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An SEIR model and OR model for optimal international vaccine allocation.

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seir_opt Documentation M. Veatch 10/31/22

updated last: A. Cha 06/08/23



Optimization uses Gurobi's python package. To use the Gurobi model install Gurobi onto your local machine here:

This will require you to create an account and if you are planning on using a net licence create a file called gurobi.lic in an accessible location and type the following into a terminal window:

export GRB_LICENSE_FILE=[path]/gurobi.lic

Install the Gurobi Python Module via terminal

pip install gurobipy or pip3 install gurobipy




Assuming you have Python,

Download Gurobi from You need the Gurobi Optimizer.  You will need to register. Set up your Gurobi license (see below).

Install the Gurobi Python Module via terminal

pip install gurobipy or pip3 install gurobipy

Insert the following at the beginning of your python program

import gurobipy as gp

from gurobipy import GRB

and any other modules needed. Now the python program can call Gurobi.

Gurobi site license

Create a token server client license. It is a license file (denoted with .lic extension) created with any word editor

Name: gurobi.lic
Location: a default/accesible location on your computer, e.g., C:\Users\Mike.Veatch\Documents


(note) this IP address may not be permanent. You must be on the Gordon network (on campus or VPN) to use this license.

For testing, you may want to add a line that change the timeout in case the token server is unavailable. The default value is 30 seconds. SERVERTIMEOUT=10

Overview of Code

The code is divided into five major functions. However, like the paper, most variables are global, so they only have one meaning and are used in several functions. A few things are passed as arguments so the same code can process them. Other variables are arguments for no reason.

The functions appear first. Execution begins with the code that reads the CMD line (near end of the file).

main() # initialization, search over lambda (outer loop), compute additional outputs after optimizing, and
  # write outputs
  call import_xml() to read inputs
  initialize: output filename and directory, policy, state variables, LP variables, etc.
  if simulate_only = 0
    # outer loop (searches over values of lambda, which is a multiplier penalizing infections)
    initialize for outer loop
    iteration i = 0: call optimize_inner()
      # not used in the minimization to avoid bias from initial policy
    iteration i = 1: call optimize_inner()
      # same lambda as iteration 0 but updated policy
    iteration i = 2: call optimize_inner()
    phase 1 iterate over i (change lambda in same direction until past min)
      call optimize_inner()
    phase 2 iterate over i (golden ratio search for lambda in an interval)
      call optimize_inner()

    # write outputs
    write csv file (optimize)
  if verbosity > 0: write input echo to output file
  if simulate_only = 0: write outputs (optimize)

  else   # simulate only
    for each area
      set policy to give priority to this area
      call simulate()
      record results of simulation
     write results of simulation
  for each area
    write vaccinations from simulation

  opt_inner() # inner loop over j: solves LP approximation, simulates, updates approximation, iterates
  if outer iteration i = 0
    call simulate() # first sim
    record first sim results for output
    set t_LP (time that infections are counted in LP)
    initialize min solution and opt solution
  if i > 0 and phase = 1
    initial j = 0 solution is the best solution from i = 0
    set alpha (transmission rate), V_cal (effective number infectious), V (vaccinations) using previous.
  # Used by LP.
  if phase = 2
    initial j = 0 solution is the best solution from previous i
    set alpha, V_cal, V using min. Used by LP.
  initialize for j loop: j = 0, set t_LP

  inner loop over j (do at least 3 iterations unless iter_lmt < 3)
    increment j, LP_count
    call solve_LP() # improving = 1: LP uses alpha, V_cal for the best policy found so far in this inner loop
     # improving = 0: LP uses alpha, V_cal for the policy from the last LP

    check that optimal solution was found
    update the policy V using the LP solution V1
    call simulate()
    record sim results

    compute dVmin, dVmax (change in V_cal, used to check convergence)
    update “min” solution (j with best zNLP for this i)
    update “opt” solution (best deaths so far)

    if i = 0: record “min” solution in “prev” # used to initializing all i in phase 1
    solve_LP() # LP objective and constraints, call Gurobi to solve LP
    if there is a prior solution: save bases or solution for warm start
    define objective
    remove all constraints
    define constraints

    if there is a prior solution
      update() # updates LP in Gurobi so we can refer to new constraints
      set bases or solution to previous values for warm start
    optimize # calls Gurobi to solve LP

    simulate() simulates a policy (initial policy or policy found by LP)
    set intial states to the values computed in main(), e.g., s[a, 0] = S0[a]
    compute initial transmission rate alpha_0[a]
    initialize t_sim (time variant appears in sim), variant_emerge flag

