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miisync README

This extension tries to be a replacement for the web side of the standart mii workbench.

Made by NTT Data Business Solutions Turkiye MII Team


  1. Install & enable extension
  2. From 'Command Palette' type 'mii: create config' and press enter
  3. Now configure the miisync.json file.
  4. There must be one main system to connect to. Set isMain property 'true' for one of the systems.



  • Upload to / Download and Delete from MII system.
  • Get file properties upon opening file.
  • When uploading, prompts file creation if it doesn't exist on the system.
  • Prompts to download file if it has been modified by other user.


  • Upload to / Download from MII system.
  • When uploading, prompts folder creation if it doesn't exist on the system.


  • Transfer folder between systems.

  • View remote directory and download certain folder/file from it.
  • Open the current screen with command or right click on index.html

Planned Features


  • Visual Studio Code.
  • MII system to connect to.
  • .vscode/miisync.json file for full features.

Extension Settings

  • Session Duration: How long does session lasts in minutes in the MII system.
  • Refresh Session: Should extension perodically send request to renew session?
  • Request Limit: The maximum number of requests to server it can send. Used in folder download/upload/transfer. Increasing it can introduce instability.
  • Show Diff Notification: Should the extension see if the currently opened file is different from the remote file and show a notification if it is?

Your folder must contain miisync.json file in .vscode folder to work.

miisync.json settings:

localPath is the folder that contains used .vscode/miisync.json. (if rootconfig enabled then it path calculation starts from there)

  • system: Array of systems to connect to.
    • name: Name of the system. Your choice
    • isMain: Only one of the system must be true. Connects to this system.
    • severity: Severity level of the system. The higher the more confirms asked for operations.
    • host: Address of the target system. google or 11.22.33
    • port: Port of the target system. 100, 50000.
    • username: Your username in the mii system to authenticate.
    • password: Your pasword in the mii system to authenticate. If not provided in the file extension will ask the password during.
  • remotePath: Remote project path. Must start with the project name. Example: If you want to work on "productStoppageScreen" then your remote path should be like "PROJECT/PLANT2/Stoppages/productStoppageScreen". If you want to work on "PLANT2" screens then it should be "PROJECT/PLANT2".
  • removeFromLocalPath: Removes any folder name in local path that is not in remote path. Example: Local folder path is "E:\2023\Projects\ProjectName\webapp\Screen" and the remote path is "ProjectName\Screen" then you should add "webapp" in removeFromLocalPath.
  • ignore: Items that matches any of these glob patterns does not get uploaded/downloaded. Look at ignore
  • include: Matched items gets included. Will override ignore if they have the same pattern. Look at ignore
  • uploadOnSave: Uploads the current file when saved.
  • downloadOnOpen: Downloads the current file when opened.
  • useRootConfig: Enables usage of another miisync.json outside of the workspace.
  • rootConfig: Path of another miisync.json file to be used.
  • Create Config: Creates miisync.json file in the workspace thus activating the extension. Your first command.
  • Log in: Logs in your user. Normally extension should automatically log in when activated.
  • Log out: Logs out your user.
  • Disable/Enable Upload on Save: Enables/Disables upload functionality when a file is saved.
  • Disable/Enable Download on Open: Enables/Disables download functionality when a file is opened.
  • Upload Changes: Uploads uncommitted changed files.
  • Export Project: Exports the project as a zip file. (Opens link)
Explorer Context:
  • Download: Downloads the selection from the main system.
  • Upload: Uploads the selection to the main system.
  • Transfer: Transfers the selection to selected systems.
  • Delete: Deletes the selection from the main system only.
  • Open Root Config: Opens the root miisync.json file if useRootConfig is set to true and rootConfig has valid path.
  • Open Current Screen: Opens the screen in the browser. Is visible if you right-click an index.html.
Explorer File View:
  • Download: Downloads the workspace from the main system.
  • Upload: Uploads the workspace to the main system.
  • Transfer: Transfers the workspace to selected systems.
  • Delete: Deletes the workspace from the main system only.
Editor Title Context:
  • Download: Downloads the file from the main system.
  • Upload: Uploads the file to the main system.
  • Transfer: Transfers the file to selected systems.
  • Delete: Deletes the file from the main system only.
Editor Context:
  • Download Transaction Properties: Previews transaction's properties. You must select the transaction path first.
  • Download Remote Directory: Lists all the files in the current project like a directory. (Does not list empty folders)
  • Download Remote Folder: Downloads the selected remote folder and its contents.
  • Download Remote File: Downloads the selected remote file.
  • Download File Properties: Downloads the file properties like created time, updated user.

Known Issues
