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ARGO-SCG is a component of ARGO monitoring engine that creates configuration for Sensu based on main sources of truth: ARGO Web-API for topology and metric profiles, and ARGO POEM for metric configurations.


Component is supported on CentOS 7 and Rocky 9. RPM package and its dependencies are available in ARGO repositories, and it is simply installed using yum:

yum install -y argo-scg


Configuration is stored in file /etc/argo-scg/scg.conf. It consists of minimum of two sections: [GENERAL] section and at least one tenant section [<tenant_name>]. It is possible to have multiple tenant sections, one per each tenant you need to configure, each with tenant name set as section name. Tool will set up one namespace for each tenant in the configuration file.

GENERAL section

sensu_url = https://sensu.backend.url
sensu_token = sensu-api-token
webapi_url =
  • sensu_url - URL of the Sensu API,
  • sensu_token - token for the Sensu API,
  • webapi_url - URL of the ARGO Web-API.

Tenant section

poem_url =
poem_token = tenant2-poem-token
webapi_token = tenant2-webapi-token
metricprofiles = PROFILE1, PROFILE2
publish = true
publisher_queue = /var/spool/argo-nagios-ams-publisher/metrics
topology = /path/to/topology1
topology_groups_filter = type=NGI&tags=certification:Certified
topology_endpoints_filter = tags=monitored:1
attributes = /etc/argo-scg/attributes/attributes-tenant2.conf
secrets = /path/to/secrets
agents_configuration = /path/to/config-file
skipped_metrics = eudat.b2safe.irods-crud, argo.connectors.check
namespace = tenant2_namespace
  • poem_url - POEM URL for the given tenant (mandatory);
  • poem_token - POEM token for the given tenant (mandatory);
  • webapi_token - Web-API token for the given tenant (mandatory);
  • metricprofile - comma separated list of metric profiles for the given tenant (mandatory);
  • publish - flag that marks if the metrics results should be sent to publisher (mandatory);
  • publisher_queue - publisher queue; this entry can be left out if publish is set to False (mandatory if publish is set to True);
  • topology - path to file containing topology in .json format (optional) - in practice only used for internal monitoring, because all the other tenants have topology available in Web-API;
  • topology_groups_filter - query parameter(s) used when fetching topology groups from Web-API (optional);
  • topology_endpoints_filter - query parameter(s) used when fetching topology endpoints from Web-API (optional);
  • attributes - path to the file containing the attributes for the given tenant (optional);
  • secrets - path to file containing sensitive attributes (e.g. passwords, tokens) (optional);
  • agents_configuration - path to configuration file for custom agents' subscriptions (optional);
  • skipped_metrics - list of metrics that should not be run on Sensu agent (optional). These metrics would then be skipped when doing the configuration for the Sensu agent, even if they do exist in the metric profile;
  • namespace - Sensu namespace to which the tenant is going to be associated (optional). If not set, tenant is associated to the namespace with the same name as tenant.

Agents configuration

If agents_configuration setting exists, tool will configure checks with given service types to be run on the agents listed in the file. The configuration file must have the following form:

[AGENTS] = webdav, xrootd = ARC-CE

The configuration file has only one section, [AGENTS]. The options are simply agents' names, and values are service types which are to be tested on listed agents. All the other service types are going to be run on remaining agents, and they do not need to be listed explicitly.


ARGO-SCG consists of several tools:

  • - configures Sensu for use with ARGO monitoring; details of configuration are described in section Sensu backend operations,
  • - tool used for acknowledgement of errors (creation of silencing entries),
  • scg-run-check - tool for displaying commands run for the given entity and given check,
  • sensu-events - formatted display of events,
  • - prepares Sensu event output data for ARGO AMS Publisher. is simply invoked without any arguments if you want to run it with the default location of the configuration file /etc/argo-scg/scg.conf and for all the tenants defined in the configuration file. If you wish to override the configuration file location, it can be done using -c parameter with script.