    for t = 0,…, T-1 # loop over day
      if variant_emerge: compute transmission rate alpha[a, t] for this t
      else: transmission rate is constant

      compute V_cal[a, t], delta_E[a, t], and V_star[a, t] (vacc w/o reallocation) for this t

      reallocate unused vaccinations to other areas, up to their vacc limits Wnew, in priority order
        (store vacc w/o realloc in V_minus[a], then update V_star[a, t])
      compute next states using difference equations
      check if variant emerges at this t, using nondonor areas

    compute V_cal at final time T
    if simulate_only: write csv file

Helper Functions


  • main
    • initial variable initiation
    • calls outer_loop

Multiple Simulation Runs (Manual Testing)

  • policy_variation_runs
    • Variable split and t_switch combing
  • scenario_variation_runs
    • not implemented
  • area_variation_runs
    • not implemented

Work Functions

Reference pseudo code for logic

  • outer_loop
  • initialize_V
  • optimize_inner
  • solve_LP
  • simulate

Input Helpers

  • xml_text
    • parser for xml -> string
  • import_xml
    • reads in input xml file
  • convert_num
    • string -> float | int

Output Helpers

All output functions start with o_

  • optimize_out
    • outputs for gurobi optimize to .out files
  • optimize_csvwriter
    • outputs for gurobi optimize to .csv files
  • simulate_csvwriter
    • outputs for simulate to .csv files
  • policy_report & loop_report
    • outputs for simulate to .out file
  • input_echo
    • outputs input parameters


Current optimizes using iterative LPs or simulates

Deprecated Versions optimizes using iterative LPs or simulates

optimizes using QP (at each lambda) or simulates.

Recent changes:

  time limit=600s for each QP
  record results of QP if status == GRB.TIME_LIMIT
  clarified output: suboptimal QP results are counted if time limit reached,
	removed unused column
  console output is redirected to output file ..._con.out using sys.stdout
  output file name changed to include values of T and nu, e.g.,
	To change which parameters are in name, look for fn_base
  csv file name changed from plot_....csv to ..._plot.csv


If the input simulate_only = 1, several policies are simulated, one with priority given to each area. If simulate_only = 0, LPs are solved repeatedly searching for an optimal policy. A simulation is done before each LP is solved.

To run, give the name of the FOLDER containing input files:

python seir_opt input_data

This does multiple runs, one for each file in this folder. Old versions did a single run, given the path to the input file. To read T2.xml in the folder "input_data":

python seir_opt input_data/T2.xml

Controlling outputs

The subfolder "output" is created. For each input file, seir_opt writes two or three files, e.g.,

  C2.3_nu0.0.out		output
  C2.3_nu0.0_con.out		console output, i.e., Gurobi
  C2.3_nu0.0_plot.csv		csv file for time plots with R

The output file names are the input file name, followed by the value of the input "nu".

Note that output files are overwritten if the same input and nu are used.

To change which input is added to the file name, edit "fn_base = ..."

To direct Gurobi output to console, remove "sys.stdout = ..."

To turn off console (Gurobi) output, change v.Params.LogToConsole from 1 to 0

The simulate_only and verbosity input control what appears in the output file:


verbosity >= 0: results for first sim, optimal, "min" (best LP for last lambda)
verbosity >= 1: echo inputs, vaccinations by day/area
verbosity >= 2: outer and inner loop showing progress of algorithm

Simulate only

verbosity >= 0: sim results for each priority policy
verbosity >= 1: echo inputs, vaccinations by day/area

Input Format

All inputs and computed constants are global, defined in:import_xml (denoted global:import_xml)


name[a]				name of area
N[a]				population by area
rho_V[a]			initial proportion vacc by area
rho_I_N[a]			initial cases per day by area
delta_r[a]			testing effect on rate out of I by area
gamma[a]			behavior infection multiplier by area
rho[a]				proportion willing to be vaccinated by area
priority			list of areas by priority for initial policy (high priority first)
donor				donor area name
m				variant area name “mutation”
n				infection-days till new variant

Computed constants from area data

A[ ]				set of area names
A_D[ ]				set of nondonor area names
n_a				number of areas


T				time horizon (days)
B_0				vaccine available day 0
nu				weight for non-donor deaths in objective
v_u				upper limit on proportion infectious due to behavior. No behavior: 0 (local)
p_k				max prop of vacc alloc to donor area
r_I				rate out of state E into I
r_0				rate out of state I w/o testing (local)
p_D				P(death | infected, not vacc)
p_V_D				P(death | infected, vacc)
a_0				initial infection rate
delta_a				change in infection rate for variant
p_e				proportion of transmission from a vaccinated person
p_r				proportion of transmission to a vaccinated person
L				lag for variant to reach other areas (days)
T_D				time for variant to dominate (days)
p				Proportion of people in state I that hav the new variant when it is introduced
b_arr[t]			vaccine available as prop of that avail day 0.
     # If not in file, use the default value of 1, so that B(t) = B_0 for all t.

