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ahomoudi committed Mar 12, 2024
1 parent 5c55908 commit a6b15b1
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Showing 22 changed files with 3,693 additions and 36 deletions.
331 changes: 331 additions & 0 deletions QuartoBook/AquaFortR_Codes/cape.f90
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@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
module tools
implicit none


function specific_heat_dry_air(temperature) result(C_pd)
! Written by Klemens Barfus. Modified by Ahmed Homoudi
implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: temperature
double precision :: t_temp, C_pd
! temperature should be: -40°C < T < 40^C
! output is in [J kg^-1 C^-1]
t_temp = temperature - 273.15
C_pd = 1005.60 + 0.017211*t_temp + 0.000392*t_temp**2.0

end function specific_heat_dry_air

function specific_heat_water_vapour(temperature) result(C_pv)
! Written by Klemens Barfus. Modified by Ahmed Homoudi
implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: temperature
double precision :: t_temp, C_pv

! Reid, R.C., J.M. Prausnitz, and B.E. Poling (1987)
! The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 4th ed. McGraw-Hill, 741 pp.
! output is in J kg^-1 K^-1

t_temp = temperature - 273.15
c_pv = 1858.0 + 3.820*10.0**(-1.0)*t_temp + 4.220*10.0**(-4.0)*t_temp**2.0 - &

end function

function specific_heat_liquid_water(temperature) result(C_pw)
! Written by Klemens Barfus. Modified by Ahmed Homoudi
implicit none
double precision, intent(in) :: temperature
double precision :: t_temp, C_pw
! temperature [K]
! output is in J kg^-1 K^-1

t_temp = temperature - 273.15
c_pw = 4217.4 - 3.720283*t_temp + 0.1412855*t_temp**2.0 - 2.654387*10.0**(-3.0)*t_temp**3.0 &
+ 2.093236*10.0**(-5.0)*t_temp**(4.0)

end function

function saturation_vapour_pressure(temperature, ice_in) result(es)
! Written by Klemens Barfus. Modified by Ahmed Homoudi
implicit none
! calculates the saturation vapour pressure in hPa using the Clausius-Claperon equation
double precision, intent(in):: temperature ! [K]
logical, intent(in), optional:: ice_in

! keyword ice, indicates if even in case of temperatures lower than 273.15 K es is calculated with
! respect to liquid water (then ice must not been set)
! output is in hPa
! written by K.Barfus 12/2009

logical:: ice

double precision, parameter:: e0 = 0.611 ! [kPa]
double precision, parameter:: T0 = 273.15 ! [K]
double precision, parameter:: Rv = 461.0 ! [J K**-1 kg**-1] gas constant for water vapour
double precision:: L, es

if (present(ice_in)) then
ice = ice_in
ice = .false.
end if

if (ice .eqv. (.true.)) then
if (temperature .gt. 273.15) then ! water
L = 2.5*10.0**6.0 ! J kg**-1
L = 2.83*10.0**6.0 ! J kg**-1
end if
L = 2.5*10.0**6.0 ! J kg**-1
end if

if (temperature .gt. 0) then
es = e0*exp((L/Rv)*(1.0/T0 - 1.0/temperature))
es = es*10.0
es = 0.0
end if

end function saturation_vapour_pressure

function calc_rF1(pF1, p0) result(res) ! Frueh and Wirth, Eq. 4
! Written by Klemens Barfus. Modified by Ahmed Homoudi
implicit none

double precision, intent(in):: pF1 ! saturation vapour pressure [hPa]
double precision, intent(in):: p0 ! partial pressure of dry air [hPa]

double precision, parameter:: Rd = 287.058 ! gas constant for dry air [J * kg**-1 * K**-1]
double precision, parameter:: Rv = 461.5 ! gas constant for water vapour [J * kg**-1 * K**-1]

double precision :: res

res = (Rd*pF1)/(Rv*p0)

end function

function latent_heat_gas_to_liquid(temperature) result(res)
! latent heat of condensation due to Rogers and Yau in J/kg
! valid for 248.15 K < T < 313.15 K
! Written by Klemens Barfus. Modified by Ahmed Homoudi
implicit none
double precision, intent(in):: temperature ! temperature [K]

double precision:: t_temp, latent_heat, res

t_temp = temperature - 273.15
latent_heat = 2500.8 - 2.36*t_temp + 0.0016*t_temp**2.0 - 0.00006*t_temp**3.0
res = latent_heat*1000.0