INFO - Started
INFO - default: Check argo.scg.check updated
INFO - default: All synced!
INFO - TENANT: Check generic.http.connect updated
INFO - TENANT: All synced!
INFO - Done

If you wish to run script for a single tenant, you can do it by passing the tenant name using -t parameter.

INFO - Started
INFO - TENANT: Check generic.http.connect updated
INFO - TENANT: All synced!
INFO - Done

Tool's logs are written to the file /var/log/argo-scg/argo-scg.log.

This tool is used to acknowledge an event, and it does not return any output. The event will be silenced until it is resolved, after that it will send notifications normally without any user input.

The tool takes two required arguments: check name -c, and entity name -e. By default, it uses the default tenant, you can override that with the tenant argument (-t). You can also override the configuration file it uses, by default it uses configuration file /etc/argo-scg/scg.conf.

# -h
usage: Acknowledge an event so it does not send any more notifications [-h] -c CHECK -e ENTITY [-t TENANT] [--conf CONF]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CHECK, --check CHECK
                        check name
  -e ENTITY, --entity ENTITY
                        entity name
  -t TENANT, --tenant TENANT
  --conf CONF           configuration file

Example: -c argo.POEM-CERT-MON -e -t internal


This tool is used to check how the given check is called for given entity. You should supply entity name, check name and tenant as input arguments, and the tool will return how exactly the check is run for the given entity:

# scg-run-check -h
usage: Check how the probe is invoked for a given entity [-h] -e ENTITY -c CHECK [-t TENANT] [--config CONFIG] [--execute]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e ENTITY, --entity ENTITY
  -c CHECK, --check CHECK
  -t TENANT, --tenant TENANT
  --config CONFIG       configuration file
  --execute             run the command


# scg-run-check -e -c generic.certificate.validity -t internal
Executing command:
/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_ssl_cert -H -t 60 -w 30 -c 0 -N --altnames --rootcert-dir /etc/grid-security/certificates --rootcert-file /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt -C /etc/sensu/certs/hostcert.pem -K /etc/sensu/certs/hostkey.pem

It is also possible to include --execute flag, in which case the check will be run, and the result will be printed to terminal:

# scg-run-check -e -c generic.certificate.validity -t internal --execute
Executing command:
/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_ssl_cert -H -t 60 -w 30 -c 0 -N --altnames --rootcert-dir /etc/grid-security/certificates --rootcert-file /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt -C /etc/sensu/certs/hostcert.pem -K /etc/sensu/certs/hostkey.pem

SSL_CERT OK - x509 certificate '*' ( from 'GEANT OV RSA CA 4' valid until May 26 23:59:59 2023 GMT (expires in 37 days)|days=37;30;0;;


This tool is used to display events that have been run. It takes four optional arguments. The one that has a default value, -t (--tenant), to denote for which tenant you wish events displayed (default tenant by default). The other three (-S, -s and --agent) are used for view filtering. If none of the arguments used for filtering is used, all the events are shown for the given tenant.

# sensu-events -h
usage: Get event data [-h] [-t TENANT] [-S STATUS] [-s SERVICE_TYPE] [--agent] [-c CONFIG]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TENANT, --tenant TENANT
  -S STATUS, --status STATUS
                        status to filter; must be integer code 0, 1, 2 or 3
                        service type to filter
  --agent               show only agent events
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        configuration file

Example with all the events:

