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363 lines (305 loc) · 18 KB

File metadata and controls

363 lines (305 loc) · 18 KB



  • Add options inline_factories and inline_class_loader to PhpDumper::dump()
  • Deprecate PhpDumper options inline_factories_parameter and inline_class_loader_parameter
  • Add RemoveBuildParametersPass, which removes parameters starting with a dot during compilation
  • Add support for nesting autowiring-related attributes into #[Autowire(...)]
  • Deprecate undefined and numeric keys with service_locator config
  • Fail if Target attribute does not exist during compilation
  • Enable deprecating parameters with ContainerBuilder::deprecateParameter()
  • Add #[AsAlias] attribute to tell under which alias a service should be registered or to use the implemented interface if no parameter is given
  • Allow to trim XML service parameters value by using trim="true" attribute
  • Allow extending the Autowire attribute
  • Add #[Exclude] to skip autoregistering a class
  • Add support for generating lazy closures
  • Add support for autowiring services as closures using #[AutowireCallable] or #[AutowireServiceClosure]
  • Add support for #[Autowire(lazy: true|class-string)]
  • Make it possible to cast callables into single-method interfaces
  • Deprecate #[MapDecorated], use #[AutowireDecorated] instead
  • Deprecate the @required annotation, use the Symfony\Contracts\Service\Attribute\Required attribute instead
  • Add constructor option to services declaration and to #[Autoconfigure]


  • Use lazy-loading ghost objects and virtual proxies out of the box
  • Add arguments &$asGhostObject and $id to LazyProxy's DumperInterface to allow using ghost objects for lazy loading services
  • Add enum env var processor
  • Add shuffle env var processor
  • Allow #[When] to be extended
  • Change the signature of ContainerAwareInterface::setContainer() to setContainer(?ContainerInterface)
  • Deprecate calling ContainerAwareTrait::setContainer() without arguments
  • Deprecate using numeric parameter names
  • Add support for tagged iterators/locators exclude option to the xml and yaml loaders/dumpers
  • Allow injecting string $env into php config closures
  • Add excludeSelf parameter to TaggedIteratorArgument with default value to true to control whether the referencing service should be automatically excluded from the iterator


  • Add #[MapDecorated] attribute telling to which parameter the decorated service should be mapped in a decorator
  • Add #[AsDecorator] attribute to make a service decorates another
  • Add $exclude to TaggedIterator and TaggedLocator attributes
  • Add $exclude to tagged_iterator and tagged_locator configurator
  • Add an env function to the expression language provider
  • Add an Autowire attribute to tell a parameter how to be autowired
  • Allow using expressions as service factories
  • Add argument type closure to help passing closures to services
  • Deprecate ReferenceSetArgumentTrait
  • Add AbstractExtension class for DI configuration/definition on a single file


  • Remove Definition::setPrivate() and Alias::setPrivate(), use setPublic() instead
  • Remove inline() in favor of inline_service() and ref() in favor of service() when using the PHP-DSL
  • Remove Definition::getDeprecationMessage(), use Definition::getDeprecation() instead
  • Remove Alias::getDeprecationMessage(), use Alias::getDeprecation() instead
  • Remove the Psr\Container\ContainerInterface and Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface aliases of the service_container service


  • Add $defaultIndexMethod and $defaultPriorityMethod to TaggedIterator and TaggedLocator attributes
  • Add service_closure() to the PHP-DSL
  • Add support for autoconfigurable attributes on methods, properties and parameters
  • Make auto-aliases private by default
  • Add support for autowiring union and intersection types


  • Add ServicesConfigurator::remove() in the PHP-DSL
  • Add %env(not:...)% processor to negate boolean values
  • Add support for loading autoconfiguration rules via the #[Autoconfigure] and #[AutoconfigureTag] attributes on PHP 8
  • Add #[AsTaggedItem] attribute for defining the index and priority of classes found in tagged iterators/locators
  • Add autoconfigurable attributes
  • Add support for autowiring tagged iterators and locators via attributes on PHP 8
  • Add support for per-env configuration in XML and Yaml loaders
  • Add ContainerBuilder::willBeAvailable() to help with conditional configuration
  • Add support an integer return value for default_index_method
  • Add #[When(env: 'foo')] to skip autoregistering a class when the env doesn't match
  • Add env() and EnvConfigurator in the PHP-DSL
  • Add support for ConfigBuilder in the PhpFileLoader
  • Add ContainerConfigurator::env() to get the current environment
  • Add #[Target] to tell how a dependency is used and hint named autowiring aliases


  • added param() and abstract_arg() in the PHP-DSL
  • deprecated Definition::setPrivate() and Alias::setPrivate(), use setPublic() instead
  • added support for the #[Required] attribute


