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Repository for Udacity Full Stack Nanodegree Project using Python

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Public IP address: Site Url: Note: Only Google Login is available currently.

Lightrail setup

  1. Download Lightrail default keys.
  2. mv ~/Download/LightsailDefaultKey-ap-southeast-1.pem ~/.ssh/
  3. chmod 700 ~/.ssh/
  4. chmod 600 ~/.ssh/LightsailDefaultKey-ap-southeast-1.pem
  5. Connect to remote Server using ssh ubuntu@server -i ~/.ssh/LightsailDefaultKey-ap-southeast-1.pem

User Management

  1. Log in to remote as ubuntu user with ssh ubuntu@server -i ~/.ssh/LightsailDefaultKey-ap-southeast-1.pem

  2. Add new user with $ sudo adduser grader

  3. Create grader file in sudoers.d folder and insert the following line

    grader ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

  4. In local machine, generate encryption key with $ ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/linuxServer.rsa

  5. Log in remote server as ubuntu and create file authorized_keys with $ touch /home/grader/.ssh/authorized_keys

  6. Copy content of the file in ~/.ssh/ to authorized_keys

  7. Set permission to the keys by entering the following code

    $ sudo chmod 700 /home/grader/.ssh $ sudo chmod 644 /home/grader/.ssh/authorized_keys

  8. Change owner from ubuntu to grader with $ sudo chown -R grader:grader /home/grader/.ssh

  9. Set PasswordAuthentication field to no to enforce key-based authentication

    $ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

  10. Set PermitRootLogin field to no to disable ssh login for user

    $ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

  11. Run $ sudo service ssh restart



  1. Edit Port field in sshd_config file to 2200

    $ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

  2. Go to server instance in lightsail site

  3. Select Networking tab

  4. Add Custom Application with TCP Protocol at port 2200 to Firewall

  5. Add Custom Application with UDP Protocol at port 123 to Firewall

  6. Remove port 20 from this firewall

  7. Run $ sudo service ssh restart

  8. Connect to user grader by entering the following code in command line

    $ ssh -i ~/.ssh/linuxServer.rsa -p 2200 grader@

  9. Configure ufw to allow connection for port 2200, port 80 and port 123

    $ sudo ufw allow 2200/tcp

    $ sudo ufw allow 80/tcp

    $ sudo ufw allow 123/udp

    $ sudo ufw enable

Package installation

  1. $ sudo apt-get update
  2. $ sudo apt-get install python
  3. $ sudo apt-get install python-pip
  4. $ sudo pip install virtualenv
  5. $ sudo apt-get install python-requests
  6. $ sudo apt-get install python-oauth2client
  7. $ sudo apt-get install python-psycopg2
  8. $ pip install Flask
  9. $ pip install httplib2 sqlalchemy
  10. $ sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python-dev
  11. $ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Apache Configuration

  1. Install Apache2

    sudo apt-get install apache2

  2. Install mod_wsgi

    sudo apt-get install python-setuptools libapache2-mod-wsgi

  3. Restart Apache

    sudo service apache2 restart

  4. Create directory in /var/www with sudo mkdir catalog

  5. Git clone item-catalog from Linux-Serverlive branch to /var/www/catalog/

    git clone

  6. Rename project folder to item_catalog

  7. Rename main python file in project to

  8. Create a virtual host config file

    $ sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/catalog.conf

  9. Insert the following code:

        <VirtualHost *:80>
            ServerAlias hostname
            ServerAdmin admin@
            WSGIDaemonProcess catalog python-path=/var/www/catalog:/var/www/catalog/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages
            WSGIProcessGroup catalog
            WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/catalog/catalog.wsgi
            <Directory /var/www/catalog/item_catalog/>
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all
            Alias /static /var/www/catalog/item_catalog/static
            <Directory /var/www/catalog/item_catalog/static/>
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all
            ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
            LogLevel warn
            CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
  10. Enable the virtual host with $ sudo a2ensite catalog

  11. Create catalog.wsgi file in /var/www/catalog/ and insert the following code

        import sys
        import logging
        sys.path.insert(0, "/var/www/catalog/")
        from item_catalog import application
        application.secret_key = 'super_secret_key'
  12. Restart Apache2 with sudo service apache2 restart

PostgreSQL configuration

  1. Login with sudo su - postgres

  2. Connect PostgreSQL shell with $ psql

  3. Create new user with password

    # CREATE USER catalog WITH PASSWORD 'password';

  4. Allow Catalog user to CREATEDB

    # ALTER USER catalog CREATEDB;

  5. Create catalog database with catalog user

    # CREATE DATABASE catalog WITH OWNER catalog;

  6. Connect to catalog database with # \c catalog

  7. Revoke all rights from public with

    # REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM public;

  8. Grant permission to catalog user

    # GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO catalog;

  9. Exit with # \q

  10. Edit create_engine line in and



  11. Run $ python /var/www/catalog/item-catalog/

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/linuxServer.rsa -p 2200 grader@ to connect server

Use $ sudo tail /var/log/apache2/error.log to check log


iliketomatoes github

jungleBadger github

How to deploy flask application


Lightsail Documentation

Key based authentication



Set up vagrant

  1. go

  2. download and install virtualbox for your operating systems

  3. go

  4. download and install for your operating systems

  5. go to fullstack-nanodegree-vm

  6. download Vagrantfile in vagrant directory

  7. Run $ vagrant init in item-catalog folder

  8. Replace Vagrantfile in the item-catalog folder

  9. Run this code to start vagrant

    $ vagrant up
    $ vagrant ssh


  1. Run & python to set up the database
  2. Run & python to start the site
  3. Browse the site at http://localhost:5000


Click on the following link to access the JSON Api. For Item List APi, the link used depends on the category id localhost:5000/categories/<int:category_id>/itemlist/JSON


Repository for Udacity Full Stack Nanodegree Project using Python






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