# sensu-events 
Host                    Metric                                   Status    Executed             Output
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________  argo.AMSPublisher-Check                  OK        2023-04-18 11:21:06  OK - Worker metricsni4os published 5190 (threshold 10 in 180 minutes) / Worker metricseoscprobe published 17600 (threshold 10 in 180 minutes) / Worker metricseosccore published 1089 (threshold 10 in 180 minutes) / Worker metricseosc published 9100 (threshold 10 in 180 minutes)  argo.poem-tools.check                    OK        2023-04-18 11:55:23  OK - The run finished successfully.  argo.scg.check                           OK        2023-04-18 11:51:42  OK - Done  keepalive                                OK        2023-04-18 13:32:41  Keepalive last sent from at 2023-04-18 13:32:41 +0200 CEST  org.nagios.AmsDirSize                    OK        2023-04-18 13:03:26  OK - /var/spool/ams-publisher size: 680 KB  org.nagios.DiskCheck-Local               OK        2023-04-18 13:11:57  DISK OK - free space: /dev 3900 MiB (100.00% inode=100%); /dev/shm 3909 MiB (99.98% inode=100%); /run 3543 MiB (90.61% inode=100%); /sys/fs/cgroup 3910 MiB (100.00% inode=100%); / 83534 MiB (81.61% inode=100%); /run/user/35838 782 MiB (100.00% inode=100%);  srce.certificate.validity-sensu-backend  OK        2023-04-18 12:21:39  CERT LIFETIME OK - Certificate will expire in 341.06 days (Mar 24 11:51:28 2024 GMT)

The three arguments used for filtering are as follows:

  • -S (--status) - used for filtering events by status. E.g. if you wish to see only events with CRITICAL status, you would call the tool as sensu-events -S 2.
  • -s (--service) - used for filtering events by service type. E.g. if you wish to see only events run for service type argo.mon, you would call the tool as sensu-events -s argo.mon.
  • --agent - the flag used for filtering events run for Sensu agent. E.g., if you want to display only events run for Sensu agent on the given tenant: sensu-events --tenant internal --agent.

All the arguments used for filtering can also be combined. is not meant to be run by a user, it is run by Sensu as a handler. It takes Sensu check output as input, and then prepares data to be sent to the publisher.

Sensu backend operations


Multi-tenancy in Sensu is achieved by using namespaces - each tenant has its own namespace with isolated definitions of checks (metrics), entities (endpoints), events, handlers, filters, and pipelines. For each tenant defined in the configuration file, the tool creates a namespace (with the same name as tenant, unless specified explicitly in the configuration file) if it does not exist. Also, if a namespace exists for which there is no tenant definition in the configuration file, that namespace is deleted.


Entity represents anything that needs to be monitored. In ARGO monitoring service we differentiate between agent entities and proxy entities. Agent entities are the ones having Sensu agents installed. Agent entity registers with the Sensu backend service, sends keepalive messages and executes checks.

Proxy entities, on the other hand, allow Sensu to monitor external resources on systems where you cannot install Sensu agent.

Agent entity

For each tenant, we create a single agent entity which runs the checks for the given tenant. Sensu is scheduling checks based on subscriptions: the subscriptions specified in the Sensu agent definition control which checks the agent will execute. The list of subscriptions for agent are handled by tool.

Proxy entity

Proxy entities are created based on the data defined in the topology. The name of the entity is defined as <service>__<hostname>.

All the other information from the topology needed by Sensu are stored in labels bucket. This includes minimally hostname, service, and site information, which are always defined in the topology.

If there is info_URL entry defined in the topology, the tool will map its value to info_url entry in labels bucket. It will also try to get PATH and PORT from it, and add them to labels bucket. In case generic.http.connect metric is to be executed for the given entity, tool will also check if info_URL schema is https:// - if so, it will create ssl label with value -S --sni.

If there is info_service_endpoint_URL entry defined in the topology, the tool will create entry endpoint_url in labels bucket. If endpoint_url is required by the metric and is not defined in the topology, the tool will first look for attribute and metric parameter overrides for possible entries. If they are missing, the tool will log a warning message.

Topology entry info_HOSTDN is mapped to info_hostdn entry in the labels bucket if it exists.

Any defined extension in the topology (entry starting with info_ext_) will be mapped to label with info_ext_ prefix removed, and all capital letters replaced with lower letters.

