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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


A Python library for making lists of files (get it?) using a customisable format.

Given one or more base folders, it recursively traverses descendant folders and files depth-first, and lists them with any specified file data. It can also parse and compare lists.


pip install git+

Usage example

Command line

# Print a file list to the screen
python -m listphile list path/to/folder
# Save it to a file
python -m listphile list path/to/folder -o output_file.txt

Use python -m listphile list -h to see the list of arguments.


import listphile
listphile.write_list('path/to/folder', 'output_file.txt')

Output list for this repository using the default format:


Or, using an XML format by setting the format_type option:

 <File name=".gitignore"/>
 <File name=""/>
 <File name="pyproject.toml"/>
 <Folder name="examples">
  <File name=""/>
  <File name="example_data.xml"/>
  <File name="example_plain.txt"/>
  <File name="example_xml.xml"/>
  <File name=""/>
 <Folder name="listphile">
  <File name=""/>
  <File name=""/>
  <File name=""/>
  <File name=""/>
  <File name=""/>
  <File name=""/>
  <File name=""/>
  <File name=""/>
  <File name=""/>
  <Folder name="plugins">
   <File name=""/>

See the examples folder for a few more examples.


Main functions


listphile.write_list(folder:PathOrStr|Sequence[PathOrStr] = '',
                     list_path:PathOrStr|TextIO = '',
                     options:dict|None = None)

Make a file list and save it to a file. Equivalent to listphile.FileLister(**options).write_list(folder, list_path).

folder is the path to the list's base folder(s), and can be a string, pathlib.Path, or a sequence of either. The empty string, '.' or None represents the current working directory.

See below for the possible options.


listphile.generate(folder:PathOrStr|Sequence[PathOrStr] = '',
                   options:dict|None = None) -> Generator[ListItem]

A generator function yielding ListItems for descendant files and folders, recursively. Equivalent to listphile.FileLister(**options).generate(folder).

ListItem is a NamedTuple containing three fields:

  • item_type (str): the item type (file, dir, dir_close or ellipsis).
  • path (pathlib.Path): the path relative to the base folder.
  • props (Props): the file or folder properties.

The included item types depend on the options; only types with non-empty formats will be yielded.


                     options:dict|None = None) -> Generator[ListItem]

Parse a file list that was created using the given format options line-by-line, and yield files and folders similarly to generate(). Equivalent to listphile.FileLister(**options).parse_list(list_path).

This requires newline-separated items, and does not yet support files with headers or footers. A warning is printed if a line doesn't match a format string or matches multiple format types.

                  new_list:PathOrStr = '.', *,
                  skip_children:bool = False,
                  names_only:bool = True) -> Generator[DiffItem]

A generator function that matches items from the two source lists based on their folder structures, filenames and optionally properties. Equivalent to listphile.FileListComparer(**options).compare(old_list, new_list, skip_children=skip_children, names_only=names_only).

It yields DiffItems, a NamedTuple containing the following fields:

  • diff_type (str): one of four strings:
    • addition if the item only appears in the new list;
    • deletion if the item only appears in the old list;
    • match if the item appears in both lists;
    • change if the item appears in both lists but their properties differ (only for files, and only if names_only is False).
  • item_type (str): the item type (file, dir, dir_close or ellipsis).
  • path (pathlib.Path): the file path relative to the base folder.
  • old_props (Props): the properties for the old list item, or None for additions.
  • new_props (Props): the properties for the new list item, or None for deletions.

Both source lists can be either a path to a file, which will be parsed as a file list using parse_list(), or a path to a folder.

If skip_children is True, the contents of folders that only appear in one list will be omitted, instead of their whole subtree being included as additions or deletions. If names_only is False, also compare the available file properties (hash, file size and dates) for determining the diff_type.



fl = listphile.FileLister(**options)

The main class; it stores a set of formats and other options, and provides methods to write, read or generate filelists according to those options. See below for the possible options.


