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Deploy WordPress & WooCommerce Microserrvices On AWS, Using DevSecOps Methodology.


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WordPress WooCommerce REST API Jenkins Docker AWS Kubernetes Nginx Terraform Snyk Trivy Python

Project Infrastructure :

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How To Deploy This Solution:

01- Clone The Repository On Your Bastion Machine :

02- Run Terraform Apply Inside ProjectC/Infra

03- Deploy Apps Using ArgoCD In The Bellow Order :

  • Wordpress Blue/Green

  • Nginx Ingress Controller

  • Microservices Blue/Green

  • To get ArgoCD Secret:

kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d
  • To expose argocd-server service, ane get access to it using your EC2 Bastion PublicIP.
kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 4001:443 --address

ArgoCD Workflow:

GitOps Repository Link:

04- Vault Server Configuration :

Vault Architecture:

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  • Connect to your Vault Server via SSH.

  • Run:

sudo nano /etc/vault.d/vault.hcl

Past the configuration bellow on it:

storage "raft" {
  path    = "/opt/vault/data"
  node_id = "raft_node_1"

listener "tcp" {
  address     = ""
  tls_disable = 1

api_addr = ""
cluster_addr = ""
ui = true

  • Run the followings commands in order:

sudo systemctl start vault

sudo systemctl stop vault

sudo systemctl start vault

  • Now we should add the ip addr of our Vault Server to our env:
  • Open ".profile" by running : "sudo nano ~/.profile" and add the bellow line in it:
export VAULT_ADDR=''
  • Now run : "source ~/.profile" to load your env.
  • If you would to check that you did everything correctly run: "env | grep VAULT_ADDR".
  • Now you can initilize your Vault Server by running, you should get 5 KEYs and login_token (SAVE THEM IN A SAFE PLACE) :

vault operator init

  • Now we have to UNSEAL our Vault Server by running this command 3 TIMES, and enter the secrets that we got early "WE NEED JUST 3 SECRETS":

vault operator unseal

  • After checking that the SEAL is FALSE.

Vault Sealed Mode=TRUE:

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Vault Sealed Mode=FALSE:

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  • We Can Login Now:

vault login login_token

  • Now we'll enable the AppRole Auth Mehod:

vault auth enable approle

  • After it we have to create the role for Jenkins and make it usage illimit :

vault write auth/approle/role/jenkins-role token_num_uses=0 secret_id_num_uses=0 policies="jenkins"

  • To get the RoleID and the RoleSecret_ID, We'll add the values later to our Jenkins Credentials :

vault read auth/approle/role/jenkins-role/role-id

vault write -f auth/approle/role/jenkins-role/secret-id

  • Now we can enable The Secrets of type "KeyValues" :
vault secrets enable -path=secrets kv

  • Finally, we'll create a Policy for our AppRole, to be able to wread all the secrets on this path "secrets/creds/":
nano jenkins-policy.hcl

path "secrets/creds/*" {
 capabilities = ["read"]

  • If you did everything correctly, you'll be able to write your KV now:

1- First KV, is the credentials of our BuildingMachine (Jenkins Agent).

vault write secrets/creds/ec2_abdelatif username=ubuntu private_key="$(cat /home/ubuntu/key.pem)" passphrase=

2- The Second KV, will be the microservices Secrets:

vault write secrets/creds/microservices MYSQL_DATABASE_USER=<value> MYSQL_DATABASE_PASSWORD="<value>" MYSQL_DATABASE_DB=<value> dbport="<value>" productapiurl="" orderapiurl="" customerapiurl="" MYSQL_DATABASE_HOST=<value> secretkey="<value>" consumerkey=<value> consumersecret=<value> ecr-username="AWS" ecr-repository="<value>" k6token="<value>"

05- Jenkins Configuration :

CI/CD Overview:

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CI Workflow:

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0- Install plugins :


2- Add JavaPath to JDK TOOLS: /usr/bin/java

2- Configure VAULT SERVER, Add Vault Credentials, VAULT APP ROLE.

3- Add Agents Credentials ( user, pairkey, passphrase )

4- Configure Agents ( You have to add the keypair in your Vault before )

5- Add SSH-Public Key OF JENKINS CONTAINER to GitHub And Add IT TO BM :

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your_email"

ssh-keyscan >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

6- Configure Snyk Installation ( TOOLS ) and add a new TOKEN (Credentials),

7- Change the IP OF OUR VAULT ON Jenkinsfile

8- Add EC2 Jenkins Public Dns To Your GitHub Webhook.

9- Create "Microservices" and "GitOps" Pipelines.

ArgoCD WorkFlow:

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07- Add Let's Encrypt Certificate To ACM :

1- Export Normal tls.crt and tls.key ( this issuer key)
2- Make a combination between them on : tls-combinated.crt 

- At the beginning put the key part (goted from issuer ) and after the cert part
- after it convert it to .pem

3- openssl x509 -in tls.crt -out cert.pem

[Made with Love]