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Deep learning and Machine learning for network threat detection

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Deep learning and Machine learning for network threat detection

I use the deep learning framework for one of its newest applications: classification on tabular data. I compare its performance against the incumbent best tool in the field, gradient boosting with XGBoost, as well as against various scikit-learn classifiers in detecting network intrusion traffic and classifying common network attack types (e.g., FTP-BruteForce, DOS-GoldenEye, BruteForce-XSS, SQL-Injection, Infiltration, BotAttack).

In line with recent prominence on other tabular datasets, is on par with XGBoost and sklearn’s Random Forest Classifier, demonstrating high accuracy across datasets and network attack types, with low false positive and negative rates in the classification of various intrusion types. Pretty powerful!

A more in-depth analysis using partial AUC (5% false positive rate), instead of the overall accuracy score as the main evaluation and comparison metric shows that while the approach shows a remarkably high partial AUC (99.88%), it is slightly lower compared to the XGBoost, Random Forest, KNN, & Decision Tree classifiers (see plot below). The partial AUC score is more informative than the overall accuracy score as we are dealing with high class-imbalance in the dataset.

Below is a confusion matrix of the same dataset for visual inspection.


Recent advancements in deep learning algorithms have facilitated significant strides in addressing challenging computer science problems and applications in nearly all areas of life. These breakthroughs have extended to areas such as computer vision, natural language processing, complex reasoning tasks like playing board games (e.g., Go, Chess), and even surpassing human champions.

In light of the ongoing surge in cyber-attacks and the increased demand for AI usage in the context of cybersecurity MIT Report, in this project, I investigate the effectiveness and capacity of a powerful new deep learning algorithm, fast ai, in the domain of network intrusion detection and compare its performance against the incumbent best tool in the field, gradient boosting with XGBoost, as well as against various scikit-learn classifiers (random forest, knn, naïve bayes, etc.).

In a previous study, Basnet and colleagues (2018) have shown that the fastai deep learning algorithm provided the highest accuracy of about 99% compared to other well-known deep learning frameworks (e.g., Keras, TensorFlow, Theano) in detecting network intrusion traffic and classifying common network attack types using the CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset (same dataset as I used here).

Deep learning is the gold standard for large, unstructured datasets, including text, images, and video and has been battle tested in areas such as computer vision, natural language processing, and complex reasoning tasks. However, for one specific type of dataset –one of the most common datasets used in cybersecurity– deep learning typically falls behind other, more “shallow-learning” approaches such as decision tree algorithms (random forests, gradient boosted decision trees): TABULAR DATA.

Indeed, in a systematic review and meta-analysis last year, Léo Grinsztajn, Edouard Oyallon, Gaël Varoquaux have shown that, overall, tree-based models (random forests and XGBoost) outperform deep learning methods for tabular data on medium-sized datasets (10k training examples). However, the gap between tree-based models and deep learning becomes narrower as the dataset size increases (here: 10k -> 50k).

Here, I extend these lines of investigation, by comparing fast ai’s deep learning framework with XGBoost as well as other scikit-learn classifiers on a relatively large dataset of network traffic data.


  • Downloaded from:
  • contains: 7 csv preprocessed and labelled files, top feature selected files, original traffic data in pcap format and logs
  • used csv preprocessed and labelled files for this research project

Data Cleanup

I am using the script from the Basnet and colleagues project to perform data wrangling.

  • dropped rows with Infinitiy values
  • some files had repeated headers; dropped those
  • converted timestamp value that was date time format: 15-2-2018 to UNIX epoch since 1/1/1970
  • separated data based on attack types for each data file
  • ~20K rows were removed as a part of data cleanup
  • see script for this phase
  • # Samples in table below are total samples left in each dataset after dropping # Dropped rows/samples

Dataset Summary

Table 1: Number of samples and network traffic types in each dataset

File Name Traffic Type # Samples # Dropped
02-14-2018.csv Benign 663,808 3818
FTP-BruteForce 193,354 6
SSH-Bruteforce 187,589 0
02-15-2018.csv Benign 988,050 8027
DOS-GoldenEye 41,508 0
DOS-Slowloris 10,990 0
02-16-2018.csv Benign 446,772 0
Dos-SlowHTTPTest 139,890 0
DoS-Hulk 461,912 0
02-22-2018.csv Benign 1,042,603 5610
BruteForce-Web 249 0
BruteForce-XSS 79 0
SQL-Injection 34 0
02-23-2018.csv Benign 1,042,301 5708
BruteForce-Web 362 0
BruteForce-XSS 151 0
SQL-Injection 53 0
03-01-2018.csv Benign 235,778 2259
Infiltration 92,403 660
03-02-2018.csv Benign 758,334 4050
BotAttack 286,191 0

