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PainKiller Security Tools


This repo contains a Power Command Console project that combines CycloneDX and Dependency Track to let you create SBOM files from git repos and import them in to OWASP Dependency Track which gives you a nice GUI where you can analyze your repos vulnerabilities.

There is also a command to get a Exploit Prediction score (EPSS) with a CVE as input. That command does not need any prerequisites at all.


epss <your CVE>

Returns EPSS score for provided CVE, the value is percent where 0 is minimum and 100 is maximum. Read more about the score at the bottom of this page.


epss CVE-2022-27225


I know the setup of this is a bit corky, just be aware of that, look at troubleshot if you have problems.

If this is the first time you use a Power Commands implementation a encryption setup will be done at the first startup. The encryption key is setup for all Power Commands projects and is unique for every machine. Encryption is used by this Power Commands project to secure your Dependency Track API key.

This application is intended to use CycloneDX and Dependency Track software running as container, therefore you need to have Docker Desktop installed, this way you do not need to install software on your machine besides this Power Commands console application. Setup Docker Desktop is however not described in this documentation.

If you want to setup CycloneDX and Dependency Track in any other way, I recommend you to look at their respective documentation, links to their repos are present at the end of this document. You also need to adjust the PowerCommandsConfiguration.yaml configuration file with the appropriate API endpoints. You do not need to run the start command nor the setup --docker command if the software is installed and already running on your machine or a server else where.


Setup docker containers

setup --docker

This will pull down the docker images needed if you want to run this with Docker Desktop, which is:

  • dependencytrack/apiserver
  • dependencytrack/frontend

Setup Dependency Track API key

setup dt-key

Paste the API key copied from the Dependency Track Admin, this is only needed if you intend to automatically import your sbom file into Dependency Track (and why shouldn't you do that?). You must of course start Dependency Track with the start command described below.



You do not need to run this command if your containers is already running or if you have CycloneDX and Dependency Track hosted on your machine or a server.

Docker Containers running

The following steps will be done by the start command

  • Starts docker desktop on your machine if it´s not already started ()
  • Start Cdxgen server to create sbom content, this will spin up the docker container for you. Make sure that you set the property sdxGenServerVolumeMount in the PowerCommandsConfiguration.yaml configuration file first.
  • Start the Dependency Tracker Web GUI and API server. (Docker container) default url is: http://localhost:8080 login with admin:admin

NOTICE! The first time you run startup the containers needed to run by DockerDesktop on your machine will be downloaded, this could take some time, but you see the process in the console, have patience with that.

Good to know, before you creating Sbom files...

You can create the files and add them to Dependency Track manually in the GUI. But if you configure Dependency Track and PowerCommands you been able to us the --upload option flag and with that the sbom content is automatically uploaded to Dependency Track. First tou need to create a Team in the Administration/Access Management section, and add at least the permission that is shown in the image below.


After that copy the API key and create a secret in PowerCommands with this command.

setup dt-key

After this configuration is done, the sbom content will be uploaded to Dependency Track.


Create sbom content from a local path or github repository

Local path

sbom --path <local path> --NAME <my-sbom-name>

Github repository

Please notice that is just for the example, you can point at any git repository, I do not think that my Power Commands repo is that interesting for you.

sbom --path --NAME <my-sbom-name>


If you add the --upload option, the sbom will also be uploaded to Dependency Tracker, a new project with the --NAME value will be created.

sbom --path --NAME <my-sbom-name> --upload

Resolve licenses

By default resolving licenses is turned off because it is a very time consuming process. If you need this you need to configure this in the PowerCommandsConfiguration.yaml configuration file.

  resolveLicenses: true

This has to be done before the container has been started so if it is already running you need to stop the container first and restart it with the start command. There will be some warning about the Dependency Track container already running but that is nothing to worry about.

Trouble shoot

If you having trouble to start Dependency Track or login from Dependency Track, open Docker Desktop and make sure that the containers is running.

Docker Containers running

Also check the PowerCommandsConfiguration.yaml configuration file that the path to the directory where SBOM is stored is correct and exists.

sdxGenServerVolumeMount: C:\Temp\Cdxgen_server

Power Commands

Read more about Power Commands:

Read more about SBOM:

Dependency Track logo

CycloneDX Generator

CycloneDX Generator on github.

Dependency Track

Dependency Track Community on github.

Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS)

EPSS user guide.

EPSS provides a fundamentally new capability for efficient, data-driven vulnerability management. It is a data-driven effort that uses current threat information from CVE and real-world exploit data. The EPSS model produces a probability score between 0 and 1 (0 and 100%), where the higher the score, the greater the probability that a vulnerability will be exploited.