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  3. Install and Update
  4. Plugin Management
  5. FAQ
  6. Cheat Sheets
  7. Thanks


My Vim configurations, originally from amix/vimrc, and changed a lot since then.

screen shots:



Supported Platforms

This configuration is best suitable for vim 7.4+. However, it could also be used with vim under this version - just disable those features that causing errors at vim start (comment them out).

Tested workable on the following platforms:

  • Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04, 16.04
  • RedHat 6.7, 7.1
  • Centos 6.7, 7.1
  • openSUSE 13.2
  • Windows win7

Install and Update

Use ./ -h or ./ --help for detailed info.

Quick Install

Auto scripts for install/uninstall, but I only tested under limited platforms:

$ git clone --depth 1
$ cd vim_awesome
$ ./

Custom Install

Tested on Ubuntu/Redhat/CentOS/OpenSUSE/Windows/ platforms.

For windows users, you need a bash, such as, cygwin, mingw, or like what I used, git bash, which is installed along with git.

# it's better to backup your old configuration files
$ cd ~ && mkdir vimback && mv .vim* vimback -rf

# clone repo
$ git clone --depth 1

# copy files to home directory
$ cd vim_awesome && cp .vim_runtime ~ -rf

# install
$ ./


$ ./

This will update your vim configuration to the lasted vim_awesome.


$ ./

This will remove vim_awesome and restore vim to your previous configuration.


Some dependencies are needed to enable the full-feature of the configuration. You may need to install them manually if they are not there. However, you could also choose to ignore them, just disable the features when vim report errors at the configuration file error: at line xxx in file xxx.

  1. Ubuntu

    the following tools are used by the configuration:

    # install ctags
    $ sudo apt-get install ctags
    # install vim-gtk, this enables `neocomplete`, one of the most powerful
    # auto completion plugin
    $ sudo apt-get install vim-gtk
  2. RedHat & CentOS

    # install ctags
    $ sudo yum install ctags
  3. openSUSE

    $ sudo zypper install ctags
  4. Windows Download ctags.exe, put it into C:\Windows\System32\.

    neocomplete needs lua enabled when gvim is compiled. Otherwise, it doesn't work (but reports no errors).

Plugins Management

vim_awesome uses pathogen to manage plugins, by which you could easily config your plugs in plugins.config.

Example of config goes like:

ZIP ack.vim master
ZIP bufexplorer master
ZIP ctrlp.vim master
ZIP mayansmoke master
GIT nerdtree master

ZIP and GIT indicate the way you want to download and update your plugin. Followings are plugin name, github url and branch name.

More information is available in plugins.config.


1. neocomplete

If you encountered neocomplete problems at vim startup, it may be that your vim version is under 7.4, or it is not lua enabled (test it with :echo has("lua").

To fix this problem, please see the solutions provided in

  1. Ubuntu

    One simple/lazy solution for Ubuntu is to install gvim, which includes lua by default:

    $ sudo apt-get install vim-gtk

    Restart your vim, the neocomplete should be ok.

    If none of the solutions in the above link fits your case, just remove the neocomplete plugin:

    $ rm .vim_runtime/sources_forked/neocomplete.vim -rf

    restart the vim.

  2. CentOS

    Most likely, you need to compile vim74 from source to get lua enabled:

    $ yum groupinstall 'Development tools'
    $ yum install ncurses ncurses-devel
    $ yum install lua-devel
    $ wget
    $ tar -xjf vim-7.4.tar.bz2
    $ cd vim74
    $ ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-features=huge --enable-rubyinterp --enable-pythoninterp --enable-luainterp
    $ make && make install

    Test with :echo has("lua"), should return 1.

2. can not load custom colorschemes on windows

If your vim on windows can not load the colorschemes in ~/.vim_runtime/colors, just copy them to the <your vim install dir>/colors/, e.g, c:/vim74/colors/. Restart vim.

3. for python coders

If you open an existing python file, you will find that all functions/classes are folded, it may embrass you at the scene, like the following,


here are some quick remedies:

  • za - toggle to open/close current folding
  • zr and zm - open/close all first-level foldings in current file
  • zR and zM - open/close all foldings in current file

Or, open the foldings with mouse: click the + character on the left of each folding.

The foldings are created by PythonMode plugin. If you do not like it, you could just remove it by deleting the ~/.vim_runtime/sources_forked/python-mode/ folder on your host, and restart vim. However, i highly recommand you to get familir with this tool, which can accelerate your python developing by great extent.

For more commands about code folding/unfolding, see Cheat Sheets.

If your vim doesn't have python and python3 support, you may need to run to recompile vim with full python support. (Attention: only test on Ubuntu 16.04)

Cheat sheet


Thanks list.