! alternative approach
! calculates the latent heat of condensation (gas -> liquid) due to
! Fleagle, R.G. and J.A. Businger, (1980)
! An Introduction to Atmospheric Physics. 2d ed. Academic Press, 432 pp.
! input
! T in K
! output in J kg^-1 K^-1
! t_temp = T - 273.15
! Lv = (25.00 - 0.02274 * t_temp) * 10.0^5.0

end function

function calc_dtdp_dry(temperature, pressure) result(dtdp)
! Written by Klemens Barfus. Modified by Ahmed Homoudi
implicit none
double precision, intent(in):: temperature ! temperature [K]
double precision, intent(in):: pressure ! pressure [hPa]
! output is:
! [K/hPa]

double precision, parameter:: Rd = 287.058 ! gas constant for dry air [J * kg**-1 * K**-1]
double precision:: cp0, dtdp

cp0 = specific_heat_dry_air(temperature)
dtdp = (temperature*Rd)/(pressure*cp0)

end function

function calc_dtdp_wet(temperature, pressure, rF) result(dtdp)
! Written by Klemens Barfus. Modified by Ahmed Homoudi
implicit none
! not applying mixed-phase model !
double precision, intent(in):: temperature ! temperature [K]
double precision, intent(in):: pressure ! pressure [hPa]
double precision, intent(in), optional:: rF ! liquid mixing ratio [kg/kg]
! rF is liquid mixing ratio <- here 0.0 because of an irreversible process
! output is:
! [K/hPa]
double precision, parameter:: Rd = 287.058 ! gas constant for dry air [J * kg**-1 * K**-1]
double precision, parameter:: Rv = 461.5 ! gas constant for water vapour [J * kg**-1 * K**-1]
double precision:: pF1, rF1, lF1, LLF1
double precision:: cp0, cp1, cp2, Cp, v, dtdp, p0

pF1 = saturation_vapour_pressure(temperature) ! hPa
p0 = pressure - pF1 ! hPa
rF1 = calc_rF1(pF1, p0) ! saturation mixing ratio in g/g
lF1 = latent_heat_gas_to_liquid(temperature) ! J/kg
LLF1 = pF1*lF1 ! hPa * (J/kg)
cp0 = specific_heat_dry_air(temperature) ! J/(kg*K)
cp1 = specific_heat_water_vapour(temperature) ! J/(kg*K)
cp2 = specific_heat_liquid_water(temperature) ! J/(kg*K)
Cp = cp0 + cp1*rF1 + cp2*rF ! J/(kg*K)
v = (rF1*lF1)/pF1*(1.0 + (Rv/Rd)*rF1)*(LLF1/(Rv*temperature**2.0))
dtdp = ((rF1*Rv*temperature/pF1)*(1.0 + (rF1*lF1/(Rd*temperature))))/(Cp + v)

end function

end module tools
subroutine cape_f(t_parcel, dwpt_parcel, mr_parcel, &
nlevel, p_profile, t_profile, mr_profile, &
vtc, nresult, result)
use :: tools
use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only: ieee_value, ieee_quiet_nan, ieee_is_nan
implicit none

double precision, intent(in) :: t_parcel, dwpt_parcel, mr_parcel
integer :: nlevel, nresult
double precision, intent(in), dimension(nlevel) :: p_profile, t_profile, mr_profile
integer :: vtc
! result CAPE, CIN, p_LCL, p_LFC
double precision, intent(out), dimension(nresult) :: result

! Constants
double precision, parameter:: Rd = 287.058 ! gas constant for dry air [J * kg**-1 * K**-1]
double precision, parameter:: Rv = 461.5 ! gas constant for water vapour [J * kg**-1 * K**-1]

! Dummy variables
integer :: ilevel
double precision :: dp, dt, pF, rF
double precision :: t_parcel_buoyancy, t_env_buoyancy, t_parcel_tmp
double precision :: CIN_add, CAPE_add, rF1, p_EL
logical, parameter :: ice = .false.
!double precision, parameter :: NaN = TRANSFER((/Z'00000000', Z'7FF80000'/), 1.0_8)
double precision :: NaN

! Starting values
NaN = ieee_value(1., ieee_quiet_nan)
t_parcel_tmp = t_parcel
ilevel = 1
result(1) = 0.0 ! CAPE
result(2) = 0.0 ! CIN
result(3) = NaN ! LCL
result(4) = NaN ! LFC
CIN_add = 0.0
CAPE_add = 0.0

