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Project F is a Real Time Strategy game for PC developed from scratch in C++ by 7 Bachelor's degree in Video Game Design and Development students at UPC CITM Tech Talent Center in Barcelona.


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Project F


This project was developed from scratch in C++ by 7 Bachelor's degree in Video Game Design and Development students at UPC CITM Tech Talent Center in Barcelona.

The following software and libraries were used:

Project F is a Real Time Strategy game for PC in which you will have to defend your Base from enemy attacks as well as to search and destroy the enemy's Base.

The game is set in a fictional virtual world simulation from which you will need to get out of to survive. However, to be able to get out of it you will need to destroy each enemy base.

Feel free to visit our Repository

Key Features

  • Gameplay Features:

    • Alpha version of the map.

    • Group selection and movement.

    • 4 types of Playable Units:

      • Gatherer: Gathers resources. Can be selected and moved around.
      • Scout: Attacks enemy entities. Can be selected and moved around. Really Fast.
      • Infantry: Attacks enemy entities. Can be selected and moved around.
      • Heavy: Attacks enemy entities. Can be selected and moved around. Slow but Powerful.
    • 4 types of Non-Playable Unit:

      • Enemy Gatherer: Gathers resources. Cannot be selected and will attack any ally entities on-sight.

      • Enemy Scout: Attacks allied entities. Cannot be selected and will attack any ally entities on-sight. Really Fast.

      • Enemy Infantry: Attacks allied entities. Cannot be selected and will attack any ally entities on-sight.

      • Enemy Heavy: Attacks allied entities. Cannot be selected and will attack any ally entities on-sight. Slow but Powerful.

    • Ally and enemy combat units will automatically attack if one enters within attack range of the other and will chase them if they get out of it.

  • 6 types of Buildings:

    • Ally Buildings:

      • Town-hall: Can generate Gatherer & Scout Units. Can be upgraded.
      • Barracks: Can generate Infantry & Heavy units. Can be upgraded.
      • Wall: Serves as protection as well as an obstacle to enemy units. (Work in Progress)
    • Enemy Buildings:

      • Enemy Town-hall: Can generate Enemy Gatherer and Enemy Scout Units.
      • Enemy Barracks: Can generate Enemy Infantry and Enemy Heavy Units.
      • Enemy Wall: Serves as protection as well as an obstacle to ally units. (Work in Progress)
  • 3 types of Resources:

    • Rock: Can be mined from certain spots all over the map. Used to create Gatherer and Heavy Units as well as upgrade buildings.
    • Tree: Can be harvested from certain spots all over the map. Used to create Infantry and Heavy Units as well as upgrade buildings.
    • Obelisk: Can be collected from certain spots all over the map. Used to upgrade every ally unit and building.
  • 1 type of Obstacle:

    • Boulder: Will obstruct the path of both ally and enemy units.
  • Win/Lose Condition:

    • Victory can be achieved by destroying the enemy's Town-hall. Conversely, if your Town-hall is destroyed it is Game Over.
  • HUD Features:

    • Minimap: Shows the whole map as well as ally and enemy entities. Moreover the camera can be manipulated by clicking on it. It will also show the current state of the Fog of War.

    • Pause Menu: Pauses the game and allows the player to access the options menu, get to the main menu, exit the application or resume the game.

    • Ally Building Menu: Menu that is displayed when a building is selected. It has a text explaining what it does and allows to make use of the building's functionalities (Town-hall menu will have a button to create Gatherers, etc.)

    • Enemy Building Menu: Menu that is displayed when an enemy building is selected. It s has a text that will explain what the enemy building's functionalities are.

    • Resource Menu: Menu that will display the amount of resources that the player has at any given moment.

    • Quest Menu: Menu that will display the Quests that are currently active and their state of completion.

    • Building Menu: Menu that will display the buildings that are available to build and their cost. The buildings currently available are the Ally Townhall and the Ally Barracks.