  • deprecated inline() in favor of inline_service() and ref() in favor of service() when using the PHP-DSL
  • allow decorators to reference their decorated service using the special .inner id
  • added support to autowire public typed properties in php 7.4
  • added support for defining method calls, a configurator, and property setters in InlineServiceConfigurator
  • added possibility to define abstract service arguments
  • allowed mixing "parent" and instanceof-conditionals/defaults/bindings
  • updated the signature of method Definition::setDeprecated() to Definition::setDeprecation(string $package, string $version, string $message)
  • updated the signature of method Alias::setDeprecated() to Alias::setDeprecation(string $package, string $version, string $message)
  • updated the signature of method DeprecateTrait::deprecate() to DeprecateTrait::deprecation(string $package, string $version, string $message)
  • deprecated the Psr\Container\ContainerInterface and Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface aliases of the service_container service, configure them explicitly instead
  • added class Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Dumper\Preloader to help with preloading on PHP 7.4+
  • added tags container.preload/.no_preload to declare extra classes to preload/services to not preload
  • allowed loading and dumping tags with an attribute named "name"
  • deprecated Definition::getDeprecationMessage(), use Definition::getDeprecation() instead
  • deprecated Alias::getDeprecationMessage(), use Alias::getDeprecation() instead
  • added support of PHP8 static return type for withers
  • added AliasDeprecatedPublicServicesPass to deprecate public services to private


  • removed support for auto-discovered extension configuration class which does not implement ConfigurationInterface
  • removed support for non-string default env() parameters
  • moved ServiceSubscriberInterface to the Symfony\Contracts\Service namespace
  • removed RepeatedPass and RepeatablePassInterface
  • removed support for short factory/configurator syntax from YamlFileLoader
  • removed ResettableContainerInterface, use ResetInterface instead
  • added argument $returnsClone to Definition::addMethodCall()
  • removed tagged, use tagged_iterator instead


  • added CheckTypeDeclarationsPass to check injected parameters type during compilation
  • added support for opcache.preload by generating a preloading script in the cache folder
  • added support for dumping the container in one file instead of many files
  • deprecated support for short factories and short configurators in Yaml
  • added tagged_iterator alias for tagged which might be deprecated in a future version
  • deprecated passing an instance of Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Parameter as class name to Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Definition
  • added support for binding iterable and tagged services
  • made singly-implemented interfaces detection be scoped by file
  • added ability to define a static priority method for tagged service
  • added support for improved syntax to define method calls in Yaml
  • made the %env(base64:...)% processor able to decode base64url
  • added ability to choose behavior of decorations on non existent decorated services


  • added %env(trim:...)% processor to trim a string value
  • added %env(default:param_name:...)% processor to fallback to a parameter or to null when using %env(default::...)%
  • added %env(url:...)% processor to convert a URL or DNS into an array of components
  • added %env(query_string:...)% processor to convert a query string into an array of key values
  • added support for deprecating aliases
  • made ContainerParametersResource final and not implement Serializable anymore
  • added ReverseContainer: a container that turns services back to their ids
  • added ability to define an index for a tagged collection
  • added ability to define an index for services in an injected service locator argument
  • made ServiceLocator implement ServiceProviderInterface
  • deprecated support for non-string default env() parameters
  • added %env(require:...)% processor to require() a PHP file and use the value returned from it


  • added ContainerBuilder::registerAliasForArgument() to support autowiring by type+name
  • added support for binding by type+name
  • added ServiceSubscriberTrait to ease implementing ServiceSubscriberInterface using methods' return types
  • added ServiceLocatorArgument and !service_locator config tag for creating optimized service-locators
  • added support for autoconfiguring bindings
  • added %env(key:...)% processor to fetch a specific key from an array
  • deprecated ServiceSubscriberInterface, use the same interface from the Symfony\Contracts\Service namespace instead
  • deprecated ResettableContainerInterface, use Symfony\Contracts\Service\ResetInterface instead


  • added support for variadics in named arguments
  • added PSR-11 ContainerBagInterface and its ContainerBag implementation to access parameters as-a-service
  • added support for service's decorators autowiring
  • deprecated the TypedReference::canBeAutoregistered() and TypedReference::getRequiringClass() methods
  • environment variables are validated when used in extension configuration
  • deprecated support for auto-discovered extension configuration class which does not implement ConfigurationInterface


  • Relying on service auto-registration while autowiring is not supported anymore. Explicitly inject your dependencies or create services whose ids are their fully-qualified class name.


    namespace App\Controller;
    use App\Mailer;
    class DefaultController
        public function __construct(Mailer $mailer) {
            // ...
        // ...
            autowire: true


    // same PHP code
            autowire: true
        # or
        # App\Controller\DefaultController:
        #     arguments: { $mailer: "@App\Mailer" }
            autowire: true
  • removed autowiring services based on the types they implement

  • added a third $methodName argument to the getProxyFactoryCode() method of the DumperInterface

  • removed support for autowiring types

  • removed Container::isFrozen

  • removed support for dumping an ucompiled container in PhpDumper

  • removed support for generating a dumped Container without populating the method map

  • removed support for case insensitive service identifiers

  • removed the DefinitionDecorator class, replaced by ChildDefinition

  • removed the AutowireServiceResource class and related AutowirePass::createResourceForClass() method

  • removed LoggingFormatter, Compiler::getLoggingFormatter() and addLogMessage() class and methods, use the ContainerBuilder::log() method instead

  • removed FactoryReturnTypePass

  • removed ContainerBuilder::addClassResource(), use the addObjectResource() or the getReflectionClass() method instead.