! Find LCL & Estimate CIN
if ((t_parcel_tmp .le. dwpt_parcel) .or. (ilevel .ge. nlevel)) exit
!change in pressure
dp = p_profile(ilevel + 1) - p_profile(ilevel)
! change in temperature
dt = calc_dtdp_dry(t_parcel_tmp, p_profile(ilevel))*dp
! new parcel temperature
t_parcel_tmp = t_parcel_tmp + dt
! liquid mixing ratio
rF = mr_parcel
if (vtc .eq. 1) then
! Früh and Wirth Eq. 12: virtual temperature coorection to calc CAPE
t_parcel_buoyancy = t_parcel_tmp*(1.0 + (Rv/Rd)*rF)/(1.0 + rF)
t_env_buoyancy = t_profile(ilevel) + (1.0 + (Rv/Rd)*mr_profile(ilevel))/ &
(1.0 + mr_profile(ilevel))
t_parcel_buoyancy = t_parcel_tmp
t_env_buoyancy = t_profile(ilevel)
end if
! Accumlate CIN
CIN_add = -1.0*Rd*((t_parcel_buoyancy - t_env_buoyancy)* &
(log(p_profile(ilevel)) - log(p_profile(ilevel + 1))))
result(2) = result(2) + CIN_add
ilevel = ilevel + 1
!print*, ilevel, t_parcel_tmp
end do
result(3) = p_profile(ilevel) ! LCL
! find LFC
if (t_parcel_tmp .le. t_profile(ilevel)) then
if ((t_parcel_tmp .ge. t_profile(ilevel)) .or. (ilevel .ge. nlevel)) exit
dp = p_profile(ilevel + 1) - p_profile(ilevel)
pF = saturation_vapour_pressure(t_parcel_tmp, ice)
! Saturation mixing ratio
rF = calc_rF1(pF, p_profile(ilevel) - pF)
dt = calc_dtdp_wet(t_parcel_tmp, p_profile(ilevel), rF)*dp
! new parcel temperature
t_parcel_tmp = t_parcel_tmp + dt
if (vtc .eq. 1) then
! Früh and Wirth Eq. 12: virtual temperature coorection to calc CAPE
t_parcel_buoyancy = t_parcel_tmp*(1.0 + (Rv/Rd)*rF)/(1.0 + rF)
t_env_buoyancy = t_profile(ilevel) + (1.0 + (Rv/Rd)*mr_profile(ilevel))/ &
(1.0 + mr_profile(ilevel))
t_parcel_buoyancy = t_parcel_tmp
t_env_buoyancy = t_profile(ilevel)
end if
! Accumlate CIN
CIN_add = -1.0*Rd*((t_parcel_buoyancy - t_env_buoyancy)* &
(log(p_profile(ilevel)) - log(p_profile(ilevel + 1))))
result(2) = result(2) + CIN_add
ilevel = ilevel + 1
!print*, ilevel, t_parcel_tmp
end do
if (ilevel .lt. (nlevel - 1)) then
result(4) = p_profile(ilevel)
result(4) = NaN
end if

result(4) = p_profile(ilevel)
end if

! find EL and estimate CAPE
if ((t_parcel_tmp .le. t_profile(ilevel)) .or. (ilevel .ge. nlevel)) exit
pF = saturation_vapour_pressure(t_parcel_tmp, ice)
! Saturation mixing ratio
rF = calc_rF1(pF, p_profile(ilevel) - pF)
if (vtc .eq. 1) then
! Früh and Wirth Eq. 12: virtual temperature coorection to calc CAPE
t_parcel_buoyancy = t_parcel_tmp*(1.0 + (Rv/Rd)*rF)/(1.0 + rF)
t_env_buoyancy = t_profile(ilevel) + (1.0 + (Rv/Rd)*mr_profile(ilevel))/ &
(1.0 + mr_profile(ilevel))
t_parcel_buoyancy = t_parcel_tmp
t_env_buoyancy = t_profile(ilevel)
end if
CAPE_add = -1.0*Rd*((t_parcel_buoyancy - t_env_buoyancy) &
*(log(p_profile(ilevel)) - log(p_profile(ilevel + 1))))

result(1) = result(1) + CAPE_add
dp = p_profile(ilevel + 1) - p_profile(ilevel)
rF1 = 0.0
dt = calc_dtdp_wet(t_parcel_tmp, p_profile(ilevel), rF1)*dp
t_parcel_tmp = t_parcel_tmp + dt
ilevel = ilevel + 1
!print*, ilevel, t_parcel_tmp
end do

result(1) = abs(result(1))
if (ilevel .eq. nlevel) then
p_EL = NaN
p_EL = p_profile(ilevel)
end if
! Calculate upper part above EL
if (ilevel .ge. nlevel) exit
rF1 = 0.0
dp = p_profile(ilevel + 1) - p_profile(ilevel)
dt = calc_dtdp_wet(t_parcel_tmp, p_profile(ilevel), rF1)*dp
t_parcel_tmp = t_parcel_tmp + dt
ilevel = ilevel + 1
!print*, ilevel, t_parcel_tmp
end do
!print*, p_EL
end subroutine cape_f
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions QuartoBook/AquaFortR_Codes/cape_f.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
cape_f0 <- function(t_parcel, dwpt_parcel, mr_parcel,
p_profile, t_profile, mr_profile,
vtc = TRUE) {

nlevel <- length(p_profile)
nresult <- 4

result <- .Fortran("cape_f",
t_parcel = as.double(t_parcel),
dwpt_parcel = as.double(dwpt_parcel),
mr_parcel = as.double(mr_parcel),
nlevel = as.integer(nlevel),
p_profile = as.double(p_profile),
t_profile = as.double(t_profile),
mr_profile = as.double(mr_profile),
vtc = as.integer(vtc),
nresult = as.integer(nresult),
result = as.double(rep(0, nresult))

names(result) <- c("CAPE", "CIN", "p_LCL", "p_LFC")

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