    • Entity Healthbars: Each entity will have their own healthbars. Said healthbars will only show when an entity has been selected or has been hurt.

      • Ally entity healthbars will be GREEN.

      • Enemy entity healthbars will be RED.

      • Resource entity healthbars will be BLUE.

    • Creation Bars: When a unit entity is created, a bar displaying the progress will appear below the building that is creating the unit.

    • GUI Animations: A GUI Slide animation has been implemented and has been applied to different elements of the UI and the HUD (Pause Menu, Quest Log...).

  • Other Key Features:

    • Fog of War: There will be Fog of War covering the map. It will have 3 states: UNEXPLORED, FOGGED & VISIBLE.
    • Particle System: 7 different kinds of particles have been implemented.
    • Dialog System: 12 different dialogs have been implemented. 5 in the tutorial and the rest spread throughout the game.
    • Quest System: 4 different quests have been implemented. (1 Main Quest and 3 Side Quests)
    • Save & Load System: The game state can be saved and loaded.
    • Building System: 2 different buildable buildings have been implemented. (Ally Townhall and Ally Barracks).
    • Projectile System: 6 different projectiles along with their particles have been implemented.
    • Tutorial: A tutorial with 5 different steps explaining the main gameplay mechanics have been implemented.
  • Key Technical Features:

    • Camera Culling: All tiles outside the camera's bounds will neither be iterated or drawn.
    • Sprite Rendering Order: All entity sprites will be rendered ordered by their Y axis position in the world. The unit with the lower Y value will be rendered first.

About Use


No previous installation is required to play the game, just download the latest RELEASE from our repository, open the file and execute the Project_F.exe executable.


User Controls


  • Left Mouse Button:

    • Drag: Will generate a selection rectangle. All units inside the rectangle will be selected.
    • Click on empty tile: All entities selected will be unselected.
    • Click on ally or neutral entity:
      • Unit Entity: The clicked unit will be and all other entities will be unselected.
      • Building Entity: The clicked building will be selected and all other entities will be unselected.
      • Resource Entity: The clicked resource will be selected and all other entities will be unselected.
  • Right Mouse Button:

    • Click on empty tile: If there are any units selected, they will path towards whichever tile that was clicked.
  • Click on enemy entity: If there are any Infantries selected, they will be given the clicked entity as a target and will path to get within attack range to attack it.

    • Click on resource entity: If there are any Gatherers selected, they will be given the clicked entity as a target and will path to get within gathering range to gather it.
  • Unit Selection Shortcuts:

    • SPACE Key: Select all Ally Units.
    • Z Key: Select all Ally Gatherer Units.
    • X Key: Select all Ally Scout Units.
    • C Key: Select all Ally Infantry Units.
    • V Key: Select all Ally Heavy Units.
  • Camera Movement:

    • Cursor: If the cursor is brought to any of the edges of the screen, the camera will move in the direction the cursor is at.

    • UP Arrow Key: Move camera upwards.

    • DOWN Arrow Key: Move camera downwards.

    • RIGHT Arrow Key: Move the camera to the right.

    • LEFT Arrow Key: Move the camera to the left.

    • LSHIFT Key: The camera will be centered around your Town-hall.

  • Building Menu Shortcuts:

    • P Key: Will open the Building Menu.
    • H Key: Select Townhall as the building to build.
    • O Key: Select Barracks as the building to build.
  • ESCAPE Key: Will open the Pause Menu.

  • GRAVE Key: Toggle ON/OFF the Fullscreen Mode.