The tool is also checking if there are host attribute or metric parameter overrides which might affect the entity, and creates labels accordingly (both for entities and checks).

EGI-specific configuration

There are several EGI-specific service types which require special labels in the entity definition:

  1. if service type is either org.openstack.nova or org.openstack.swift:
    • os_keystone_port with value of port only if there is port defined in info_URL entry in the topology,
    • os_keystone_host with value of hostname derived from info_URL entry in the topology,
    • os_keystone_url which maps info_URL entry from the topology;
  2. if service type is Top-BDII:
    • bdii_dn with fixed value of Mds-Vo-Name=local,O=Grid,
    • bdii_type with fixed value of bdii_top,
    • glue2_bdii_dn with value of GLUE2DomainID=<SITENAME>,o=glue (<SITENAME> is site name defined in the topology);
  3. if service type is Site-BDII:
    • bdii_dn - with value of Mds-Vo-Name=<SITENAME>,O=Grid (<SITENAME> is site name defined in the topology),
    • bdii_type - with fixed value bdii_site,
    • glue2_bdii_dn with value GLUE2DomainID=<SITENAME>,o=glue (<SITENAME> is site name defined in the topology).

For proxy entities it is important to define entity_class as proxy, and add entity's hostname in the list of subscriptions.


The tool fetches metric profiles from ARGO WEB-API, and fetches configuration of metrics defined in the metric profiles from ARGO POEM. It then creates checks from the fetched configurations and deletes the ones no longer used. Each time the tool is run, it also checks if there have been any changes in the metric configurations, and updates checks definitions accordingly.

If we take generic.tcp.connect metric as an example, the check command would look like this:

/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_tcp -H {{ .labels.hostname }} -t 120 -p 443

Checks can fetch information from entities' labels buckets, and they are generated accordingly (case of attributes, special values from topology and/or overrides). The parameters are simply mapped to command if there are no overrides.

Tool calculates the check interval (in POEM it is defined in minutes, in check definition it needs to be defined in seconds). A fixed timeout of 900 s (15 min) is created for each check - this is in case the probe is left hanging, so that it does not clutter the system.

In metadata bucket the tool stores the metric name, namespace in which it is defined, and in annotations we define attempts, which is the number defined as maxCheckAttempts in POEM. This number is used by hard-state filter.

Depending on which pipeline should process the metric, the correct one is defined in check configuration. As a rule, all the metrics with NOPUBLISH flag (internal metrics) are processed with reduce_alerts pipeline (and their results sent to ARGO Slack channel). Also, if the tenant has set publish = false in the configuration file, all the checks defined for that namespace are processed by the same pipeline. In case configuration for tenant is set to publish = true, checks are processed by hard_state pipeline.

In addition to metrics defined in POEM, for each tenant two additional checks, generated using Sensu bonsai assets, are created:

  • sensu.cpu.usage (sensu/check-cpu-usage) - checks CPU usage (raises warning when it's at 85%, critical when it's at 90%),
  • sensu.memory.usage (sensu/check-memory-usage) - checks memory usage (raises warning when it's at 85%, critical when it's at 90%).

This metrics are considered internal, so the alerts are only raised to ARGO Slack channel.

Flags tool takes into account NOHOSTNAME, NOTIMEOUT, NOPUBLISH, and PASSIVE flags.

  • NOHOSTNAME - {{ .labels.hostname }} is left out from the check command.
  • NOTIMEOUT - -t <TIMEOUT> parameter is left out from the check command.
  • NOPUBLISH - pipeline defined for this check is reduce_alerts. Its results are sent to Slack channel instead of AMS Publisher.
  • SILENCED - metrics with this flag are configured not to raise alerts. Used only with specific internal metrics, which are in turn handled differently.
  • PASSIVE - marks passive metric. These are handled slightly differently. They are not actively running, but generated by results written to fifo file by their active parents. When a metric has this flag, the generated check looks as follows:
  "command": "PASSIVE",
  "subscriptions": [
  "handlers": ["publisher-handler"],
  "pipelines": [],
  "cron": "CRON_TZ=Europe/Zagreb 0 0 31 2 *",
  "timeout": 900,
  "publish": false,
  "metadata": {
    "name": "eu.egi.SRM-VOGet",
    "namespace": "TENANT1"
  "round_robin": false

Command is just a placeholder, since the check is never going to be executed by the scheduler. That is ensured by the cron definition that is never going to happen (31 Feb). Publish must be set to false, and, instead of pipeline, here we only define publisher-handler to handle the check.


