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This project aims at classifying the profiles of the candidates to determine their likeliness to switch jobs based on a candidates demographics and job profile.

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🔍 HR Analytics – Likeliness of a Data Scientist to switch job

📝 Description

This project aims at classifying the profiles of the candidates to determine their likeliness to switch jobs based on a candidates demographics and job profile.

We apply the following algorithms to make this classification:

  1. Naïve Bayes
  2. K-Nearest Neighbour
  3. Logistic Regression
  4. Decision Tree
  5. Random Forest
  6. XG Boost
  7. Light GBM
  8. Artificial Neural Network

📦 Dataset

The dataset for this project is taken from Kaggle. Some details about the dataset:

  • 19K rows
  • 14 features
  • Binary targets (whether or not the candidate is willing to switch jobs)
More information about the dataset
- enrollee_id: Unique ID for candidate
- city: City code
- city_development_index : Development index of the city (scaled)
- gender: Gender of candidate
- relevent_experience: Relevant experience of candidate
- enrolled_university: Type of University course enrolled if any
- education_level: Education level of candidate
- major_discipline: Education major discipline of candidate
- experience: Candidate total experience in years
- company_size: No of employees in current employer's company
- company_type : Type of current employer
- lastnewjob: Difference in years between previous job and current job
- training_hours: training hours completed
- target: 
  - 0 – Not looking for job change
  - 1 – Looking for a job change (binary classification)

⚙️ Setup

  1. Download the code from Kaggle and put the aug_train.csv file in the data folder.
  2. Execute the preprocess.ipynb notebook.
  3. Execute the model_implementation.ipynb notebook.
  4. EDA has been performed in EDA.ipynb notebook.

📊 Results

Comparing the accuracy of the models we implemented:

accuracy comparison of models

Comparing the F1 Score of the models we implemented:

f1 score comparison of models

⚠️ Requirements

  • pandas==2.2.1
  • seaborn==0.13.2
  • scikit-learn==1.4.1.post1
  • xgboost==2.0.3
  • lightgbm==4.3.0
  • tensorflow==2.16.1
  • imblearn==0.0
  • matplotlib==3.8.3


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