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GPU-Accelerated Light Transport on Signed Distance Fields Video Emitter and Prototyping Tool.


Requires GLFW, OpenGL3.3, OpenCL1.2 with the cl_khr_gl_sharing extension (use clinfo to check), OpenGL3.3, DUB and a D compiler. I've only tested this on NVIDIA hardware running Linux (Manjaro).

git clone
cd dtoadq && dub run


To create a project, create a new directory inside the projects directory. Scenes are .dtq, textures are .txt and generic functions are .cl. When DTOADQ generates the kernel, all generic functions from the directory the scene is located as well as the globals directory will be included. When any of the files in either directory change, all of the corresponding files and parameters are updated.

Generic Functions: All generic functions from the repository the scene is located as well as the globals directory are available. Here is an example generic function that, given a float2, will return a float2 with the fractional components of each element:

float2 fract2 ( float2 n ) {
  float2 t;
  return fract(n, &t);

Textures: Texture functions are not included, instead the textures they generate are included through the \_\_read\_only image2d\_array\_t textures parameter. To access them, inside the TEXTURESTART/END of your scene file, place the index followed by file location: 0 globals/textures/txCheckerboard.txt These texture files generate a texture before the scene kernel call is made. The texture function call must match the filename, and any other function within will not be included for the scene call.

// from IQ:
float voronoise ( float2 x, float u, float v ) {
  float2 p = floor(x),
         f = fract2(x);

  float k = 1.0f + 63.0f*pow(1.0f - v, 4.0f);
  float va = 0.0f, wt = 0.0f;
  for ( int j = -2; j != 2; ++ j )
  for ( int i = -2; i != 2; ++ i ) {
    float2 g = (float2)( (float)(i), (float)(j) );
    float3 o = (float3)(noise2to3(p+g)*(float3)(u, u, 1.0f));
    float2 r = g - f + o.xy;
    float d = dot(r, r);
    float w = pow(1.0f - smoothstep(0.0f, 1.414f, sqrt(d)), k);
    va += w*o.z;
    wt += w;

  return va/wt;
float4 txCheckerboard ( float2 origin ) {
  return (float4)(voronoise(origin*20.0f, 0.2f, 2.2f));

Materials: The materials section of the DTQ scene file is parsed as a JSON string. Every value is a float from 0.0 to 1.0, but must be inputted as a string. The material describes a BSDF and these properties are allowed to be intermixed:

{"materials": [{
  "diffuse": "0.2", "specular": "0.0", "glossy": "0.2",
  "retroreflective": "0.0", "transmittive": "0.0"

There will be support for more properties as well as microfacet via texture in the future.

Camera: The function Update_Camera(Camera* camera, float time) must exist within the CAMERASTART/END region. The Camera struct is defined as:

struct Camera {
  cl_float3 position, lookat, up;
  cl_int2 dimensions;
  cl_float fov;
  cl_int flags; // For imgui debug purposes

Emitter: The constant __constant int EMITTER_AMT; must be defined as a value greater than 0, and corresponds to the amount of emitters (light sources) in the given scene. The function Emitter REmission ( int index, float3 debug_values, float time ) must be also be defined, returning the corresponding emitter from the given index, defined by:

struct Emitter {
  float3 origin, emission;
  float radius;

Only area lights are supported. This is a function, and not parsed as JSON like materials, to allow the emitter's origin/emission/radius to change over time.

Map: The update map function must be defined void Update_Map ( int avoid, float3 origin, SampledPt* pt_info, float time, __read_only image2d_array_t textures, float3 debug_values ) When you are finished calculating the signed distance field to a primitive, you must call MapUnionG(avoid, pt_info, sdf_distance, material_id, primitive_colour).

void Update_Map ( int avoid, float3 origin, SampledPt* pt_info, float time,
                  __read_only image2d_array_t textures, float3 debug_values ) {
  MapUnionG(avoid, pt_info, length(origin)-2.0f, 0, (float3)(0.9f, 0.2f, 0.3f));

Check the example scenes, functions and textures under globals/.


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