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MTMonkey installation instructions

We assume that $VERSION is 'dev' or 'stable' and $USER is the user account that will own and run the services.


We assume Ubuntu 12.04 (but any Linux with all the required packages should be OK). Before installing MTMonkey, you must have the following packages installed (including dependencies):

  • On the application server: git

  • On workers: git netcat python-dev

    • If Moses is to be compiled on a certain worker machine -- all packages needed by Moses installation (including libxmlrpc-c++-dev so that XML-RPC support is compiled).
    • If Moses is only to be copied to a worker machine: libxmlrpc-c++ is needed to run it.

Workers installation:

We assume that we have a shared directory accessible from all workers in e.g. /mnt/share, where Moses binaries and Python virtualenv will be put.

This may be either on a NFS share, or accessible through SSH (rsync is used to access it). If the share is only accessible via SSH, you must use SSH keys without password to enable automatic updates.

Prepare the needed resources in the shared directory:

This must be done on a machine where the shared directory is directly accessible (locally or through NFS).

  • Install Moses into /mnt/share/ (according to Moses installation instructions), then rename the mosesdecoder directory as moses-$VERSION.

  • Install Python virtual environment to /mnt/share/virtualenv: Download, read, adjust, and run from this directory.

Prepare configuration (do this for all workers):

  • Copy all required data from the shared directory and checkout the Git repository + copy configuration examples from Git: Download, read, adjust, and run from this directory.

  • Copy the translation model to be used with Moses (or check out the automatic updates/model distribution feature below that is able to copy required models from NFS share on machine startup).

    The models should be located in the ~$USER/mt-$VERSION/models subdirectory (called e.g. 'ende' for English-German translation). The Moses INI files may contain relative paths as the Moses binaries will be run from this directory.

  • Adjust configuration in the ~$USER/mt-$VERSION/config directory according to the used language pair and models (if only the language pair/model directory differs and you want to use automatic model distribution, skip this step).

Autostart and automatic updates (optional)

  • If you want the workers to be checked periodically and restarted on fail, adjust the crontab of $USER according to the mtmonkey.crontab file from this directory.

  • If you need the workers to be started and updated on the machine startup, copy the file mtmworker_init from this directory to /etc/init.d and link it to the individual runlevels as the very last service to be started. Then prepare a directory for startup logs (as root!):

    cp /home/$USER/mt-$VERSION/git/install/mtmworker_init /etc/init.d/mtmworker-$VERSION

    cd /etc/rc2.d; ln -s ../init.d/mtmworker-$VERSION S99z_mtmworker-$VERSION;
    cd ..; for r in 3 4 5; do cp -P rc2.d/S99z_mtmworker-$VERSION rc$r.d; done
    cd /etc/rc6.d; ln -s ../init.d/mtmworker-$VERSION K99z_mtmworker-$VERSION; 
    cd ..; for r in 0 1; do cp -P rc6.d/K99z_mtmworker-$VERSION rc$r.d; done

    mkdir /var/log/mtmworker-$VERSION; chown $USER /var/log/mtmworker-$VERSION

You then need to update the configuration in the /etc/init.d/mtmworker-$VERSION file so that the correct user name and version are used.

Please note that automatic updates are contained within the mtmworker_init init script. If you need initialization but no updates, comment out the corresponding lines.

  • If you need automatic model distribution (to be checked with updates), place trained Moses models into /mnt/share/models-$VERSION and create the file /mnt/share/index.cfg that will contain the assignment of models to machines, in the form:

E.g.: if the models to be used on are located in /mnt/share/models-stable/en-de.

The model directories must contain moses.ini for translation model (and recaser.moses.ini for recasing model if needed); both files must contain relative paths to other files. If you need to use a different setting, you must modify workers configuration in the ~$USER/mt-$VERSION/config directory.

Application server installation:

  • Install Python virtual environment to ~$USER/virtualenv: Read, adjust, and run from this directory, or copy the virtualenv from the workers' shared directory (see above).

  • Checkout the Git repository and create the default directory structure: Read, adjust, and run from this directory.

  • Adjust configuration in ~$USER/mt-$VERSION/config/appserver.cfg according to your setup (add IPs and ports of the workers for the individual languages, as well as the application server port.)

    • The example configuration file shows the data format.
    • If you have workers for different system variants, you may want to specify the system IDs for them. Note that if you do not specify workers for a language pair without any system ID, it will become a required parameter in all queries for this language pair.
  • You may now run the application server via ~$USER/mt-$VERSION/scripts/run_appserver.

Autostart and automatic updates (optional)

  • If you need the application server to be started and updated on the machine startup, copy the file mtmappserver_init from this directory to /etc/init.d and link it to the individual runlevels as the very last service to be started. Then prepare a directory for startup logs (as root!):
    cp ~$USER/appserver-$VERSION/git/install/mtmappserver_init /etc/init.d/mtmappserver-$VERSION

    cd /etc/rc2.d; ln -s ../init.d/mtmappserver-$VERSION S99z_mtmappserver-$VERSION;
    cd ..; for r in 3 4 5; do cp -P rc2.d/S99z_mtmappserver-$VERSION rc$r.d; done
    cd /etc/rc6.d; ln -s ../init.d/mtmappserver-$VERSION K99z_mtmappserver-$VERSION; 
    cd ..; for r in 0 1; do cp -P rc6.d/K99z_mtmappserver-$VERSION rc$r.d; done

    mkdir /var/log/mtmappserver-$VERSION; chown $USER /var/log/mtmappserver-$VERSION

You then need to update the configuration in the /etc/init.d/mtmappserver-$VERSION file so that the correct user name and version are used.

Please note that automatic updates are contained within the mtmappserver_init init script. If you need initialization but no updates, comment out the corresponding lines.