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Flutter WeChat Assets Picker

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Language: English | 中文

An image picker (also with videos and audios) for Flutter projects based on the WeChat's UI.

Current WeChat version that UI based on: 8.3.x UI designs will be updated following the WeChat update in anytime.

To take a photo or a video for assets, please check the detailed usage in the example, and head over to wechat_camera_picker. The package is a standalone extension that can to be used with combination.

See the Migration Guide to learn how to migrate between breaking changes.

Versions compatibility

The package only guarantees to be working on the stable version of Flutter. We won't update it in real-time to align with other channels of Flutter.

3.0 3.3 3.7 3.10 3.13 3.16

If you got a resolve conflict error when running flutter pub get, please use dependency_overrides to fix it.

Package credits

The package is built from these wonderful packages.

Name Features
photo_manager The basic abstractions and management for assets.
extended_image Preview assets with expected behaviors.
provider Helps to manage the interaction state of the picker.
video_player Plays videos and audios correspondingly.

Their implementation should be relatively stable in the package. If you've found any issues related to them when using the picker, submit issues to our issue tracker first.

Table of content

Features ✨

  • ♿ Complete a11y support with TalkBack and VoiceOver
  • ♻️ Fully customizable with delegates override
  • 🎏 Fully customizable theme based on ThemeData
  • 💚 Completely WeChat style (even more)
  • ⚡️ Adjustable performance with different configurations
  • 📷 Image support
    • 🔬 HEIF Image type support (1)
  • 🎥 Video support
  • 🎶 Audio support (2)
  • 1️⃣ Single picking mode
  • 💱 Internationalization (i18n) support
    • ⏪ RTL language support
  • ➕ Special item builder support
  • 🗂 Custom sort path delegate support
  • 📝 Custom text delegate support
  • ⏳ Custom filter options support
  • 💻 macOS support

Notes 📝

  1. HEIF (HEIC) images are support to obtain and conversion, but the display with them are based on Flutter's image decoder. See flutter/flutter#20522. Use entity.file or AssetEntityImage for them when displays.
  2. Due to limitations on iOS and macOS, audio can only be fetched within the sandbox.

Projects using this plugin 🖼️

name pub github
insta_assets_picker pub package star

Screenshots 📸

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 10 12


Be aware of below notices before you started anything:

  • Due to understanding differences and the limitation of a single document, documents will not cover all the contents. If you find nothing related to your expected features and cannot understand about concepts, run the example project and check every options first. It has covered 90% of regular requests with the package.
  • The package deeply integrates with the photo_manager plugin, make sure you understand these two concepts as much as possible:

When you have questions about related APIs and behaviors, check photo_manager's API docs for more details.

Most usages are detailed covered by the example. Please walk through the example carefully before you have any questions.

Preparing for use 🍭


Run flutter pub add wechat_assets_picker, or add wechat_assets_picker to pubspec.yaml dependencies manually.

  wechat_assets_picker: ^latest_version

The latest stable version is: pub package

The latest dev version is: pub package

Then import the package in your code:

import 'package:wechat_assets_picker/wechat_assets_picker.dart';


When using the package, please upgrade targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion to 33. Otherwise, no assets can be fetched on Android 13.


Name Required Declared Max API Level Others
READ_MEDIA_IMAGES YES* YES N/A Required when reading images
READ_MEDIA_VIDEO YES* YES N/A Required when reading videos
READ_MEDIA_AUDIO YES* YES N/A Required when reading audios

If you're targeting Android SDK 33+, and you don't need to load photos, videos or audios, consider declare only relevant permission in your apps, more specifically:

<manifest xmlns:android=""
    <!--Requesting access to images and videos.-->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO" />
    <!--When your app has no need to access audio, remove it or comment it out.-->
    <!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_AUDIO" />-->


  1. Platform version has to be at least 11.0. Modify ios/Podfile and update accordingly.
    platform :ios, '11.0'
    Remove the # heading if the line starts with it.
  2. Add the following content to Info.plist.
<string>Replace with your permission description.</string>


  1. Platform version has to be at least 10.15. Modify macos/Podfile and update accordingly.
    platform :osx, '10.15'
    Remove the # heading if the line starts with it.
  2. Set the minimum deployment target of the macOS to 10.15. Use XCode to open macos/Runner.xcworkspace .
  3. Follow the iOS instructions and modify Info.plist accordingly.

Usage 📖


When you're picking assets, the package will obtain the Locale? from your BuildContext, and return the corresponding text delegate of the current language. Make sure you have a valid Locale in your widget tree that can be accessed from the BuildContext. Otherwise, the default Chinese delegate will be used.

Embedded text delegates languages are:

  • 简体中文 (default)
  • English
  • העברית
  • Deutsche
  • Локализация
  • 日本語
  • مة العربية
  • Délégué
  • Tiếng Việt
  • Türkçe Yerelleştirme

If you want to use a custom/fixed text delegate, pass it through the AssetPickerConfig.textDelegate.