Table 2: Total number of traffic data samples for each type among all the datasets

Traffic Type # Samples
Benign 5,177,646
FTP-BruteForce 193,354
SSH-BruteForce 187,589
DOS-GoldenEye 41,508
Dos-Slowloris 10,990
Dos-SlowHTTPTest 139,890
Dos-Hulk 461,912
BruteForce-Web 611
BruteForce-XSS 230
SQL-Injection 87
Infiltration 92,403
BotAttack 286,191
Total Attack 1,414,765

Deep Learning and Machine Learning Frameworks

  • perfomance results using the fast au deep learning framework is compared various machine learning algorithms from the scikit-learn library
  • 10-fold cross-validation techniques was used to validate the model



  • LogisticRegression
  • LinearDiscriminantAnalysis
  • KNN
  • DecisionTreeClassifier
  • GaussianNB
  • BernoulliNB
  • RandomForestClassifier
  • XGBClassifier

Experiment Results


Plots: Accuracy Scores

Table 3: Barchart Accuracy Comparison for each dataset

02-14-2018 02-15-2018 02-16-2018
02-22-2018 02-23-2018 03-01-2018

Table 4: Accuracy Comparison for each dataset

Dataset Framework Accuracy (%) Std-Dev
02-14-2018 FastAI 99.99 0.05
LogisticRegression 99.99 0.00
LDA 98.71 0.01
KNN 99.99 0.00
DecisionTreeClassifier 99.99 0.00
GaussianNB 99.97 0.00
BernoulliNB 99.88 0.01
RandomForest 99.99 0.00
XGBoost 99.99 0.00
02-15-2018 FastAI 99.99 0.01
LogisticRegression 99.97 0.00
LDA 98.15 0.05
KNN 99.99 0.00
DecisionTreeClassifier 99.99 0.00
GaussianNB 96.44 0.09
BernoulliNB 94.58 0.08
RandomForest 99.99 0.00
XGBoost 99.99 0.00
02-16-2018 FastAI 99.00 0.00
LogisticRegression 99.99 0.00
LDA 99.83 0.01
KNN 99.99 0.00
DecisionTreeClassifier 100.00 0.00
GaussianNB 99.75 0.01
BernoulliNB 98.41 0.03
RandomForest 100.00 0.00
XGBoost 99.99 0.00
02-22-2018 FastAI 99.99 0.12
LogisticRegression 99.98 0.00
LDA 99.77 0.04
KNN 99.99 0.00
DecisionTreeClassifier 99.99 0.00
GaussianNB 83.28 0.12
BernoulliNB 90.13 1.73
RandomForest 99.98 0.00
XGBoost 99.99 0.00
02-23-2018 FastAI 99.99 0.00
LogisticRegression 99.96 0.01
LDA 99.72 0.03
KNN 99.99 0.00
DecisionTreeClassifier 99.99 0.00
GaussianNB 83.89 0.16
BernoulliNB 90.53 0.15
RandomForest 99.98 0.00
XGBoost 99.99 0.00
03-01-2018 FastAI 87.70 0.07
LogisticRegression 74.22 1.37
LDA 75.55 0.27
KNN 85.26 0.20
DecisionTreeClassifier 92.59 0.13
GaussianNB 41.58 2.94
BernoulliNB 50.89 0.65
RandomForest 91.00 0.17
XGBoost 94.25 0.19
03-02-2018 FastAI 99.99 0.01
LogisticRegression 97.04 1.55
LDA 94.41 0.08
KNN 99.99 0.00
DecisionTreeClassifier 99.99 0.00
GaussianNB 83.98 0.13
BernoulliNB 94.11 0.08
RandomForest 99.99 0.00
XGBoost 99.99 0.00
=== === === ===

Confusion Matrices

Table 5: Confusion matrices framework for each dataset

02-14-2018 02-15-2018 02-16-2018
02-22-2018 02-23-2018 03-01-2018


Deep learning and Machine learning for network threat detection






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