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Tiogaplanet edited this page Dec 18, 2019 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the 2wd_library wiki!


Group Function Description
Initialization TwoWD() Constructor initializes member variables.
begin() Sets up a serial connection for debugging, sets required pins as either inputs or outputs and initializes the OLED display.
end() Disconnects the OLED display and shuts down the serial connection.
sleep() Puts 2wd into a low-power mode by sending a sleep signal to the motor controller and disconnecting power from the IR sensors, motor speed encoders and OLED display.
Motion driveForward() Drive forward indefinitely or until a specified time.
driveBackward() Drive backward indefinitely or until a specified time.
turnLeft() Turns left a specified number of degrees.
turnRight() Turns right a specified number of degrees.
setSpeed() Set the motor speed.
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