Simple usage

final List<AssetEntity>? result = await AssetPicker.pickAssets(context);

Use AssetPickerConfig for more picking behaviors.

final List<AssetEntity>? result = await AssetPicker.pickAssets(
  pickerConfig: const AssetPickerConfig(),

Fields in AssetPickerConfig:

Name Type Description Default
selectedAssets List<AssetEntity>? Selected assets. Prevent duplicate selection. null
maxAssets int Maximum asset that the picker can pick. 9
pageSize int? Number of assets per page. Must be a multiple of gridCount. 80
gridThumbnailSize ThumbnailSize Thumbnail size for the grid's item. ThumbnailSize.square(200)
pathThumbnailSize ThumbnailSize Thumbnail size for the path selector. ThumbnailSize.square(80)
previewThumbnailSize ThumbnailSize? Preview thumbnail size in the viewer. null
requestType RequestType Request type for picker. RequestType.common
specialPickerType SpecialPickerType? Provides the option to integrate a custom picker type. null
keepScrollOffset bool Whether the picker should save the scroll offset between pushes and pops. null
sortPathDelegate SortPathDelegate<AssetPathEntity>? Path entities sort delegate for the picker, sort paths as you want. CommonSortPathDelegate
sortPathsByModifiedDate bool Whether to allow sort delegates to sort paths with FilterOptionGroup.containsPathModified. false
filterOptions PMFilter? Allow users to customize assets filter options. null
gridCount int Grid count in picker. 4
themeColor Color? Main theme color for the picker. Color(0xff00bc56)
pickerTheme ThemeData? Theme data provider for the picker and the viewer. null
textDelegate AssetPickerTextDelegate? Text delegate for the picker, for customize the texts. AssetPickerTextDelegate()
specialItemPosition SpecialItemPosition Allow users set a special item in the picker with several positions. SpecialItemPosition.none
specialItemBuilder SpecialItemBuilder? The widget builder for the special item. null
loadingIndicatorBuilder IndicatorBuilder? Indicates the loading status for the builder. null
selectPredicate AssetSelectPredicate Predicate whether an asset can be selected or unselected. null
shouldRevertGrid bool? Whether the assets grid should revert. null
limitedPermissionOverlayPredicate LimitedPermissionOverlayPredicate? Predicate whether the limited permission overlay should be displayed. null
pathNameBuilder PathNameBuilder<AssetPathEntity>? Build customized path (album) name with the given path entity. null
assetsChangeCallback AssetsChangeCallback<AssetPathEntity>? The callback that will be called when the system notifies assets changes. null
assetsChangeRefreshPredicate AssetsChangeRefreshPredicate<AssetPathEntity>? Whether assets changing should call refresh with the given call and the current selected path. null
shouldAutoPlayPreview bool Whether the preview should auto play. false
  • When maxAssets equals to 1 (a.k.a. single picking mode), use SpecialPickerType.noPreview will immediately select asset clicked (pressed) by the user and popped.
  • limitedPermissionOverlayPredicate lives without persistence, if you want to ignore the limited preview after restart, you'll need to integrate with your own saving methods.

Detailed usage

We've put multiple common usage with the packages in the example. You can both found List<PickMethod> pickMethods in here and here, which provide methods in multiple picking and single picking mode. Assets will be stored temporary and displayed at the below of the page.

Display selected assets

The AssetEntityImage and AssetEntityImageProvider can display the thumb image of images & videos, and the original data of image. Use it like a common Image and ImageProvider.

AssetEntityImage(asset, isOriginal: false);


Image(image: AssetEntityImageProvider(asset, isOriginal: false));

Register assets change observe callback

// Register callback.

// Unregister callback.

Upload an AssetEntity with a form data

There are multiple ways to upload an AssetEntity with I/O related methods. Be aware, I/O related methods will consume performance (typically time and memory), they should not be called frequently.

With http

http package:

The http package uses MultipartFile to handle files in requests.

Pseudo code:

import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

Future<void> upload() async {
  final entity = await obtainYourEntity();
  final uri = Uri.https('', 'create');
  final request = http.MultipartRequest('POST', uri)
    ..fields['test_field'] = 'test_value'
    ..files.add(await multipartFileFromAssetEntity(entity));
  final response = await request.send();
  if (response.statusCode == 200) {

Future<http.MultipartFile> multipartFileFromAssetEntity(AssetEntity entity) async {
  http.MultipartFile mf;
  // Using the file path.
  final file = await entity.file;
  if (file == null) {
    throw StateError('Unable to obtain file of the entity ${}.');
  mf = await http.MultipartFile.fromPath('test_file', file.path);
  // Using the bytes.
  final bytes = await entity.originBytes;
  if (bytes == null) {
    throw StateError('Unable to obtain bytes of the entity ${}.');
  mf = http.MultipartFile.fromBytes('test_file', bytes);
  return mf;
With dio

dio package:

The dio package also uses MultipartFile to handle files in requests.

