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Convert sqlite created by vocabulary_builder plugin of KOReader into text file that can be easily imported to anki

If you want to lemmatize all your words then check another utility - korvo-to-anki-lemmatizer


  • Java 21
  • Spring boot 3.3.2
  • Spring shell
  • Spring boot jdbc
  • Caffeine cache
  • OkHttp
  • Freemarker
  • Liquibase
  • Flyway


Added integration with external services for word translation and definition lookup:

  1. Google Translate. See also


Program will look up every word in GT for translation, transcription and definitions (with default options), and dictionaryapi (if enabled) for definitions, synonyms, antonyms and examples and transcription. If word in dictionary api is found then only this data is used. If word in dictionary api is not found, then data from GT is used. If none found, then meanings are empty, because GT at least has a translation.
GT can translate from any language to any language, but dictionary api works only with english source language.

Available options of jar startup

* korvo-to-anki.api.dictionaryApiEnabled: true/false - turn on or off dictionaryapi service integration. Default - true

On linux

java -jar -Dspring.datasource.url=jdbc:sqlite:/path/to/vocabulary_builder.sqlite3 korvo-to-anki.jar

On windows

java "-Dspring.datasource.url=jdbc:sqlite:\path\to\vocabulary_builder.sqlite3" -jar .\korvo-to-anki.jar

Command to export

       anki-exporter --sourceLanguage String --targetLanguage String --options String[]

       --sourceLanguage String
       source language
       [Optional, default = auto]

       --targetLanguage String
       target language
       [Optional, default = ru]

       --options String[]
       [Optional, default = t,at,md,rm]

       --help or -h
       help for anki-exporter

ae --sourceLanguage ja --targetLanguage en --options t,at,md,rm

Options t,at,md,rm are the only options that currently works. These options are google translate options.

Run result

The result of run is going to be stored in the same folder as jar with name - korvo-to-anki-TIMESTAMP.txt. Also creates korvo-to-anki-state.sqlite3 sqlite db file with the words of already exported words. On new run will check for state in state database and filter already exported words from new run.

Show definitions in cards

Export is made using html for definitions, synonyms, antonyms, examples if any found in dictionaryapi. To show them in card one has to change card template.

Back template

<hr id=answer>




Flipped front template




Example result

#deck column:1
#tags column:6
korvo-to-anki::The Sorrows of Satan (Horror Classic)|superlatively|превосходно, в высшей степени||<ul>    </ul>|The_Sorrows_of_Satan_(Horror_Classic)
korvo-to-anki::The Sorrows of Satan (Horror Classic)|unhampered|беспрепятственный, свободный||<ul>              <li><span style="color:yellow">adjective</span>            <dl>                  <dt><h5 style="margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;color:blue">definitions</h5></dt>                      <dd style="margin-bottom:10px">                        <p style="margin-bottom: 0px">                          * Not hampered.                        </p>                      </dd>            </dl>          </li></ul>|The_Sorrows_of_Satan_(Horror_Classic)
korvo-to-anki::Orcs|belligerent|воинственный, агрессивный||<ul>              <li><span style="color:yellow">noun</span>            <dl>                  <dt><h5 style="margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;color:blue">definitions</h5></dt>                      <dd style="margin-bottom:10px">                        <p style="margin-bottom: 0px">                          * A state or other armed participant in warfare                        </p>                            <p style="margin-top:1px">                              <b>example</b>: <span><i>The UN sent a treaty proposal to the belligerents.</i></span>                            </p>                      </dd>            </dl>          </li>          <li><span style="color:yellow">adjective</span>            <dl>                  <dt><h5 style="margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;color:blue">definitions</h5></dt>                      <dd style="margin-bottom:10px">                        <p style="margin-bottom: 0px">                          * Engaged in warfare, warring.                        </p>                      </dd>                      <dd style="margin-bottom:10px">                        <p style="margin-bottom: 0px">                          * Eager to go to war, warlike.                        </p>                      </dd>                      <dd style="margin-bottom:10px">                        <p style="margin-bottom: 0px">                          * Of or pertaining to war.                        </p>                      </dd>                      <dd style="margin-bottom:10px">                        <p style="margin-bottom: 0px">                          * (by extension) Aggressively hostile, eager to fight.                        </p>                      </dd>                      <dd style="margin-bottom:10px">                        <p style="margin-bottom: 0px">                          * Acting violently towards others.                        </p>                      </dd>                      <dd style="margin-bottom:10px">                        <p style="margin-bottom: 0px">                          * Uncooperative.                        </p>                      </dd>                  <dt><h5 style="margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;color:green">synonyms</h5></dt>                      <dd>aggressive</dd>                      <dd>antagonistic</dd>                      <dd>bellicose</dd>                      <dd>combative</dd>                      <dd>contentious</dd>                      <dd>pugnacious</dd>                      <dd>quarrelsome</dd>                      <dd>truculent</dd>            </dl>          </li></ul>|Orcs

When imported to anki new deck will be created with name korvo-to-anki. Inside this deck will be created subdecks with book title.

Duplicates are checked by anki when imported.


If you have too many words (450 and more) then app will hit the rate limiter of external service The current limit is 450 requests in 5 minutes. When reached app fall asleep for 5 minutes and then retry to get word definition of last word and run further as normal until requests limit is reached again.
With all limitations export of 3080 words with sleep timeout was done in about 30 minutes

Dictionary api works only with english source language. Any other languages won't work same as auto.