There are some specifics on how the tool handles attributes. If attribute name ends with _TOKEN, _LOGIN, _SALT, _ID, _PASSWORD, _USER, _SECRET, _USERNAME, or _CREDENTIALS, it assumes its value is secret and expects it to be defined in the secrets file defined in the configuration file. It is then defined in the check configuration with $ prefix and all capital letters. For example:

/usr/libexec/argo/probes/webapi/web-api -H {{ .labels.hostname }} -t 120 --rtype ar --day 1 -k $ARGO_API_TOKEN

Some attributes have default values, and can be overridden in POEM. These are:

Attribute name Default value
NAGIOS_HOST_CERT /etc/sensu/certs/hostcert.pem
NAGIOS_HOST_KEY /etc/sensu/certs/hostkey.pem
KEYSTORE /etc/sensu/certs/keystore.jks
TRUSTSTORE /etc/sensu/certs/truststore.ts

If ROBOT_CERT and ROBOT_KEY are defined, their values are overriding the value of NAGIOS_HOST_CERT and NAGIOS_HOST_KEY respectively.

If metric is using NAGIOS_ACTUAL_HOST_CERT and NAGIOS_ACTUAL_HOST_KEY, it uses default NAGIOS_HOST_CERT and NAGIOS_HOST_KEY, regardless of whether ROBOT_CERT and ROBOT_KEY are defined.

Default ports are defined in Super POEM. If metric has any of the default ports in its configuration, the tool will check if any endpoint has that port defined as an extension in topology or as overridden value in POEM. If there is, the configuration would look like this (e.g. GRAM_PORT with default value 2119):

-p {{ .labels.gram_port | default "2119" }}

That way endpoints with overrides will use their values, and those that do not, will use the default value of 2119.

In case of extensions, special values from the topology (e.g. info_hostdn), overridden attributes and/or parameters, the checks are configured so that they can make use of all the labels created in entities' definitions.

If an attribute that is extension has a value of 0 or 1, attribute's value is considered to be a flag: the value than marks that the flag should be used in probe execution. If it is not defined, the flag is simply not used.

Any extension ending in _URL, if not defined in the topology, would fall back to value defined in info_URL, except for two attributes used for webdav/xrootd endpoints: ARGO_WEBDAV_OPS_URL and ARGO_XROOTD_OPS_URL, which must be defined in the topology.


In Sensu, event is the context containing information about the entity running the check and the corresponding check result. Sensu scheduler runs checks on certain entities based on their subscriptions. Events are automatically processed by Sensu using handlers, filters and pipelines.

Handlers, filters and pipelines

Tenants with publish flag in the configuration file send the metric results to ARGO AMS Publisher. For those tenant, tool creates publisher-handler which takes care of that. Handlers consume event data via stdin. The definition of the said handler looks like this:

  "metadata": {
    "name": "publisher-handler",
    "namespace": "TENANT1"
  "type": "pipe",
  "command": "/bin/"

publisher-handler takes in event output data and sends it further to tool, which then prepares it for ARGO AMS Publisher.

