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Normal Display Types

Types which actually provide information and can be seen on the screen.


The Texture type is one of the simplest displays. It shows a custom graphic which can be changed in color, shape, and rotation.

Textures support both Scale and Rotate animations.

Display options

  • Texture: The graphic file that will be used. You can enter a custom file path in this field, or you can use the "Choose" button to open a texture picker.
  • Color: A color that will be applied to the texture. If the texture is white by default, this option will apply uniformly. If the texture has color by default, setting this option to pure white will maintain the textures default colors, and setting it to any other color will attempt to blend that color into the texture.
  • Blend Mode: WoW is able to draw textures to the screen in two different ways, and this is called the texture's Blend Mode. If you set the Blend Mode to "Opaque", the texture will be drawn to the screen normally. If you set the Blend Mode to "Glow", any blackness in the texture (including blackness added by the Color option) will be re-interpreted as transparency. This means a texture that is completely black would be invisible in "Glow" Blend Mode, and a texture with varying darkness will instead be drawn with varying transparency. Some textures are drawn on a black background with the expectation that you will use the "Glow" Blend Mode.
  • Mirror: Mirrors the texture horizontally. If you want to mirror the texture vertically, you can use this with a 180 degree rotation.
  • Allow Full Rotation: If you do not enable this option, you will only be able to rotate the texture in increments of 90 degrees. Enabling this option will allow you to rotate the texture to any angle you desire. Unfortunately, some textures are not designed to be rotated in this way, and might show undesirable artifacts around the edges.
  • Discrete Rotation or Rotation: Controls the rotation of the texture.
  • Default Position Options

Progress Texture

The Progress Texture type is a more advanced version of the Texture type. It combines two textures (usually from the same file, but with one greyed out) to form a foreground and a background, which are used to display the progress of the display's trigger (e.g., the duration of its aura).

Progress Textures support Scale animations, but cannot be rotated.

Display Options

  • Foreground Texture: The graphic file that will be used for the foreground.
  • Background Texture: The graphic file that will be used for the background. By default, this is automatically the same as the foreground.
  • Mirror: Mirrors both the foreground and the background textures horizontally.
  • Same: Controls whether the foreground and background textures automatically use the same graphic file.
  • Blend Mode: Same as Texture's Blend Mode.
  • Background Offset: The background texture will be drawn slightly larger than the foreground texture. This option controls by how much larger.
  • Foreground Color: Sets the color of the foreground texture.
  • Background Color: Sets the color of the background texture.
  • Orientation: Sets the direction in which the foreground texture will be masked in order to show progress.
  • Compress: Enabling this option will cause the foreground texture to be compressed instead of masked.
  • Inverse: Enabling this option will inverse the direction that progress is shown. That is, it will cause the progress to go from empty when an aura is at maximum duration to full when the aura is almost finished.
  • Alpha: Controls the overall transparency of the display.
  • Sticky Duration: This option is designed to control the behavior of auras that can be //partially// refreshed, such as Chakra. For example, the maximum duration of Chakra is 30 seconds, but using certain spells will increase the duration by 4 second (up to a maximum of 30). If Chakra has, say, 15 seconds left when you refresh it by 4 seconds, WoW will actually tell WeakAuras that the //maximum// duration of the spell changed from 30 seconds to 19 seconds, which would cause the progress of the display to reset to 100%, which is very visually confusing. Enabling this option will make WeakAuras ignore that and keep the maximum duration at 30 seconds.
  • Default Position Options

Progress Bar

The Progress Bar type is much like bars you have seen in other addons. It combines a bar texture, a name, a timer, and an icon to give you a maximal amount of information.

Progress Bars support Scale animations, but cannot be rotated.

