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Repository files navigation


------Normal mode --------------------


<space + w> = Save!
<space + q> = Quit!
<space + c > = Comment line or block.
<altgr + c> = Auto indent.


<space + ff> = Telescope find_files.
<space + fg> = Telescope live_grep.
<space + e> = NvimTree.


<Ctrl + n> = Nvim mode inside terminal (press i to return).
<alt + i> = Float Terminal/ close terminal.
<alt + h> = Horizontal Terminal/ close terminal.


<ctrl + h> = Move to left split.
<ctrl + j> = Move to split below.
<ctrl + k> = Move to split above.
<ctrl + l> = Move to righ split.
<space + fe> = Open a tree for symbols using LSP.(? show help message)
<space + tn> = Toggle relative numbers.


<alt + h> = Previous buffer.
<alt + l> = Next buffer.
<alt + c > = Close buffer.
<space + acw> = Replace word under the cursor in buffer.
<space + tss> = Toggle treesitter highlight.


< [d > = Previous diagnostic LSP.
< ]d > = Next diagnostic LSP.
< K > = Displays hover information about the symbol under the cursor in a floating window.
< gl > = Show diagnostics in a floating window.
< F4 > = Selects a code action available at the current cursor position.
< gr > = Lists all the references to the symbol under the cursor.
< gd > = Jumps to the definition of the symbol under the cursor.
< gD > = Jumps to the declaration of the symbol under the cursor. Some servers don't implement this feature.
< gi > = Lists all the implementations for the symbol under the cursor in the quickfix window.
< go > Jumps to the definition of the type of the symbol under the cursor.

------Visual mode --------------------

<Ctrl + j> = Move selection down.
<Ctrl + k> = Move selection up.

------Insert mode --------------------

<Ctrl + l> = Goto the next field in snippet
<Ctrl + d> = Goto the previous field in snippet
<alt + f> = Goto the end of the line.
<alt + d> = Goto the begin of the line.
<alt + l> = Move to right.
<alt + h> = Move to left.
<alt + j> = Insert a new line below.
<alt + ;> = Put a ";" in the end and return to normal mode.
<ctrl + k> = "->".