  • set_formats(*, file_format:str|None = None, dir_format:str|None = None, dir_close_format:str|None = None, root_format:str|None = None, ellipsis_format:str|None = None)
    Set or reset the five formats. Each of them is replaced by the given value, or if that is None, recalculated from the list options.
  • write_list(folder:PathOrStr|Sequence[PathOrStr] = '', list_path:PathOrStr|TextIO = '')
    Write a file list to a file; see write_list.
  • generate(folder:PathOrStr|Sequence[PathOrStr] = '') -> Generator[ListItem]
    Recursively yield files and folders; see generate.
  • parse_list(list_path:PathOrStr|TextIO) -> Generator[ListItem]
    Read a file list from a file; see parse_list.
  • run_folder(folder:PathOrStr = '', *, args:dict|None = None)
    Traverse a single base folder and call the methods below for each file or folder, passing through a PathItem and the provided args. By default, these methods write formatted list items to the file-like object stored in args['file'] (this is used internally for write_list()). The behaviour can be customised by subclassing FileLister and overriding the four item methods:
    • dir_function(self, item:PathItem, args:dict|None = None)
    • file_function(self, item:PathItem, args:dict|None = None)
    • ellipsis_function(self, item:PathItem, args:dict|None = None)
    • dir_close_function(self, item:PathItem, args:dict|None = None)


flc =**options)

A subclass of FileLister that adds functionality to compare lists. It has one additional method:

  • compare(old_list:PathOrStr, new_list:PathOrStr = '.', *, skip_children:bool = False, names_only:bool = True) -> Generator[DiffItem]
    Compare two filelists; see compare.

Helper classes

FormatType, NameType, GroupType: Various enum classes used in list options. Each of the relevant options also accepts a case-insensitive string instead of an actual enum value (e.g. 'plain' instead of FormatType.PLAIN).

PathItem: A class representing a folder or file, used as a parameter in callback functions. It has the following properties and methods:

  • name (str)
    File/folder name.
  • path (pathlib.Path)
    Relative path.
  • abspath (pathlib.Path)
    Absolute path.
  • depth (int)
    Tree depth relative to the base folder.
  • isdir (bool)
    True if the item is a directory.
  • hidden (bool)
    True if the item is a hidden file or folder.
  • data (os.stat_result)
    Item metadata as returned by os.stat(), cached on the first call.
  • hash(*, buffer_size:int = 1048576, max_size:int|None = None) -> str
    Read through the file in chunks of size buffer_size, and calculate its SHA-1 hash. Returns the empty string if the item is not a file, or if the file size exceeds the given max_size.
  • get_name(name_type:NameType|str = NameType.NAME) -> str
    Get the item name or path according to the given NameType setting.
  • iterdir() -> Generator[PathItem]
    Generate the folder's child items in arbitrary order using Path.iterdir().
  • children(key:Callable[[PathItem],Any]|None = None) -> list[PathItem]
    List the folder's child items, sorted by the given key function. By default, sort according to the filename, with files appearing before folders.

Props: A dict subclass representing a set of item properties, returned by some generator functions. It adds the following methods for getting certain item data based on the available properties (returning None if there is not enough information):

  • get_depth(start_level:int = 0, *, indent:str = ' ') -> int|None
    Get the zero-based depth. The parameters should match the corresponding file list options, and are used for calculating the depth from the indentation level.
  • get_name() -> str|None
    Get the file/folder name.
  • get_path(item_type:str|None = None, parents:List[str]|None = None, *, depth:int|None = None, start_level:int = 0, indent:str = ' ') -> str|None
    Get the item's relative path. parents is a list of ancestor folder names, which can simply be a reference to an initially empty list. The method automatically populates this list based on item depths and folder names, so that it contains the full directory path at any point during normal iteration. start_level and indent are passed through to get_depth(); the provided depth argument is used instead if that method is inconclusive.

Formats & properties

The five main format types are:

  • file: For normal files.
  • dir: For folders/directories, printed before the folder's contents.
  • dir_close: For folders/directories, printed after the folder's contents. Excluded by default in the plain layout, and used for the closing tag in the XML layout.
  • root: For the root directory. Normally the same as dir_format, except a literal "." is printed instead of the folder name by default. Uses the item type dir.
  • ellipsis: For marking the omission of folder contents due to max_depth being exceeded. Not printed by default. The properties are those of the folder.