  • removed support for top-level anonymous services

  • removed silent behavior for unused attributes and elements

  • removed support for setting and accessing private services in Container

  • removed support for setting pre-defined services in Container

  • removed support for case insensitivity of parameter names

  • removed AutowireExceptionPass and AutowirePass::getAutowiringExceptions(), use Definition::addError() and the DefinitionErrorExceptionPass instead


  • moved the ExtensionCompilerPass to before-optimization passes with priority -1000
  • deprecated "public-by-default" definitions and aliases, the new default will be "private" in 4.0
  • added EnvVarProcessorInterface and corresponding "container.env_var_processor" tag for processing env vars
  • added support for ignore-on-uninitialized references
  • deprecated service auto-registration while autowiring
  • deprecated the ability to check for the initialization of a private service with the Container::initialized() method
  • deprecated support for top-level anonymous services in XML
  • deprecated case insensitivity of parameter names
  • deprecated the ResolveDefinitionTemplatesPass class in favor of ResolveChildDefinitionsPass
  • added TaggedIteratorArgument with YAML (!tagged foo) and XML (<service type="tagged"/>) support
  • deprecated AutowireExceptionPass and AutowirePass::getAutowiringExceptions(), use Definition::addError() and the DefinitionErrorExceptionPass instead


  • deprecated autowiring services based on the types they implement; rename (or alias) your services to their FQCN id to make them autowirable
  • added "ServiceSubscriberInterface" - to allow for per-class explicit service-locator definitions
  • added "container.service_locator" tag for defining service-locator services
  • added anonymous services support in YAML configuration files using the !service tag.
  • added "TypedReference" and "ServiceClosureArgument" for creating service-locator services
  • added ServiceLocator - a PSR-11 container holding a set of services to be lazily loaded
  • added "instanceof" section for local interface-defined configs
  • added prototype services for PSR4-based discovery and registration
  • added ContainerBuilder::getReflectionClass() for retrieving and tracking reflection class info
  • deprecated ContainerBuilder::getClassResource(), use ContainerBuilder::getReflectionClass() or ContainerBuilder::addObjectResource() instead
  • added ContainerBuilder::fileExists() for checking and tracking file or directory existence
  • deprecated autowiring-types, use aliases instead
  • added support for omitting the factory class name in a service definition if the definition class is set
  • deprecated case insensitivity of service identifiers
  • added "iterator" argument type for lazy iteration over a set of values and services
  • added file-wide configurable defaults for service attributes "public", "tags", "autowire" and "autoconfigure"
  • made the "class" attribute optional, using the "id" as fallback
  • using the PhpDumper with an uncompiled ContainerBuilder is deprecated and will not be supported anymore in 4.0
  • deprecated the DefinitionDecorator class in favor of ChildDefinition
  • allow config files to be loaded using a glob pattern
  • [BC BREAK] the NullDumper class is now final


  • allowed to prioritize compiler passes by introducing a third argument to PassConfig::addPass(), to Compiler::addPass and to ContainerBuilder::addCompilerPass()
  • added support for PHP constants in YAML configuration files
  • deprecated the ability to set or unset a private service with the Container::set() method
  • deprecated the ability to check for the existence of a private service with the Container::has() method
  • deprecated the ability to request a private service with the Container::get() method
  • deprecated support for generating a dumped Container without populating the method map


  • removed all deprecated codes from 2.x versions


  • deprecated the abstract ContainerAware class in favor of ContainerAwareTrait
  • deprecated IntrospectableContainerInterface, to be merged with ContainerInterface in 3.0
  • allowed specifying a directory to recursively load all configuration files it contains
  • deprecated the concept of scopes
  • added Definition::setShared() and Definition::isShared()
  • added ResettableContainerInterface to be able to reset the container to release memory on shutdown
  • added a way to define the priority of service decoration
  • added support for service autowiring


  • deprecated synchronized services


  • added new factory syntax and deprecated the old one


  • added DecoratorServicePass and a way to override a service definition (Definition::setDecoratedService())
  • deprecated SimpleXMLElement class.


  • added support for expressions in service definitions
  • added ContainerAwareTrait to add default container aware behavior to a class


  • added Extension::isConfigEnabled() to ease working with enableable configurations
  • added an Extension base class with sensible defaults to be used in conjunction with the Config component.
  • added PrependExtensionInterface (to be able to allow extensions to prepend application configuration settings for any Bundle)


  • added IntrospectableContainerInterface (to be able to check if a service has been initialized or not)
  • added ConfigurationExtensionInterface
  • added Definition::clearTag()
  • component exceptions that inherit base SPL classes are now used exclusively (this includes dumped containers)
  • [BC BREAK] fixed unescaping of class arguments, method ParameterBag::unescapeValue() was made public