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glsl extension

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ncnn GLSL extension


Different GPUs support different features, some support fp16 as buffer storage type, some support fp16 as operand variable, some old GPUs only support fp32

When the GPU supports the VK_KHR_16bit_storage extension, in order to minimize the memory bandwidth consumption of the GPU, we will give priority to using fp16 as the storage type. Otherwise, we use packHalf2x16 and unpackHalf2x16 in GLSL 4.2 to compress 2 fp32 to uint, reducing read and write bandwidth.

Similarly, when the gpu supports the VK_KHR_shader_float16_int8 extension, in order to speed up the calculation efficiency, we will give priority to using fp16 as the operation operand, which usually doubles the speed. Otherwise, we use fp32.

To ensure the widest compatibility, the following code for declaring descriptor binding and loading data will be written

#if NCNN_fp16_storage // gpu supports 16bit storage
layout (binding = 0) buffer blob { f16vec4 blob_data[]; };
#elif NCNN_fp16_packed // gpu supports GLSL 4.2
layout (binding = 0) buffer blob { uvec2 blob_data[]; };
#else // gpu only supports fp32
layout (binding = 0) buffer blob { vec4 blob_data[]; };

void main()
    const int i = int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x);

#if NCNN_fp16_storage && NCNN_fp16_arithmetic // gpu supports 16bit storage and shader float16
    f16vec4 x = blob_data[i];
#elif NCNN_fp16_storage // gpu supports 16bit storage but no shader float16
    vec4 x = vec4(blob_data[i]);
#elif NCNN_fp16_packed && NCNN_fp16_arithmetic // gpu supports GLSL 4.2 and shader float16
    f16vec4 x = f16vec4(unpackFloat2x16(blob_data[i].x), unpackFloat2x16(blob_data[i].y));
#elif NCNN_fp16_packed // gpu supports GLSL 4.2
    vec4 x = vec4(unpackHalf2x16(blob_data[i].x), unpackHalf2x16(blob_data[i].y));
#else // gpu only supports fp32
    vec4 x = blob_data[i];

As you can see, just declaring the buffer type and reading a value consumes a lot of lines of code, which is a maintenance nightmare. Therefore, ncnn adds more flexible data types and auxiliary functions to reduce the size of the code and improve readability, and will automatically expand to the most efficient implementation according to the feature level supported by the GPU.

The above code, by using the ncnn glsl extension, can be simplified to

layout (binding = 0) buffer blob { sfpvec4 blob_data[]; };

void main()
    const int i = int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x);

    afpvec4 x = buffer_ld4(blob_data, i);

The ncnn glsl extension provides the necessary data types for storage, computation, shared memory, and load, store, conversion functions for buffers and images. We also provide some buffer and image copy functions to prevent loss of precision when using fp16 as the intermediate data type, and to avoid unnecessary unpackHalf2x16 and packHalf2x16 pair.

entrypoint for compiling GLSL

The gpu.h header in the ncnn library exposes 3 APIs for compiling glsl code into spir-v binary, they support ncnn glsl extension, these 3 functions accept opt switch to control the expansion form of ncnn glsl extension. The first two accept raw glsl code strings, and the last one is used to create ncnn's built-in shader.

namespace ncnn {

// online spirv compilation
NCNN_EXPORT int compile_spirv_module(const char* comp_string, const Option& opt, std::vector<uint32_t>& spirv);
NCNN_EXPORT int compile_spirv_module(const char* comp_data, int comp_data_size, const Option& opt, std::vector<uint32_t>& spirv);
NCNN_EXPORT int compile_spirv_module(int shader_type_index, const Option& opt, std::vector<uint32_t>& spirv);

} // namespace ncnn

compile ncnn extended GLSL code directly

You can write shader code with ncnn glsl extension, compiled to spir-v using ncnn functions. The compiled product is a standard-compliant spir-v binary, which can be directly used to create a pipeline object in the vulkan api

static const char my_glsl_data[] = R"(
#version 450

#if NCNN_fp16_storage
#extension GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage: require
#if NCNN_fp16_arithmetic
#extension GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types_float16: require

layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer a_blob { sfpvec4 a_blob_data[]; };
layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer b_blob { sfpvec4 b_blob_data[]; };

void main()
    const int i = int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x);

    afpvec4 v = buffer_ld4(a_blob_data, i);

    v = v + 123;

    buffer_st4(b_blob_data, i, v);

