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File metadata and controls

executable file
96 lines (79 loc) · 5.13 KB


This package provides an objected oriented client interface and accession utilities to HABSIM, Stanford SSI's high altitude prediction server, at (See Main features include:

  • Custom flight profiles built from an arbitrary number of profile segments
  • API calls abstracted away in a Prediction class
  • Wind and elevation data accession utilities
  • WebPlot class, which permits writing of trajectories on an OpenStreetMap layer for in-browser viewing
  • Trajectory optimization utilities for chasing a StaticTarget or a MovingTarget

To install, run pip3 install habsim and include with import habsim. All classes and subpackages are imported in the package-level namespace. Unfortunately, Python 2 is not supported. For method-level documentation, use help(...) to view the docstrings.

A note about timestamps: this package manipulates UNIX timestamps extracted from user-supplied datetime objects. When you create a datetime object, its timestamp() method returns as if the datetime is in the local time zone of your machine --- this package expects such behavior. You should not worry about converting your datetime object to UTC time --- doing so may cause unexpected behavior.

pytest is used as the testing framework. To run tests, clone this repository and run pytest in the base directory.


For usage examples, see section below.

  • Segment segment of a profile with a constant ascent or descent rate
  • Profile list of segments
  • ControlledProfile optimizable profile expressed as altitude waypoints rather than a list of segments
  • Prediction container class which holds a profile, calls the server for predictions, and holds the resulting trajectory
  • Trajectory single trajectory predicted for a profile or created by user from existing data
  • StaticTarget a nonmoving target for trajectory optimization
  • MovingTarget a moving target for trajectory optimization

Subpackage util

Provides data accession and common calculation utilies for both client and internal use. All API calls are wrapped in methods contained herein, although the user should not need to call them directly. Relevant methods and fields for common client use are as follows:

  • checkServer should be called anytime before running a prediction.
  • closestPoint implements a heuristic to quickly find the closest point to a Target object in the path specified by a Trajectory. The closest point, great circle distance, and compass bearing from the path to the point are returned.
  • optimize_step takes in a Prediction object containing a ControlledProfile (and whose other parameters must all be specified) and aTarget and modifies the ControlledProfile to decrease the distance to the target according to step size alpha. The closest point, distance, and bearing prior to the step are returned.
  • gefs_layers is a list of altitudes corresponding to GEFS wind layers which may be useful in initializing a ControlledProfile.
  • average_wind returns the expected wind for a certain time, location, and elevation based on the 20 ensemble models.
  • wind returns the wind data for a certain time, location, and elevation for a specific model.

Subpackage ioutil

This package primarily exports a WebPlot class which can plot an arbitrary number of multi-segment trajectories on an HTML OpenStreetMap interface for in-browser viewing. For sample usage, see below. For complete documentation, see the docstrings.


Constructing a profile:

# Ascent 3 m/s.
ascent = Segment(3, stopalt=29000)         

# Segments may be specified by end altitude or duration.
equilibrate = Segment(0, dur=3)             
descent = Segment(-3, stopalt=0)

# Segments with a non-unity drift coefficient are supported.
floating = Segment(0, dur=3, coeff=0.5)   
profile = Profile(segments=[ascent, equilibrate, descent, floating])

Specifying launch parameters and running the prediction:

time = datetime(2019, 4, 17, 22, 30)

# Default time is current time
pred = Prediction(profile=profile,

# Parameters can also be passed in at runtime.
traj =                     

Saving predictions to file:

plt = WebPlot()

Running and optimizing a ControlledProfile:

# 50 hours with waypoints at 5 hour intervals
profile = hs.ControlledProfile(50, 5)

# See docstring for argument details
profile.initialize(2000, 5000, 30000, seed=[79.0, 5000])
target = StaticTarget(40.7, -92.7)
pred.profile = profile
for i in range(N):
    optimize_step(pred, hs.StaticTarget(40.7, -92.7), 20)

The package can also be used to analyze existing trajectories:

traj = Trajectory(data=data)
traj.length()            # Distance travelled in km
traj.duration()          # Duration in hours
traj.endtime()           # Endpoint in local time

# Points in the trajectory can be accessed directly.
timestamp, lat, lon, alt, u_wind, v_wind, __, __ = traj[15]