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Boilerplate project for Django2 and React integration and making things easy for development.

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Boilerplate project for Django2 and React integration and making things easy for development.


This repo contains a ready to use boilerplate for developing a project with Django2 and React integrated to make awesome frontend components alongside django templates.

Please note that this boilerplate is not complete react frontend and django backend but a combination of both react and django frontend, React components inside Django templates.

We have made defined some custom command that can be used with react for renaming and copying the react build files and folders in the django static files folder. This way we don't have to run build and rename and copy paste the build files in django static files folder.

Here django's static files folder is referred to the folder that django uses to serve the CSS, JS, MEDIA files in local environment for example,

STATICFILES_DIRS = [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static')]

STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'staticfiles')

Now the files that are placed in the static folder will be used to serve in the django templates using staic template tag,

{% load static %}
<script src="{% static 'js/output/app.js' %}"></script>

If you run django collectstatic command then all the files from static folder will be copied to STATIC_ROOT folder which is staticfiles.


Just git clone this repo and install python dependencies using either of the ways given below,

If you use pipenv then run below command where Pipfile exists

pipenv install

Now install npm packages by running,

cd frontend
npm install

This will install all the dependencies of our React project.

Now we can simply run the django server and go at and you will find the default react project page.

Make any change in the frontend/App.js file and run

# from frontend folder
npm run collect

The above command is defined in the frontend/package.json file in the "scripts". What this command does is,

  1. Run build command for react files => npm run build
  2. Rename the build folder files => npm run build-rename What happens by renaming is that we can easily refer to that file only once rather than changing the file name again after running build command.
  3. Copying the build folder files into django's STATICFILES_DIRS folder. npm run copy-buildfiles copies the files into respective folders inside staticfiles folder (we use staticfiles folder)
  4. Runs collecstatic command of django which collects these files in STATIC_ROOT folder for production serving.

After running the collect command you just need to refresh the browser and you will find the changes in the webpage.


You can follow the below steps to integrate django and react from scratch yourself in your local machine.

  1. Create a virtualenv or virtual environment for python, either use pipenv or virtualenv or any other virtual environment tool that you wish to use.

    using pipenv

    pip install pipenv
    pipenv install django djangorestframework django-cors-headers

    using virtualenv

    pip install virtualenv
    virtualenv env
    # for windows
    cd env/Scripts/
    # for linux or macos
    source env/bin/activate
    # now install modules
    pip install django djangorestframework django-cors-headers 
  2. Start django project and react app, make sure your virtualenv is activated

    django-admin startproject boilerplate .
    npx create-react-app frontend
  3. Add the commands from frontend/package.json file from this repo to your package.json file

    "collect": "react-scripts build && npm run build-rename && npm run copy-buildfiles && npm run collectstatic",
    "build-rename": "npm run build-rename-js && npm run build-rename-css && npm run build-rename-logo",
    "build-rename-logo": "renamer --regex --find \"([^\\.])\\.[^\\.]+\\.(\\w+)\" --replace \"$1.$2\" build/static/media/*",
    "build-rename-js": "renamer --regex --find \"main\\.[^\\.]+\\.js\" --replace \"reactify-django.ui.js\" build/static/js/*.js",
    "build-rename-css": "renamer --regex --find \"main\\.[^\\.]+\\.css\" --replace \"reactify-django.ui.css\" build/static/css/*.css",
    "copy-buildfiles": "npm run copy-build-js && npm run copy-build-css && npm run copy-build-logo",
    "copy-build-logo": "copyfiles -f \"build/static/media/*\" \"../static/img/\"",
    "copy-build-js": "copyfiles -f \"build/static/js/*.js\" \"../static/js/\"",
    "copy-build-css": "copyfiles -f \"build/static/css/*.css\" \"../static/css/\"",
    "collectstatic": "python ../ collectstatic --no-input"

    Wondering why we have used \" or double quote instead of ' or single quote is because the single quotes will work in terminal but not in windows's command prompt.

  4. Before running npm run collect install two more dependencies, npm install -g renamer copyfiles.

  5. Now define the STATICFILES_DIRS & STATIC_ROOT settings in boileplate/ file and they should be have the same name as we have used in the package.json file.

        os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static'), 
    STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'staticfiles')
  6. Run the command,

    npm run collect

    from the fronten folder and when done open the static and staticfiles folder in project's root folder and you will the react build files are now copied there and ready to be used in django templates.

  7. To use the react component, you need to use the div element with id root as with react, ofcourse you change the id to whatever you wish inside frontend/src/index.js file.

    Inside the django template

    	<link rel='stylesheet' href="{% static 'css/reactify-django.ui.css' %}">
    	<div id="root"></div>
    	<script src="{% static 'js/reactify-django.ui.js' %}"></script>

If we have missed something here please refer to this repo code for integration process.