  • A Button / Left Shoulder Button (LB):

    • Press & Drag: Will generate a selection rectangle. All units inside the rectangle will be selected.
    • Press on empty tile: All entities selected will be unselected.
    • Press on ally or neutral entity:
      • Unit Entity: The clicked unit will be and all other entities will be unselected.
      • Building Entity: The clicked building will be selected and all other entities will be unselected.
      • Resource Entity: The clicked resource will be selected and all other entities will be unselected.
  • Right Shoulder Button (RB):

    • Press on empty tile: If there are any units selected, they will path towards whichever tile that was clicked.
    • Press on enemy entity: If there are any Infantries selected, they will be given the clicked entity as a target and will path to get within attack range to attack it.
    • Press on resource entity: If there are any Gatherers selected, they will be given the clicked entity as a target and will path to get within gathering range to gather it.
  • Unit Selection Shortcuts:
    • Y Button: Select all Ally Units.
    • D-Pad UP Button: Select all Ally Gatherer Units.
    • D-Pad RIGHT Button Select all Ally Scout Units.
    • D-Pad DOWN Button Select all Ally Infantry Units.
    • D-Pad LEFT Button Select all Ally Heavy Units.

Camera Movement:

  • Left Joystick: Move the cursor across the screen.
  • Right Joystick: Move the camera.
  • B Button: Will open the Pause Menu.

Debug Keys

  • F1 Key: Enable/Disable the God Mode
  • F2 Key: Set the frame cap at 30 or 60 FPS depending on which cap is currently active.
  • F3 Key: Enable/Disable the Pause Mode.
  • F4 Key: Enable/Disable the GUI Debug Mode. (Shows all hitboxes, invisible elements...)
  • F5 Key: Save Game.
  • F6 Key: Load Game.
  • F7 Key: Enable/Disable the Pathfinding Meta Debug Mode. (Shows the current path)
  • F8 Key: Enable/Disable the Walkability Map Debug Mode. (Shows non-walkable tiles, etc)
  • F9 Key: Enable/Disable the Entity Map Debug Mode. (Shows tiles occupied by entities.)
  • F10 Key: Enable/Disable the Center-Point Debug Mode. (Draws the center of all entities.)
  • HOME Key: Enable/Disable the smaller camera mode (Camera Culling Debug)
  • END Key: Enable/Disable the Fog of War Debug Mode.
  • LCTRL Key: Enable/Disable the Entity Range of Vision Debug Mode.

God Mode Keys

  • Spawn Entity Debug Keys:

    • Units:

      • G Key: Spawn Gatherer Unit at mouse position.

      • S Key: Spawn Scout Unit at mouse position.

      • I Key: Spawn Infantry Unit at mouse position.

      • O Key: Spawn Heavy Unit at mouse position.

      • 7 Key: Spawn Enemy Gatherer Unit at mouse position.

      • 8 Key: Spawn Enemy Scout Unit at mouse position.

      • 9 Key: Spawn Enemy Infantry Unit at mouse position.

      • 0 Key: Spawn Enemy Heavy Unit at mouse position.

    • Buildings:

      • H Key: Spawn Town-hall Building at mouse position.

      • B Key: Spawn Barracks Building at mouse position.

      • W Key: Spawn Wall Building at mouse position. (Work in progress)

      • J Key: Spawn Enemy Town-hall Building at mouse position.

      • N Key: Spawn Enemy Barracks Building at mouse position.

      • E Key: Spawn Enemy Wall Building at mouse position. (Work in progress)

    • Resources & Obstacles:

      • R Key: Spawn Rock Resource at mouse position.
      • T Key: Spawn Tree Resource at mouse position.
      • Y Key: Spawn Obelisk Resource at mouse position.
      • Q Key: Spawn Boulder Obstacle at mouse position.
  • Debug Unit Management:

    • D Key: Delete entity at mouse position (if there is any).
    • F Key: Delete all entities.
      • Be careful with this feature, if all entities are deleted and then God Mode is deactivated then you will be sent to either the Win or Lose Scene. To avoid this remember to spawn both a Town-hall and an Enemy Town-hall before deactivating the God Mode.
  • Debug Unit Selection Shortcut Keys:

    • RCTRL Key: Select All Units regardless of affiliation. Can also be given a path.
    • M Key: Select all Enemy Units. Can also be given a path.
    • COMMA Key: Select all Enemy Gatherer Units. Can also be given a path.
    • PERIOD Key: Select all Enemy Scout Units. Can also be given a path.
    • SLASH Key: Select all Enemy Infantry Units. Can also be given a path.
    • RSHIFT Key: Select all Enemy Heavy Units. Can also be given a path.
  • Other Debug Keys:

    • K Key: Increase each type of resource by 300.
    • U Key: Upgrade building at mouse position (if there is any).