In addition to the handler, there is also a hard-state filter created. The filter allows (action = allow) either passing results (status = 0) or non-ok results which have occurred more than maxCheckAttempts number of times (defined in metric configuration in ARGO POEM, and stored in check configuration in annotations bucket as attempts key) to the publisher-handler. The filter is created in order to reduce flapping results. Filter definition looks like this:

  "metadata": {
    "name": "hard-state",
    "namespace": "TENANT1"
  "action": "allow",
  "expressions": [
    "((event.check.status == 0) || (event.check.occurrences >= Number(event.check.annotations.attempts) && event.check.status != 0))"

The publisher-handler and hard-state filter are used by checks as hard_state pipeline defined as follows:

  "metadata": {
    "name": "hard_state",
    "namespace": "TENANT1"
  "workflows": [
      "name": "mimic_hard_state",
      "filters": [
          "name": "hard-state",
          "type": "EventFilter",
          "api_version": "core/v2"
      "handler": {
        "name": "publisher-handler",
        "type": "Handler",
        "api_version": "core/v2"

Workflow is as follows: event results are first filtered using hard-state filter, and then handled by publisher-handler and sent to ARGO AMS Publisher.

All the tenants have slack handler, which is used internally to send results of internal metrics to ARGO team Slack. In order for it to work, you need to have registered sensu/sensu-slack-handler dynamic runtime asset. It also requires environmental variable SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL to be able to send data to Slack. In ARGO, we define it in a file in the filesystem. The Slack handler definition looks like this:

  "metadata": {
    "name": "slack",
    "namespace": "TENANT1"
  "type": "pipe",
  "command": "source /etc/sensu/secrets ; export $(cut -d= -f1 /etc/sensu/secrets) ; sensu-slack-handler --channel '#monitoring'",
  "runtime_assets": ["sensu-slack-handler"]

In addition to slack handler, there is also daily filter, which takes care that notifications for non-ok statuses are sent once a day after they are first raised, instead of each time the check is run. That way we avoid notification spamming in the Slack channel. Filter's definition looks like this:

  "metadata": {
    "name": "daily",
    "namespace": "TENANT1"
  "action": "allow",
  "expressions": [
    "((event.check.occurrences == 1 && event.check.status == 0 && event.check.occurrences_watermark >= Number(event.check.annotations.attempts)) || (event.check.occurrences == Number(event.check.annotations.attempts) && event.check.status != 0)) || event.check.occurrences % (86400 / event.check.interval) == 0"

slack handler and daily filtered are used in checks as reduce_alerts pipeline:

  "metadata": {
    "name": "reduce_alerts",
    "namespace": "TENANT1"
  "workflows": [
      "name": "slack_alerts",
      "filters": [
          "name": "is_incident",
          "type": "EventFilter",
          "api_version": "core/v2"
          "name": "not_silenced",
          "type": "EventFilter",
          "api_version": "core/v2"
          "name": "daily",
          "type": "EventFilter",
          "api_version": "core/v2"
      "handler": {
        "name": "slack",
        "type": "Handler",
        "api_version": "core/v2"

This pipeline, in addition to filter and handler defined by the tool, uses two built-in filters. is_incident filter allows non-ok (1, 2, 3) statuses and resolution events to be processed. That way the events with OK status are not passed to the handler (only in case of resolution). There is also not_silenced filter - that one allows only events which have not been silenced.

Multiple tenants in single namespace

Normally, each namespace is used for a single tenant. It is possible, though, to configure the namespace to be able to handle multiple tenants. This should only be used for tenants with small number of checks and entities. In case of multiple tenants, from the user's point of view, it is only necessary to define the namespace explicitly for the tenants that are going to be run in the same namespace. tool will then automatically configure the namespace with information from multiple tenants.

The step with fetching data from the web-api and POEM are tenant-specific, so this is done in a loop. After the data have been fetched, they are merged together, taking into account duplicate checks or entities, and then they are created in the namespace. Filters, handlers and pipelines are created only once per namespace. When running the checks, handler also takes into account possible multiple tenants, and fetches the appropriate AMS Publisher queue from the configuration file. If there are any discrepancies, the tool will inform the user to make the necessary adjustments.