Option opt;
 // you can control the extension behavior
 // even if the gpu supports 16bit storage
opt.use_fp16_storage = false;

std::vector<uint32_t> spirv;
ncnn::compile_spirv_module(my_glsl_data, sizeof(my_glsl_data) - 1, opt, spirv);

// To create pipeline object later
// ncnn::Pipeline pipeline(vkdev);
// pipeline.set_local_size_xyz(64, 1, 1);
// pipeline.create(, spirv.size() * 4, specializations);

ncnn built-in shader

The shader index inside ncnn is exposed in the layer_shader_type.h header and can be used if needed

#include "layer_shader_type.h"

int shader_type_index = LayerShaderType::convert_ycbcr;

Option opt;

std::vector<uint32_t> spirv;
int retc = compile_spirv_module(shader_type_index, opt, spirv);

data types

storage type

declare buffer data layout in descriptor binding

layout (binding = 0) buffer top_blob { sfpvec4 top_blob_data[]; };
storage type fp32 fp16p fp16s
sfp float float float16_t
sfpvec2 vec2 uint f16vec2
sfpvec4 vec4 uvec2 f16vec4
sfpvec8 mat2x4 uvec4 f16mat2x4

arithmetic type

declare local variable in glsl code

void main()
    afpvec4 v = a * b;
arithmetic type fp32 fp16a
afp float float16_t
afpvec2 vec2 f16vec2
afpvec4 vec4 f16vec4
afpvec8 mat2x4 f16mat2x4

local type

declare variable in shared local memory

shared lfp tmp_a[8][4][2];
local type fp32 fp16p / fp16s only fp16s+fp16a fp16s+fp16u
lfp float float float float16_t
lfpvec4 vec4 uvec2 uint64_t f16vec4

image format and precision hint type

declare image format in descriptor binding

layout (binding = 0) uniform unfp sampler3D bottom_blob_3d;
layout (binding = 1, imfmtc4) writeonly uniform unfp image3D top_blob_3d;
format type fp32 fp16p fp16s
imfmt1 r32f f32f r16f
imfmt4 rgba32f rgba16f rgba16f
precision hint type fp32 fp16p fp16s
unfp highp mediump mediump

buffer functions

  • load typed value from src[offset]
afp buffer_ld1(sfp src, int offset);
afpvec2 buffer_ld2(sfpvec2 src, int offset);
afpvec4 buffer_ld4(sfpvec4 src, int offset);
afpvec8 buffer_ld8(sfpvec8 src, int offset);
  • store typed value to dst[offset]
void buffer_st1(sfp dst, int offset, afp v);
void buffer_st2(sfpvec2 dst, int offset, afpvec2 v);
void buffer_st4(sfpvec4 dst, int offset, afpvec4 v);
void buffer_st8(sfpvec8 dst, int offset, afpvec8 v);
  • copy typed value from src[src_offset] to dst[dst_offset]
void buffer_cp1(sfp dst, int dst_offset, sfp src, int src_offset);
void buffer_cp2(sfpvec2 dst, int dst_offset, sfpvec2 src, int src_offset);
void buffer_cp4(sfpvec4 dst, int dst_offset, sfpvec4 src, int src_offset);
void buffer_cp8(sfpvec4 dst, int dst_offset, sfpvec4 src, int src_offset);
  • copy and pack value from src[src_offsets[0],src_offsets[1],...] to dst[dst_offset]
void buffer_cp1to4(sfpvec4 dst, int dst_offset, sfp src, ivec4 src_offsets);
void buffer_cp1to8(sfpvec8 dst, int dst_offset, sfp src, ivec4 src_offsets_0, ivec4 src_offsets_1);
void buffer_cp4to8(sfpvec8 dst, int dst_offset, sfpvec4 src, ivec2 src_offsets);
  • copy and unpack value from src[src_offset] to dst[dst_offsets[0],dst_offsets[1],...]
void buffer_cp4to1(sfp dst, ivec4 dst_offsets, sfpvec4 src, int src_offset);
void buffer_cp8to1(sfp dst, ivec4 dst_offsets_0, ivec4 dst_offsets_1, sfpvec8 src, int src_offset);
void buffer_cp8to4(sfpvec4 dst, ivec2 dst_offsets, sfpvec8 src, int src_offset);