Display Options

  • Bar Texture: The texture for the actual bar. These bar textures are provided by LibSharedMedia, so if you want a large selection, make sure you have SharedMedia installed.
  • Timer: Toggles whether the bar's timer is visible.
  • Text: Toggles whether the bar's name is visible.
  • Icon: Toggles whether the bar's icon is visible.
  • Auto: Toggles whether the bar's name and icon are automatically generated from its trigger. If this option is disabled, it means the display's trigger settings cannot accurately provide a name and icon. See Dynamic Information for more information.
  • Display Text: Allows you to specify a name for the bar. Only available when "Auto" is not enabled.
  • Display Icon: Allows you to choose a name for the bar. Only available when "Auto" is not enabled.
  • Bar Color: Controls the color of the bar's texture.
  • Background Color: Controls the color of the bar's background.
  • Text Color: Controls the color of the text displayed on the bar.
  • Orientation: Controls the overall orientation of the bar.
  • Inverse: Enabling this option will inverse the direction that progress is shown. That is, it will cause the progress to go from empty when an aura is at maximum duration to full when the aura is almost finished.
  • Bar Alpha: Controls the overall transparency of the bar, icon, and text.
  • Font: The font which is used to display text on the bar. Fonts are provided by LibSharedMedia, so if you want a large selection, make sure you have SharedMediaAdditionalFonts installed.
  • Font Size: The size of the text on the bar. Unfortunately, WoW does not support font sizes larger than 25.
  • Sticky Duration: This option is designed to control the behavior of auras that can be //partially// refreshed, such as Chakra. For example, the maximum duration of Chakra is 30 seconds, but using certain spells will increase the duration by 4 second (up to a maximum of 30). If Chakra has, say, 15 seconds left when you refresh it by 4 seconds, WoW will actually tell WeakAuras that the //maximum// duration of the spell changed from 30 seconds to 19 seconds, which would cause the progress of the display to reset to 100%, which is very visually confusing. Enabling this option will make WeakAuras ignore that and keep the maximum duration at 30 seconds.
  • Default Position Options


The Icon type shows a spell icon. It can also have a radial cooldown overlay.

Icons support Scale animations, but cannot be rotated.

Display Options

  • Cooldown: Toggles whether the cooldown overlay will be shown.
  • Inverse: Enabling this option will inverse the direction that the cooldown overlay is shown. That is, it will cause the progress to go from empty when an aura is at maximum duration to full when the aura is almost finished.
  • Alpha: Controls the transparency of the icon.
  • Automatic Icon: Toggles whether the icon graphic is automatically generated from the display's trigger. If this option is disabled, it means the display's trigger settings cannot accurately provide a name and icon. See Dynamic Information for more information.
  • Display Icon: Allows you to choose the display's icon graphic. Only available when "Automatic Icon" is not enabled.
  • Stack Count Position: The position of the display's stack count text.
  • Color: The color of the stack count text.
  • Font: The font of the stack count text. Fonts are provided by LibSharedMedia, so if you want a large selection, make sure you have SharedMediaAdditionalFonts installed.
  • Size: The font size of the stack count text. Unfortunately, WoW does not support font sizes larger than 25.
  • Zoom: Allows you to "zoom in" on the icon graphic. This can be used to hide an icon's border.
  • Default Position Options

Note: many triggers will not specify a stack count, in which case the display's stack count indicator will be hidden.


The Text type is one of the simplest displays. It allows you to show a custom text message.

Texts cannot be scaled or rotated.

Display Options

  • Display Text: Allows you to specify a custom text message. This field supports multi-line text.
  • Justify: The justification of the text message.
  • Text Color: The color of the custom message.
  • Outline: Controls whether the text will be drawn with an outline.
  • Font: The font of the custom message. Fonts are provided by LibSharedMedia, so if you want a large selection, make sure you have SharedMediaAdditionalFonts installed.
  • Size: The font size of the custom message. Unfortunately, WoW does not support font sizes larger than 25.
  • Default Position Options

Group Display Types

As opposed to normal display types, group display types do not provide information and cannot be seen. Instead, they are methods of organization for other displays. Putting normal displays in a group will allow those displays' options to all be set simultaneously. A group can also organize the positioning of its children. The behavior of that position organization depends on the type of the group.

Note that the term "group" is used to refer to the Group and Dynamic Group types collectively, whereas the term "Group" is used to refer to the Group type specifically.


The normal Group type allows its children to be positioned anywhere. It provides a single anchor point to which children are anchored. The benefit is that moving the Group will move all of the Group's children to the same relative positions.

The display options (aside from the default position options) of the Group are different than the display options of any other display type, because they are not actually saved in memory. Instead, they simply act upon, and detect, the positioning of the Group's children. This means that if you use one of the Group's display options, that setting can be unset by another one of the Group's options, or by moving any of the children of the Group.

