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Raukr 2023 • Course materials

NBIS Summer School • Advanced R for Bioinformatics


To edit, preview and render documents, you need one or more of the following requirements:

  • You must use Quarto>=1.2.269
  • If using RStudio, use v2022.07.1 or newer
  • VSCode is a good alternative to RStudio for quarto documents
  • You need to install the R packages necessary for your topic/document

‼️ Be wary of using the visual editor! It may mess up the code formatting.

Adding/Modifying topics

  • Fork the repository and clone locally

  • Keep the topic name simple, preferably one word

  • To add a topic, create

    • slides/topic/index.qmd

    • labs/topic/index.qmd

    • The YAML metadata should minimally look like this:

      title: "Topic"
      author: "Author"
      description: "This topic covers this and that."
      format: html
  • format must be html for reports and revealjs for presentations

  • For assets relating to the document (figures, files etc), create an assets folder

    • slides/topic/assets/
    • labs/topic/assets/

💡 The document can be live previewed to view changes. Preview is automatically updated on saving the document. Sometimes, the preview can look a bit wonky, in which case, cancel and rerun.

  • To preview, run in terminal
    • quarto preview slides/topic/index.qmd
    • quarto preview labs/topic/index.qmd
    • Saving the file updates the preview

💡 The document is rendered to the specified output format in the output directory.

  • To render, run in terminal
    • quarto render slides/topic/index.qmd
    • quarto render labs/topic/index.qmd
    • Rendered files are written to /docs
    • To view in browser, open
      • docs/slides/topic/index.html
      • docs/labs/topic/index.html

‼️ Do not run quarto render as it will remove everything from docs/ and attempt to render all the files. This might overwrite someone else's materials and also break since you won't have their R packages installed. So, only render your files.

  • Finally commit changes (both source files and rendered files)
git stage .
git commit -m "Added topic"
  • Push changes to your fork and send a pull request

Tips & Conventions

  • For compute heavy steps, save intermediates and read them in

  • Be mindful of the size of files

    • Store large data files elsewhere (dropbox, google drive etc) and link them
    • If you have images that are more than a few hundred KB in size, scale them down to about 600px-800px and compress them
  • Use simple topic labels and do not make them needlessly complex

  • The qmd files must be in the correct location when rendering/previewing else metadata from config is not used.

  • Declare R packages at the beginning of every qmd document

  • qmd files must have a format defined, either format: html or format: revealjs

  • Make a note of the default execute settings in _quarto.yml. This applies to all documents. You can override this by copying the code below to the yaml part of your document and modifying it.

      eval: true
      echo: false
  • Use level 2 heading (##) as the highest level heading

  • Bullet points are defined by -

  • Define options in code chunks using #| like #| echo: true

  • Adjusting dimension of images ![Caption](path/to/image.jpg){width="50%"}

  • Divs are defined using ::: and classes are defined using {.class}

    • Example of a class on a div
    ::: {.callout-note}
  • Example of a class on a span [Content]{.class}

  • Columns are defined as such

:::: {.columns}
::: {.column width="50%"}
::: {.column width="50%"}
  • Remember to spell-check your document

    • Language used is en-us
  • To view a demo report, click here


These are slide specific info. Comparisons here are to xaringan used previously for RaukR.

  • Slides are defined by ## rather than ---
  • Manual increment is defined by . . . rather than --
  • Horizontal rule is defined by --- rather than ***
  • Presenter notes are defined by :::{.notes} content ::: rather than ???
  • For small notes in the bottom of the slide, you can use
::: {.aside}
  • If content overflows the slide in vertical direction, add class .scrollable
::: scrollable
  • To view a demo presentation, click here