image functions

  • load typed value from src at pos
afp image1d_ld1(sampler1D src, float pos);
afp image2d_ld1(sampler2D src, vec2 pos);
afp image3d_ld1(sampler3D src, vec3 pos);
afpvec4 image1d_ld4(sampler1D src, float pos);
afpvec4 image2d_ld4(sampler2D src, vec2 pos);
afpvec4 image3d_ld4(sampler3D src, vec3 pos);
afpvec8 image1d_ld8(sampler1D src, float pos);
afpvec8 image2d_ld8(sampler2D src, vec2 pos);
afpvec8 image3d_ld8(sampler3D src, vec3 pos);
  • store typed value to dst at pos
void image1d_st1(image1D dst, int pos, afp v);
void image2d_st1(image2D dst, ivec2 pos, afp v);
void image3d_st1(image3D dst, ivec3 pos, afp v);
void image1d_st4(image1D dst, int pos, afpvec4 v);
void image2d_st4(image2D dst, ivec2 pos, afpvec4 v);
void image3d_st4(image3D dst, ivec3 pos, afpvec4 v);
void image1d_st8(image1D dst, int pos, afpvec8 v);
void image2d_st8(image2D dst, ivec2 pos, afpvec8 v);
void image3d_st8(image3D dst, ivec3 pos, afpvec8 v);
  • copy typed value from src at src_pos to dst at dst_pos
void image1d_cp1(image1D dst, int dst_pos, sampler1D src, float src_pos);
void image2d_cp1(image2D dst, ivec2 dst_pos, sampler2D src, vec2 src_pos);
void image3d_cp1(image3D dst, ivec3 dst_pos, sampler3D src, vec3 src_pos);
void image1d_cp4(image1D dst, int dst_pos, sampler1D src, float src_pos);
void image2d_cp4(image2D dst, ivec2 dst_pos, sampler2D src, vec2 src_pos);
void image3d_cp4(image3D dst, ivec3 dst_pos, sampler3D src, vec3 src_pos);
void image1d_cp8(image1D dst, int dst_pos, sampler1D src, float src_pos);
void image2d_cp8(image2D dst, ivec2 dst_pos, sampler2D src, vec2 src_pos);
void image3d_cp8(image3D dst, ivec3 dst_pos, sampler3D src, vec3 src_pos);

Note: Since image is an opaque data structure, no copy and pack/unpack functions are provided. To achieve this operation, you need to load first and then store.

local data conversion functions

  • storage buffer to local memory
lfp sfp2lfp(sfp v);
lfpvec4 sfp2lfpvec4(sfpvec4 v);
  • local memory to local variable
afp lfp2afp(lfp v);
afpvec4 lfp2afpvec4(lfpvec4 v);

Note: The common usage of local memory is to read from global memory first, store it in local memory, and then read local variables from local memory for subsequent use. Therefore, only storage type to local type and local type to arithmetic type conversion functions are provided here.

misc functions

  • prefer specialization constant over push constant
T psc(T x)

Declare the same variable in specialization constant AND push constant section, then psc(x) will become a compile-time constant when specialization constant given non-zero or be dynamic via push constant otherwise. This is often used for tensor shape specialization. We can usually resolve all shape information and make them be compile-time constants for more aggressive shader optimization.

layout (constant_id = 0) const int size = 0;

layout (push_constant) uniform parameter
    int size;
} p;

void main()
    const int s = psc(size);

platform macros

judge if the current platform is moltenvk, for enabling some platform-specific workaround

#if NCNN_moltenvk
// enable workaround for moltenvk

option macros

enable glsl extension only if user enable some options

#if NCNN_fp16_storage
#extension GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage: require
#if NCNN_fp16_arithmetic
#extension GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types_float16: require

declare descriptor binding for image or buffer

#if NCNN_image_shader
layout (binding = 0) uniform unfp sampler3D bottom_blob_3d;
layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer bottom_blob { sfpvec4 bottom_blob_data[]; };
macro defined by option
NCNN_fp16_packed opt.use_fp16_packed
NCNN_fp16_storage opt.use_fp16_storage
NCNN_fp16_arithmetic opt.use_fp16_arithmetic
NCNN_int8_packed opt.use_int8_packed
NCNN_int8_storage opt.use_int8_storage
NCNN_int8_arithmetic opt.use_int8_arithmetic
NCNN_image_shader opt.use_image_storage
NCNN_shader_local_memory opt.use_shader_local_memory
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