on ProductInterface and Product class
  • Add methods getProductQueryBuilder, deleteProductIds methods in ProductRepositoryInterface
  • Remove methods setLocale/getLocale, setScope/getScope, setConfiguration/getConfiguration from ProductRepositoryInterface
  • Remove methods setLocale/getLocale, setScope/getScope from ProductManager
  • Move findAllByAttributes and findOneByWithValues from FlexibleEntityRepositoryInterface to ProductRepositoryInterface
  • Move setFlexibleQueryBuilder, findAllByAttributes, findOneByWithValues, getFlexibleQueryBuilder, addJoinToValueTables, findAllByAttributesQB from FlexibleEntityRepository to ProductRepository (ORM)
  • Move FilterBundle/Filter/ScopeFilter.php, ProductCompletenessFilter.php, ProductGroupsFilter.php, CategoryFilter.php -> FilterBundle/Filter/Product/ScopeFilter.php, CompletenessFilter, GroupsFilter.php, CategoryFilter.php
  • Move FilterBundle/Resources/public/js/datafilter/filter/scope-filter.js, category-filter.js -> FilterBundle/Resources/public/js/datafilter/filter/product_scope-filter.js, product_category-filter.js
  • Move FilterBundle/Filter/Flexible/FilterUtility.php -> Filter/ProductFilterUtility.php, remove the flexibleEntityName argument of applyFlexibleFilter, rename applyFlexibleFilter to applyFilterByAttribute
  • ProductValueNonBlank renamed to ProductValueComplete
  • Remove the AclHelper $aclHelper argument from the DataGridBundle/Extension/Pager/Orm/Pager.php constructor
  • Moved CustomEntityBundle to its own repository
  • Move FlexibleEntityBundle/Doctrine/* -> CatalogBundle/Doctrine/ORM/*, rename FlexibleQueryBuilder* to ProductQueryBuilder*, specialize the implementation and pass the CatalogContext as constructor argument
  • Changes in the implementation of storing datagrid state - adding 'pim/datagrid/state-listener' to the datagrid configuration is no longer required, instead, the grid should be rendered with dataGrid.renderStatefulGrid()
  • Move FilterBundle/Filter/Flexible/* -> FilterBundle/Filter/ProductValue/*
  • Remove unused FilterBundle/Filter/ProductValue/EntityFilter
  • Replace FlexibleManager by ProductManager in ContextConfigurator constructor arguments
  • Replace tag pim_flexibleentity.attributetype by pim_catalog.attribute_type
  • Replace service @pim_flexibleentity.validator.attribute_constraint_guesser by @pim_catalog.validator.attribute_constraint_guesser
  • Replace the use of FlexibleValueInterface by ProductValueInterface in AttributeTypeInterface and AbstractAttributeType
  • Update ProductValueInterface, add getData, setData and getAttribute methods
  • Move DataGridBundle/Extension/Formatter/Property/* to DataGridBundle\Extension\Formatter\Property\ProductValue\*
  • Use CatalogContext and not ProductManager as constructor argument in AddParametersToProductGridListener
  • Move mass export in specific controller
  • Add an affectsCompleteness method to MassEditActionInterface to indicate whether performing the mass action requires recalculating the product completeness
  • Remove DeleteMassActionHandler, replaced by ProductDeleteMassActionHandler
  • Change product REST API data and url format
  • Remove incomplete REST API for getting multiple products
  • Remove Router dependency from json ProductNormalizer
  • Replace RegistryInterface with ManagerRegistry in controllers - retrieving the ObjectManager from the AbstractController now requires passing the class name (AbstractDoctrineController::getManagerForClass())
  • Change Completeness Manager and Repository function names to something more coherent (generateMissingForxxx)
  • Move DataGridBundle/Extension/Sorter\Orm\FlexibleFieldSorter to DataGridBundle/Extension/Sorter/Product/ValueSorter
  • Move DataGridBundle/Extension/Sorter/Orm/FlexibleFieldSorter to DataGridBundle/Extension/Sorter/Product/ValueSorter
  • Move DataGridBundle/Extension/Selector/Orm/* to DataGridBundle/Extension/Selector/Orm/Product and DataGridBundle/Extension/Selector/Orm/ProductValue
  • ProductRepository does not extend anymore FlexibleEntityRepository, getFlexibleConfig/setFlexibleConfig have been replaced by getConfiguration/setConfiguration
  • Change mass action route for products and create own controller for these mass actions
  • Add a MassActionHandlerRegistry for mass action handlers services (works with handler alias)
  • Rename ProductDeleteMassActionHandler to DeleteMassActionHandler
  • Create MassActionHandlerInterface instead of using OroPlatform one
  • Change MassActionDispatcher::dispatch parameters
  • Replace @pim_datagrid.datasource.product.result_record.hydrator by @pim_datagrid.datasource.result_record.hydrator.product and same for class parameter
  • Move mass action handlers to its own Handler directory
  • Create PimDatasourceInterface extending OroDatasourceInterface
  • Use PimVersioningBundle:Version for all entity audits instead of OroDataAuditBundle:Audit, replace AuditManager with VersionManager, drop AuditBuilder and refactor listeners that create object versions
  • Redefine DeleteMassAction, EditMassAction and ExportMassAction
  • Remove data_identifier property defined on datagrid.yml for mass actions
  • Rename parameter $queryBuilder as $qb in HydratorInterface
  • Add findFamilyCommonAttributeIds and findValuesCommonAttributeIds methods to ProductRepository interface
  • Remove queryBuilder property from MassEditActionController and remove $request from each action
  • Remove queryBuilder from methods initialize and perform in AbstractMassEditAction and children
  • Add setProductsToMassEdit and getProductsToMassEdit in AbstractMassEditAction
  • Remove EntityManager property from AddToGroups mass edit action and directly inject GroupRepository
  • Remove ProductManager property from Classify mass edit action
  • Remove method getProductIdsFromQB from EditCommonAttributes mass edit action
  • Remove ProductRepository::findFamilyCommonAttributes() and ProductRepository::findValuesCommonAttributeIds() to replace them by ProductRepository::findCommonAttributeIds()
  • Disable global search feature
  • Remove the 'searchable' property of AbstractAttribute
  • Move ProductRepository::getIdentifier() to attribute repository
  • Move CatalogBundle\Entity\Repository\ProductRepository to CatalogBundle\Doctrine\ORM
  • Move CatalogBundle\Entity\Repository\AssociationRepository to CatalogBundle\Doctrine\ORM
  • Move CatalogBundle\Model\ProductRepositoryInterface to CatalogBundle\Repository
  • Move CatalogBundle\Model\AssociationRepositoryInterface to CatalogBundle\Repository
  • Move CatalogBundle\Model\CompletenessRepositoryInterface to CatalogBundle\Repository
  • EditCommonAttributes class needs the ProductBuilder and ProductMassActionManager now
  • Move prepareDBALQuery from ProductRepository to QueryBuilderUtility
  • Add a ProductCategoryManager and move here the methods getProductsCountInCategory, getProductIdsInCategory from the ProductManager
  • Renamed service writer ids pim_base_connector.writer.orm.* -> pim_base_connector.writer.doctrine.*
  • Replace @security.context by @pim_user.context.user in ContextConfigurator
  • Delete the attribute virtual group and the getVirtualGroup method of the class Pim\Bundle\CatalogBundle\Model\AbstractAttribute
  • Render the attribute group mandatory for the creation and the edition of an attribute