Computed constants from scenario data

v_l[a]				lower proportion for behavior dynamics by area
v_u[a]				upper proportion for behavior dynamics by area
g[a]				offset for behavior dynamics by area
k				decay rate of mutation model
B[t]				vaccine available by day
r_d[a]				rate out of I by area
t_switch[]			switchover policy datelines (optional)
split				splits the vaccine allocation by day (optional)


simulate_only			1 if simulate only, 0 if optimize
lambda				Lagrange multiplier for infection (initial value)
phi				exploration multiplier for λ
epsilon_0			exploration tolerance for LP
delta_I				termination tolerance for LP
delta				termination tolerance for λ
beta				exploration convergence parameter for LP
iter_lmt			iteration limit for LP
iter_lmt_search 		iteration limit for λ
dT				days after t_n[0] in Lagrangian
verbosity 			verbosity of output

Hardcoded constants (parameters)

T0 = 3				days at end of scenario with no vaccinations (b/c they don’t matter)
improving = 0			1 if LP uses alpha, V_cal for the best policy found so far in this inner loop
				0 if LP uses alpha, V_cal for the policy from the last LP


The subfolder "output" is created. For each input file, seir_opt2 writes two or threee files, e.g.,

  C2.3_tsw180.out		output
  C2.3_tsw180_con.out		console output, i.e., Gurobi
  C2.3_tsw180_plot.csv		csv file for time plots with R

seir_QP3 appends "_QP" to the names.

To direct Gurobi output to console, remove "sys.stdout = ..."

To turn off console (Gurobi) output, change v.Params.LogToConsole from 1 to 0

The verbosity input controls what goes in the output file:

verbosity >= 0: echo inputs, first sim, optimal, "min" (best LP for last lambda)
verbosity >= 1: vaccinations by day/area
verbosity >= 2: outer and inner loop showing progress of algorithm

For QP, the outputs are a subset of this:

verbosity >= 0: echo inputs, first sim, optimal
verbosity >= 1: vaccinations by day/area
verbosity >= 2: outer loop showing progress of algorithm

When simulate_only = 1, the initial policy is simulated and a csv file is written. Other output for this option hasn't been done.


Open time_plots.Rmd in RStudio. It uses the packages tidyverse, tidyr, dplyr. If you haven't installed these, add the install statements


before the library statements.

Change the read.csv statement to give the path to your csv file, e.g.,

sim1 = read.csv("~/research/vaccine/code/output/C2.3_plot.csv")

The first chunk creates large plots, two for each area. Also run the second chunk to get smaller plots that are readable in black and white.


  1. You can open the data file with Import/From text (base) in the Environment window, but then you need to rename the data frame. Look in the environment to see the data frame name. Uncomment the statement, e.g.,

sim1 = C2.3_plot

  1. To change which variables are plotted, edit the filter statement, e.g.,
filter(state == "Infectious" | state == "Deaths"   | state == "Cases"
         | state == "Vaccinations" | state == "Susceptible") |>

There must be |> (the native pipe) at the end. To see the list of variables, after running the chunk look at the state column of the data frame sim_long. It includes all the state variables, plus some that were computed in R:

mutate(Infectious = I + IV)
mutate(Cases = E + EV + I + IV + H + R + D)
mutate(Vaccinations = cumsum(V)

Note that Cases, Recovered, Deaths, and Vaccinations are cumulative, while others are not. Omitting variables that take on large values, such as Cases, will zoom in on the smaller variables. To rename variables (e.g., to change "SV" to "Susceptible Vacc"), edit the recode statement:

sim_long$state = recode(sim_long$state, "H" = "Hospitalized", "R"="Recovered", "D" = "Deaths", "S" = "Susceptible")

The x-axis has tick marks every 10 days; see the comments to change this.

All areas have dashed vertical lines at t_n = day variant appears t_n + L = day variant spreads to other areas Each area should only have one line, but I don't know how to do different lines on different plots.


An SEIR model and OR model for optimal international vaccine allocation.






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