  • Base code was stabilized.

  • Code adapted to STL.


  • Basic entity system.
  • Basic unit control (Arrow Keys).
  • Scenes and scene transitions were implemented.


  • Basic Group Movement implementation.

  • Basic Main Menu implementation.

  • Some UI FX were implemented.

  • Basic Unit Targeting System was implemented.


  • Basic Combat (Target, Path, Attack, Chase) was implemented.
  • Basic Gathering (Target, Path, Gather) was implemented.
  • Basic Building Functionality was implemented.
  • The first version of the map was implemented.
  • Minimap was implemented.
  • Logo, Win and Lose Scene were implemented.
  • Main Menu was implemented.
  • FX and Music was implemented in each scene.
  • Pause Menu, Resource menu and Building Menu were implemented.
  • All basic UI FX was implemented.
  • Sprite rendering order was implemented.


  • Alpha version of the map was implemented.
  • Combat System was improved.
  • Group Movement was improved.
  • The Options Scene (Separated from the Main Menu Scene) was added.
  • GUI Focus was implemented.
  • Game Controller Implementation.
  • Ally Scout & Heavy as well as Enemy Gatherer, Scout & Heavy Units were implemented.
  • GUI Creation Bar was implemented as well as timed unit creation in the Ally Town-hall & Barracks as well as Enemy Town-hall & Enemy Barracks.
  • Obelisk resource was implemented.
  • Boulder obstacle was implemented.
  • GUI Cursor with 8 possible states, along with it's sprites, was implemented.
  • Fog of War System was implemented.
  • Minimap Fog of War was implemented.
  • Particle System was implemented.
  • Dialog System was implemented.
  • Quest System was implemented.
  • GUI Slide Animation was implemented.
  • Almost all UI and Entity SFX were implemented.
  • Logo Scene animation was implemented.
  • Music and SFX are now lowered when the pause menu is open.


  • The UI has been fully implemented.
  • The Options Menu has been animated.
  • Now neutral entities show under FOGGED tiles.
  • Boulder Obstacle sprite was modified.
  • Final Version of the map was implemented.
  • Save and Load System was implemented
  • Projectile System was implemented.
  • Building System was implemented.
  • Now selected units and resources have a halo drawn below them.
  • Now selected buildings have a square drawn around them.
  • Now units flash red when they receive damage.
  • Assets are now loaded from a .zip file.
  • Installer was implemented.

Developer Team:

  • Ángel González - Project Lead, Management, Programmer - GitHub: @BarcinoLechiguino
  • Pau Pedra - Lead Programmer - GitHub: @paupedra
  • Pau Fiol - Lead Artist - GitHub: @paufiol
  • Aitor Luque - Lead Designer - GitHub: @Aitorlb7
  • Francisco Guerrero - UI Artist - GitHub: @FranGV98
  • Gerard Romeu - QA, Designer - GitHub: @Gromeu2000
  • Guillem Turmo - Management - GitHub: @Turmo11

Where to find us

Mail: Gmail

Twitter: @missingmd2

Disclosure does not own any of the sprites, tilesets, music or sounds used in the development of this game.

  • All entity and particle sprites as well as all tilesets belong to Kenney. Note that they were modified to better fit the game's art style and mood.

  • All UI sprites belong to us as they were designed and produced from scratch by us.

  • All FX were generated using the rFXGen from raylib technologies.

  • All songs used were copyright free.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020 []

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



Project F is a Real Time Strategy game for PC developed from scratch in C++ by 7 Bachelor's degree in Video Game Design and Development students at UPC CITM Tech Talent Center in Barcelona.







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