Formats use standard format strings, which represent item properties by expressions in braces (e.g. {name}). The property values are filled in during list formatting, and are also returned by generator functions as a Props dictionary. The following properties are supported:

  • 'name': File/folder name.
  • 'depth': Tree depth relative to the base folder.
  • 'level': Indentation level (the depth offset by the start_level option).
  • 'indent': Indentation string (the string specified by the indent option, repeated level times).
  • 'relpath': Path relative to the base folder.
  • 'abspath': Absolute path.
  • 'hidden': The string specified by the hidden option if the file is hidden, otherwise the empty string.
  • 'size': File size in bytes.
  • 'cdate': Creation date (formatted according to the date_format option).
  • 'mdate': Modification date (formatted according to the date_format option).
  • 'ndate': Newest of creation and modification date.
  • 'hash': SHA-1 hash.


These are the allowed options for the FileLister and shorthand functions, with supported types and default values. They are stored as attributes of an Options object, accessible as the options property on a FileLister. Use the lister's set_formats() method to update the formats after changing option values.

Main format strings (if None, they will be automatically constructed based on the other options; if the empty string, nothing will be printed):

  • file_format: str|None = None
  • dir_format: str|None = None
  • dir_close_format: str|None = None
  • root_format: str|None = None
  • ellipsis_format: str|None = None

File output options:

  • rel_to_cwd: bool = False
    If True, resolve relative paths for output files with respect to to the current working directory; otherwise, resolve them with respect to the (first) base folder of the list itself.
  • append: bool = False
    If True, append the list to the specified file instead of overwriting its contents.
  • header: str = ''
    Text to be printed before the file list in the output file.
  • footer: str = ''
    Text to be printed after the file list in the output file.

General format options:

  • format_type: FormatType|str = FormatType.PLAIN
    Format family to use: PLAIN or XML.
  • show_indent: bool = True
    Whether or not to indent lines.
  • indent: str = ' '
    String used for each indentation level.
  • start_level: int = 0
    Indentation level for the root folder.
  • max_depth: int|None = 20
    Maximum depth for folder traversal (not counting the start_level). 0 or None for unlimited depth.
  • show_ellipsis: bool = False
    Include or exclude ellipsis lines that indicate max_depth being exceeded.
  • ellipsis: str = '...'
    String used for ellipsis lines in the plain layout.
  • newline: str = '\n'
    String printed between lines.

Sorting and filtering:

  • show_folders: bool = True
    Include or exclude folders.
  • show_files: bool = True
    Include or exclude files.
  • filter: Callable[[PathItem],bool]|None = None
    Filter function to exclude certain files or folders. Should take a PathItem and return a bool; if it returns True, the item will be omitted from the list.
  • filter_hidden: bool = False
    If True, exclude hidden files.
  • item_grouping: GroupType|str = GroupType.FILESFIRST
    Specify whether or not child files are displayed before or after child folders in a directory: FILESFIRST, FOLDERSFIRST or MIXED.
  • sort_key: Callable[[PathItem],Any]|None = None
    Function used for sorting. Should take a PathItem and return an object to be used as the sort key.

Item properties:

  • name_type: NameType|str = NameType.NAME
    How to display item names: NAME (the file or folder name), RELPATH (the path relative to the root folder), or ABSPATH.
  • root_name_type: NameType|str = NameType.DOT
    How to display the root folder: DOT (a literal ".") or any of the values for name_type.
  • show_size: bool = False
    Display file sizes.
  • show_date: bool = False
    Display file dates.
  • date_type: DateType|str = DateType.NEWEST
    The type of date to display: CREATION, MODIFICATION or NEWEST (the later of the creation and modification dates).
  • date_format: str = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'
    A date format supported by datetime.strftime.
  • show_hash: bool = False
    Display the SHA-1 hash for files.
  • show_hidden: bool = False
    Mark hidden files.
  • hidden: str = '*'
    String used for marking hidden files.
  • properties: Iterable[str]|None = None
    Additional properties to include in the output of generate() beyond those in the format strings.


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