Pseudo code:

import 'package:dio/dio.dart' as dio;

Future<void> upload() async {
  final entity = await obtainYourEntity();
  final uri = Uri.https('', 'create');
  final response = dio.Dio().requestUri(
    data: dio.FormData.fromMap({
      'test_field': 'test_value',
      'test_file': await multipartFileFromAssetEntity(entity),

Future<dio.MultipartFile> multipartFileFromAssetEntity(AssetEntity entity) async {
  dio.MultipartFile mf;
  // Using the file path.
  final file = await entity.file;
  if (file == null) {
    throw StateError('Unable to obtain file of the entity ${}.');
  mf = await dio.MultipartFile.fromFile(file.path);
  // Using the bytes.
  final bytes = await entity.originBytes;
  if (bytes == null) {
    throw StateError('Unable to obtain bytes of the entity ${}.');
  mf = dio.MultipartFile.fromBytes(bytes);
  return mf;

Custom pickers

AssetPickerBuilderDelegate, AssetPickerViewerBuilderDelegate, AssetPickerProvider and AssetPickerViewerProvider are all exposed and overridable. You can extend them and use your own type with generic type <A: Asset, P: Path>, then implement abstract methods.

To know about how to fully customize themes, widgets or layouts. See how to customize delegates in the custom pickers page in the example.

You can submit PRs to create your own implementation if you found your implementation might be useful for others. See Contribute custom implementations for more details.

Frequently asked question ❔

Changing the default album name (Recent to others)

Recent is the fix album name for the ALL assets on Android since the all assets' album is not an actual album, it only represents all media data records.

To solve that on Android, use pathNameBuilder, for example:

  pathNameBuilder: (AssetPathEntity path) => switch (path) {
    final p when p.isAll => '最近',
    // You can apply similar conditions to other common paths.
    _ =>,

Other albums or albums on other platforms (iOS/macOS) will follow the configured system localization and supported localizations. pathNameBuilder is available for all albums.

Execution failed for task ':photo_manager:compileDebugKotlin'

See photo_manager#561 for more details.

Create AssetEntity from File or Uint8List (rawData)

In order to combine this package with camera shooting or something related, there's a solution about how to create an AssetEntity with File or Uint8List object.

final File file = your_file; // Your `File` object
final String path = file.path;
final AssetEntity fileEntity = await PhotoManager.editor.saveImageWithPath(
  title: basename(path),
); // Saved in the device then create an AssetEntity

final Uint8List data = your_data; // Your `Uint8List` object
final AssetEntity imageEntity = await PhotoManager.editor.saveImage(
  title: 'title_with_extension.jpg',
); // Saved in the device then create an AssetEntity

Notice: If you don't want to keep the file in your device, use File for operations as much as possible. Deleting an AssetEntity might cause system popups show:

final List<String> result = await PhotoManager.editor.deleteWithIds(

See photo_manager#from-raw-data and photo_manager#delete-entities for more details.

Glide warning 'Failed to find GeneratedAppGlideModule'

W/Glide   (21133): Failed to find GeneratedAppGlideModule. 
                   You should include an annotationProcessor compile dependency on com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler
                   in you application ana a @GlideModule annotated AppGlideModule implementation
                   or LibraryGlideModules will be silently ignored.

Glide needs annotation to keep singleton, prevent conflict between instances and versions, so while the photo manager uses Glide to implement image features, the project which import this should define its own AppGlideModule. See Glide Generated API docs for implementation.

Contributors ✨

Many thanks to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Alex Li
Alex Li

💻 🎨 📖 💡 🤔 🚧 💬 👀 ️️️️♿️ 🌍

💡 🤔
Marcel Schneider
Marcel Schneider

🐛 💻 🤔

🐛 🤔

🐛 💻
Yaniv Shaked
Yaniv Shaked

🌍 💻 🐛 🚧


🐛 🌍

Nickolay Savchenko
Nickolay Savchenko

Kosuke Saigusa
Kosuke Saigusa




Ahmed Masoud
Ahmed Masoud


️️️️♿️ 🐛

Muhammad Taqi Abdul Aziz
Muhammad Taqi Abdul Aziz


Leon Dudlik
Leon Dudlik


💻 🚧

Nguyen Phuc Loi
Nguyen Phuc Loi





This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcomed!!


Every aspect of IntelliJ IDEA has been designed to maximize developer productivity. Together, intelligent coding assistance and ergonomic design make development not only productive but also enjoyable.

Thanks to JetBrains for allocating free open-source licenses for IDEs such as IntelliJ IDEA.


An image picker (also with video and audio) for Flutter projects based on the WeChat's UI.







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  • Dart 98.9%
  • Other 1.1%