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Sergey Dertan edited this page May 2, 2019 · 5 revisions



language: "default"

Choose plugin language

Default value is "default", which means that server`s language will be used if its available

You can add your own language by creating file "YOUR_LANG.yml" in the "lang" folder


provider: "yml"

By default "yml"

All supported providers

Hide commands

hide-commands: false

If enabled, only /rg and /region commands will be shown

Async commands

When enabled

async-commands: true

All commands used with /rg or /region will be executed in the other thread, which may increase performance

async-commands-threads: -1

Commands thread pool size

-1 means that all available threads will be used


lpos-max-radius: 250

lpos1 and lpos2 commands allows players selecting region by looking at blocks

Priority system

priority-system: false

See priority system

Update notifier

update-notifier: true

Will tell admins when plugin update available, also gives a short update description

Multithreaded loading

multithreaded-loading: true

Multithreaded data loading for the yaml provider, may boost loading speed if you are using yml provider and have lots of regions created

multithreaded-loading-threads: -1

Thread pool size, -1 means that all available threads will be used

Active flags

active-flags: flag: value(true/false)

If flag disabled here, it won`t work at all, even if enabled in region


display: flag: value(true/false)

Sets if flag status will be displayed while using /rg info command

Border block

border-blocks: "20"

Don`t forget to use quotes!

Set block for borders(/rg select & /rg showborders commands)

Also you can set block meta by adding "20:3" etc

default max size & max amount

default-max-region-amount: 3

Sets how much regions can be created by a single players without any permission

default-max-region-size: 15000

Sets how large region can be created without any permission

If you want to let players create larger regions or more regions just give them permissions

For size:


For amount:


Auto save

auto-save-period: 60

Sets auto save interval(in seconds)

auto-save: true

Sets auto save status, if false, auto save will be disabled

Empty chunks removing

empty-chunks-removing-period: 360

Sets interval of removing empty chunks and levels(in seconds)

empty-chunks-auto-removing: true

Sets auto chunks removing status, if false, auto removing will be disabled

Save new flags

save-new-flags: false

If enabled, after adding new flags to the plugin all old regions which not contain new flag will be updated and saved

GUI type

gui-type: "chest"

Sets UI type, cuz only one UI type can be active at the one time

See UI


Default flags

default-flags: flag: value(true/false)

Default flag value for the region while created

Need message

need-message: value(true/false)

Sets if flag needs message when is works

All messages in the lang file (region.protected.FLAG_NAME)

Region name

max-region-name-length: 10

Max region name length

min-region-name-length: 3

Min region name length

Heal flag

heal-flag-heal-delay: 40

in ticks (1 second = 20 ticks)

heal-flag-heal-amount: 3

Protected message type

protected-message-type: "message"

region.protected.FLAG message type (message, tip, popup)

Max borders

max-borders-amount: 300

set how much blocks can be sent by /rg select or /rg showborder commands