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vseloved edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 17 revisions

CL-REDIS — a fast and robust Common Lisp client for Redis database (tested with Redis version 2.0.0-rc2)



  1. Make sure a Redis server is running.

  2. (require 'cl-redis)

  3. Connect to the server to the given host and port with (redis:connect :host <host> :port <port>) (host defaults to and port defaults to 6739).

  4. Interact with the server using the commands whose names are just Redis commands prepended with the prefix *cmd-prefix*, which defaults to 'red. For example, (redis:red-ping) => “PONG”.

  5. Disconnect from the server with (redis:disconnect).

  6. Alternatively, wrap the whole server-client interaction session into a with-connection macro, which accepts the same arguments connect does, opens a socket connection, executes the body of the macro with the current connection bound to this new connection, and ensures that the connection is closed afterwards.


For a better performance Redis allows to pipeline commands and delay receiving results until the end and do that in batch afterwards. To support that there’s with-pipelining macro. Compare execution times in the following examples (with pipelining and without: 6.567 secs vs. 2023.924 secs):

(let ((names (let (acc)
               (dotimes (i 1000)
                 (push (format nil "n~a" i) acc))
               (nreverse acc)))
      (valss (let (big-acc)
               (dotimes (i 1000)
                 (let (acc)
                   (dotimes (i (random 100))
                     (push (list (random 10) (format nil "n~a" i)) acc))
                   (push (nreverse acc) big-acc)))
               (nreverse big-acc))))
  (time (with-connection ()
          (with-pipelining (loop :for name :in names :for vals :in valss :do
                              (dolist (val vals)
                                (apply #'red-zadd name val))))
          (red-zunionstore "result" (length names) names)
          (red-zrange "result" 0 -1))))
Evaluation took:
  6.567 seconds of real time
  3.900243 seconds of total run time (3.200200 user, 0.700043 system)
  [ Run times consist of 0.264 seconds GC time, and 3.637 seconds non-GC time. ]
  59.39% CPU
  82 lambdas converted
  13,102,611,585 processor cycles
  274,398,496 bytes consed

(“n98” “n97” “n95” “n96” “n93” “n94” “n92” “n91” “n89” “n90” “n88” “n87” “n86”
“n85” “n82” “n83” “n84” “n81” “n80” “n77” “n75” “n79” “n78” “n76” “n73” “n74”
“n72” “n71” “n70” “n68” “n69” “n67” “n66” “n63” “n64” “n65” “n59” “n62” “n61”
“n58” “n60” “n57” “n54” “n56” “n55” “n50” “n53” “n52” “n51” “n48” “n49” “n47”
“n45” “n46” “n44” “n41” “n43” “n42” “n40” “n37” “n38” “n39” “n35” “n36” “n34”
“n32” “n33” “n31” “n30” “n29” “n27” “n26” “n28” “n22” “n21” “n25” “n24” “n23”
“n20” “n19” “n18” “n17” “n16” “n15” “n12” “n14” “n13” “n9” “n11” “n10” “n7”
“n8” “n4” “n6” “n2” “n5” “n1” “n3” “n0”)
CL-USER> (let ((names (let (acc)
(dotimes (i 1000)
(push (format nil “n~a” i) acc))
(nreverse acc)))
(valss (let (big-acc)
(dotimes (i 1000)
(let (acc)
(dotimes (i (random 100))
(push (list (random 10) (format nil “n~a” i)) acc))
(push (nreverse acc) big-acc)))
(nreverse big-acc))))
(time (with-connection ()
(loop :for name :in names :for vals :in valss :do
(dolist (val vals)
(apply #’red-zadd name val)))
(red-zunionstore “result” (length names) names)
(red-zrange “result” 0 -1))))
Evaluation took:
2023.924 seconds of real time
3.560222 seconds of total run time (2.976186 user, 0.584036 system)
[ Run times consist of 0.144 seconds GC time, and 3.417 seconds non-GC time. ]
0.18% CPU
72 lambdas converted
1,474,396,115,175 processor cycles
389,316,432 bytes consed


There are 2 generic functions: tell and expect, which implement different styles of Redis interactions according to the protocol. tell specifies how a request to Redis is formatted and expect — how the response is handled. The best way to implement another method on expect is usually with def-expect-method, which arranges reading data from the socket and provides a variable reply, which holds the raw reply from the server with the initial character removed. For example:

(def-expect-method :ok
  (assert (string= reply "OK"))

Redis operations are defined as functions with def-cmd for which only types of interactions and arguments should be provided. def-cmd prefixes all the defined functions’ names with *cmd-prefix*, which defaults to 'red. (Note, that setting of *cmd-prefix* will have its effects at compile time). An example of command definition is given below:

(def-cmd KEYS (pattern)
  "Return all the keys matching the given pattern."
  :inline :list)

(see commands.lisp for all defined commands)

Debugging, testing and error recovery

If *echo-p* is set to T, all server-client communications will be echoed to the stream *echo-stream*, which defaults to *standard-output*. The default value of *echo-p* is NIL, meaning no echoing.

Error handling is mimicked after the Postmodern library. In particular, whenever an error occurs that breaks the communication stream, a condition of type redis-connection-error is signaled offering a :reconnect restart. Furthermore, connect checks if a connection to Redis is already established, and offers two restarts (:leave and :replace) if this is the case. When the server responses with an error reply (i.e., a reply that starts with -), a condition of type redis-error-reply is signaled.

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