Display Options

  • Horizontal Align: Sets the horizontal coordinate of all the Group's children. "Left" aligns all their left edges to the Group's anchor point, "Center" aligns all their centers, and "Right" aligns all their right edges.
  • Vertical Align: Sets the vertical coordinate of all the Group's children. "Top" aligns all their left edges to the Group's anchor point, "Center" aligns all their centers, and "Bottom" aligns all their bottom edges.
  • Distribute Horizontally: Distributes the Group's children at regular intervals away from the Group's anchor point horizontally. For example, setting "Distribute Horizontally" to 100 will cause the first child's horizontal coordinate to be set to 0, the second child's horizontal coordinate to 100, the third to 200, etc. Setting this to 0 will have no effect.
  • Distribute Vertically: Distributes the Group's children at regular intervals away from the Group's anchor point vertically. For example, setting "Distribute Vertically" to 100 will cause the first child's vertical coordinate to be set to 0, the second child's vertical coordinate to 100, the third to 200, etc. Setting this to 0 will have no effect.
  • Space Horizontally: Spaces the group's children at regular intervals away from the Group's anchor point horizontally. For example, setting "Space Horizontally" to 10 will cause the first child's left edge to be positioned at 0, the second child's left edge to be positioned 10 pixels away from the first child's right edge, the third to be 10 pixels away from the second, etc. This will produce an similar effect to Distribute Horizontally if all of the children have the same width, but will produce a different effect if the children vary in width. Setting this to 0 will have no effect.
  • Space Vertically: Spaces the group's children at regular intervals away from the Group's anchor point vertically. For example, setting "Space Vertically" to 10 will cause the first child's bottom edge to be positioned at 0, the second child's bottom edge to be positioned 10 pixels away from the first child's top edge, the third to be 10 pixels away from the second, etc. This will produce an similar effect to Distribute Vertically if all of the children have the same width, but will produce a different effect if the children vary in width. Setting this to 0 will have no effect.
  • Default Position Options, except the self anchor point, height, and width cannot be altered.

Dynamic Group

The Dynamic Group type differs from the normal Group type because it explicitly controls the positioning of its children, and will change their positions dynamically based on which children are visible. The children will always be displayed in the same order (the order is defined by their order in the configuration sidebar), but children that are not currently visible will be "collapsed" and take up no space in the order.

Display Options

  • Grow: Controls the direction in which the group's children will be displayed when they become visible. "Left", "Right", "Up", and "Down" all perform as you would expect. "Centered Horizontally" and "Centered Vertically" act like "Right" and "Down", respectively, except the center of the entire group always remains in the same place.
  • Sort: Controls how children are sorted within the Group. "None" will preserve the ordering which exists within the options panel. "Ascending" and "Descending" will sort by the progress information of the child, and finally "Hybrid" will allow you to specify one or more children which should be separated from the rest of the children and sorted as their own sub-list. Finally, "custom" allows you to write your own sort function, see Custom Sort
  • Align: Controls whether the children will be aligned by their center or by an edge. The edges available for alignment are always perpendicular to the direction of growth.
  • Space: Controls how far away each successive child is from the child before it.
  • Stagger: Allows the Alignment of the group's children to be staggered, creating a stairstep-like appearance.
  • Animated Expand and Collapse: Enabling this option causes the group's children to grow and collapse in a smooth, animated fashion. These animations will be played in conjunction with any Start, Main, or Finish animations that are explicitly defined.
  • Default Position Options, except the self anchor point, height, and width cannot be altered.

All display types share roughly the same positioning options. These options can mostly be set using the positioning box that is drawn around a display when it is selected in the WeakAuras configuration window, but they are also available in the Display tab (or Group tab, for groups) so you can set them more precisely if you wish.

Default Position Options:

  • Width: The width of the display. Cannot be set for groups, Text displays, or Timer displays.
  • Height: The height of the display. Cannot be set for groups, Text displays, or Timer displays.
  • Anchor: The self anchor point of the display. The most important result of changing this setting is that this is the point that will remain static during Scale animations. Cannot be set for groups, or children of a Dynamic Group.
  • to screen's: The screen anchor point of the display. There is usually little reason to change this setting, but using it properly can help your displays maintain proper positioning if you change resolution. Cannot be set for children of a group.
  • X Offset: The horizontal position of the display. Cannot be set for children of a Dynamic Group.
  • Y Offset: The vertical position of the display. Cannot be set for children of a Dynamic Group.
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